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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Personally, I like the idea of Elma having Smashes that are either sword swipes or energy projectiles depending on an enemy's proximity, similar to Ryu's Final Smash.

I like the idea of switching specials to be given to King. K Rool as a costume change Down B that cycles the other B moves.


Smash Apprentice
May 12, 2009
I think if there's anything Smash-related in a 3DS direct, it probably will be a Smash Ultimate Controller app for 3DS, lol
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
It doesn't take a leak to anticipate Heihachi being revealed during EVO 2018.
It kinda does

...I still want Scorpion instead though
I think if there's anything Smash-related in a 3DS direct at all, it's probably will be a Smash Ultimate Controller app for 3DS, lol
They could make one for Android, IOS, and the Wii U gamepad while they’re at it (none very comfortable compared to a GameCube, Joy-Cons, and Pro Controllers of course...or even a Wiimote)


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
I have a newer game, rank popular wanted characters for Smash Bros on how much of a chance that you personally think they have. This is probably going to lead to heated things, but screw it.

King K. Rool: (Very Likely) He's the new generation's Ridley. The well beloved big antagonistic Rival to the main character. He's big, mean, and would definitely be a nice thing to see in Smash

Ashley: (Rare) While Ashley has a lot of following, the character doesn't really hold enough Star Power for her to be included in Smash. The inclusion of her own assist trophy is notable in her list of achievements, but so did Takamura and Waluigi...

Geno: (Plausible) Geno has been widely asked for ever after Brawl came out, I'd honestly be super ecstatic if he did make it in here because he's the posterboy for wanted Smash Characters. With his costume in Smash 4, it seems like Nintendo knows all about this. I'm hoping that he'd at least be DLC.

Black Shadow: (Rare [For new Character]) (Likely [ For Echo]) Not a popular character overall, but he is the biggest pick out of all of the F-Zero characters for his "Ridley" factor. While not being a huge threat to Falcon (even being humiliated by my boi Deathborn in GX), he is an iconic rival to the racer... which could make him a good echo.

Simon Belmont: (Very Likely) His reasoning kinda follows the DLC fighter's reasonings... He's the MC of a popular Konami franchise. He's also the most well known outside of Alucard or the recently popular Trevor. There's also well backed leakers who are saying that he may be included, so there's a chance that may be true.

Elma: (Plausible) While not a MC of Xenoblade X, she is a popular character from that game. Though a 3rd Party side character has never entered Smash Before, I think that Elma wouldn't be a bad start.

DOOM Slayer: (Rare) DOOM Slayer is too western for the tastes of Smash, he is too American for this game. However, he's the most popular western video game character there is. He's got a lot of credinetlas and charm to him... And let's be real here... you really want to see Mario get a chainsaw to the face..

Isabell: (Plausible) Out of everyone here... she seems to have the least amount of moveset potential... I mean, they could flub it, but it's not fitting to her character. I do think she would be better off as an assist trophy, but leaks have said she would be in... so there's a gathering towards her.

Eggman: (Plausible) While he is very low on lists... I think if there was ever a 3rd Party non MC in Smash... It would be him. His mechs could provide an interesting new creation for Smash Bros, using moves from classic and modern boss battles.

Marx: (Plausible) Marx would be cool and honestly I have a soft sport for him... But he's kind of overshadowed by the appeal for Bandana Dee instead... Which is kind of like asking for Blue Toad from NSMBWii.

Bandana Dee:(Somewhat Plausible) While the most revered, he's kind of the Blue Toad of the kirby games. He's not meant to be memorable, but rather a generic 4th player. Star Power is kind of a thing when it comes to Smash

Rayman:(Very Plausible) Ubisoft and Nintendo are getting tighter... and Ubisoft did also create a Rayman model for Smash 4... so I bet that there's some chance of him being in... but then again... no leaks are talking about him...
I'll give it a shot

Almost Guarenteed:

King K Rool - Did super well on the ballot most likely. More popular than Ridley due to worldwide love and got a Mii costume

Rhythm Heaven rep - planned for smash 4 and is the next biggest unrepresented franchise. It was the only series to get a smash run enemy besides the ice climbers that wasn't playable. They also have so much potential and a rhythm gimmick. Sakurai likes those.

Very likely:

Bandana Dee - popular worldwide (especially Japan) and most likely placed high in the ballot. A spear user (unique) and could be easy to implement (based on kirby's model).

Elma - Nintendo seems to be pushing Xenoblade and I wouldn't be surprised if Elma got in to help promote the series. Her game came out right in time for smash.

Ashley - Nintnedo is pushing Ashely HARD. With all the badges, themes, and cameos she's had, it only makes sense for the next step to be smash bros. Her missing assist trophy only raises suspicion further.

Decent chance:

Gen 7 rep - I don't have complete confidence a Pokemon rep will get in this time around. There are already many Pokemon and Sakurai may not want to add another. It's still likely one might get in however

Dixie - I don't think Dixie will be an echo, although she could be a semi clone or even completely unique. I'm putting Dixie here because she really wouldn't be that hard to develope. A lot of Diddy's animations, attacks, and even his model can used for Dixie. I feel like it would be a bit like a wolf situation where he was chosen due to similarities with Fox and Falco and was therefor easier to develop. She would probably be low priority though

Simon - He wouldn't be up here if it weren't for Vergeben, but the presence of Konami assist trophies makes his inclusion more possible

Isabelle - Even if she's not an echo I think she's still got a shot. Also Vergeben

Not too likely:
Geno - as much as I like Geno, he's a third party and I don't see many of those making into the base game due to all the third party characters that had to bring back. He's more likely as DLC

Fire Emblem character - We could always get a character from Echoes, but I think Sakurai considers Corrin this game's FE rep. With the backlash against FE characters as well, I don't see it happening

Captain Toad - While his presence in peach's move set doesn't disconfirm him, it does lower his chances. He just doesn't seem popular enough.

Rayman - I feel only one more third party is making it base game, and it's likely Simon. He's the next in line though and possible DLC

New Zelda rep - I want a lot of new Zelda characters, but we already have the main line up and no one really stands out beside Impa and Tingle.

Isaac - His series his dead. It's possible he did decent in the ballot, but I doubt it

Chibi Robo/other obscure Nintendo franchises - too obscure

Other third parties - possible I guess, but not likely

Gengar - I doubt he's even on the radar

Tails - possible I guess

Springman/Rex and Pyra/ Laboman - too new

Indies - besides maybe Steve very unlikely

These will be listed from most likely to least likely:
Dark Samus
Black shadow

I don't remember if there were any other big contenders.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
It kinda does

...I still want Scorpion instead though

They could make one for Android, IOS, and the Wii U gamepad while they’re at it (none very comfortable compared to a GameCube, Joy-Cons, and Pro Controllers of course...or even a Wiimote)
Tbh Id rather have Terry Bogard, Scorpion or Yoshimitsu(for Tekken and SC) than Heihachi but I could see it happening
Next thing we know, everyone loses because they'd reveal Akira, which no one expects.


Smash Legend
Apr 8, 2015
The Metaverse
Switch FC
Viridi is my top pick for another KI character, if we're going to get anyone from the series next, it WILL be her, not Medusa, not Hades, her.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
I like Tekken and Heihachi is probably one of my favorite characters from the franchise, but I wouldn't like to have him in Smash, I don't know why, is just... it doesn't seem to be a franchise or character that are connected to Nintendo or are that big to deserve to be in Smash.
I can understand Bayonetta because it mostly has become a Nintendo Franchise, but Tekken? eehhh... I don't see it.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2007
Personally, I like the idea of Elma having Smashes that are either sword swipes or energy projectiles depending on an enemy's proximity, similar to Ryu's Final Smash.

I like the idea of switching specials to be given to King. K Rool as a costume change Down B that cycles the other B moves.
That Elma idea sounds imbalanced as hell. Smashes for the most part are supposed to be high risk, high reward attacks that a player shouldn't be able to throw out haphazardly. Why does she randomly get to have extra projectiles on her A moves while still getting to fare well up close unlike Megaman?


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Viridi is my top pick for another KI character, if we're going to get anyone from the series next, it WILL be her, not Medusa, not Hades, her.
ok sakurai

I like Tekken and Heihachi is probably one of my favorite characters from the franchise, but I wouldn't like to have him in Smash, I don't know why, is just... it doesn't seem to be a franchise or character that are connected to Nintendo or are that big to deserve to be in Smash.
I can understand Bayonetta because it mostly has become a Nintendo Franchise, but Tekken? eehhh... I don't see it.
No, the other FF games don't count. SPECIFICALLY Final Fantasy VII is supported in Smash. Not 1-6 or 8-15, just 7.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Viridi is my top pick for another KI character, if we're going to get anyone from the series next, it WILL be her, not Medusa, not Hades, her.
Viridi will be too op...and will need nothing but buffs galore (also she’s the only top living pick to join Smash as a KI rep)
I like Tekken and Heihachi is probably one of my favorite characters from the franchise, but I wouldn't like to have him in Smash, I don't know why, is just... it doesn't seem to be a franchise or character that are connected to Nintendo or are that big to deserve to be in Smash.
I can understand Bayonetta because it mostly has become a Nintendo Franchise, but Tekken? eehhh... I don't see it.
Tekken trying to pull a Final Fantasy on us all (only instead of leaving Nintendo, they just don’t do much for them...unlike the legendary Street Fighter)


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
I like Tekken and Heihachi is probably one of my favorite characters from the franchise, but I wouldn't like to have him in Smash, I don't know why, is just... it doesn't seem to be a franchise or character that are connected to Nintendo or are that big to deserve to be in Smash.
I can understand Bayonetta because it mostly has become a Nintendo Franchise, but Tekken? eehhh... I don't see it.
Well, the Tekken series had many of its titles as a Playstation exclusive at first, but it did have a game out on the Game Boy Advance which was then followed by Tekken 3D: Prime Edition for the 3DS and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 which came onto the Wii-U.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Atm my most hoped for characters are
> Fossil Fighter
> Medusa, even if as an echo
> Shantae

I really hope that these 3 get in or hecc even just one of them. Im really thirsty for more info for Smush

Also I hope they dont reveal EVERYONE before the game drops. Itll be great if while unlocking chars we run into chars that are wanted but were never shown
That'd be utterly fantastic, since I can never avoid getting spoiled in regards to Smash.

Also, great picks there.

Viridi would just kill him. Only one person is trusting enough to watch over the Reset Bombs
Nothing like an imposing stone golem with red eyes to scare everybody out of playing that stage.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
Here's another request from the guy who's having me help with his fan game, so today's Moveset is Patrick!

Patrick Moveset

Spongebob's best bud in all of Bikini Bottom, the one and only Patrick star is ready to put the 'u' in stupid (and maybe the 'i' too...). Not only does Patrick use the plethora of power ups from the games, but he also makes full utilization of his tricks and moments of wisdom from the show. Patrick's ready to shine as the star of the show (literally)!

There's no hiding that Patrick's got a bit of a belly, so there's no surprise he's a heavyweight. Patrick is one of the heaviest characters in the game, with overall weight comparable to Ganondorf's in Smash 4. However, Patrick's speed is pretty quick given his weight, falling just above average on the speed scale. Patrick's jump height is decent, meaning he shouldn't have too much issue with recovering. Patrick also has a crawl, although it is veerryyyyyy slow, making its application in battle limited.


Neutral Special: Belly Flop- Patrick's signature move from 'Battle for Bikini Bottom'. If the move is used while grounded, Patrick will leap up in the air and slam back to the ground with a massive shockwave, causing damage all around him. If used in midair, Patrick will stop where he is and slam downwards, having a meteor effect. Be careful,
though, as Patrick can't cancel the move once he starts it unless he's hit.

Side Special: Patrick's Chocolate- Patrick slings out a chocolate bar recovery item from his pocket onto the battlefield, with which he can do one of two things with. For one, Patrick can simply pick up the chocolate to regain around 4% of health. Alternatively, Patrick can wait and let the opponent regain health from the item. If they do, Patrick will automatically enter an enraged state and rush towards the opponent at a lightning-fast speed, causing major damage if he hits them. Note that either way the move will have a 10 second cooldown, signified by either chocolate being off Patrick's face if he takes the chocolate, or him calming down if the opponent takes it. No matter what your choice is, this move could change the course of the battle if used correctly.

Up Special: Wumbo Rainbow- When using the move, Patrick will instantly be wearing the cape from his superhero get-up in 'Spongebob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab' and fly upwards at a diagonal angle. The move travels quite a long distance, but Patrick himself deals very little damage. However, starting from where he initiates the move to where he ends up, Patrick will leave a trail of three large words saying 'WUMBO', with an electric aura around them. The words deal considerable electric damage, and makes the attack both a great recovery and decently powerful as well.

Down Special: Nap Time- This move allows Patrick to heal some health if used correctly. Once used, Patrick will lay down and begin to sleep. Once he's been asleep for at least 3 seconds, Patrick will begin to heal health, starting at 2% per second and gradually becoming more the longer he is out. The move can't be used in the air, but it can be cancelled at will, meaning the move should only be used when Patrick is far out of harm's way.


Jab: Patrick alternates in thrusting the opponent with his two stubby arms.

F-Tilt: Patrick puffs his belly out at the opponent, like his attack from 'Battle for Bikini Bottom'.

U-Tilt: Patrick spins around and raises on his tippy-stubs to hit the opponent with his pointy head, dealing damage.

D-Tilt: Patrick gives a small kick to the ground at an angle, dealing minimal damage.

Dash Attack: Patrick attempts to belly-bash the opponent only to slip and fall on the opponent at full-force. Similar to King Dedede's dash attack from smash 4.


F-Smash: One of his most bizarre moves, while charging, Patrick receives a call asking 'Is this the Krusty Krab?'. Once he releases the attack, Patrick yells 'NO, THIS IS PATRICK!' before slamming the phone down with incredible strength, dealing major damage. If the move isn't given much charge time, the dialogue won't be said.

U-Smash: A pile of sand appears in front of Patrick so he can make a sand castle. Patrick attempts to dig up some sand using a play shovel only for it to get stuck while the attack is charging. Once he releases the attack, the shovel finally gives and the tremendous force of his efforts causes the sand to fly far up in the air and deal damage.

D-Smash: The see-saw board from 'Battle for Bikini Bottom' appears with a watermelon weighing down one side. After releasing the attack, Patrick leaps a distance up in the air and falls onto the higher side of the see-saw, causing the watermelon to fling towards the opposite direction that Patrick initially started the attack. The watermelon deals massive damage, but is very difficult to land due to the awkward setup of the attack and the fact the watermelon will hardly cover any distance if the attack isn't charged.


N-Air: Patrick faces the foreground and rapidly spins in circles with his limbs outstretched. The sweet spot of the attack is Patrick's head.

F-Air: Patrick chops his stub arm down-wards in midair, having a slight spike effect.

U-Air: A Jellyfish appears above Patrick, who attempts to foolishly grab it with his bare stubs. This causes the Jellyfish to zap Patrick in defense, making Patrick's entire body a hitbox during the course of the attack. The move deals quite a lot of electric damage to opponents, but also deals roughly 5% of recoil damage to Patrick, making it risky to use.

D-Air: Patrick slams his stub feet downwards to hit the enemy, having a fatal meteor Smash effect if opponents are caught beneath it.

B-Air: Like in the show, Patrick's pointy head will become deflated and flop downward on his face. The rush of air from Patrick's now hole of a head will cause him to fly backwards in midair, causing damage to opponents. The distance Patrick covers helps his recovery as well. Once the move is over, Patrick's head will refill with air and return to normal.

Grab/Pummel: For his grab, Patrick simply reaches forward to snatch opponents. In Pummel, Patrick wears a large Kah-rah-tae hand mitt and repeatedly chops opponent with it.

Throws: Forward throw has Patrick give a deeeeep breath before bouncing opponent away with a big belly burst. Back throw has Patrick leap in the air slightly before slinging opponent in between his legs and behind him. Up throw has Patrick attach a balloon to the foe before letting them fly up in the air. The balloon then bursts and the opponent drops back to the ground. The attack doesn't actually do any damage, but is excellent for starting combos. Down throw sees Patrick drop onto opponents to deal damage with his belly, deals significant damage.

Final Smash: Rock 'n' Roll- A final Smash as simple and lazy as Patrick himself, once the attack activates, Patrick's rock home drops from the sky and surrounds Patrick. For its 20 second duration, Patrick is completely invulnerable to all forms of attack, and is free to very slowly move around and hit opponents. Every time he touches an opponent, it deals massive damage and has a guaranteed meteor Smash effect. However, Patrick can only jump once while under the rock, and even then it is a very, VERY short jump. This means if the attack is used offstage for whatever reason, there will be absolutely no saving yourself. Once the 20 seconds is up, the rock will return to the sky and return Patrick to normal.

Taunts: Up Taunt has Patrick literally take off part of his pointy head, blow the dust off of the inside of it, then put it right back on. Side Taunt has the 'Clam Kid' that Patrick and Spongebob raise in an earlier episode appear, fly around and chirp for a moment, and then disappear. Down Taunt has Patrick pull out 'The Box', look inside and give a mischievous laugh and grimace, before closing it and putting it away.

Alts: 7 of Patrick's alts are simple color swaps, in which the pink Stafish's shorts change in color and pattern. Patrick does have one special alt in which he matches Spongebob's shorts, wears a tie and has a Krusty Krab official hat on.

Stage: Jellyfish Fields- A relatively basic stage, this stage is a decently-sized grassy plain with a large, purple rock structure on the right side. Periodically, Jellyfish of different types and sizes will enter the area and act as a hazard for players, with them leaving after enough time has passed. Overall a pretty basic stage that shouldn't cause too many issues for fighters.

Poseidome title: "The 'Star' of the Show"

It seems I've become a sort of full-fledged designer for this fan game, so the next several days will be requests from him. In fact tomorrow's will be a stage design (a first for me), and then another cartoon character. Hope people understand that I'm not saying nor predicting that cartoon characters be in Smash, I feel the opposite, but this is for a fan game and it's fun so I'm doing them. Hope people like them regardless!


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
No, the other FF games don't count. SPECIFICALLY Final Fantasy VII is supported in Smash. Not 1-6 or 8-15, just 7.
Why the other FF games wouldn't count? they added Cloud because he is the most popular FF character and is pretty much the mascot of FF, but FF have a history with Nintendo.
As much as I would love them to add Terra from FF6, It just makes more sense to add Cloud.
Also, Tekken is a very popular franchise, but is not as legendary as Final Fantasy.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Why the other FF games wouldn't count? they added Cloud because he is the most popular FF character and is pretty much the mascot of FF, but FF have a history with Nintendo.
As much as I would love them to add Terra from FF6, It just makes more sense to add Cloud.
Because this is the logo used to represent Final Fantasy on the Smash website.

Simple as that. Tifa for Smash.
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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Okay, how did that go? Skull Kid would be cool. But I still prefer Impa. I think both could easily make it, and warrant inclusion btw.
It was pretty positive. We haven't seen his AT yet, so he's a possibility. Most people agreed that, like Midna, although he was a "one-off character" (at least in regards to wielding Majora's Mask), his strength of character was so good that it's made him memorable all these years later, and has retained his popularity.

Some people pointed out as well that, although he's most well-known for his appearance in Majora's Mask, he actually does appear in Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess as well, so you can see him as a "recurring character" just using his Majora's Mask appearance as his most notable and where his moves come from.

Another person pointed out that the "project plan" development for Smash Ultimate would have coincided with the release of Majora's Mask 3D. Some people also claimed that the "Majora's Mask" object itself is a widely remembered symbol of the Zelda series, right after the Triforce and the Master Sword.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
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Smash Legend
Apr 8, 2015
The Metaverse
Switch FC
So apparently Windy Hill is rumored to return for Ultimate and if it does... I'll be incredibly confused.

Lost World didn't exactly do as well as SEGA hoped, and since it doesn't have the best reputation either, I feel Windy Hill is best left forgotten.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Supposedly a bunch of 3DS videos were removed from Nintendos youtube channel.
Could be something.
Could be nothing.
Could be Ashley.
That's not quite right.

There's ~15 new Private Videos listed on Nintendo's official youtube channel, under the Nintendo 3DS playlist.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
If they were going to use more Final Fantasy characters outside of FF7 they would have used a generic Final Fantasy logo from the start.
Not necessarily.
Can't imagine it's too hard to swap logos down the line.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Not necessarily.
Can't imagine it's too hard to swap logos down the line.
I don't think anyone would have thought anything of it if the logo was just "Final Fantasy" (in the FF logo text) with no bells and whistles.

There's no reason to think it's a long con or something.
I coulda sworn they were removed...
Ah well, i'll edit my post.
Nah, they're still there.
EDIT: Probably something.
Probably not Smash. Except some kind of 3DS controller app.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Terry Bogard, huh?
Just gonna... leave this here...
Please don't tell me that Miss X will be an actual woman this time. It's not like they're exactly hurting for heroines to add in this game without resorting to this.

If I were to pick an SNK rep for Smash Bros, my choice would preferably Terry Bogard.
I would go for Marco Rossi myself, so that Metal Slug can actually get traction again...


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
I don't think anyone would have thought anything of it if the logo was just "Final Fantasy" (in the FF logo text) with no bells and whistles.

There's no reason to think it's a long con or something.

Nah, they're still there.
EDIT: Probably something.
Probably not Smash. Except some kind of 3DS controller app.
Wario Ware gold DLC confirmed!

Nah just kidding...That'd be nice though.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I don't think anyone would have thought anything of it if the logo was just "Final Fantasy" (in the FF logo text) with no bells and whistles.

There's no reason to think it's a long con or something..
Long con, no, but I can see them morphing the logo during a reveal video specifically to introduce another Final Fantasy character.
Hype generating is not complicated. You wouldn't have as much leverage if things like this didn't exist.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Nothing like an imposing stone golem with red eyes to scare everybody out of playing that stage.
Not to mention how adorable of a killer he is
So apparently Windy Hill is rumored to return for Ultimate and if it does... I'll be incredibly confused.

Lost World didn't exactly do as well as SEGA hoped, and since it doesn't have the best reputation either, I feel Windy Hill is best left forgotten.
What we need is a Mania or Forces stage for a 2nd Sonic stage...or a 3rd stage if they bring Windy Hill back
ok sakurai
All Hail Daddy Sakurai for Viridi...plus she’s Viridi
Because this is the logo used to represent Final Fantasy on the Smash website.

Simple as that. Tifa for Smash.
Helps that FF7 is the most popular game in the series and how he was choose. Due to being the most well known FF character to rep the entire series...Tifa >

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
So uh

The videos they made private? They were older videos. Newer ones are at the top of a playlist. So they’re probably just rearranging things
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