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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Sep 12, 2014
The thing about Shadow is he's being pushed 'outside' of Smash super hard lately.... at least I think he is? I've seen people use "Shadow's been showing up a lot lately" in Sonic games and apparently an absence of him since.....awhile?

I really know nothing about the franchise, frankly.
He's playable in Sonic Forces, which is a kinda big deal?

Mostly because the main series had been on a strict Sonic-only thing since Unleashed. Before Forces, Shadow was just playable in random spin offs with his last main playable character appearance being Sonic 06. Tails being in a similar spot (if you don't count Sonic Mania and I think Sonic 4 Ep II.)

Aside from that, recent promo material usually makes it a point to include Shadow alongside Team Sonic. The boxart for Team Sonic Racing just has the 4 of them, I think.
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
No, there's nothing except circumstantial evidence and gut feelings.

To me, it makes zero sense to have a one-off reveal in October and have a full-blown Direct less than a month later, frankly.

If there really are 3-5 more characters left, with perhaps up to two of those being Echoes, why would you reveal one of your last Newcomers alone?

Smash 4 got away with it because it still had Shulk, Duck Hunt, Bowser Jr, and a whole bunch of unloackable veterans and clones.

We're going to know every character pre-launch, separating one Newcomer from your Final Smash Direct feels really weird if there aren't that many characters left.
It depends on how it's handled, though. Out of the blue, doesn't make much sense (even though I think an Isaac/Felix reveal in the vain of Robin/Lucina would be nice). But I think it's possible we may get a Pokemon Direct in October, followed by a Smash Direct in early November. The Pokemon Direct would be short, as usual, and talk about Lets Go/Pokemon Go and perhaps either in the Direct, or around it, a reveal of Incineroar. I think it's the only reason why a Pokemon (considered "expected/boring") would have been held off for this long. Unless there's more to the Pokemon reveal than we think, like how Charizard was revealed and then.... Surprise, Greninja as well. But I don't think they'd reveal everything this early. I feel like they'll wait the longest they can before leaks become a concern, and that would be early November. Especially since there won't be any hidden characters, as there will be a definite "final reveal".


Sep 26, 2013
It depends on how it's handled, though. Out of the blue, doesn't make much sense (even though I think an Isaac/Felix reveal in the vain of Robin/Lucina would be nice). But I think it's possible we may get a Pokemon Direct in October, followed by a Smash Direct in early November. The Pokemon Direct would be short, as usual, and talk about Lets Go/Pokemon Go and perhaps either in the Direct, or around it, a reveal of Incineroar. I think it's the only reason why a Pokemon (considered "expected/boring") would have been held off for this long. Unless there's more to the Pokemon reveal than we think, like how Charizard was revealed and then.... Surprise, Greninja as well. But I don't think they'd reveal everything this early. I feel like they'll wait the longest they can before leaks become a concern, and that would be early November. Especially since there won't be any hidden characters, as there will be a definite "final reveal".

We have never, ever had a Non Smash/General Direct have a character reveal attached to it.

No, gonna stop you right there.

Let's Go doesn't even feature Alolan Pokemon at all, it's entirely Gen1 based besides Meltan, so tacking on an Incineroar trailer to the end of it makes zero sense.

Considering only the people interested in LGPE would be watching it, unlike say, a Smash/General Direct, Incineroar's trailer would only be seen initially by a fraction of the Smash playerbase.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
We have never, ever had a Non Smash/General Direct have a character reveal attached to it.

No, gonna stop you right there.

Let's Go doesn't even feature Alolan Pokemon at all, it's entirely Gen1 based besides Meltan, so tacking on an Incineroar trailer to the end of it makes zero sense.

Considering only the people interested in LGPE would be watching it, unlike say, a Smash/General Direct, Incineroar's trailer would only be seen initially by a fraction of the Smash playerbase.
Which is why I was careful to specify "either in" or "around" it. And I never take claims of "we have never, ever had" too seriously, as Nintendo plays a big part, and they've never structured their big titles of the year this close to each other. And while it's only a technicality, Alolan Pokemon are in Let's Go, just Alolan version of Gen 1 mons. It's a technicality, but to say not "at all" is a bit of an overstatement.


Sep 26, 2013
Which is why I was careful to specify "either in" or "around" it. And I never take claims of "we have never, ever had" too seriously, as Nintendo plays a big part, and they've never structured their big titles of the year this close to each other. And while it's only a technicality, Alolan Pokemon are in Let's Go, just Alolan version of Gen 1 mons. It's a technicality, but to say not "at all" is a bit of an overstatement.
It's terrible marketing.

Smash Directs are tailored to be watched BY Smash fans.

General Directs will just HAVE a large amount of people watching them.

A Direct focused around LGPE will not have that large of an audience of Smash fans.

You want to increase the odds that your target playerbase sees your advertisement. Having a Smash reveal where a non-Smash fanbase will be watching is like trying to sell Hamburgers in a Health Food store, It doesn't make any sense from a marketing standpoint.
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Makai Wars

Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2013
Deepsea Metro
Shadow has always been the 2nd most popular Sonic character after Sonic himself since his introduction, I don't really think he's being "pushed" lately as much as it's just Sega giving the hoards of Shadow fans their due. That'd be like saying Luigi is getting "pushed" with his Mansion games when he's been established as a popular mainstay character for decades.
Considering only the people interested in LGPE would be watching it, unlike say, a Smash/General Direct, Incineroar's trailer would only be seen initially by a fraction of the Smash playerbase.
I think Nintendo knows Smash fans will watch any direct for the chance at there being a Smash reveal. See: the Nindies Direct a while back.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Seeing people talking about how they don't want Steve because they want Banjo instead is dumb.

Wouldn't Steve being in make Banjo so much more likely?
It's not like Sora makes Geno more likely


Sep 26, 2013
Shadow has always been the 2nd most popular Sonic character after Sonic himself since his introduction, I don't really think he's being "pushed" lately as much as it's just Sega giving the hoards of Shadow fans their due. That'd be like saying Luigi is getting "pushed" with his Mansion games when he's been established as a popular mainstay character for decades.

I think Nintendo knows Smash fans will watch any direct for the chance at there being a Smash reveal. See: the Nindies Direct a while back.

And nothing happened.

To date, Smash fans have watched EVERY Direct, no matter what it was, and have gotten burned every time.

It's been what, between Smash 4 and Ultimate's lifespan a combined 4 years of Directs, and the only time we've gotten reveals was via General and Smash Directs.

It makes ZERO sense to reveal characters for Smash in a Direct focused around another game. You more or less cannibalized any media coverage that the game will have due to just how much attention that one minute Smash trailer will get.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
It's terrible marketing.

Smash Directs are tailored to be watched BY Smash fans.

General Directs will just HAVE a large amount of people watching them.

A Direct focused around LGPE will not have that large of an audience of Smash fans.

You want to increase the odds that your target playerbase sees your advertisement. Having a Smash reveal where a non-Smash fanbase will be watching is like trying to sell Hamburgers in a Health Food store, It doesn't make any sense from a marketing standpoint.
It's not terrible marketing. Smash fans will eventually find out Incineroar's in because--they're Smash fans. When you put Isabelle in a regular Nintendo Direct, King K Rool in a dedicated Smash Direct, and hypothetically Incineroar in a Pokemon Direct you are targeting specific fans--Nintendo fans, Smash fans, Pokemon fans, respectively. My guess is, more Pokemon fans would be interested in Incineroar in Smash than Smash fans in a dedicated Smash Direct.

Deleted member

The thing about Shadow is he's being pushed 'outside' of Smash super hard lately.... at least I think he is? I've seen people use "Shadow's been showing up a lot lately" in Sonic games and apparently an absence of him since.....awhile?

I really know nothing about the franchise, frankly.
All I know of Sonic is that Sonic Mania Plus clutched whatever nosedive Sonic was doing after Forces. But in terms of Smash, here's the current song list from my Songlist Compendium spreadsheet, mainly it'll have 20 songs. (Unfortunately, it might just be all 18 songs from Smash Wii U ported to this game, so only 2 songs were added.)

Screenshot (1072).png

We got Knuckles as an assist trophy, upgraded from Mii Costume status, and we have both Sonic stages, so at least there's a step up, though not as huge as some 3rd party franchises. Sonic even got a redesign, in the terms of Final Smashes, so at least there's the seeds being planted.


Sep 26, 2013
It's not terrible marketing. Smash fans will eventually find out Incineroar's in because--they're Smash fans. When you put Isabelle in a regular Nintendo Direct, King K Rool in a dedicated Smash Direct, and hypothetically Incineroar in a Pokemon Direct you are targeting specific fans--Nintendo fans, Smash fans, Pokemon fans, respectively. My guess is, more Pokemon fans would be interested in Incineroar in Smash than Smash fans in a dedicated Smash Direct.

Let's Go is already not THAT hyped about. People have VERY mixed reactions about the game.

By slapping Incineroar at the end of the Direct, you have basically signed the game's death certificate then and there.

The big news outlets are going to always focus on Smash moreso than a game with already mixed reception, Smash gets the clicks and the views.

You are, quite literally, cannibalizing news coverage of the game because EVERYONE is going to then be talking about Incineroar. Only the most diehard fans of LGPE will even give a **** about the game.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Mostly because the main series had been on a strict Sonic-only thing since Unleashed. Before Forces, Shadow was just playable in random spin offs with his last main playable character appearance being Sonic 06. Tails being in a similar spot (if you don't count Sonic Mania and I think Sonic 4 Ep II.)
Kinda one of the main reasons why I want Tails in Smash so badly. As a Tails fan, having him miss out on so many Sonic games as a playable character has really ticked me off. Especially when the trailer for Sonic Colors made it look like he was playable... and then he wasn't. I've been waiting for so long for him to be playable again, but if there was any game I'd love for him to be playable, it'd certainly be Smash.
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Sep 12, 2014
You are, quite literally, cannibalizing news coverage of the game because EVERYONE is going to then be talking about Incineroar. Only the most diehard fans of LGPE will even give a **** about the game.
They already did this by telling folks "hey this isn't the real next Pokemon game you gotta wait til 2019 for that."

Diehards of LGPE will buy it regardless, super casual fans will buy it regardless and a lot of the hardcore Pokemon fans were already waiting for the 2019 game by May.

Putting Incineroar in a Pokemon Direct ain't gonna do much more damage than what's already there.
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Let's Go is already not THAT hyped about. People have VERY mixed reactions about the game.

By slapping Incineroar at the end of the Direct, you have basically signed the game's death certificate then and there.

The big news outlets are going to always focus on Smash moreso than a game with already mixed reception, Smash gets the clicks and the views.

You are, quite literally, cannibalizing news coverage of the game because EVERYONE is going to then be talking about Incineroar. Only the most diehard fans of LGPE will even give a **** about the game.
There's certainly a difference between how much Nintendo wants to hype Let's Go and how much hype there actually is. They situated Let's Go and Smash next to each other, so they're already going to be cannibalizing the news coverage on that basis alone, which is why I personally don't understand that decision. And believe me--I'm one of those people who were hyped for it in the initial reveal, and Masuda and Nintendo has since done everything in their power to de-hype me about it.

That being said, you are right that a Smash reveal within the Direct itself would overshadow the Let's Go news, and given I wasn't *that* confident in a Pokemon Direct, that makes me even less confident about that. I do believe Incineroar is coming soon--but I just can't see him in a dedicated Smash Direct, especially if we're taking "hype" into consideration. But perhaps Let's Go and Smash both don't understand hype and Incineroar's in the final Smash Direct. I dunno.


Sep 26, 2013
They already did this by telling folks "hey this isn't the real next Pokemon game you gotta wait til 2019 for that."

Diehards of LGPE will buy it regardless, super casual fans will buy it regardless, most hardcore Pokemon fans were already waiting for the 2019 game by May.
The difference here is kind of simple:

You can still have a Direct focused around LGPE and try to push what you're selling by trying to make it seem better than what it actually is.

Promoting an entirely different game in LGPE that is just BIGGER in all regards and much more, what's the word, profitable, doesn't make sense, because all those last 20-30 minutes of coverage you just gave?

No one gives a **** now, ****ing SMASH BABY.

The reason we have NEVER had a reveal outside of a General/Smash-focused Direct is because:

A: In a general Direct, EVERYONE shares the spotlight. Yeah, Smash may end up overshadowing it, but everyone's given an 'equal' amount of screentime.


B: What I said above. Tack on a Smash trailer to the end of a non-Smash/General Direct? That 20-30 minutes of you just trying to sell us the game? Waste of ****ing time, bring on SMASH BABY.

We've had four ****ing years of Directs with only reveals in General/Smash ones, we're not going to be the ONE exception to this rule in the last 60 days.

Arymle Roseanne

Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2018
Into Sandy's City
Kinda one of the main reasons why I want Tails in Smash so badly. As a Tails fan, having him miss out on so many Sonic games as a playable character has really ticked me off. Especially when the trailer for Sonic Colors made it look like he was playable... and then he wasn't. I've been waiting for so long for him to be playable again, but if there was any game I'd love for him to be playable, it'd certainly be Smash.
It's a shame that Tails was given the shaft ever since Unleashed, I really hate what they did to him in Forces the most especially after playing Mania, he's always been my favorite Sonic character since I was in preschool.

I would be nice if he could make it in Smash maybe as dlc possibly? There's always hope for a better future.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
The difference here is kind of simple:

You can still have a Direct focused around LGPE and try to push what you're selling by trying to make it seem better than what it actually is.

Promoting an entirely different game in LGPE that is just BIGGER in all regards and much more, what's the word, profitable, doesn't make sense, because all those last 20-30 minutes of coverage you just gave?

No one gives a **** now, ****ing SMASH BABY.

The reason we have NEVER had a reveal outside of a General/Smash-focused Direct is because:

A: In a general Direct, EVERYONE shares the spotlight. Yeah, Smash may end up overshadowing it, but everyone's given an 'equal' amount of screentime.


B: What I said above. Tack on a Smash trailer to the end of a non-Smash/General Direct? That 20-30 minutes of you just trying to sell us the game? Waste of ****ing time, bring on SMASH BABY.

We've had four ****ing years of Directs with only reveals in General/Smash ones, we're not going to be the ONE exception to this rule in the last 60 days.
If we are getting a Pokemon Direct, it's nooooot going to be 20-30 minutes. It's going to be 10-15 minutes at most, especially since there won't be anything Gen 8. And if any franchise in Smash will be given an exception, it's Pokemon--because it's ****ing Pokemon. But I have granted you that it would not be an exception in Pokemon's favor, so I conceded that point.


Sep 26, 2013
There's certainly a difference between how much Nintendo wants to hype Let's Go and how much hype there actually is. They situated Let's Go and Smash next to each other, so they're already going to be cannibalizing the news coverage on that basis alone, which is why I personally don't understand that decision. And believe me--I'm one of those people who were hyped for it in the initial reveal, and Masuda and Nintendo has since done everything in their power to de-hype me about it.

That being said, you are right that a Smash reveal within the Direct itself would overshadow the Let's Go news, and given I wasn't *that* confident in a Pokemon Direct, that makes me even less confident about that. I do believe Incineroar is coming soon--but I just can't see him in a dedicated Smash Direct, especially if we're taking "hype" into consideration. But perhaps Let's Go and Smash both don't understand hype and Incineroar's in the final Smash Direct. I dunno.
Greninja and Solo-Zard was the closing act to our very first Smash-Focused Direct, I don't think 'hype' has anything to do with it.

This logic of "The last reveals need to be hype" is flawed logic when every Smash game has had what can be considered 'un-hype' final reveals.

Besides, if Incineroar is our first newcomer and someone like Geno/Sora/Steve is our last one, that's fine.

Personally? I wasn't hyped for Simon, at all, but then K.Rool happened, so 'hype' is completely subjective.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Greninja and Solo-Zard was the closing act to our very first Smash-Focused Direct, I don't think 'hype' has anything to do with it.

This logic of "The last reveals need to be hype" is flawed logic when every Smash game has had what can be considered 'un-hype' final reveals.

Besides, if Incineroar is our first newcomer and someone like Geno/Sora/Steve is our last one, that's fine.

Personally? I wasn't hyped for Simon, at all, but then K.Rool happened, so 'hype' is completely subjective.
I mentioned it earlier, though I should have specified there too--I can *only* see Incineroar being in a dedicated Smash Direct if there's "one more thing" along with Incineroar. Like the Charizard reveal... and theeen there's Greninja. But one Pokemon is not how you start off a Smash Direct. It's not about actual expectations, or individual expectations, it's about how Sakurai and Nintendo would view expectations. Simon's reveal came along with Richter, a stage, a whole part about music. Unless there's "one more thing" with Incineroar, there's not much to show.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
If we did get another FE rep, I'd love Tiki. Have her transform and everything
I honestly don't think Tiki could bring anything unique to the game moveset wise. Charizard and Ridley already do plenty of dragon stuff. Unless you want a moveset built around changing forms, but unlike Corrin, Tiki doesn't fight in her humanoid form.

I'd totally take another dragon if it by some miracle it happened and I'd play as her, but from a game design perspective, I honestly don't think she has much potential for being something new.
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Sep 26, 2013
I mentioned it earlier, though I should have specified there too--I can *only* see Incineroar being in a dedicated Smash Direct if there's "one more thing" along with Incineroar. Like the Charizard reveal... and theeen there's Greninja. But one Pokemon is not how you start off a Smash Direct. It's not about actual expectations, or individual expectations, it's about how Sakurai and Nintendo would view expectations. Simon's reveal came along with Richter, a stage, a whole part about music. Unless there's "one more thing" with Incineroar, there's not much to show.
I mean, between:

Remaining Echo Fighters
Spirits Mode
Returning Modes
The supposed 5 missing stages
The supposed 2nd SE rep

Yeah, there's a fair bit left that they can show.

I don't see why Incineroar is this sin of a reveal. Start off with a kinda 'meh' reveal, reveal the Echos midway, end on an absolute bang with the 2nd SE character.

And just beyond that, there's more than just characters to be seen.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I honestly don't think Tiki could bring anything unique to the game moveset wise. Charizard and Ridley already do plenty of dragon stuff. Unless you want a moveset built around changing forms, but unlike Corrin, Tiki doesn't fight in her humanoid form.

I'd totally take another dragon if it by some miracle it happened and I'd play as her, but from a game design perspective, I honestly don't think she has much potential to being something new.
I just want more girls shorter than 5'10''

it's a joke

Arymle Roseanne

Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2018
Into Sandy's City
I mean, between:

Remaining Echo Fighters
Spirits Mode
Returning Modes
The supposed 5 missing stages
The supposed 2nd SE rep

Yeah, there's a fair bit left that they can show.

I don't see why Incineroar is this sin of a reveal. Start off with a kinda 'meh' reveal, reveal the Echos midway, end on an absolute bang with the 2nd SE character.

And just beyond that, there's more than just characters to be seen.
Not to mention I'm pretty sure the game will be completed in November which will make leakers very hungry to see the whole roster before release.


Sep 26, 2013
Not to mention I'm pretty sure the game will be completed in November which will make leakers very hungry to see the whole roster before release.
I'm not afraid of the game leaking until the 2nd to last or last week of November to be honest.

The PRIMA guide though will most certainly leak before then, and it'll be a really crazy day when it does.

Majora's Visage

Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2018
Which is why I sincerely hope when Incineroar comes, he better also come with some stuff other than "oh hey, here's a character that's it lol". I need some OOMPH, give me a few remixes, a stage, trophies and all that ****.
Pokemon franchise has so many good tracks, I am disappointed with what was has been in Smash historically. The Steven remix from last week was so good though, so I hope it means more great tracks to come


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I mean, between:

Remaining Echo Fighters
Spirits Mode
Returning Modes
The supposed 5 missing stages
The supposed 2nd SE rep

Yeah, there's a fair bit left that they can show.

I don't see why Incineroar is this sin of a reveal. Start off with a kinda 'meh' reveal, reveal the Echos midway, end on an absolute bang with the 2nd SE character.

And just beyond that, there's more than just characters to be seen.
My point is not that there isn't anything to show, it's that if we think the final direct will be symmetrical to the August Direct (which is my prediction, but I am definitely not confident in), Incineroar is in no way comparable to Simon's reveal, unless there's something more to his specific reveal. However, the point is moot because as I said earlier, I think it's foolish to expect a final direct--especially one with that much content--right after Sakurai mentioned reveals will be slowing down. At best, because of that statement, I think we can expect one/two standalone reveals in October, and a final Smash Direct in November. We'll find out soon, anyways.

Not to mention I'm pretty sure the game will be completed in November which will make leakers very hungry to see the whole roster before release.
I think the last possible second they could show off Smash information before huge leaks would be early November, so I don't think revealing everything in early October two months before the game comes out makes sense. Weirder things have happened this speculation cycle, though.


Sep 26, 2013
Which is another reason why I wholly disagree with the "November Smash Direct" ideology.

LGPE is going to be the game that Nintendo tries to push hard in November due to it releasing RIGHT before Black Friday, making it the perfect time to ramp up the marketing for it.

Drop a Smash Direct in November? Pft, who even gives a **** about that? All the big media sites will be covering Smash for as long as they can.

Drop it this month? You give LGPE the breathing room it deserves.

"But S-Sakurai said...!"

Sakurai's column was originally meant for September 6th.

It's been a month since then.

If we get a final Smash Direct this month and that's all the characters, you literally cannot get slower than "Done."

He also said to "Don't expect trailers up until the release", which, to me, says he plans to just drop everything all at once and get it done, leaving a month or so free.

CosmicQuark said:
My point is not that there isn't anything to show, it's that if we think the final direct will be symmetrical to the August Direct (which is my prediction, but I am definitely not confident in), Incineroar is in no way comparable to Simon's reveal, unless there's something more to his specific reveal. However, the point is moot because as I said earlier, I think it's foolish to expect a final direct--especially one with that much content--right after Sakurai mentioned reveals will be slowing down. At best, because of that statement, I think we can expect one/two standalone reveals in October, and a final Smash Direct in November. We'll find out soon, anyways.

See above.
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Sep 26, 2013
My point is not that there isn't anything to show, it's that if we think the final direct will be symmetrical to the August Direct (which is my prediction, but I am definitely not confident in), Incineroar is in no way comparable to Simon's reveal, unless there's something more to his specific reveal. However, the point is moot because as I said earlier, I think it's foolish to expect a final direct--especially one with that much content--right after Sakurai mentioned reveals will be slowing down. At best, because of that statement, I think we can expect one/two standalone reveals in October, and a final Smash Direct in November. We'll find out soon, anyways.

I think the last possible second they could show off Smash information before huge leaks would be early November, so I don't think revealing everything in early October two months before the game comes out makes sense. Weirder things have happened this speculation cycle, though.
Need I remind you that the last general Direct to feature Smash 4 ended on Cloud-****ing-Strife......

And the follow up Smash-Centric Direct started with goddamn Corrin?

I'm sorry, but this logic of "Incineroar can't live up to Simon's reveal, so it can't happen" is frankly flimsy at best.

If we really are missing 5 stages, then he could very well bring an Alolan stage, for example.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Need I remind you that the last general Direct to feature Smash 4 ended on Cloud-****ing-Strife......

And the follow up Smash-Centric Direct started with goddamn Corrin?

I'm sorry, but this logic of "Incineroar can't live up to Simon's reveal, so it can't happen" is frankly flimsy at best.

If we really are missing 5 stages, then he could very well bring an Alolan stage, for example.
People often forget that there is nothing wrong with deescalation, especially after reaching a potentially unbeatable high point.

It's why the concept of the "Breather Episode" exists.


Sep 26, 2013
People often forget that there is nothing wrong with deescalation, especially after reaching a potentially unbeatable high point.

It's why the concept of the "Breather Episode" exists.
Agreed 100%.

There doesn't have to be 'a reveal that trumps Simon's'.

Final reveals in regards to Smash have never been this "HOLY ****!" moment, they've always been incredibly mild and tame.

While I 'do' think that there will be something big because "2nd SE rep" and all, Incineroar does not have to 'live up' to anything.

Corrin sure as hell didn't live up to Cloud. Arguably Bayonetta just as much. Hell, they could have said Cloud won the ballot and we would have believed them, but instead they used him to promote the then-coming Smash Direct.
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Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2018
If we do get Incineroar as a playable character, I genuinely hope we get an Alolan-themed Pokéfloats stage to go with it.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Agreed 100%.

There doesn't have to be 'a reveal that trumps Simon's'.

Final reveals in regards to Smash have never been this "HOLY ****!" moment, they've always been incredibly mild and tame.

While I 'do' think that there will be something big because "2nd SE rep" and all, Incineroar does not have to 'live up' to anything.

Corrin sure as hell didn't live up to Cloud. Arguably Bayonetta just as much. Hell, they could have said Cloud won the ballot and we would have believed them, but instead they used him to promote the then-coming Smash Direct.
Corrin, at the very least, had a rather creative trailer, even if it was pretty low budget... :laugh:

The same could also be said for all the DLC newcomers, really. XD


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
Which is another reason why I wholly disagree with the "November Smash Direct" ideology.

LGPE is going to be the game that Nintendo tries to push hard in November due to it releasing RIGHT before Black Friday, making it the perfect time to ramp up the marketing for it.
Pokemon very rarely gets a direct and if it does it's announcing a new game. I don't think LGPE are going to even get a direct period.
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