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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I was about to say the same damn thing. He called out Boshi as one of the worst leaked characters EVER
I mean... Is he wrong? After all, Boshi is in the same boat as Geno of only appearing in a single spin-off game, and unlike Geno, he doesn't have the cult following, nor the saving grace of being playable in said spin-off game.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
We gotta find this dude's most wanted and roast him back!
Zinith may be a Yoshi obsessed hyper-fan, but he's our Yoshi obsessed hyper-fan!


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I mean... Is he wrong? After all, Boshi is in the same boat as Geno of only appearing in a single spin-off game, and unlike Geno, he doesn't have the cult following, nor the saving grace of being playable in said spin-off game.
Just because you have a want doesn't meant you predict them to be in.

Boshi is no different to the man.

Billy was only reading the Reddit post.
I was referring to the reddit post username guy
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
I'm not really arguing the attention Lycanroc is getting. I'm just saying that even if the idea for this Lycanroc stuff was conceived as far back as 2 years ago it'd still be too late.
You mean 2016? Isn’t that when the roster was finalized.

I’m just saying that this just adds what seems to be a strong Lycanroc push. It began since Sun and Moon were first introduced with Midday and Midnight and it’s ending strongly with Dusk, and Sakurai most likely would’ve been told about it if he was selecting a Gen 7 Pokémon.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Just because you have a want doesn't meant you predict them to be in.

Boshi is no different to the man.
I'm not saying it's wrong to *want* him in. It's never a bad thing to want a character. But to actually predict him and add him to your "leaks" is pretty stupid.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
You mean 2016? Isn’t that when the roster was finalized.

I’m just saying that this just adds what seems to be a strong Lycanroc push. It began since Sun and Moon were first introduced with Midday and Midnight and it’s ending strongly with Dusk, and Sakurai most likely would’ve been told about it if he was selecting a Gen 7 Pokémon.
I thought the roster was finalized in 2015?


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
This made me realize we don't have a club user on the roster yet.

Granted... Ness has a bat, which is kinda like a club, I guess.
I wish Lucario used his bone rush from Pokken.

Would really sell the "aura" manifestation stuff instead of making him generic martial-arts mon.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Actually, I've never seen Boshi in a "leak." Not once.

And considering my motto, I'd scrutinize even those leaks
Are you sure? I swear I remember seeing him on a 4chan post at least once.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I think a majority of people don't even know Boshi exists. I sure didn't until recently.
I knew of him since I played SMRPG as a kid. That anyone wants him playable in Smash Bros., aside from Zinith that is, is news to me.

This made me realize we don't have a club user on the roster yet.

Granted... Ness has a bat, which is kinda like a club, I guess.
Then people must support Joe & Mac! They were kinda big for Data East back in the day, right? Forgot who owns the rights these days tho.
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Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
The biggest question for echoes rn is how many more we will get
Rn we have :ultdarksamus::ultrichter::ultlucina::ultdarkpit::ultdaisy::ultchrom: for a total of 6
We will most likely get more but how many more? Sakurai made a point to not only say hey we have echoes in this game but also make an option to have them "stack" on their respective character
So the honest question is how many more will we get? 2 more? 6 more?
We CAN sorta guess who is possible because surprisingly the number of chars that could get echoes that make sense and are redundant is really small, that being...
:ultryu: Ken
:ultpalutena: Medusa
:ultvillager: Isabelle
:ultdiddy: Dixie
:ultsonic: Shadow
:ultike: Black Knight

We could also get a repeat of the :ultrichter::ultsimon: situation and get an echo with a newcomer but who knows what will happen. We have no way of knowing but its worth thinking about. Its clear Sakurai still wants this game to FEEL like its getting a ton of newcomers, so echoes are a genius way of going about that.
If anything Im just incredibly curious as to who will end up making it.

My dream team roster additions, if not to satisfy my curiosity. Most of these are some of the most popular partially since being convinced on why they would be good characters or why they'd have a chance (especially over others deconfirmed):


- Dee - Extremely popular in Japan
- Geno- Extremely popular WW, even Sakurai wants the character.
- Pokemon Rep (Hoping for Silvally or anyone but Incineroar tbh)- obvious
- Skull Kid- Has hints to being in the game already (No not chairs)
- Isaac - Popular in the West and has had enjoyed popularity in Japan as well.
- Banjo- popular WW
- Rhythm Heaven Rep- If Gematsu was right, Chrom and this were cut, posing a chance for it here since Chrom is back


- Your 6
- Felix
- Celica (I'm evil ikik)

8 more uniques, 8 more echoes.

In no way do I expect all 16, but I expect about half of them to make it. Just a feeling.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
If Geno is revealed alongside an echo like Simon was... Let's be real it’d be Boshi. Or like IDK Mr. L from Paper Mario?
I feel like if Mr. L was an echo fighter everyone would be pissed except for me because Super Paper Mario is one of my favorite games of all time.
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Aug 3, 2018
Speaking of voices, the hell is up with DK and Bowser sounding like nintendogs?
They should get DK his legendary Mario Kart 64 voice/sound/roar... whatever this is:

No gorillas were harmed during the recording of these sounds... i hope


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2017
Liberty, Missouri
My dream team roster additions, if not to satisfy my curiosity. Most of these are some of the most popular partially since being convinced on why they would be good characters or why they'd have a chance (especially over others deconfirmed):


- Dee - Extremely popular in Japan
- Geno- Extremely popular WW, even Sakurai wants the character.
- Pokemon Rep (Hoping for Silvally or anyone but Incineroar tbh)- obvious
- Skull Kid- Has hints to being in the game already (No not chairs)
- Isaac - Popular in the West and has had enjoyed popularity in Japan as well.
- Banjo- popular WW
- Rhythm Heaven Rep- If Gematsu was right, Chrom and this were cut, posing a chance for it here since Chrom is back


- Your 6
- Felix
- Celica (I'm evil ikik)

8 more uniques, 8 more echoes.

In no way do I expect all 16, but I expect about half of them to make it. Just a feeling.
It is unironically becoming easier to guess characters at this point purely due to the fact we really are running out of possible newcomers that make sense and several characters have been deconfirmed. So I wouldnt be surprised if a few of those make it.

the issue with Celica (As much as I want her) is that her VA straight up said she wasnt working on smash when the imbd thing happened. If she was in then she wouldnt have been allowed to say anything. But who knows.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
If Geno is revealed alongside an echo like Simon was... Let's be real it’d be Boshi. Or like IDK Mr. L from Paper Mario?
I feel like if any character got revealed in a similar way with Castlevania (in that an echo would come with it), it'd probably be Isaac and Felix. Both use the same power and both could theoretically borrow each other's unique ones as well. Maybe I'm just limited in my Nintendo knowledge, but I really don't think there are many more characters like this (maybe other 3rd parties), especially popular ones.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
I thought the roster was finalized in 2015?
It was the first project proposal.

Source Gaming made the mistake where the summarized tweet states it’s the finalized (I feel they did this to make it seem more like they had concrete info to gain more traction), but the direct article translation states it was the first proposal, the roster was most likely finalized around early 2016, the proposal most likely had everyone returning and the statement about how most characters would be from the ballot.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Not really, considering that characters like Reckless Wiimote Guy, Candy Kong and Diskun get supporters.

Yes, I know that I'm supporting Diskun, it's just that his Melee trophy is the one I could never get in that game.
Boshi is more close to MALLOW'S support actually...
I feel like if Mr. L was an echo fighter everyone would be pissed except for me because Super Paper mario is one of my favorite games of all time.
Super Paper Mario is super underrated


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
Not really, considering that characters like Reckless Wiimote Guy, Candy Kong and Diskun get supporters.

Yes, I know that I'm supporting Diskun, it's just that his Melee trophy is the one I could never get in that game.
I would not mind any of those three characters. Diskun especially would be a neat WTF pick.
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Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
It is unironically becoming easier to guess characters at this point purely due to the fact we really are running out of possible newcomers that make sense and several characters have been deconfirmed. So I wouldnt be surprised if a few of those make it.

the issue with Celica (As much as I want her) is that her VA straight up said she wasnt working on smash when the imbd thing happened. If she was in then she wouldnt have been allowed to say anything. But who knows.
Ahh very true. Robin doesn't need an echo anyway lol.

And I agree. This is specifically why I've jumped onto most of these characters (and have grown to like them over the past decade). Granted a Namco rep could also be a factor here too.
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Deleted member

we really are running out of possible newcomers that make sense and several characters have been deconfirmed
I challenged myself to make an 80 character roster. I ran out of legitimate options around 75 characters.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I don't even think Geno is getting in, I definitely don't think Boshi is getting in, especially when there are so many better choices for echoes first.

Impa imo should be top priority echo, Isabelle and Dixie should both be in the game too and echo sounds like the best bet for them.

I think Skull Kid and Bandana Dee are in and our most likely candidates, (admittedly I'm bias for both, but I really think they're in better positions than any other character)

I think we'll probably get a Gen 7 Pokemon, but I don't think that's a guarantee. If we get one, I think it will be Lycanroc or Tapu Koko and I lean more towards Tapu Koko.

Something I don't see many people mention is the oddball character akin to R.O.B. and Duck Hunt. I personally think it will be Diskun as like R.O.B. he wouldn't need a stage to go with him.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2017
Liberty, Missouri
I think a thing people are forgetting tho is like its not like anyone is truly out of left field completely in smash outside of like maybe Cloud, but hes iconic enough to justify his inclusion due to his mark on gaming as a whole. Even the characters that people call "wtf picks" still have some p good reasons as to why they are in.

Ironically the only exception to this at all is actually :ultdarkpit: back in smash 4 lmfao. He was honestly the most "wtf" character in that game. The rest of the newcomers in every smash game all make sense logically and in the greater scheme of nintendo and video games as a whole.

Also its not some rule that we need a wtf pick or a retro pick every game. Or a new poke rep, or whatever. Thats just fan rules weve created at this point. So dont be super shocked if we might not get all of these fan made choices that we seem to be convinced of getting.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2018
Montreal, Canada
Just dropping my expectations for the remaining echoes:

:ultdiddy:/Dixie - There's probably a considerable amount of Ballot support backing her up. Also, the fact that Chrom shares his Up B has put aside my biggest concern about Dixie's chances, being the assumption (that was destroyed by the August direct) that "an echo fighter has to be 1-to-1 to the original". This means that DK's Up B can easily be pasted on to Dixie's Hair Spin ability: then, give her the Gumball Popgun as a Neutral B and she's good to go.
:ultvillager: /Isabelle - Her Assist is currently MIA, and she's arguably the most important Nintendo character that hasn't gotten into Smash as of right now (Toad aside). As for the "pacifist" argument, her facial expressions would just need a slight touch-up to make her look like she's dropping Villager's attacks by accident.
:ultsonic: /Shadow - Obviously, his Assist is MIA as well. And since Richter broke the "3rd parties can't get echoes" fan rule...
:ultryu: /Ken - The OG echo. Historical significance right there.Also, Capcom seems very collaborative with Ultimate (given the Mega Man, Street Fighter and Monster Hunter content already in the game).

I know, I'm playing it pretty safe, but these four just seem to make the most sense ATM.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Minor thing that's worth bringing up because I haven't seen it addressed much yet. This popped up in the Pokémon anime episode yesterday:

They're starting an arc based around Necrozma, and this mural apparently depicts ancient Alolan heroes' encounter with it centuries prior. You know how a lot of stories like to set things up in a way where there's a parallel between the old legends and the current protagonists? Well, they're doing it here, based on the three 'mons on the bottom right there: one each for Ash, Lillie, and Kiawe. These specific three make it highly unlikely that they were chosen at random.

So it's interesting that they're using a Lycanroc to allude to Ash, isn't it? Not a Rowlet, or a member of the Litten line? This seems to be another thing hammering in who his signature 'mon is for Alola.

Which puts us in a weird situation where a rumor is pointing against a character that the big picture keeps pointing toward. What does this mean in the long run? Hard to say just yet, but we should acknowledge it at least, shouldn't we?
Odds are, this won't help Lycanroc by any means. The Dusk form is already hindered by its pure quadrupedal status, and it doesn't have psychic powers to make up for it.
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