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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Apprentice
Feb 26, 2015
Switch FC
BTW, something important everyone seems to forget is that Vergeben said at least six newcomers. Not just six.
Right. He said that after E3. He said a half dozen left. I don't think that counts echos. Since King K Rool and Simon are revealed, that leaves 4 more. So, if everything is true this I who I think will be revealed.

A gen 7 Pokemon character (Incineroar or someone else that's not the Owl or the Dog)
A SE rep (probably Geno) Also, the action figure that Sakurai said a while back.
Skull Kid (from Loz)
Bandana Dee ( from the amiibo data)
Echos: Ken, Isabelle, Shadow, and Dixie

How I think they will be revealed:
September normal direct
October newcomer trailer like how Robin was revealed.
November Smash direct like the 50 fact direct.

Friendly reminder, this is just speculation and like Chrom said "Anything can change".

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I know the more likelycharacter from SE is Geno, people have wanted him for a long time now. It's just Bravely Default is extremely popular in Japan, and Square Snix tease a third part recently in a post about the sucess of Octopath Travaler. There's not better way to promote a series which is exclusive on Nintendo that with a character in smash. The timing seems right

Just speculation though, don't get me wrong Geno fans
I thought we were done with the promotion belief for third parties?

Cloud didn't make it to promote FF7, he made it because he's Cloud.
Simon didn't make it to promote some new Castlevania game, he made it because he's Simon.
Don't wanna be rude at all though, and you raise a good point.
I just feel it's a bit irrelevant this time around.

Right. He said that after E3. He said a half dozen left. I don't think that counts echos. Since King K Rool and Simon are revealed, that leaves 4 more. So, if everything is true this I who I think will be revealed.

A gen 7 Pokemon character (Incineroar or someone else that's not the Owl or the Dog)
A SE rep (probably Geno) Also, the action figure that Sakurai said a while back.
Skull Kid (from Loz)
Bandana Dee ( from the amiibo data)
Echos: Ken, Isabelle, Shadow, and Dixie

How I think they will be revealed:
September normal direct
October newcomer trailer like how Robin was revealed.
November Smash direct like the 50 fact direct.

Friendly reminder, this is just speculation and like Chrom said "Anything can change".
At least a half dozen. That was the point of my post, friend (don't want this to sound rude!)
I wouldn't trust Loz, if I were you. And I believe the amiibo data turned out to be a hoax.
Good list, though.
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Deleted member

I know, right!

This game is going to fill me and other people with so much joy. It already is!

I'm so glad I was born to witness smash evolve as a series. #thankssakurai
This game got me out of my depression when it was revealed. No joke.

Smash evolved into a masterpiece, I tell you.
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Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2014
You know what I mean. To me Nintendo was always a family friendly company and you know young kids play that game. Kids absorb stuff like that, and I know from personal experience that it’s not healthy.
Next thing you're gonna tell me is anime is fake too.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
If Geno is in the game - do you think he is going to be revealed at the very end or will their be a bigger third party reveal at the end


Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2018
Switch FC
Right. He said that after E3. He said a half dozen left. I don't think that counts echos. Since King K Rool and Simon are revealed, that leaves 4 more. So, if everything is true this I who I think will be revealed.

A gen 7 Pokemon character (Incineroar or someone else that's not the Owl or the Dog)
A SE rep (probably Geno) Also, the action figure that Sakurai said a while back.
Skull Kid (from Loz)
Bandana Dee ( from the amiibo data)
Echos: Ken, Isabelle, Shadow, and Dixie

How I think they will be revealed:
September normal direct
October newcomer trailer like how Robin was revealed.
November Smash direct like the 50 fact direct.

Friendly reminder, this is just speculation and like Chrom said "Anything can change".
You missed the point. What they were trying to say is that Vergeben said at least 6 not just a straight six

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
When Simon was being discussed prior to being revealed, was I the only person who often saw people suggest that he have alts of other Belmonts and use their physical abilities to flesh out his moveset because only using whip attacks would be boring? Because after seeing that type of comment so often, I wasn't exactly shocked when Ritcher was revealed, I just assumed other people more invested in Castlevania knew what they were talking about.
Yeah Richter probably wasn't a random "Sakurai pick", the Belmonts are interchangeable gameplay wise and you could have taken from the few specific abilities each of them have to make a composite character while using the various Belmonts as alts to really please the Castlevania fanbase. However it might have been too developmentally-intensive to make playable 3D models of each of the Belmonts, so as a compromise Sakurai went with taking the most popular Belmont after Simon (Richter) and making him an Echo.

I was expecting other Belmonts to show up as alts, so I too wasn't surprised upon seeing Richter, though I wasn't quite expecting him to be an Echo, I thought he was just an alt.
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Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
i feel like bandana dee is basically happening no matter what, he did extremely well in the ballot in japan, and waddle dee in general is really popular. its gonna happen, alongside a new pokemon, i feel it in my very bones


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
If Geno is in the game - do you think he is going to be revealed at the very end or will their be a bigger third party reveal at the end
Personally I think Geno will be the "big finale" so to speak. I think most reveals we get until the last Smash direct will be relatively low tier, like a new Pokemon. Instead of insane hype like Ridley or K Rool.
How would you guys feel if Sephiroth is the second rep?
Indifference. If it was Tifa though? Don't even get me started.


Smash Ace
May 6, 2008
Booing is childish. Bayonetta's fun as a character and fun to play, she just has to be toned down to not be broken. It's still tier list bs and only caring about the competitive scene..like everyone saying 'is it legal' to any stage reveal.

Most of that stuff was just easy to port over into the 3DS Smash, which is what happened with most enemies used. Sakurai also was more familiar with it and didn't have to ask permission or make sure it was represented in a way the IP director approved of since it was him. DK also was currently recovering as a series and Dixie hadn't been revived yet, so there were no good relevant characters to use. It's also kinda part of the bigger Mario Franchise, though not as much as Yoshi or Wario is.

I'm not ****ing on anyone, I'm just annoyed by hearing it overblown like that 'nausea' comment.
First paragraph is subjective. In the end she's a controversial character, because of her "win" and her brokenness.

Yes, the 3ds KI game is the reason. But it being justifiable doesn't make it so that KI has any less representation.

You're saying DK had no good relevant characters. K Rool is seemingly everyone's favorite character right now. He was also a top request since brawl, many years before palutina and dark pit. He's literally less relevant now than he would have been if he got in during brawl, smash 4, or smash 4 dlc

That other guy seemed to actually believe I was physically sick when I said that. Very strange. It's a figure of speech, and it's hyperbole. It means I really don't want to see a ninth FE character from such a small series. It's hardly overblown


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
If Geno is in the game - do you think he is going to be revealed at the very end or will their be a bigger third party reveal at the end
There's no reason to keep him until the end. If they do, it's just a concidence.
If you imply that he topped the polls and they're saving him for a grand reveal, remember that they're sticking with the "bayonetta totally won guys" schtick.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
View attachment 159388
I swear I don’t even know who the damn FE characters are anymore. But isn’t Byleth the guy that was walking around the Castle, is he the protagonist?

If that’s the case then we might get our new blue/green haired swordsman... again, unless he can wield multiple weapons as his main ones.
Yes, that's Byleth. However, he's a sword user and likely the game's avatar. Edelgard is the one doing the trailer voice over. White hair, black clothes, wields an axe in gameplay footage.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 26, 2015
Switch FC
Blue7113 Blue7113 Luigi The President Luigi The President
I forgot that he said it like that. And yes, the amiibo data and the Skull Kid leak could be bogus. I put only a few not to get my hopes up since Sakurai said only a few more are yet to be announced.
Aug 3, 2018
Booing is not a criticism, it's hating on a character for tier list B.S. that likely will be fixed like how Metaknight was fixed.
About as unhealthy as you taking that in a literal sense!

I'll disagree on the booing. She's a lame character to watch, and she was hated by a lot of people on day 1, when everyone saw through the ballot propaganda. People don't like her for both of those reasons. Being vocal about it is a way to express your opinion

3 characters for such a small series is a lot, no matter how we spin it. They also got a ton of love with items, AT, smash run enemies and music, which is what people are talking about when they say KI got too much stuff (not just characters). A more popular series, DK which had just sold like 7 million copies, got a literal fraction of the content, to put that into perspective

I'm happy for most characters too. But acting like all these FE characters isn't excessive, seems a little biased and dishonest. I mean, sakurai himself made similar comments about over saturation. He went ahead and added the corin anyway, but if the creator of the game felt the same way, it's kind of hard to **** on people for having that opinion, isn't it?
I understand your point. Booing is a form of expression. Problem is it's not a very clear and efficient one E.g. if you actually have fair points against Bayo (which is probably the case), don't you agree that booing will not make those arguments heard at all? Booing is a form of expression but it's a mess.

It can be interpreted in so many ways... are we booing the characters, the players, the whole game?

Nothing personnal itsaxelol itsaxelol , i just hope you get my point.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Blue7113 Blue7113 Luigi The President Luigi The President
I forgot that he said it like that. And yes, the amiibo data and the Skull Kid leak could be bogus. I put only a few not to get my hopes up since Sakurai said only a few more are yet to be announced.
She*, all good though!
Sakurai's known for trolling like that and being humble. But he may really mean it this time.
We may just have to wait and see.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
IDK if this has been talked about yet, but Sakurai's most recent Famitsu column leads some more credence to Spirits being a story mode or at least the game having significantly more content than Smash 4.

And it isn’t just the music: Ultimate is jam-packed with all kinds of content. This is a little bit of trivia, but thanks to improvements in compression technology, we were able to fit all this music into the game without sacrificing audio quality in only a quarter of the space it took in Smash for Wii U. It’s like magic!
We heard about a month ago that Ultimate will be about 16 Gb in size, near the same size as Smash 4. A few weeks ago I believe we heard that the size could be larger. Now with this Famitsu column, we have an example of advancing technology allowing for better data compression, and essentially more content for data size.

One of my biggest arguments that a story mode wouldn't happen or Spirits not being anything too significant is that this game's overall content and data size was to be similar to Smash 4's. Now we know that's simply not the case. It probably won't be on the scale of Subspace, but I think it's much more likely that we will get a much more substantial single-player experience than what Smash 4 offered.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
The more i think about it, the more it's looking like there is going to be at least 4 non echo newcomers left


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
So I finally got around to giving Dead Heat Breakers as shot. I was a little bit hesitant to try it out at first since I found the change in setting to be really jarring, but I eventually got over it.

Anyway I just wanted to say that Dillon might be the most relatable character ever. He sleeps all the time, literally never speaks, and only has one nerdy friend (although unlike me people actually think he's cool). It's almost a shame that this game is focusing primarily on popularity as that makes his chances of getting in even lower then they already were. He might have a chance as DLC, but every Dead Heat Breakers didn't do so well, I kind of doubt they'd go with him over someone who'd generate more hype. DLC characters can't come as a part of the whole package like other can, so it's probably harder to sell more obscure ones. Between that and Silvally facing stiff competition with a bunch of other great candidates and Gothitelle it doesn't look like I'll be getting either of my most wanted. Oh well.

Also my amiimal got to be a wolf so I get to pretend to be :ultwolf:. Heheheh.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6766 2698 9475
I thought we were done with the promotion belief for third parties?

Cloud didn't make it to promote FF7, he made it because he's Cloud.
Simon didn't make it to promote some new Castlevania game, he made it because he's Simon.
Don't wanna be rude at all though, and you raise a good point.
I just feel it's a bit irrelevant this time around.
I always thought about Smash as a promotional game, a very subtle one. that's the reason behind my point hahahaha I think Smash did a great favor to series like Earthbound, F-Zero, Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus to be more known and to have people wanting more games. And that's one of the reasons I want Isaac as a playable fighter, because I see it as a way to revive the Golden Sun franquise. Anyways, I get your point! I didn't take it in a bad way :)

although, there was a rumor about a possible revival of the Castlevania series? If that actually happens, Simon inclution would be perfect timing


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
How would you guys feel if Sephiroth is the second rep?
Like he’d be fun but broken. And like someone got confirmed that was nowhere near any of my want lists. I’d prefer if we were getting a second character from final fantasy, not to use the same game that hasn’t been on a Nintendo system.

And I’m nostalgically biased because I prefer six and even just villain to villain, I prefer Kefka.

Psycho world conquering clown is better than Oedipal Bishounen.

General Leo will back me up on this.

That said, I don’t want a second square character to be another final fantasy. Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Trigger, Mario RPG, Secret of Mana, and Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle all have characters I’d rather have than Sephiroth. And most final fantasy reps to be honest. (I could be weak to ones from six, Cecil, or Vivi).

And they own Taito? I didn’t know that.

I want Bub and Bob as my squaresoft rep above all. Honorable Taito mentions for Cooking Mama, Space Invaders, and Lufia.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
Imo a dragon quest character would be pointless. Sakurai doesn't add characters just to "rep" things. Especially for third parties. If no dragon quest character is iconic enough to surpass the series goomba then we're just adding a character to "rep" dragon quest. Characters get in smash on their own merit not just because they happen to be from a popular series.


Smash Ace
Sep 6, 2014
Imo a dragon quest character would be pointless. Sakurai doesn't add characters just to "rep" things. Especially for third parties. If no dragon quest character is iconic enough to surpass the series goomba then we're just adding a character to "rep" dragon quest. Characters get in smash on their own merit not just because they happen to be from a popular series.
The hero from 3 is definitely as iconic as it gets. I could see Sakurai adding Loto too, but honestly the one from 3 is just as recognizable in Japan as the Slime.

Can I get a source for those ballot results?
There is none. People keep mistaking a magazine survey for actual Ballot results. At this point there should be a sticky post stating that we have absolutely zero ballot data, lol
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