Oh not everything always went as smoothly let me tell you! Lots of competition especially between K.Rool and Dixie fans, which pulled me back greatly from the official K.Rool support thread, cause I always felt Dixie is just as deserving and probably needs the support more (I was right). And even back in the Brawl days there where some minor idiots who argued King K.Rool would've been a better addition than Diddy due to... strange reasons. One being another Kong means that Diddy would be a DK clone for example ...

Luckily that wasn't as much of a thing.
Yeah the Diddy supporters where quite eager to jump over to support King K.Rool however. But see, that happens when a popular franchise goes on a hiatus and then even tries to bury it's most beloved characters. Even us DIDDY supporters had it badly with "relevance" seeing as Jungle Beat didn't even had Diddy, but this.
Now compare that to K.Rool's situation, and where he was ballantly replaced with a expy as this...
Luckily for us Diddy supporters, PAON was still around to make games as DK King of Swing and Jungle Climber, giving Diddy his needed roles, plus having lots of "Mario cameo relevance" due to suddenly appearing in Mario Kart Double Dash, Mario Tennis & Golf for GameCube, and all that.
It's been a rough ride, but am seeing this through till Dixie at the very least enters Ultimate.