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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Legend
Apr 8, 2015
Nowhere important
Switch FC
But yeah, the reason why I could see it being Bandana Dee is because a lot of people don’t tend to agree on him, there’s the whole Goomba with a hat argument, there’s the whole thing with there being too many Kirby characters, it’s just so divided.

It’s unfortunate, but it’s reality.

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
At least Ultimate's current showcase of newcomers doesn't seem as crazy ATM, Ridley's more on the conventional side if you ask me. Inkling feels more Sm4sh-esque gimmicky character meanwhile.
Yeah I'm happy to see Ridley looks like a more conventionally-designed character and that Sakurai didn't try forcing some gimmick onto him, such as the frequently suggested "reverse Little Mac", "giant character" , and "playable boss" I seen thrown around often.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Speaking of Celica though, someone should bump her support thread. I dont want to double post.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
They put a silhouette of a Fortnite character for the banner. Like what?

Anyways, a character that isn’t discussed as much is a possible Rhythm Heaven Rep. It’s one of Nintendo’s ongoing series that still doesn’t have a character, not to mention Megamix released in 2015, the prime time where Sakurai would be looking for characters.

Though to any of you guys that support a Rhythm Heaven character, do you guys think that it will be the Chrous Kids? I know it’s speculated that they probably were planned but do you guys consider the possibility of it being another character?

The character I see a lot of people giving flack for is Tibby since he was the protagonist of Megamix.
I personally want the Rhythm Heaven rep to be Chorus Kids, but it could really be a lot of characters. I think them being the chorus kids helps them as they could use their voices as attacks and help show the game they come from is based around music and rhythm. The chorus kids' species is prominent in rhythm heaven so I could see that as another reason. There's really no telling who Sakurai would pick, although I really do not want Karate Joe. I'd rather have a character that's just as unique and quirky as Rhythm Heaven itself.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2018
Though to any of you guys that support a Rhythm Heaven character, do you guys think that it will be the Chrous Kids? I know it’s speculated that they probably were planned but do you guys consider the possibility of it being another character?
While I quite enjoyed Rhythm Heaven (DS) and Rhythm Heaven Fever, I have not played the original GBA game or Megamix. When I brought up Chorus Kids potentially being in Smash Ultimate to a friend of mine who is deep into the Rhythm heaven series (who did not know about the Gematsu leak), he said that if any Rhythm Heaven character were to get into Smash, it would be Karate Joe, due to being popular as well as appearing in every game in the series.

So, that's one viewpoint of a big Rhythm Heaven fan who does not keep up with Smash leaks / speculation at all.


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
Ok here's something I wanted to ask because I was interested in people's opinions.

What's one character you think is very likely but is rarely talked about/isn't thought of as likely?

And what's one character you think isn't likely but is discussed a lot/considered likely?

Here's mine -

Impa - I'd say Mimikyu, but it gets pretty discussed here. On the other hand Impa is practically a guarantee for an echo spot and she rarely gets brought up when we talk about echoes (which as everyone likes to complain about, happens a lot). It's surprising with how generally popular she is. I wonder, is it because everyone thinks she's likely that people don't bother discussing it? She's the most likely echo fighter for me.

Elma - Despite the fact that a Xenoblade 2 rep seems less likely, I didn't jump on the Elma bandwagon. I really don't think Sakurai would have thought Xenoblade needed another rep in late 2015, nor would I think he would've picked Elma. I never thought she was a likely option before and I definitely don't now. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like playing as her or having her on the roster. Personally I just don't see us getting any Xenoblade character in the base roster.
Rhythm Heaven character. I hardly see them be talked about even though I think their inclusion is very likely. Them along with Chrom have a very good shot in my opinion.

Debated between K. Rool and Geno but I'll just go Geno. People's main reason they think he'll get in is because Sakurai commented on him saying he'd like him in but the same thing happened with Takamaru and he's still an assist. I think C. Toad and Paper Mario are the more likely Mario Newcomers if we were to have them.
What would your reaction be if Celica actually ends up as a playable character?
Bummed if it's just her and not Alm to go along with.
While I quite enjoyed Rhythm Heaven (DS) and Rhythm Heaven Fever, I have not played the original GBA game or Megamix. When I brought up Chorus Kids potentially being in Smash Ultimate to a friend of mine who is deep into the Rhythm heaven series (who did not know about the Gematsu leak), he said that if any Rhythm Heaven character were to get into Smash, it would be Karate Joe, due to being popular as well as appearing in every game in the series.

So, that's one viewpoint of a big Rhythm Heaven fan who does not keep up with Smash leaks / speculation at all.
After reconsideration (I was bouncing between Chorus Kids and Karate Joe) I actually think Tibby will be the Rhythm Heaven rep if we were to get one. Megamix was released around the time the project plan of ultimate started and he's the only protagonist to actually have story importance around him. I think he'd be a cool character.
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Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
I'd say Shadow or Tails would fit the controversial category.

A 3rd party series getting a 2nd rep is controversial itself. But Sonic itself is just a magnet for toxicity. Shadow himself is still the most controversial Sonic character in the franchise. And you have fans of other Sega franchises that think Sonic is being shilled too much by Sega who would rather want Puyo Puyo, Shenmue, NIGHTs etc have a playable character instead(myself included).


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
If you already leaked a couple characters, why be shy on a third, no matter how "controversial" it is.

I'm guessing it's another FE character, and people will get real salted up when they see them. Except Opossum Opossum . It might his boy's time to shine. Or Celica.
Actually I wouldn't be bothered by another FE newcomer. In fact, when Corrin was revealed, I reacted with this gif.
I'll probably do the same if another gets in.
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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I ****ing still want Hector in Smash. And I'll gladly take any other Fire Emblem rep too. I love that stupid series.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC

Who is a newcomer you want but expect will have a play style you won't like?
K. Rool, he's the most glaring omission at this point imo, but it really is mostly for his fanbase that I want him in. I don't mind big characters at all, but I really struggle with a lack of mobility, especially in the air, and I'm pretty sure K. Rool would be Bowser/Dedede-esque in this regard, if not even worse, and I'm absolutely dreadful with them. There's also a chance that he'll be a projectile heavy/zoner character, and for the most part I do prefer being able to be as aggressive as possible.

Despite that he's still the newcomer I hope the most for, he's certainly not someone I think I'll play as in a competitive environment, but his inclusion would symbolize a lot of great things imo. The Ridley and K. Rool fanbases have also been pretty tight throughout the years, so it'd be fantastic if our friends on the other side could also make the leap.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
If anyone has a screencap of Vergeben mentioning his unknown character is controversial, please post it.
Idk where anyone got this. He said he only knew of Simon and that he wasn’t sure of anyone else.

Though, if he does verify the entire roster, he’s going to leak it. I don’t want that to happen, leaks are no fun sometimes.
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Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
What would your reaction be if Celica actually ends up as a playable character?
"Great!" I know that I have bias (my series preferences and I'm playing SOV right now), but I genuinely think that Celica would be an awesome addition to the Smash roster.

Female Protagonist? Check.
Magic user? Check.
Moveset potential? Check. (Self-damage, mostly fire magic, unique swordplay, Mila's Turnwheel to turn back time, etc.)
Popular? Check. (Topped the female polls for CYL 2)

Likely? I doubt it tbh with how stingy Sakurai is with his project plan, but who knows, maybe Sakurai really liked Gaiden back in the 90s and wants Celica no matter what.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Controversial Character Options
A Fire Emblem Character​
Tiki Tong (oh, the rage this would bring. XD)​


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
May as well throw in my two cents on Smash 4's newcomer list:

:ultvillager:: Alright. Never been that big of an Animal Crossing fan, but he has some cool moves and is fun to use.
:ultmegaman:: Being honest here... I absolutely despise how Mega Man plays. I get he was made to cater to his NES days, but his whole thing with relying heavily on projectiles makes him too confusing and hard to use, and even more so to fight against. Like, major props for all you Mega Mans out there - you finished a battle I couldn't.
:ultwiifittrainer:: I like wacky picks, and Wii Fit Trainer was no exception. That said, I don't play as her, but I'm glad she's on here.
:ultrosalina:: I was one of the few people who think Daisy should have gotten in before her, even if she would just be a Peach clone. That said, now that Daisy IS in Ultimate I have little problems with her. Petty, I know, but that's my opinion.
:ultlittlemac:: I like me some Punch-Out!! representation. I can't bring myself to use him since his air game is too abysmal for my tastes, but at least the Little Mac For Glory memes back in 2014-2015 were funny.
:ultgreninja:: While I would have preferred another Gen VI Pokemon to be in, Greninja's moveset and playstyle were pretty cool. A worthy addition in my book.
:ultmiifighters:: Never really cared for them. At least they're getting fixed in Ultimate though.
:ultpalutena:: I despised her "gimmick" where she had completely different custom moves, which brought upon several issues such as me not being able to use her better attacks in All-Star Mode or online, and her entire moveset suffering because of that. While I like the direction they're taking her now... I don't think it'll be enough for me to use her. She needs to be redone or at least refocused.
:ultpacman:: One of my secondaries, a video game legend, and handles the projectile shtick much better than Mega Man imho.
:ultrobin: Had a pretty fun playstyle among other Fire Emblem characters, and was the most fun of them to use imo. I just wish the female was the default costume.
:ultlucina:: Being a "diet Marth" for those who think Marth is too hard to use or just don't want to learn him (myself included), I can't really complain about her. Plus I like her design.
:ultshulk:: Never cared for him or his playstyle, and frankly still don't really.
:ultbowserjr:: F**K YES!!! I was BEGGING for him since before Brawl and was not disappointed in the least when we finally got him. Super fun to use and the Koopalings being alts are icing on the cake. Definitely my favorite newcomer.
:ultduckhunt:: Another character that I wanted to see, and again, was satisfied with what I got. Currently one of my secondaries.
:ultdarkpit:: I don't despise him AS MUCH as others, but I do think he could stand to be more different from Pit.
:ultryu:: I never cared for him and I don't like using him. Props for being unique, but he's extremely inaccessible imo.
:ultcloud:: Pretty fun to use, and the Limit Break feature is unique. Kinda glad he's getting some nerfs though, it's for the better.
:ultcorrin:: No real complaints toward him but, again, wish the female was the default costume.
:ultbayonetta:: Like Cloud, pretty glad they're trying to nerf her, even though she still looks pretty broken. No real grudge against her otherwise.


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
Controversial Character Options
A Fire Emblem Character​
Tiki Tong (oh, the rage this would bring. XD)​
Man I really want them to reveal another FE character so people rage again. Haven't had a good tea sipping since Waluigi was deconfirmed.
There was probably a nicer way to put this. Calm the heck down.
They only said it like that cuz no one bothered to listen the first time kek
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Captain Fun

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2014
I ****ing still want Hector in Smash. And I'll gladly take any other Fire Emblem rep too. I love that stupid series.
I almost feel guilty about it just because of how much flak the series gets for its Smash representation, but yeah. I would be unironically happy with just about any new Fire Emblem characters.

i am not a difficult man
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Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014

Who is a newcomer you want but expect will have a play style you won't like?
Anyone from ARMS who isn't Twintelle. They'd probably all have really long range but laggy moves and idk if that's my playstyle :/

I do like a good zoning character like Duck Hunt so who knows?


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC

Not sure if anyone posted this but Nintendo hosted another tournament. The Ness player was godly and that makes me super happy as a Ness main.
Man, I really love all of the visual changes for Ness, his new idle pose looks good, and the new effects and the addition of the brief square shapes to them really makes them feel so much more like they're from Mother rather than just generic magic.
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Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World

Who is a newcomer you want but expect will have a play style you won't like?
Rex & Pyra

For one, I honestly don't like the combat system of Xenoblade 2. It's needlessly complex, especially when the combat system for Xenoblade 1 was perfect. If Rex is based closely around that there's a low chance I'll like it.

For another, if they go with using Affinity, and Rex needs to be close to Pyra to actually do damage, then it'd be difficult to properly use him, as he could be gimped, and purposely kept away from Pyra/Mythra.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
I almost feel guilty about it just because of how much flak the series gets for its Smash representation, but yeah. I would be unironically happy with just about any new Fire Emblem characters.

i am not a difficult man
Hector said:
“A little too much is just enough for me.”

I so want this to be Hector's Neutral Special.


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2018
Man, I really love all of the visual changes for Ness, his new idle pose looks good, and the new effects and the addition of the brief square shapes to them really feel so much more like they're from Mother rather than just generic magic.
Same, it's the first thing I noticed when I saw him use his specials for the first time. Makes me happy to be a Ness main and an Earthbound fan.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
So, I've never heard anybody talk about this, But wouldn't the Giant Pirahna plant from Smooth Moves make such a good Final Smash for Ashley? I Imagine it'd loom over the stage in the background then do 3 Big Chomps.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I don't think he was being mean at all, just trying to clarify confusion and a misconception. Sometimes we need things bolded, or people don't listen.
Idk, I think you can get a point across without literally questioning someone's reading comprehension.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
If you need to put your post in "big bold letters", you're not calm and are basically shouting at others. Don't do this. The message(and replies) has been edited to be calm, clear, and respectful. We expect civil debate, not making demands of others.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
He never said that. I saw the Gamefaqs thread before it was deleted and I never remember him actually saying that, only that there was a third unrevealed character he may know.
No, he actually did say that. A few people were accusing him of lying (as expected on Gamefaqs). He defended himself and said something along the lines of knowing Simon, Isabelle, and a third, more controversial character who he hasn't brought up yet.

Lycanroc - Where did the support base come from? It's a bare-bones Pokemon who's most popular form didn't even exist when the game was being planned
Lycanroc isn't as strange of a pick as you would think. Even before Dusk existed, the original Lycanroc duo got quite a bit of steady promotion that was carried over in TCG and the anime. Much like Mimikyu, Game Freak had plans to push this Pokemon.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Idk, I think you can get a point across without literally questioning someone's reading comprehension.
I said ignoring my post was another possibility. That is why I said and/or (as in either problems with either reading comprehension, ignoring the earlier post, or a combination of the two). Interestingly enough, your own post is a good example of a lack of reading comprehension unfortunately. Those were three possibilities. You erred on the side that I said only reading comprehension.

If you need to put your post in "big bold letters", you're not calm and are basically shouting at others. Don't do this. The message(and replies) has been edited to be calm, clear, and respectful. We expect civil debate, not making demands of others.
I only bolded because this topic moves quickly and people tend to ignore posts to conversations that might put the ongoing one to an abrupt holt. Here is the thing though. What I did? It actually stopped the "controversial" thing dead in its tracks.

Sometimes you have to bare the airhorn. People walking around on pins and needles all the time is just as bad as throwing mud all the time.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
"Great!" I know that I have bias (my series preferences and I'm playing SOV right now), but I genuinely think that Celica would be an awesome addition to the Smash roster.

Female Protagonist? Check.
Magic user? Check.
Moveset potential? Check. (Self-damage, mostly fire magic, unique swordplay, Mila's Turnwheel to turn back time, etc.)
Popular? Check. (Topped the female polls for CYL 2)

Likely? I doubt it tbh with how stingy Sakurai is with his project plan, but who knows, maybe Sakurai really liked Gaiden back in the 90s and wants Celica no matter what.
Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised at all if Sakurai had a soft spot for Gaiden. It kind of shows in, of all things, Smash's music.

In Brawl, the Fire Emblem songs that got in came from the Archanea and Tellius games (given that Marth and Ike were there), the three GBA games (which makes sense considering they came out between Melee and Brawl)...and Gaiden, which had no real justification.

In Smash 4, there were few new songs. Archanea because Marth, Lost in Thoughts All Alone for Corrin as DLC, the Meeting Theme Medley from across the series...and the Fight Theme from Gaiden. Like, not even Awakening got a remix in Smash 4 despite being the big new release, but Gaiden specifically did.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Sakurai was a big Gaiden fan given the musical favoritism. Either that or he's a fan of the music specifically. Either way that's great because SoV's soundtrack is phenomenal. :p

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I said ignoring my post was another possibility. That is why I said and/or (as in either problems with either reading comprehension, ignoring the earlier post, or a combination of the two). Interestingly enough, your own post is a good example of a lack of reading comprehension unfortunately. Those were two possibilities. You erred on the side that I said only reading comprehension.
And that's still insulting others regardless. That's not acceptable here. Knock it off.

I only bolded because this topic moves quickly and people tend to ignore posts to conversations that might put the ongoing one to an abrupt holt. Here is the thing though. What I did? It actually stopped the "controversial" thing dead in its tracks.

Sometimes you have to bare the airhorn. People walking around on pins and needles all the time is just as bad as throwing mud all the time.
Doesn't matter. You don't have any right to try and take control of the conversation. Consider this a hard warning.
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