I think it'll be interesting to see what happens in terms of what leaks get killed Wednesday.
While I realize Vergeben isn't well liked around this parts (rightfully so, but not to the extent that people are namecalling), I think it'll be interesting to see what becomes of his information after tomorrow.
For example, if we get Simon I think it absolutely lends credibility to him. Very few people considered Simon as a likely Smash choice. However, I'm sure he'll be considered a "lucky guess". Really I think Vergeben should be treated just like Gematsu until we see something wrong. Personally, I think he got legit information for the first reveal with Ridley, Snake, and everything else he predicted.
Isabelle I think, despite having my reservations about her, is a safe pick because Animal Crossing is considered "likely" to get a newcomer in some capacity.
Here are the things that will give him credibility, or pretty much kill his credibility. To be honest though, I think it's a leak by leak basis with him.
1. If we get Lycanroc, Mimikyu, or Decidueye as a Pokemon newcomer. This will destroy him. If we get somebody that
isn't those 3 and it's from Gen 7, he lives.
2. If we get a character that wasn't previously mentioned (I'm hoping for this), it does nothing to his credibility. Some of you may question this, but just because he doesn't have that information doesn't mean he's a fraud. It simply echoes similarities to Gematsu, in that some information was not included or wasn't given to him.
I still think it's best to approach any leaks with caution, but to also not instantly cast them off as fraudulent. I just hope we get a clearer picture of what the roster direction is looking like.
Smashboards reaction when Celica is revealed as a newcomer and Chrom as an echo: