Deleted member
My favorite Xenoblade moment is when Shulk says, and I quote, "the Monado cannot hurt beings from the Bionis" and then proceeds to kill all the monsters outside of his Colony with it.
Because not everyone played Xenoblade, you need to convey the proper information. "Enchant" only tells you something is being buffed but not WHAT. Buster and Smash are much more direct because the first means something that destroys/overpower and the other is related to the game's mechanics of KO. It would be bad game design from Sakurai's part because there isn't an ingame description telling you what it does.I don't know if I could stomach Metal Face in XC2 design.
Let alone Fiora's death. I feel like the new artstyle would take away from that.
Why does Smash terms have to take priority than your own series that you're supposed to represent in your own moveset?
Monado Enchant is a literal buff to your strength in XC1. It would be what Buster does. And Buster acts more like Smash in XC1, so I feel like it's just wrapping around the head of it all.