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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012

You are playing Zelda Ocarina of Time
But using Donkey Kong

How would this turn out?

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014

You are playing Zelda Ocarina of Time
But using Donkey Kong

How would this turn out?
Fun idea but not relevant to Ultimate at all. Probably take this somewhere else.

...but also that really is a damn fun idea post it somewhere else so I can write an essay
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
On the whole Minecraft debate, I'm not what you would call a Minecraft fan, far from it, but I don't understand why some people are looking at Steve's inclusion like it's the end of the world. Why are some people hell bent on making sure he doesn't get in?
I simply don't care for it, that's it. To provide a better answer:

Or maybe that people don't want such toxic children infiltrating their sacred game. They sit their with their Jimmy Neutron brains and ponder "why thoust is this irrelevant character that nobody asked for in this saint of entertainment?" and expect to be responded with something similar to
This fanbase is bad enough as it is. If the fanbase for Minecraft was allowed to get mixed up in this one, things would get even worse, as the younger players' behavior would be a big hassle to deal with. It'd be like whenever summer comes at 4Chan, you suddenly get a bunch of teens with loads of free time deciding to all ****post at the same time.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2018
Limited movement for Steve’s model shouldn’t really be a problem. If I can get technical for a moment, let’s not forget that nobody will ever have stiffer limbs than Mr. Game and Watch. Not that that’s a bad thing necessarily, but having a stiff run cycle and limbs doesn’t HAVE to look weird, it’s possible to make it work. Either way, I have full faith in Sakurai and the Smash team to make Steve look as good as he possibly can be while also fitting with the aesthetics of the game, if he does make it in.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
This fanbase is bad enough as it is. If the fanbase for Minecraft was allowed to get mixed up in this one, things would get even worse, as the younger players' behavior would be a big hassle to deal with. It'd be like whenever summer comes at 4Chan, you suddenly get a bunch of teens with less free time deciding to all ****post at the same time.
It is by no means a reason to not put it in the game, and give me one good reason why they would care about the fanbase of one game?


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2014
Smash on To Yer Helmet
Switch FC
Let's talk only videogames, aside from Steve and Sora being in the game do you have others name that can makes the whole videogames internet goes nuts ? If they were in Smash ?

For exemple how about Agumon ?


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I personally don't think Steve looks ugly.

I think it looks good in only one place and that's Minecraft. Otherwise, putting the voxel aesthetic in an alternate settings looks extraordinarily disparate. Favorite example of this would be the Minecraft reference in Borderlands 2.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2018
Okay, you're right.

Though is there any guarantee that that base would play the game for more than a few minutes without getting bored and moving on to something else?
If they buy the game that’s a sale, regardless of if they keep playing or not. Similar of them putting Wii Fit Trainer in, they don’t expect everyone who plays Wii fit to have an absolute blast at smash all the time, they might play for a little bit, like it, recommend it to another person, then never talk about it again.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Let's talk only videogames, aside from Steve and Sora being in the game do you have others name that can makes the whole videogames internet goes nuts ? If they were in Smash ?

For exemple how about Agumon ?
Honestly, I think it'd be anyone BUT Incineroar and Ken because those two are so expected...


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Let's talk only videogames, aside from Steve and Sora being in the game do you have others name that can makes the whole videogames internet goes nuts ? If they were in Smash ?

For exemple how about Agumon ?
Graizen is that you?

Okay, but for real, I think Doomguy is going to make every corner of the internet erupt with memes.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Glad I'm not the only one to think so.
Watch us actually get a Dragon Quest Builders stage confused for a Minecraft one.
Wouldn't be mad, actually, although how the Smash staff would get confused so thoroughly that they wind up picking a stage from their own country instead of Sweden is beyond me. :laugh:

Although I wouldn't be surprised if Steve winds up being a Bayonetta-style choice anyway.

Let's talk only videogames, aside from Steve and Sora being in the game do you have others name that can makes the whole videogames internet goes nuts ? If they were in Smash ?

For exemple how about Agumon ?
Lara Croft. Not just because of her guns being allowed.

Honestly, I think it'd be anyone BUT Incineroar and Ken because those two are so expected...
The only correct answer.
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Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
How many people would be satisfied if we got this guy as our next TLOZ villain, and not Skull Kid (here or Smash community)?

Yuga would be cool, to me. He could be the next magic user from TLOZ, next to :ultzelda:, but a Lorulean (like Hilda), so he would stand out in that way. However, he would probably mirror :ultganondorf:'s FS with Yuga Ganon.

Pakky Pakky , do you have the time to come up with some custom icons?
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2018
Let's talk only videogames, aside from Steve and Sora being in the game do you have others name that can makes the whole videogames internet goes nuts ? If they were in Smash ?

For exemple how about Agumon ?
A Bethesda rep, like Doomguy, Vault Boy, or Dragonborn, would definitely explode the Internet. A Fortnite character or stage I’d say would break news more than anything else, even Minecraft.


Laughs and Logic
Apr 8, 2014
Birth Island, FL
I simply don't care for it, that's it. To provide a better answer:

This fanbase is bad enough as it is. If the fanbase for Minecraft was allowed to get mixed up in this one, things would get even worse, as the younger players' behavior would be a big hassle to deal with. It'd be like whenever summer comes at 4Chan, you suddenly get a bunch of teens with loads of free time deciding to all ****post at the same time.
If it makes you feel any better, since Miis are supposed to be available to play as online this time, you can look forward to fighting against an army of Steven Universes online no matter what!

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Let's talk only videogames, aside from Steve and Sora being in the game do you have others name that can makes the whole videogames internet goes nuts ? If they were in Smash ?

For exemple how about Agumon ?
I honestly thing Banjo would get more hype than Sora.

Sora’s great and all, but he’s still active. Both Sora and Banjo would have the “holy crap that’s beloved third party character made it in Smash” factor, but only Banjo would have the “HOLY **** BANJO-KAZOOIE’S BACK FROM THE GRAVE AND ON NINTENDO TOO”


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Say, guys, is there a chance we’ll get even the slightest of news of any kind next week, October 1 through 5, I mean?


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I've seen some people confused concerning the timeline, who said what, so I decided to pool all the sources together..

4 months ago: Vergeben claims that Minecraft is in the game in some capacity, only suggests stage/assist.
19 days ago: Hitagi claims, and I quote, "A MOTHU ****IN MINECRAFT CHARACTER" followed by calling Smash a kids game as a result. He even double checked!
9 days ago: Verge says that there's some connection with what Hitagi hears and what he hears, and sometimes they meet in the middle. He claims he personally heard Minecraft is in the game as an assist, stage, "possibly" a character from his main Smash sources. He's heard other sources that *they* have heard murmurs of Steve being playable.
4 days ago: Hitagi backtracks and says how he's implemented isn't 100%, guest characters are most likely DLC.

So Verge never claimed confidence in Steve being playable--and something I was wrong about, according to Verge, he didn't hear murmurs of Steve being playable, his non main Smash sources heard murmurs. Which is he said, they said, they said. Currently, Hitagi says most guests (which would include Steve) is most likely DLC. And it should be worth noting the gap between Verge only saying "stage/assist" to both claiming they've heard things about a playable Minecraft character, which lines up more if it's DLC. To me, given what Hitagi said and how he said it, I would have dismissed it had it not been for Verge legitimizing him, but this is the state we're in regarding leaks.

This is what I'll be referring back to, as it took me forever to track it all down.
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Let's talk only videogames, aside from Steve and Sora being in the game do you have others name that can makes the whole videogames internet goes nuts ? If they were in Smash ?

For exemple how about Agumon ?
Crash Bandicoot...
Say, guys, is there a chance we’ll get even the slightest of news of any kind next week, October 1 through 5, I mean?
Didn't Sakurai say not to expect that much news for a bit? At this point, I don't expect stuff until November


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2018
Say, guys, is there a chance we’ll get even the slightest of news of any kind next week, October 1 through 5, I mean?
Expect anytime mid october or later. I doubt we’ll be getting news first half of the month, still feels too soon.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
How many people would be satisfied if we got this guy as our next TLOZ villain, and not Skull Kid (here or Smash community)?

Yuga would be cool, to me. He could be the next magic user from TLOZ, next to :ultzelda:, but a Lorulean (like Hilda), so he would stand out in that way. However, he would probably mirror :ultganondorf:'s FS with Yuga Ganon.

Pakky Pakky , do you have the time to come up with some custom icons?
Give me a pitch, and I'll put it on my list.

That sounded more arrogant than intended, my bad.
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Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
in some dreambubble
Switch FC
Say, guys, is there a chance we’ll get even the slightest of news of any kind next week, October 1 through 5, I mean?
Unlikely, I bet that we will get news by Late October/Early November. but early october can be possible for another smash direct since June- reveal of Ultimate, August- Smash Direct, and October- another Smash Direct, likely to focus on Spirits and revealing any remaining newcomers. But we could get Robin/Lucina duo style reveal trailer.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Let's talk only videogames, aside from Steve and Sora being in the game do you have others name that can makes the whole videogames internet goes nuts ? If they were in Smash ?

For exemple how about Agumon ?
Banjo Kazooie
Crono from Chrono Trigger
Phoenix Wright my dude.
Dante from Devil May Cry
Joker/Yu from Persona

in that order.

I honestly thing Banjo would get more hype than Sora.

Sora’s great and all, but he’s still active. Both Sora and Banjo would have the “holy crap that’s beloved third party character made it in Smash” factor, but only Banjo would have the “HOLY **** BANJO-KAZOOIE’S BACK FROM THE GRAVE AND ON NINTENDO TOO”
That's true, but I will counter argue, with how close minded most people are here and using "Bandana dee is just a gomba with a hat and Isabelle can't fight" level of argument against Sora as "He have a mickey keychain" , Sora will get a similar Internet Break because "HOLY **** DISNEY SAID YES WE GET DISNEY STUFF IN SMASH" alongside tons of salt, tons of joy

But yes, Sora+Bajo is basically the ultimate Hype that together could manage to go Cloud/Snake/Sonic Level if done right
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I honestly thing Banjo would get more hype than Sora.

Sora’s great and all, but he’s still active. Both Sora and Banjo would have the “holy crap that’s beloved third party character made it in Smash” factor, but only Banjo would have the “HOLY **** BANJO-KAZOOIE’S BACK FROM THE GRAVE AND ON NINTENDO TOO”
Eh, Sora would at least have the "Holy **** I love that guy" factor due to being from a franchise that is still popular to this day with one of the most highly anticipated NAMES for a video game period


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
How many people would be satisfied if we got this guy as our next TLOZ villain, and not Skull Kid (here or Smash community)?

Yuga would be cool, to me. He could be the next magic user from TLOZ, next to :ultzelda:, but a Lorulean (like Hilda), so he would stand out in that way. However, he would probably mirror :ultganondorf:'s FS with Yuga Ganon.

I'd prefer Ravio if we were taking characters from ALBW (****ing love everything about him) but Yuga would be okay I guess. At the very least it's another Zelda character so I'd be happy.

Personally for Zelda villians my list is:

1.Skull Kid
2.Toon Ganondorf

Any of these would make me satisified, first two in particular would be hype as hell.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2014
Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
Wouldn't be mad, actually, although how the Smash staff would get confused so thoroughly that they wind up picking a stage from their own country instead of Sweden is beyond me. :laugh:

Although I wouldn't be surprised if Steve winds up being a Bayonetta-style choice anyway.

Lara Croft. Not just because of her guns being allowed.
I'd go nuts too if Lara's in. She's so iconic that if feel that smash is her natural place by now. Let's just remember the top 10 video game characters of all time, according to Guinness:

1. Mario (Donkey Kong, Nintendo, 1981)
2. Link (The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo, 1986)
3. Master Chief (Halo: Combat Evolved, Microsoft, 2001)
4. Solid Snake (Metal Gear, Konami, 1987)
5. Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII, Square, 1997)
6. PAC-Man (PAC-Man, Namco, 1980)
7. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider, Eidos 1996)
8. Gordon Freeman (Half-Life, Valve, 1998)
9. Kratos (God of War, Sony, 2005)
10. Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega, 1990)

You see, we already got 6 characters from the top 10. Master Chief is Microsoft business, never been in a Nintendo console before, so it's very unlikely to see him in smash. Gordon is Valve, same case. Kratos is Sony, greatest Nintendo rival, will never be in smash. Lara on the other hand is VERY possible and the only thing that could keep her out of the game is Sakurai opinion about the character and/or maybe Square's conditions.
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