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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I agree with pretty much all of this and I'll add an unpopular opinion to it as well:

There are no Nintendo characters left who really have that "All-Star" level of significance. The talent pool has basically drained.

and I'd also argue that only the following characters are actually Nintendo icons: Waluigi, Skull Kid, Dixie Kong and maybe Excitebiker. Those are the only Nintendo characters left that I feel have actually left a mark on gaming culture. But the nice thing for every other character (who I would argue are all just Nintendo characters) is that being an icon is not a prerequisite for joining Smash.

For these reasons, I'm expecting the DLC for this game to be mostly third parties because that's where all the hype currently is.
Yeah, otherwise, why on Earth would the ballot let you vote for anybody you want from video games? If that was inclusive, you'd only be able to pick anyone that's a big name or, lord forbid, had a game recently.

We're at the stage where the B, C and maybe even D listers of Nintendo's lineage can be given a chance, let alone less significant third parties.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Are you all believing this leak just because it's Geno?
I would assume If there was a very convincing leak of Steve, you all would shoot it down Immediately...
Make up your mind people... Don't get your personal wants in the way of leak busting...
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Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Are you all believing this leak just because it's Geno?
I would assume If there was a very convincing leak of Steve, you all would shoot it down Immediately...
Make up your mind people... Don't get you personal wants in the way of leak busting...
As much as I want to believe it, I want someone to disprove it. Show me it being photoshopped. Show the errors in the picture. This is all I ask.

Deleted member

While I agree with you, to play devils advocate, they showed off the Punch-Out stage in Smash 4 before they revealed Little Mac.
Ugh, I hate that this keeps being brought up time and time again as none of you were there to remember the fact it WASN'T revealed as a Punch-Out stage

The Punch-Out design was only revealed with Little Mac, until then it was thought to be an original Smash stage.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
I agree with pretty much all of this and I'll add an unpopular opinion to it as well:

There are no Nintendo characters left who really have that "All-Star" level of significance. The talent pool has basically drained.

and I'd also argue that only the following characters are actually Nintendo icons: Waluigi, Skull Kid, Dixie Kong and maybe Excitebiker. Those are the only Nintendo characters left that I feel have actually left a mark on gaming culture. But the nice thing for every other character (who I would argue are all just Nintendo characters) is that being an icon is not a prerequisite for joining Smash.

For these reasons, I'm expecting the DLC for this game to be mostly third parties because that's where all the hype currently is.
I also think Rhythm Heaven and Golden Sun may be DLC related because of their recent retrademarking, especially GS since it was retrademarked years in advance to add "home consoles" to it's trademark, may be getting new games. On top of this, FE three houses will get a rep most likely, and ARMS was popular enough to warrant a newcomer.

So there will likely be 1st party releases. 4 of the 7 last game were 1st party, even if 3 of them were veterans.
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Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2018
I agree with pretty much all of this and I'll add an unpopular opinion to it as well:

There are no Nintendo characters left who really have that "All-Star" level of significance. The talent pool has basically drained.

and I'd also argue that only the following characters are actually Nintendo icons: Waluigi, Skull Kid, Dixie Kong and maybe Excitebiker. Those are the only Nintendo characters left that I feel have actually left a mark on gaming culture. But the nice thing for every other character (who I would argue are all just Nintendo characters) is that being an icon is not a prerequisite for joining Smash.

For these reasons, I'm expecting the DLC for this game to be mostly third parties because that's where all the hype currently is.
Dixie is the only modern all-star missing IMO. She really should be included, echo or not.

Deleted member

As much as I want to believe it, I want someone to disprove it. Show me it being photoshopped. Show the errors in the picture. This is all I ask.
^ No matter much I want to believe the leak, I want to stop myself from becoming disappointed if Geno isn't revealed.


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2018
Ugh, I hate that this keeps being brought up time and time again as none of you were there to remember the fact it WASN'T revealed as a Punch-Out stage

The Punch-Out design was only revealed with Little Mac, until then it was thought to be an original Smash stage.
I know it wasn't revealed *AS* a punch-out stage, but it ultimately WAS a punch-out stage.
What I'm saying is, there's no "rule" that a character needs to be revealed at the same time as other elements of their series.

People make up rules all the time. Like I said, I agree that I think they would have revealed a MH character at the same time as Rathalos.
Just because they didn't doesn't mean its impossible though.
If you remember, people saw the boxing ring stage and assumed that Mac WOULDN'T be included because "if Little Mac were going to be included, this stage would be Punch-Out themed".

Nothing is set in stone and they can reveal information in whatever order they want with no rhyme or reason.
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Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2017
Super Smash Bros. Online
Switch FC
Ugh, I hate that this keeps being brought up time and time again as none of you were there to remember the fact it WASN'T revealed as a Punch-Out stage

The Punch-Out design was only revealed with Little Mac, until then it was thought to be an original Smash stage.
Now that you do mention it, the design does looks original...Like it's a map meant for developers, because you can't find this in base game. and even then, there are differences.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
I also think Rhythm Heaven and Golden Sun may be DLC related because of their recent retrademarking, especially GS since it was retrademarked years in advance to add "home consoles" to it's trademark. On top of this, FE three houses will get a rep most likely, and ARMS was popular enough to warrant a newcomer.

So there will likely be 1st party releases. 4 of the 7 last game were 1st party, even if 3 of them were veterans.
Pretty sure the only reason that RH and Golden Sun had their trademarks renewed was because Japanese trademarks only last 10 years... the Super Sluggers and Wrecking Crew renewals kinda prove it. (Wrecking Crew '98 Came out in 1998... you do the math)
Trust me, Golden Sun and Rhythm Heaven would be great in Smash, I'm just not gonna get my hopes up...
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Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Pretty sure the only reason that RH and Golden Sun had their trademarks renewed was because Japanese trademarks only last 10 years... the Super Sluggers and Wrecking Crew renewals kinda prove it. (Wrecking Crew '98 Came out in 1998... you do the math)
Trust me, Golden Sun and Rhythm Heaven would be great in Smash, I'm just not gonna get my hopes up...
Except, like I said, Golden Sun was renewed 3 years early. It was renewed in 2011 with the DS release. It has now been renewed to include home consoles, something its last trademarks did not have. Yes we don't know about Rhythm Heaven, but I'm inclined to think it will have a presence eventually, if not in the base game.
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Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
On the blog, every post associated with a character has it's own icon and category.
When Rathalos was shown off, it didn't have an icon. Obviously if a MH character is revealed they can go back and edit it, but for now this just says that they don't plan on ever categorizing it.

That being said, when Rodin was shown off he didn't get the Bayonetta icon (he did get a tag though).
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Smash Rookie
Aug 9, 2018
I'd also argue that only the following characters are actually Nintendo icons: Waluigi, Skull Kid, Dixie Kong and maybe Excitebiker. Those are the only Nintendo characters left that I feel have actually left a mark on gaming culture.
Honestly, Toad is a bigger icon than all of these characters. He’s probably more recognizable than most of the characters already in Smash, and it seems like everyone’s underselling how important he is. I don’t even want Toad as a fighter that much, but if we’re talking about “All-Stars”, he is easily the biggest one left.

Deleted member

I know it wasn't revealed *AS* a punch-out stage, but it ultimately WAS a punch-out stage.
What I'm saying is, there's no "rule" that a character needs to be revealed at the same time as other elements of their series.

People make up rules all the time. Like I said, I agree that I think they would have revealed a MH character at the same time as Rathalos.
Just because they didn't doesn't mean its impossible though.
It isn't a rule, it's common sense. It'd be like revealing Dracula's Castle before Simon and Richter, why would Sakurai do that?

And again, it WASN'T a Punch-Out stage. Sakurai didn't say "there's Punch-Out content in the game" before Little Mac was revealed. We have literally never seen content from an unrepped franchise, even more a 3rd party, before their character reveal.
Believing a Monster Hunter character has any chance in the base game at this point is as delusional as thinking Waluigi's AT was "Sakurai trolling us"


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2018
alright we got a new leak from the land of 4chan:


It's Geno, another anonymous user in the replies claims it's from his reveal.

May be fake, but since it's yet another zoomed in pic it's hard to tell, so I guess we may as well assume fake until proven otherwise, though I find it interesting. Someone shared this on the Geno thread.

The background seems to be an updated version of the playroom in the Smash 64 intro.
Ken and ESRB aren't as zoomed in and blurry as this one is
You forget that the ken leak started out zoomed in and blurry, until someone proves or disproves it im neutral on this leak.


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2018
It isn't a rule, it's common sense. It'd be like revealing Dracula's Castle before Simon and Richter, why would Sakurai do that?

And again, it WASN'T a Punch-Out stage. Sakurai didn't say "there's Punch-Out content in the game" before Little Mac was revealed. We have literally never seen content from an unrepped franchise, even more a 3rd party, before their character reveal.
Believing a Monster Hunter character has any chance in the base game at this point is as delusional as thinking Waluigi's AT was "Sakurai trolling us"
I agree with you. As I said, I was playing devil's advocate.
But claiming that something is guaranteed not to happen because its "common sense" doesn't mean anything either.
It was "common sense" that Cloud wouldn't get into Smash because he had almost no association with Nintendo.

Nothing is confirmed or deconfirmed until Nintendo announces it themselves.
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Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
You forget that the ken leak started out zoomed in and blurry, until someone proves or disproves it im neutral on this leak.
Yes, then full pictures were posted.
Same with the ESRB leak.

Until a full picture is posted it can be ignored.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I'm actually sick of the "THIS RULE WAS MADE UP SO ALL RULES ARE MADE UP."

Like no, there's some things that should be obvious and some things that should can be figured from just thinking critically.
This "all rules don't exist" mentality is quite frankly, pretty delusional.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
The difference here is that ESRB was a compilation of numerous images, some zoomed in, some zoomed out. It even had footage.
Neither of these have footage, so I'm still not gonna totally believe them. :091: that's just me tho
It’s perfectly fine to not believe (I don’t either), but people considering every leak a fake due to it’s quality is just silly at this point
Until a full picture is posted it can be ignored.
no leak/rumor should be ignored until proven fake

Hydrualic Hydra

Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2018
Somewhere Safe
From an objective standpoint that Geno actually looks pretty good. Quality isn't a good reason to reject it.

But given the scope of what's happened in the past, we have nowhere near enough to call it real. If a zoomed-out picture with more details (like what happened with Ken) pops up, then we have something to work with.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2018
Hi, Im just a lurker here but can someone explain to me the hell is happening right now?


The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
Dixie is the only modern all-star missing IMO. She really should be included, echo or not.
Agreed. Though Toad is also an "All-Star" problem is I think both versions of Toad are deconfirmed unfortunately. Toad is still part of Peach's (and now Daisy's) movset. Captain Toad (the character I REALLY wanted) is sadly relegated to New Donk City background cameo. I would also argue Bandana Dee is becoming a modern Nintendo "All-Star" too. If Dixie, Captain Toad, and Bandana Dee don't make it I will be sad but not disappointed (I did get Chrom, K.Rool, Ridley, Dark Samus, Inklings, Wolf (revamped), and Isabelle afterall) but I hope if there's DLC Nintendo will add these 3 in (as well as promoting Waluigi and Krystal though I seriously doubt this is a possibility) instead of ONLY just jumping back into the tired 3rd party well.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
The more zoomed in and blurry something is, the harder to prove that it's fake. That's why bad fake leaks do it.
I personally didn't believe the ESRB or Ken leak at first.
If a full (or at least larger) Geno picture can be provided then it can be scrutinzed.

Remember the Agnes leak everyone thought was real until the full pictures were posted and it fell apart?


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
in some dreambubble
Switch FC
alright we got a new leak from the land of 4chan:


It's Geno, another anonymous user in the replies claims it's from his reveal.

May be fake, but since it's yet another zoomed in pic it's hard to tell, so I guess we may as well assume fake until proven otherwise, though I find it interesting. Someone shared this on the Geno thread.

The background seems to be an updated version of the playroom in the Smash 64 intro.

All right, where's one of his eyes? that one eye seems empty to me for some reason.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 29, 2014
Canary Islands, Spain
Switch FC
SW 6696 1795 2392
Now that you do mention it, the design does looks original...Like it's a map meant for developers, because you can't find this in base game. and even then, there are differences.
You can play in it in the base game, you can select the Smash or Punch-Out version.

Deleted member

The Geno image.....looks....so...very offf.
If it's real, it's probably from a trailer, and is using the same kind of cel-shading that the FE trailers and CG uses.

That said, literally ANYTHING can be faked nowadays (for all we know the Ken leak could be fake, no matter how convincing it is), so it's best to just wait it out and see what happens. Remember Palutena!
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