See, this is what annoys me--when a straw man argument is used to dismiss the other side of the argument. When I argue against the Box Theory, I argue against their BEST arguments to show why I think they're wrong, not the worst arguments ("But muh characters"). The best arguments against Box Theory, if you're not aware of, is:
- Everyone agrees it's placeholder art, because it lacks Isabelle and has negative space. Placeholder art, by its nature, changes between it and the finalized design. We have no way of knowing what will change, if more spaces are added, if there's other sides with characters, etc.
- It relies on many assumptions, including Vergeben being 100% correct (as confident as I am in him, no one should be considered 100% trustworthy), and that the Box only lists every character in the roster, while a few could be left off to avoid leaks when it goes to printing.
Some of us are perfectly fine if there weren't more characters--particularly me, because before E3 I was *hoping* for a Smash 4 port to avoid having characters be cut. E3 had already shattered my expectations. But each time, expectations are changed accordingly, and it doesn't make much sense to end on Incineroar and Ken (which is lamer than Smash 4's ending as some people point to) because it's characters we expect (a Pokemon and an echo). But saying that doesn't mean I'm upset there aren't more characters, just confused at their pacing of reveals. As for your claims:
> Vergeben never said this. He said there were *at least* six more characters, including Simon, but there could always be more. Max is not the same as "at least". Unless you're saying the characters left that he's confident in, in which case there are 3: Incineroar, Ken, and an SE rep. Steve is not a claim he made because he has not heard back from his main Smash sources--it's only he said, they said, they said as his non-Smash sources have heard people murming about it, but is not a claim Verge is making outside of "Minecraft content".
> Vergeben is confident in the SE rep, he just doesn't know, like with any character, if they are base or DLC. He's only giving Box Theory some credence given it doesn't conflict with his information, outside of the SE rep. But the SE rep does conflict, unless you make another assumption it's DLC--which again, Box Theory has too many assumptions as is.
> Why would those involved in promotion cryptically reveal the rest of the roster? This is another claim made by Box Theorist proponents that make no sense. I didn't include it in the above, as I said, I try not to argue against the worst arguments of a side I disagree with.
> This is true, and it definitely should lead people to change their expectations accordingly. But "slowing down" does not mean "Box Theory is correct."
I've stopped complaining about Box Theory, as you said, people are allowed to believe whatever they want. It just gets frustrating when one side keeps using strawman arguments to dismiss the other side, rather than being open minded and taking their side seriously. I've tried that with Box Theory--I'm not as aggressively against it as I once was. But I still have to be honest, and Box Theory still doesn't make any sense, being a placeholder image, and having too many assumptions with no real evidence to back it up. And I'm fine with the roster as is.