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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
Ok, so... I just went back to watch Chrom character trailer, and is it just me, or does Chrom's right arm look kinda like a weird fleshy squash?

It honestly looks a bit too small at the base between his upper arm and his wrist. It's most evident when he's charging up "Flare" Blade on Great Bay.

Deleted member

Still sticking with my original prediction on the reveal being a Pokemon. Probably Incineroar, which I'm warming up to a little bit. I still don't care for the design and I think other choices would be more interesting (just my opinion!), but I'll be happy for the people who wanted him if it happens. :)


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009

I could see Blaster Master being added if we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for third party retro reps, he's been kind of relevant lately.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Third-parties do not get chosen for being retro like Pit/Little Mac/Ice Climbers, they are primarily chosen as guest fighters more than anything else.

From most likely to least likely:
1. Lip
2. Balloon Fighter
3. Excitebiker
4. Sable Prince
5. Bubbles
6. Ayumi Tachibana
7. Mike Jones
8. Urban Champion
9. Mach Rider

I think Sakurai will go for the most popular retro in the West and East, regardless of the franchise's obscurity. I am betting on Lip, having a more notable following in the ballot than Balloon Fighter, Prince Sable, and Takamaru to be chosen as this game's retro.
I really don't want to burst your bubble, but with the Lip Stick being an item in Ultimate, I don't think Lip has much of a chance. Although I wouldn't mind to be proven wrong in the slightest, since Lip looks like she'd have an interesting moveset for a puzzle character.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
If he gets in, I hope we get a "Boxer shorts-guy" assist trophy and activating him just drops an item.
We also need all the playable MS characters to be his alts like the Koopalings. Or at least Fio/Tarma/Eri/the Ikari Warriors, we can definitely ignore MS Advance.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I don't think a retro newcomer being from a Japan-only title would stop Sakurai from adding the character, so as long as the character has a notable following in the West and/or East. The high amount of requests for Marth by Japanese fans is what got him in Melee, despite Fire Emblem not being released in the West at the time. Should a Japan-only newcomer be very popular with both the West and East, I think Sakurai would gladly take the opportunity to implement the retro candidate as a fighter. While others currently think that the ballot will help revive old characters from already represented franchises (Geno), dormant/declined franchises (Isaac), and third parties (Banjo & Kazooie), I think that the ballot will heavily influence who gets in as a retro too, with Sakurai doing things that seemed impossible to most. That is why I have been banking on my prediction of Lip as the retro newcomer of Smash Ultimate.

I really don't want to burst your bubble, but with the Lip Stick being an item in Ultimate, I don't think Lip has much of a chance. Although I wouldn't mind to be proven wrong in the slightest, since Lip looks like she'd have an interesting moveset for a puzzle character.
I am well aware, but I do not count that and background characters being deconfirmations personally.
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Deleted member

Guys, this is CLEARLY the best retro rep:

His game was an SNES classic!



Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Ok, so... I just went back to watch Chrom character trailer, and is it just me, or does Chrom's right arm look kinda like a weird fleshy squash?

It honestly looks a bit too small at the base between his upper arm and his wrist. It's most evident when he's charging up "Flare" Blade on Great Bay.
Chrom’s been going through some things ever since he was Falcon Punched to the deconfirmed grave


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
I think tomorrow(Monday) would be the most wise choice to do the Direct for Nintendo.

Tuesday is 9/11 and if they didn't do the Direct because of the Hokkaido earthquake, then they're not going to do the Direct on an equally as tragic date in America.

Wednesday is iffy. Famitsu may be out by then by but maybe they could get it out on Wednesday before Famitsu happens.

Thursday could be the day we're getting it if what the Splatoon 2 datamine suggests is correct, but if that happens then the major news from this Direct is all breaking from Famitsu first.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2018
Gotham City
Switch FC
I don't think a retro newcomer being from a Japan-only title would stop Sakurai from adding the character, so as long as the character has a notable following in the West and/or East. The high amount of requests for Marth by Japanese fans is what got him in Melee, despite Fire Emblem not being released in the West at the time. Should a Japan-only newcomer be very popular with both the West and East, I think Sakurai would gladly take the opportunity to implement the retro candidate as a fighter. While others currently think that the ballot will help revive old characters from already represented franchises (Geno), dormant/declined franchises (Isaac), and third parties (Banjo & Kazooie), I think that the ballot will heavily influence who gets in as a retro too, with Sakurai doing things that seemed impossible to most. That is why I have been banking on my prediction of Lip as the retro newcomer of Smash Ultimate.
Not for nothing this game is called "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate" Sakurai has been adding everyone's most wanted characters and i think that's what he's gonna keep doing until the last DLC character is announced.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Does Paper Mario count as an Intelligent Systems rep?
Pretty much. A stage is in, but no particular character associated with it.

When people talk about retro reps, no one brings up this man
Definitely owed a Smash appearance, seeing as his own series is dormant now. Also, as much of a pipe dream as it is, having the Ikari Warriors + rest of the Peregrine Falcons as alts would be sweet.

If he gets in, I hope we get a "Boxer shorts-guy" assist trophy and activating him just drops an item.
I think one of the supply backpack gals would suit that purpose better, while Hyakutaro Ichimonji (a specific POW guy) snipes people with his energy blasts.

Also, Allen O'Neill as a dual AT/boss is a must.

View attachment 162854
I could see Blaster Master being added if we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for third party retro reps, he's been kind of relevant lately.
Jason's been one of my sleeper wants.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Not for nothing this game is called "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate" Sakurai has been adding everyone's most wanted characters and i think that's what he's gonna keep doing until the last DLC character is announced.
Or for the next 25 years


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
I think tomorrow(Monday) would be the most wise choice to do the Direct for Nintendo.

Tuesday is 9/11 and if they didn't do the Direct because of the Hokkaido earthquake, then they're not going to do the Direct on an equally as tragic date in America.
Guess I gotta say this again.

Super Smash Brothers. Ultimate releases on the Nintendo Switch on December 7th, the date Pearl Harbor was bombed.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
If Nintendo's having a direct on the 11th, it'd be on the 10th in America, where the date actually would matter.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
So if neither Famitsu nor CoroCoro leak any Ultimate info, think there’ll be someone who breaks street date? There’s always gonna be that guy...


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
Nothing else is going on so...
Favorite Smash 4 newcomer?
Greninja and Bowser Jr.

Greninja was my favorite in Pokemon X but I never thought of him for Smash. Cut forward to his trailer and I'm like "oh alright mewtwo's back". Then Greninja shows up and I have a heart attack.

I always wanted Bowser Jr., and I was sad when Rosalina was revealed because I had assumed that lessened his chances. Seeing him in the ESRB Leak also gave me a heart attack. Could you imagine if it never leaked, and I was just playing Smash 3DS when suddenly Bowser Jr. shows up?


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
I think tomorrow(Monday) would be the most wise choice to do the Direct for Nintendo.

Tuesday is 9/11 and if they didn't do the Direct because of the Hokkaido earthquake, then they're not going to do the Direct on an equally as tragic date in America.

Wednesday is iffy. Famitsu may be out by then by but maybe they could get it out on Wednesday before Famitsu happens.

Thursday could be the day we're getting it if what the Splatoon 2 datamine suggests is correct, but if that happens then the major news from this Direct is all breaking from Famitsu first.
>Not doing the Direct on 9/11 because it's an old American tragedy.

Screenshot (38).png

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Next Door Dog

Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2018
If there's one character that I feel like is getting slept on, it is Lloyd Irving.
View attachment 162845
He's the main protagonist of the most popular game (Tales of Symphonia) in a prolific video game series.
He had popularity back in the Brawl days and he might have done well on the Ballot considering we got him as a Mii Costume in the same wave as Chrom and K. Rool.
I can see Lloyd happening and taking a lot of people by surprise.
Honestly he seems to be the 3rd party equivalent to Isaac, it's kind of surprising people don't talk about him more.
Not to mention most of the retro choices are starting to kind of thin because of "No Obscure/Japan-Only"-clause, if Takamaru becoming an Assist again is any indication. It's why I can't see Lip or other Japan-only retros happening in this one. Balloon Fighter meanwhile is bit difficult one due how we already have Villager don his Up B.

This'd probably leave us with likes of Bubbles, Urban Champion, Mach Rider, or heck, Muddy Mole if we need to really create something unique. I might mainly see Bubbles or Mach Rider happening since Urban Champion seems so bland that he might as well become Sakurai's OC if he was given liberties to cover it all up - even then I'd rather have Kunio of River City-series to serve that kind of thing better.

Bubbles I wonder though, she seems based on being always on the move. IDK if that'd translate well on Smash, unless she's super-slippery in movement or something. Mach Rider I'm wondering might have potential to overlap with Captain Falcon, unless he's given something very cool on his arsenal.

I'd love Muddy Mole to be this game's retro through all of this due how perfect he'd fit for the spot and truly be a surprise to many people out there, while bringing the fun and charming tools + digging mechanics seen in his puzzler that was on Gameboy.

Boy though, do I wish Japan-only characters weren't always considered no-nos because some of them would be so cool to see as playable.

Not to say that the NES is tapped dry of characters, but the choices we have are scraping the bottom of the barrel a bit. I see people mention Urban Champion, but is anyone actually a fan of that game? I'm genuinely curious. I'd love to see Mach Rider though, and Bubbles could be a cool AT at least (maybe an overlay similar to the Ghosts AT). But yea, I'd rather see a retro character from GB or SNES. I agree, it's frustrating Japan-only characters aren't considered, since most of the retro gems (or at least series that are explicitly retro) seem to be imports, aside from Muddy Mole. For NES it limits us to the launch titles pretty much, many of which aren't honestly that interesting past a casual glance.

I still think it would be super cool if they added a Japan-only character like Lip or Prince Sable, and a US-only character like Mike Jones.

CJ Falcon

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Not for nothing this game is called "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate" Sakurai has been adding everyone's most wanted characters and i think that's what he's gonna keep doing until the last DLC character is announced.
Can we stop acting like "Ultimate" means anything? Remember that the game's original name is Dairanto Smash Bros. Special. For all we know, the localization team could've just thought that "Ultimate" sounded cool and went with that on a whim.
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