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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
If we’re talking about “all stars” not in Smash.

It’s Toad, he’s the last biggest icon and cultural influence not in Smash.

A little sad Captain Toad’s not playable, it would’ve “completed” the Mario roster by having the 5 main characters of the series playable. (Mario, Luigi, C. Toad, Peach, Bowser)


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
The Geno image looks very very well made...

And i can't find it on the internet

Deleted member

All I have to say about that Geno "leak" is: "All leaks are fake until proven otherwise."

Deleted member


A reminder to not always rush to believing something just because it's zoomed in and looks like a cinematic.

Yes, K. Rool was later revealed, but this was obviously not featured in his trailer at all.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
If we’re talking about “all stars” not in Smash.

It’s Toad, he’s the last biggest icon and cultural influence not in Smash.

A little sad Captain Toad’s not playable, it would’ve “completed” the Mario roster by having the 5 main characters of the series playable. (Mario, Luigi, C. Toad, Peach, Bowser)
Not to mention that without Pauline, the original "Donkey Kong trio" is still not complete. So close, yet so far. :ultmario::ultdk:


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
I don't know about you but I'm losing my mind at a fake leak being disproven because of a lack of ears. How long will it take someone on YouTube to make a video on Ear Theory?


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2018
Giving my 2 cents on the leak, I think it looks good.
Shading looks believable but to go to that extent and not nail details like ears and an eye. There something in here, cant say good or bad


Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2018
If we’re talking about “all stars” not in Smash.

It’s Toad, he’s the last biggest icon and cultural influence not in Smash.

A little sad Captain Toad’s not playable, it would’ve “completed” the Mario roster by having the 5 main characters of the series playable. (Mario, Luigi, C. Toad, Peach, Bowser)
I don't think Captain Toad would be out of the question for dlc. Getting him base game doesn't seem to be happening, but I don't think it counts him out altogether.


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2011
I guess like @--- said, All star is subjective because for me, All-Stars are Characters who had influence in their media and even beyond had cultural influence.
Which a lot of Nintendo Characters and most third parties (beside Bayonetta) are. (And I'll argue Phoenix-Wright , Lara Croft and Dante are worthy of that title imo)

Then there is Characters that are gaming icons. They're big and famous, but they're not "All-star" since their influence don't go back the video game circle. (Sora, Banjo-Kazoie, Ammy, and others are here like most third-parties not in smash yet. But there is in my opinion no Nintendo Characters left in that category)

Then just Nintendo Icons, who are knows by Nintendo fans like Ashley, Lip, The FE cast etc. Who are famous too! But their influence rarely go beyond the Nintendo/Fan fandom
And Starbound Starbound
I'm just curious, because I actually agree with these perimeters, where you think Meowth stands.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2014
Damn 6 october and we still have no info.

If by the end of the month we have no info, its safe to assume that we will get only one direct in november announcing the remaining stuff.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2018
Gotham City
Switch FC
No, not really.
To me he is!
Damn 6 october and we still have no info.

If by the end of the month we have no info, its safe to assume that we will get only one direct in november announcing the remaining stuff.
We're definitively getting some info since Nintendo updated the character's trailer list on Youtube.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2014
I get hyped for characters that wouldn't break the internet (See Olimar) and am not hyped for the ones that are usually considered internet breaking (Except for Sora, I would be hyped for Sora)
To be honest I think the main character of the Pikmin series was a huge deal. I wasn't expecting the little guy to join Smash in a million years, not as soon as Brawl at least.


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2018
I want to preface this by saying this is a major stretch, but if you look near the side of his head there's artifacting around something that looks like an ear (in geno's case something oval shaped) its also where his hat is slightly propped up. Again just a major stretch but its something ive noticed.
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Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2017
Editing posts after posting posts...
Switch FC
SW 4274 8573 0226
alright we got a new leak from the land of 4chan:


It's Geno, another anonymous user in the replies claims it's from his reveal.

May be fake, but since it's yet another zoomed in pic it's hard to tell, so I guess we may as well assume fake until proven otherwise, though I find it interesting. Someone shared this on the Geno thread.

The background seems to be an updated version of the playroom in the Smash 64 intro.
Not holding it as real but a reveal can have a different artstyle compare to other reveal trailers.

Lucina/Robin's reveal were based on a more FE Awakening look.

Duck Hunt's reveal is based on 8 bit sprites.

Little Mac's reveal is based on a paint look.

And Palutena/Dark Pit's reveals is anime.

So have a water-colored look in Smash Bros is not to far off to me imo.

I am not being too optimistic towards Geno (I like him, but he has something that held him back) but this picture could have some weight to it.

(As usual, any leak is not considered true until the character is revealed)
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Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015
...Because people like him?

Also Marvel VS Capcom proved he could work as a playable character (even if he ends up incredibly unorthodox).
EVERY aspect that made him interesting in mvc 3 wont be in smash. (no maya, no evidence, no turnabout) he wont have any of those things. as a smash character he wont be that interesting due to how the game works. mvc is a much more iopen and creative game than smash from character moveset perspective. PW wouldnt be as interesting or fun as a dante or another capcom character.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
I want to preface this by saying this is a major stretch, but if you leak near the side of his head there's artifacting around something that looks like an ear (in geno's case something oval shaped) its also where his hat is slightly propped up. Again just a major stretch but its something ive noticed.
Glad you pointed that out. I noticed it but didn't want to say because you know, being NAIVE and what not. :4pacman:


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Not holding it as real but a reveal can have a different artstyle compare to other reveal trailers.

Lucina/Robin's reveal were based on a more FE Awakening look.

Duck Hunt's reveal is based on 8 bit sprites.

And Palutena/Dark Pit's reveals is anime.

So have a water-colored look in Smash Bros is not to far off to me imo.

I am not being too optimistic towards Geno (I like him, but he has something that held him back) but this picture could have some weight to it.
The point is, all three you listed was made using pre-existing art styles. Though maybe Little Mac's one is unique to trailer, I don't know.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Not holding it as real but a reveal can have a different artstyle compare to other reveal trailers.

Lucina/Robin's reveal were based on a more FE Awakening look.

Duck Hunt's reveal is based on 8 bit sprites.

And Palutena/Dark Pit's reveals is anime.

So have a water-colored look in Smash Bros is not to far off to me imo.

I am not being too optimistic towards Geno (I like him, but he has something that held him back) but this picture could have some weight to it.

(As usual, any leak is not considered true until the character is revealed)
Pretty sure Ultimate is sticking with one art style for all of their trailers


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
EVERY aspect that made him interesting in mvc 3 wont be in smash. (no maya, no evidence, no turnabout) he wont have any of those things. as a smash character he wont be that interesting due to how the game works. mvc is a much more iopen and creative game than smash from character moveset perspective. PW wouldnt be as interesting or fun as a dante or another capcom character.
Now Maya would be pretty difficult to implement, but an evidence/turnabout mechanic wouldn't be so hard to put in considering we've had more complex mechanics in tomes and pikmin. Turnabout form wouldn't even have a model change considering it's just a yellow aura and souped up moves.

Plus, this is discounting the fact that they could simply just make Phoenix Wright in a different style that isn't the 3 stage MvC system.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh Region
Switch FC
SW 2938 1058 0987
EVERY aspect that made him interesting in mvc 3 wont be in smash. (no maya, no evidence, no turnabout) he wont have any of those things. as a smash character he wont be that interesting due to how the game works. mvc is a much more iopen and creative game than smash from character moveset perspective. PW wouldnt be as interesting or fun as a dante or another capcom character.

And why not? Why can't he have his evidence or his turnabout? By your standards? They could easily become his specials. Maya I can understand, but she could make a cameo in his victory screen. Just like how his quote bubbles could be smash attacks.
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
It could be argued that Isabelle's trailer used an Animal Crossing art style.
I guess, but that made sense.
Why would Geno need a new art style for his trailer?
The only characters I can think of that would need different art styles for their trailers are Phoenix Wright, Steve, and The Rhythm Heaven rep...
Why would Geno need a new one when the normal one is fine for him?
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Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015
Now Maya would be pretty difficult to implement, but an evidence/turnabout mechanic wouldn't be so hard to put in considering we've had more complex mechanics in tomes and pikmin. Turnabout form wouldn't even have a model change considering it's just a yellow aura and souped up moves.

Plus, this is discounting the fact that they could simply just make Phoenix Wright in a different style that isn't the 3 stage MvC system.
lightdrago lightdrago his evidence wasnt even liked in mvc3. randomness isnt a good thing in games for characters. next the objective of landing a singular move to enter turnabout in mvc3 was a fair standard you could combo into it. In smash its not a good standard. due to how smash works its a design nightmare to 1. determine how to enter turnabout mode. 2. how strong turnabout mode should be.
its not just about turnabout mode its about what turnabout represents. PW becomes an unstoppable cross-examiner in his own game and in MVC3 he goes from the worst character to the second best character. smash players would not be ok with that. as we have also seen with cloud giving as character movement increases or enhanced specials also isnt well received.

robins tomes are just a resource. in smash 4 it was hard to keep track of but the tomes werent complicated.
pikmin arent complicated either its a set pattern and they all have passive immunities and have one attack they are good at.

turnabout mode alone has a stun, 4 or 5 variations of projectiles, massive hitboxes, new combo openings, and new normals. the model may not chnage but the entire character is different.
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Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
I guess, but that made sense.
Why would Geno need a new art style for his trailer?
The only characters i can think of that would need different art styles for their trailers are Phoenix Wright, Steve, and The Rhythm Heaven rep...
Why would Geno need a new one when the normal one is fine for him?
Perhaps Sakurai wants to make his special?
SMRPG was very clay like for all the characters of the game.
I don't think it would be to farfetched to get a trailer that caters to a characters original appearance.

Deleted member

This weekend is gonna be tense. Everyone is on the edge of their seat for the potential announcement of something happening. Things do seem to be going a certain way, however for me personally, I'm trying not to hype too much. While the seemingly consistent pattern of Youtube playlist update + new icon removal seems to have held so far, it could still end up being coincidence.

This weekend is gonna be a long one...
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