What the--? Where did all the positive support for XB2 go? Its so weird how characters like Rex and Decidueye (bias since they're in my sig, I know) are popular requests one season, and by the next months they're in the trash...
Anyway, its funny that a lot of the posts I read say that the art style in XB2 wasn't to their liking, because I felt that exact same way with XB1 (just so we're clear going forward, I personally never call these games Xenoblade CHRONICLES since I think that extra naming was just tacked on, so I call each game Xenomblade (XB), Xenoblade X (XBX) and Xenoblade 2 (XB2))
Anyway, I know this will get me hate, but I could not get into XB1 because I didn't like the visuals of the characters, especially Shulk. He looked terrible, his render never looked right to me, and there was always something about his face. It also didn't help that just as a character, I didn't like him. I had the same problem with Tidus from FFX. All the other FFX characters I liked visually, but Tidus looked ridiculous to me, and I never liked his voice or personality. I tired months ago to replay FFX and just stopped (again), so I've yet to finish XB or FFX.
The issues I had with the character visuals didn't bother me in XBX, and I honestly have to say the art direction in XB2 is my favorite, and I hope the rest of the games moving forward continue 2's trend.
Having typed all this, am I just the weird one? I liked the sequel over the God-Almighty first XB, I'm championing characters I want for SSBU that have apparently gone out of style (exception being Dixie Kong)...of course like what you like, I just found this interesting enough to ramble about.