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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
So here's a little game.

Disregard how likely you think the characters are.

Tell us how interested or satisfied you'd be with the character if included.
Incineroar - Not the cat Pokemon at the top of my list, but I've been absolutely sold on his personality and would probably become my most played 'mon.
Ken - I don't particularly care for Street Fighter, but I do prefer Ken to Ryu, so this could give me a chance to have some more fun with the set than I would with just Ryu.
Isabelle - I would feel happy for Isabelle's fans and sad for me, because I would lose because I won't be able to impale her with Ridley's tail in good spirits.
Geno - I don't fully understand the love for Geno even still, maybe I should go and play RPG? I would be happy for his inclusion, but indifferent.
Isaac - Isaac seems cool enough, but like Geno, I'm not invested in his inclusion at all.
Monster Hunter - I've never played Monster Hunter and, like the previous two, not really partial either way.
Lloyd Irving - ^^^
Dixie Kong - Haven't played a DKC game, but I would absolutely love getting both two Metroid and two DK characters.
Impa - A solid addition, would prefer to play her over Sheik tbh
Skull Kid - A very cool choice, would be excited for a proper new Zelda newcomer.
Black Shadow - Tbh at this point would be a bit weird. Obviously the idea is to give a Ganonstyle clone for Falcon but Dorf isn't that different. I'd rather someone like Jody Summer to echo Falcon now.
Bandana Waddle Dee - Hype AF for a new Kirby character, and Waddle Dee I've pushed in some form on every roster.
Ninten - Mother 1 is the only one in the series I haven't played but I'd still be over the moon(side) for Ninten to join.
Diskun - I literally didn't know who this was until right now. It would certainly be... a choice.
Raiden - Eh?
Big Boss - See Above
Shadow - Shadow would be exciting, I would pick him much more than Sonic alone.
Elma - Absolute bliss. The final character I need announced for this game tbh.
Rex and Pyra - A pleasant surprise unless Elma didn't make the cut because of their inclusion.
Jeanne - Total indifference.
Spring Man - He'd be a fun rival for Little Mac and would be an interesting choice, but nothing I'd be super excited over.
Wonder Red - Oh yea, this guy exists. I'd be very surprised with his inclusion, but nothing too much after that.

Thoughts if these characters make the cut?
Agumon - Would be... cool? But I'm not sure it would hype me up very much.
Amaterasu - Amaterasu, on the other hand, would send me to space.
Ayumi Tachibana - Maybe I'm just an idiot but I'm kind of very on board for Ayumi.
Banjo-Kazooie - Uh yes??? Probably screaming???
Black Knight - Very excited.
Chorus Kids - Chorus Kids would be cool, I'd be happy to have them in, but there's another character I'd be more excited for...
Cranky Kong - Like Dixie, would be very ideal to have a second DK character.
Crash Bandicoot - I've never really played a Crash game, and he kind of freaks me out, so... meh?
Decidueye - Cool enough I guess, probably 4th or 5th on my Poke List.
Gardevoir - Gardevoir would probably make me laugh. Cool, but hilarious.
Glass Joe - I think Mac could use a friend, but...
Hades - A little worried, since I'm not a big fan of Palutena's set and Hades is kind of amorphous in terms of fighting abilities.
Heihachi Mishima - I'm more of a Soul Calibur fan.
Kat & Ana - Frustrated that after finally taking them off rosters they would get in, but excited afterwards.
Karate Joe - This is the other RH character that I would prefer.
King Boo - Definite laughter and confusion.
King Hippo - A better choice for another Punch Out but still would leave me wanting.
Medusa - Again, not a big Palutena fan, but Medusa would be okay.
Metal Sonic - Probably the least hype of any potential Sonic echoes.
Mona - Pretty excited for any WarioWare character honestly.
Nightmare - THIS is my kind of fighting game character!
Octoling - A pleasant, if not unexpected, surprise.
Paper Mario - Very nice!
Phosphora - A goofy choice but also probably the KI:U character I'd be most hype for.
Porky Minch - Elated.
Rayman - Not very invested in Rayman, but would be a nice addition to the roster.
Saki Amamiya - Very similar to Kat & Ana's reaction, though wouldn't be particularly excited.
Shantae - Not super emotional of a response.
Sylux - Give more Metroid, I'll never complain!
Toon Zelda - Another one where I'd laugh, but would be very excited for.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Hol up...Toad's the most prominent?
In a world where Paper Mario and Bandana Dee aren't in?
Granted, Toad's way up there, but calling him THE most is a dangerous journey.
No. It really shouldn't be. And honestly I'm not looking to debate it either. But I'm gonna continue to use that language, because Toad is the missing Nintendo All Star of this game, with few others even qualifying for the title under any legacy.


Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2014
No. It really shouldn't be. And honestly I'm not looking to debate it either. But I'm gonna continue to use that language, because Toad is the missing Nintendo All Star of this game, with few others even qualifying for the title under any legacy.
He isn't missing though? If anything he's being treated even more faithfully now with Peach and Daisy. Toad is a royal servant and protector. It makes sense for him to be at Peach's side the whole time where he is quite prominent in the game.


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
I have so little feelings towards almost every single Mario character it's crazy. Luigi, Wario and Daisy are really the exceptions, mainly because they're more emotive and less...stale.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
No. It really shouldn't be. And honestly I'm not looking to debate it either. But I'm gonna continue to use that language, because Toad is the missing Nintendo All Star of this game, with few others even qualifying for the title under any legacy.
Welp I think we're gonna have to completely agree to disagree on this and I wish you best of luck in your Toad wanting endeavors my friend.

Mario doesn't really add many new cast members per game, though. FE Awakening was a series rebirth, and Fates was simply timing. At this point, if you're looking for Mario characters, you'd look at Waluigi, Captain Toad and King Boo as the most likely candidates.
Uhm...why would Waluigi, Captain Toad, or King Boo have any more of a shot than Paper Mario?


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2018
Switch FC
6001 9919 2607
Mario doesn't really add many new cast members per game, though. FE Awakening was a series rebirth, and Fates was simply timing. At this point, if you're looking for Mario characters, you'd look at Waluigi, Captain Toad and King Boo as the most likely candidates.
64: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi
Melee: Dr. Mario, Peach, Bowser
Brawl: Wario
Wii U: Rosalina, Bowser Jr.
Ultimate: Daisy so far.

We can split hairs and remove Yoshi, though he debuted in a Mario game. And Wario, who debuted in Super Mario Land 2.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I'm kinda shocked that I just saw two people say they don't know Raiden. Like, ignoring MGR, Sons of Liberty's twist of Raiden being the main character caused a ruckus over the entire planet right?
Some people are still sore over that.

But, I guess that was kinda the point, MGS2 being the abstract Post-modern piece of bizarre Kojima juice it is.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I'm kinda shocked that I just saw two people say they don't know Raiden. Like, ignoring MGR, Sons of Liberty's twist of Raiden being the main character caused a ruckus over the entire planet right?
Yeah, but you got to remember. Nintendo fans are notoriously sheltered when it comes to non Nintendo games.


Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars
Jun 5, 2013
taco bell, probablyn't
I'm kinda shocked that I just saw two people say they don't know Raiden. Like, ignoring MGR, Sons of Liberty's twist of Raiden being the main character caused a ruckus over the entire planet right?
well I initially wrote up a response to Mortal Kombat Raiden getting in, and then I had a nagging feeling I was forgetting a different Raiden


Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2014
My excuse for not knowing who Raiden is is that I didn't regularly play PlayStation game until the PS4 (still owned every PlayStation console though) and I've since dropped off from that. As a result I've not actually played a Metal Gear game before. Sorry :(
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Welp I think we're gonna have to completely agree to disagree on this and I wish you best of luck in your Toad wanting endeavors my friend.
I guess we are, because there is no value in this conversation for me, and I don't really care to even attempt to persuade others. If you can look at Nintendo history and not see Toad prominently, I don't know what history you see.
But then again, this is being said to someone whose namesake says he thinks Luigi is the number one mario character :joyful::psycho::smash:


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2010
Basically, out of every single Smash Bros franchise, F-Zero is the least loved. Having only one character through the near 20 years its been up. Almost every n64 character got their own newcomer... except for F-Zero. This is also after GX, so Deathborn or Black Shadow would be expected. However, due to poor sales of those games, they never bothered (but then put Lucas in for some reason).

Cut back to now, where Falcon is the only F-Zero racer. There is only one "popular" F-Zero character that could place high on the popularity polls, Black Shadow. However, there's a pattern with Ridley and K.Rool that I think will play out. There's a villian newcomer for each N64 character. Then they get an additional echo. This should mean that Falcon will get Deathborn as a newcomer and Black Shadow as an Echo. I also don't think that Deathborn could ever be a boss as well, since 1. He's small, 2. He's a playable character in F-Zero GX, 3. He's kinda set up to be the main antagonist of F-Zero GX. Also Deathborn was not only considered one of the few F-Zero characters that were "Trophy worthy" but he was Falcon's All Star Mode Hard unlock. Said Smash 4 trophy also states that his status as a threat is still over Black Shadow. While the Smash 4 trophies for F-Zero do contain a weird combined anime/game lore, there is an odd thing for them to suddenly change it like that (unless it really is a localization mistake).

So, I don't think that this is just Sakurai dragging a dead horse out into a race for once, he's actually going to try to feed it hopefully...
Oh okay! I agree on Black Shadow. However, I think he would be all we get in the form of an echo imo.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I have so little feelings towards almost every single Mario character it's crazy. Luigi, Wario and Daisy are really the exceptions, mainly because they're more emotive and less...stale.
You telling me Mario's WAHOO's don't properly convey his inner turmoil over losing his child?

I generally like all Mario characters, they're all so likeable.
except Birdo. they disturb me.
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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I guess we are, because there is no value in this conversation for me, and I don't really care to even attempt to persuade others. If you can look at Nintendo history and not see Toad prominently, I don't know what history you see.
But then again, this is being said to someone whose namesake says he thinks Luigi is the number one mario character :joyful::psycho::smash:
I was trying to be kind my brother...I agree that Toad's cool...
Also she* but it's all good
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Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
You telling me Mario's WAHOO's don't properly convey his inner turmoil over losing his child?

I generally like all Mario characters, they're all so likeable.
except Birdo. they disturb me.
I don't particularly HATE any Mario characters (though people have tested my patience with Waluigi recently), but they're all so boring to me. I don't even know what Mario's personality is supposed to be. Or Peach, and even those that do have some shtick feels plain to me. Wario's really the biggest exception to this as I find him incredibly entertaining and even then he really grew thanks to his own set of games, and he isn't listed with the Mario characters. So if we're going purely by Mario characters by series icon in Smash, Luigi and Daisy are the only 2 that have some shred of personality I can understand and enjoy.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Yeah, but you got to remember. Nintendo fans are notoriously sheltered when it comes to non Nintendo games.
Welp, I feel called out. I want to try to defend myself here, but I didn't even know who Cloud was...

I mean I knew recognized his name, and I knew he was a FF guy, but I didn't actually know what he looked like.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2017
So here's a little game.

Disregard how likely you think the characters are.

Tell us how interested or satisfied you'd be with the character if included.

Monster Hunter
Lloyd Irving
Dixie Kong
Skull Kid
Black Shadow
Bandana Waddle Dee
Big Boss
Rex and Pyra
Spring Man
Wonder Red
not satisfied = 1
somewhat satisfied = 2
satisfied = 3
very satisfied = 4
most satisfied = 5

Incineroar = 4
Ken = 5
Isabelle = 2
Geno = 1
Isaac = 3
Monster Hunter = 2
Lloyd Irving = 3
Dixie Kong = 1
Impa = 3
Skull Kid = 1
Black Shadow = 1
Bandana Waddle Dee = 1
Ninten = 1
Diskun = 1
Raiden = 4
Big Boss = 3
Shadow = 1
Elma = 2
Rex and Pyra = 2
Jeanne = 1
Spring Man = 3
Wonder Red = 2


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Welp, I feel called out. I want to try to defend myself here, but I didn't even know who Cloud was...

I mean I knew recognized his name, and I knew he was a FF guy, but I didn't actually know what he looked like.
You didn't know who Cloud was?
I don't play many games outside Nintendo because they just don't interest me, but even I knew who Cloud was!
And i'm a moron!


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Why do so many people want to see their character in a fake leak? So you can have your hopes needlessly raised only for it to be beaten back down again?


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
He isn't missing though? If anything he's being treated even more faithfully now with Peach and Daisy. Toad is a royal servant and protector. It makes sense for him to be at Peach's side the whole time where he is quite prominent in the game.
Captain Toad is more of a character than Peach. There's a reason Perry the Parasol was axed, and Captain Toad was brought to three different consoles.
One is a unique gameplay that expands on the Mario world. And the other is a sexist attack on mental illness.

I'm kinda shocked that I just saw two people say they don't know Raiden. Like, ignoring MGR, Sons of Liberty's twist of Raiden being the main character caused a ruckus over the entire planet right?
I have never played any Metal Gear Solid games, and honestly its one of the few franchises that I don't even need to ignore, because it does nothing to involve itself in my life. I've never noticed a single trailer TV, never had a single friend tell me they were playing it online, and honestly if Snake never made it into Smash, I wonder if I would even know of it. (Well, I know I would know it from game sales charts... actually... no... I dont ever see it listed in charts either). Sometimes I think the legacy of MGS is all a conspiracy.

... but then again I'm onto hour 39 now.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2018
Incineroar - Most boring choice for a Pokemon Rep, but whatever.
Ken - Indifferent.
Isabelle - Mildly positive.
Geno - Indifferent at the moment, might change after playing Super Mario RPG. But would be happy for his supporters.
Isaac - Indifferent, but would be happy for his supporters.
Monster Hunter - Indifferent, could never get into these games.
Lloyd Irving - happy.
Dixie Kong - extremely happy.
Impa - happy.
Skull Kid - Indifferent.
Black Shadow - Mildly positive.
Bandana Waddle Dee - Very happy.
Ninten - Mildly positive.
Diskun - ???
Raiden - Indifferent.
Big Boss - Indifferent.
Shadow - Happy.
Elma - Mildly positive.
Rex and Pyra - Mildly positive.
Jeanne - Indifferent.
Spring Man - Indifferent.
Wonder Red - Indifferent.

So yeah, Dixie, Waddle Dee, Lloyd and Impa would make me happy. Elma, Rex, Shadow, Ninten, Black Shadow and Isabelle would be cool additions.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Shadow has fangs!? Man, I was a fake fan I guess..
Sonic has fangs, too. STH and 06 are the only games to feature fangs on Shadow but Sonic, however, has had them more often in official art and stuff.

Naoto Ohshima art:

Official Sonic 1 manga:

(Vector on the right, therefore, making this his official debut)

Sonic Adventure (and its downgraded port):


Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
*Meanwhile waiting for Amaterasu to be in any current leak*
There was that one guy who couldn't remember her name and expected us to believe it a while ago right?
My excuse for not knowing who Raiden is is that I didn't regularly play PlayStation game until the PS4 (still owned every PlayStation console though) and I've since dropped off from that. As a result I've not actually played a Metal Gear game before. Sorry :(
I'm not condemning you lol, just surprised, especially as people are all "OMG YES NINTEN I WANT A CHARACTER WHO LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE NESS AND PLAYS LIKE NESS"


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
You didn't know who Cloud was?
I don't play many games outside Nintendo because they just don't interest me, but even I knew who Cloud was!
And i'm a moron!
I'm ashamed to admit it, but yeah. When his Smash trailer was released, I was like "Ooooh, that's the Cloud guy I keep hearing about. Oh and his Final Smash is just Ike's for some reason. That's neat, I guess."

I never had a lot of friends, much less ones outside of my Nintendo bubble.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Yeah, but you got to remember. Nintendo fans are notoriously sheltered when it comes to non Nintendo games.
That's fair. I'd rather read a biology textbook than play a game wherein on first site, it looks like I'm in a war scene. Which immediately makes me disinterested in CoD, MGS, and a host of other prominent (dull, in my eyes) shooting and stealth games.
I was trying to be kind my brother...I agree that Toad's cool...
Also she* but it's all good
Oh you're chilled more than my soul. Nothing I've said tonight has been too serious. I'm much too tired for that.

Yet will I sleep? Yes! But now? No!


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
I don't particularly HATE any Mario characters (though people have tested my patience with Waluigi recently), but they're all so boring to me. I don't even know what Mario's personality is supposed to be. Or Peach, and even those that do have some shtick feels plain to me. Wario's really the biggest exception to this as I find him incredibly entertaining and even then he really grew thanks to his own set of games, and he isn't listed with the Mario characters. So if we're going purely by Mario characters by series icon in Smash, Luigi and Daisy are the only 2 that have some shred of personality I can understand and enjoy.
For Mario’s personality, his big thing seems to be, while he has some minor love interest with Peach and is known for supposedly selflessly running into Bowser’s castles to rescue her, he’s really just the kind of guy who likes running around, exploring, jumping on things, and is easily distracted by any treasure he happens to spot along the way,

Probably one of the few more specific bits of personality exposition in a main series Mario game I can think of is how he reacts to getting letters from Peach in Super Mario 3D Land. He’s just strolling along, gets a letter, then he’s basically like “Oh, crap! That’s right, I have a princess to save, what am I doing?!” and starts freaking out, and then, after the next level, he’s mellow again.
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