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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
if a non-video game character got into smash they'd have to have something to do with gaming history in my book

james bond/mike tyson/popeye/tony hawk/mickey mouse/wreck it ralph

I can't think of too many more, i dont want any non-gaming characters but i would be O.K. with one that has some reasoning behind it if it had to happen... frankly i dont like the whole goku thing at all and i see all the characters i listed above having more reason as they have a history or moment with gaming thats important. goku just has a lot of dbz games but theres a lot of dbz everything so i dont see him as important to gaming at all.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
So, here's a bizarre question:

Since it seems the Smash Ballot was used largely to determine newcomers for this game, anyone think Reckless Wii Remote man has a chance to be our WTF character this time around?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
You kinda missed my point entirely...
with my reasoning, why spiderman would be a good go and captain america would be a no go?
the reason is Videogames.

Spiderman videogames have been a staple on various sistems (NES, SNES, PSX, PS2, and seems that in the future PS4 also), and while the overall quality may vary, there are plenty of spiderman games out there that are way more than just "generic action game reskin to cash out from a franchise". Captain America doesn't have that. is not about getting the licences. Even if captain america or Iron Man have a more iconic pressence right now, specially in films.

Mickey is the same, from Nes/Snes days to Kingdom hearts, he have had a very decent pressence in video games that matter. Goku? same... Starwars? lets not even start with the importance of starwars videogames...

Spongebob on teh other hand have had plenty of videogames..... but as far as i know, none of them have get anywhere. Simpsons had a couple of well beloved Nostalgia videogames in the NES era, but outside of that?
Say what you want but Battle for Bikini Bottom and the Movie Game were fantastic. :p


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
So, here's a bizarre question:

Since it seems the Smash Ballot was used largely to determine newcomers for this game, anyone think Reckless Wii Remote man has a chance to be our WTF character this time around?
I think we're beyond dumb joke characters.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
So, here's a bizarre question:

Since it seems the Smash Ballot was used largely to determine newcomers for this game, anyone think Reckless Wii Remote man has a chance to be our WTF character this time around?
i like the idea but nintendo would never do it as it pokes fun at "safety" stuff and they just wouldnt dare create some kind of joke out of that for fear of legal junk.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009

Gameplay from the UK (posted already or not my boy Pit shines...and still can’t read)
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but do I see Ganondorf having a green face/skin in the mach with Link against Mario and Pit?

All I know is that after Brawl, a lot of people were complaining that the latest franchise added was Pikmin, which was seven years old at that point, and that Smash needed new franchises in general.

Smash 4 fixed that, and then people complain in the opposite direction.

This all just feels a bit cyclical. I know personal taste is a thing, but I fully expect people to complain about Ultimate the same way they are currently complaining about Smash 4 and how they used to complain about Brawl.
This is why we can't have nice things

Probably because they really couldn't really justify her over Ryu, Mr. Fighting game, and Megaman, their mascot.
Though seeing this in the game would've been hilarious

Crashboards bruh

Dafuq is this **** about OoT being dated?!? It's hands down one of the greatest games to ever be made and no one shall call it something like that


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
Say what you want but Battle for Bikini Bottom and the Movie Game were fantastic. :p
honestly i know nothing of spongebob's videogames so if they have a plenty of history with lots of games people know, and that a new Spongebob game could be like... e3 hype material, pls enlighten me. :p.
But yeah, my point still stand, if we are getting non video game into smash (at least with Sakurai as it head), those guys would enter only by their videogame merits. even if they are giants in the movies, comics or literature...



Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
So, here's a bizarre question:

Since it seems the Smash Ballot was used largely to determine newcomers for this game, anyone think Reckless Wii Remote man has a chance to be our WTF character this time around?
What if it's the wiifit balance board from Wii Fit...


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

:ultvillager:: On Reveal:
What an incredible Nintendo All Star to start with! Animal Crossing characters, holy **** that's awesome!
Now: Villager is a lot of fun, but I don't play him quite as much as I would have imagined I would but he still gets a few rounds from me. He is easily one of my favourite Sm4sh newcomers however and I'm incredibly pleased he's in.

:ultmegaman:: On Reveal: I am one of the rare individuals who didn't grow up on Megaman. Honestly when we first saw his hair I went crazy because I thought we'd gotten Isaac...oops. Megaman was decent, but unlike everyone else I didn't view him as this incredible third party must have.
Now: My opinion hasn't changed honestly. He's okay to play as, and whilst I now know he's a bigger deal than I initially thought, he's still one of the more overlooked third parties by me.

:ultwiifittrainer:: On Reveal: I laughed and thought this was genius. Later I found out other characters I felt were more deserving(aka actual characters) were missing the boat and it was less funny.
Now: Wii Fit Trainer actually ended up as the one I play the most between the initial three, which is bizarre because she was easily the dumbest inclusion IMO at the time of her reveal. Now I adore her and don't you dare cut her.

:ultrosalina:: On Reveal: Urgh. Okay this is the one Mario character I've never really had a strong opinion on one way or another. Felt she didn't deserve the placement over Toad or Bowser Jr(even though I hated Jr at the time) and she was suddenly being shoe horned into everything.
Now: After Doctor Mario, Rosalina is still the Mario character I'd axe first. Doesn't help I just cannot get on with her puppeteer moveset and Galaxy was one of the few games I missed out on playing so my connection with her just isn't there. Overall she's disappointing to me but not the worst of the Sm4sh newcomers.

:ultlittlemac:: On Reveal: Fun trailer, well done on making Mac feel like a fist pumping addition. Wasn't pumped for him until the reveal although I wasn't against him either. Just figured he'd be a bit dull. Boy was I wrong.
Now: Wish he was better in singleplayer too, but Mac is a character I'll pick when I just want to have stupid brainless fun. My friend adores Mac so I fight him very regularly. I am very glad he's here, and he's one of my preferred Sm4sh newcomers.

:ultgreninja:: On Reveal: This ain't Mewtwo. And I started with Chespin. And Squirtle, my favourite water starter is now gone. GRR!
Now: Plz nerf this frog.
Ok, I still don't care for Greninja at all. He's the Pokemon I always forget is there, which may be the point as a ninja, but still less memorable to me than Lucario even.

:ultmiifighters:: On Reveal: Great trailer, Miis were implemented far better than we worried about. No lame sports moveset here.
Now: Hey, closest I got to playing Toad. Still play Toad Brawler often, and heck even the Geno Gunner outfit I'm down for. Lots of fun costume options for characters who just missed out...like K. Rool and Geno. Endless amusement from fanbases who were adamant their characters were too big to fail making the playable cut whilst I was just pleased I got SOMETHING for my boy.

:ultpalutena:: On Reveal: The least appealing newcomer to me; Kid Icarus Uprising was one of the most cringey written games I've ever played and I desperately hated every character in it quipping about and waggling their eyebrows with self referential humour.
Now: Absolute worst newcomer in Sm4sh. Crap default moveset. Feels like a chore to play her. Her Guidance lines irritate the crap out of me unlike Snake's Codecs. They're not even amusing, again unlike Snake's Codecs and I'm not even a big fan of Snake.

:ultpacman:: On Reveal: Finally a worthwhile character to get excited about. Pac-Man's an utter legend and alongside Sonic is the biggest third party they could have added.
Now: Still amuses me to the day that people felt Pac-Man wasn't a BIG ENOUGH GAMING ICON to get into Smash. This was an actual sentiment actual real life human people had during Sm4sh's speculation period. Anyone who was praising Megaman whilst slating Pac-Man wasn't a big enough deal must have been kicking themselves when they realised they couldn't have been more wrong. Pac-Man's moveset is wonky as hell but I still adore him. Pac-Land was a horrific idea however. Please stop Sakurai.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Ok here's something I wanted to ask because I was interested in people's opinions.

What's one character you think is very likely but is rarely talked about/isn't thought of as likely?

And what's one character you think isn't likely but is discussed a lot/considered likely?

Here's mine -

Impa - I'd say Mimikyu, but it gets pretty discussed here. On the other hand Impa is practically a guarantee for an echo spot and she rarely gets brought up when we talk about echoes (which as everyone likes to complain about, happens a lot). It's surprising with how generally popular she is. I wonder, is it because everyone thinks she's likely that people don't bother discussing it? She's the most likely echo fighter for me.

Elma - Despite the fact that a Xenoblade 2 rep seems less likely, I didn't jump on the Elma bandwagon. I really don't think Sakurai would have thought Xenoblade needed another rep in late 2015, nor would I think he would've picked Elma. I never thought she was a likely option before and I definitely don't now. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like playing as her or having her on the roster. Personally I just don't see us getting any Xenoblade character in the base roster.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2018
I think popeye and nester are literally the only characters outside of videogames who could get in, and both are very unlikely (especially popeye)

Also im nigh convinced the contreversial character is jibanyan. I think people sleep on jibanyan solely because of the dread of the very concept that a yokai rep is in smash
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
On the topic of newcomer rosters, I felt Brawl was the best by far. The Smash 4 newcomer roster was pretty good, but the hype for Sonic was unlike anything else that came after him. There was a lot of really great additions in Brawl.

Vergeben claims to know of a third character aside from Simon and Isabelle who will be in Ultimate, and he believes this character will be "controversial".

Whether or not this character would actually come across as controversial to us (or if it's even in the game) remains to be seen.
He never said that. I saw the Gamefaqs thread before it was deleted and I never remember him actually saying that, only that there was a third unrevealed character he may know.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Ok here's something I wanted to ask because I was interested in people's opinions.

What's one character you think is very likely but is rarely talked about/isn't thought of as likely?

And what's one character you think isn't likely but is discussed a lot/considered likely?

Here's mine -

Impa - I'd say Mimikyu, but it gets pretty discussed here. On the other hand Impa is practically a guarantee for an echo spot and she rarely gets brought up when we talk about echoes (which as everyone likes to complain about, happens a lot). It's surprising with how generally popular she is. I wonder, is it because everyone thinks she's likely that people don't bother discussing it? She's the most likely echo fighter for me.

Elma - Despite the fact that a Xenoblade 2 rep seems less likely, I didn't jump on the Elma bandwagon. I really don't think Sakurai would have thought Xenoblade needed another rep in late 2015, nor would I think he would've picked Elma. I never thought she was a likely option before and I definitely don't now. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like playing as her or having her on the roster. Personally I just don't see us getting any Xenoblade character in the base roster.
Likely: Paper Mario. The timing was perfect for him. Paper Jam and Color Splash were both on Sakurai's mind when making the project plan. I also remember a decent amount of support during the Ballot era.

I cant think of a character I think people way overestimate the chances of.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Ok here's something I wanted to ask because I was interested in people's opinions.

What's one character you think is very likely but is rarely talked about/isn't thought of as likely?

And what's one character you think isn't likely but is discussed a lot/considered likely?

Here's mine -

Impa - I'd say Mimikyu, but it gets pretty discussed here. On the other hand Impa is practically a guarantee for an echo spot and she rarely gets brought up when we talk about echoes (which as everyone likes to complain about, happens a lot). It's surprising with how generally popular she is. I wonder, is it because everyone thinks she's likely that people don't bother discussing it? She's the most likely echo fighter for me.

Elma - Despite the fact that a Xenoblade 2 rep seems less likely, I didn't jump on the Elma bandwagon. I really don't think Sakurai would have thought Xenoblade needed another rep in late 2015, nor would I think he would've picked Elma. I never thought she was a likely option before and I definitely don't now. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like playing as her or having her on the roster. Personally I just don't see us getting any Xenoblade character in the base roster.
I'm biased, but King K.Rool. He has little going for him, excluding popularity, which isn't only factor for fighter choises, unless they are echoes.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
I'm biased, but King K.Rool. He has little going for him, excluding popularity, which isn't only factor for fighter choises, unless they are echoes.
I definitely think people put him way above Dixie, which is ridiculous. I can't imagine getting him without her too.

Is that your bias? :p


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
I'm biased, but King K.Rool. He has little going for him, excluding popularity, which isn't only factor for fighter choises, unless they are echoes.
What do you mean by this? I'm not an avid K. Rool supporter or anything, but he has tons of moveset potential. He can throw his crown, he can use his blunderbuss with several different potential shot types (swirling, bouncing, etc), he can use his jet pack for recovery and he could do plenty of swipes, bites, tail slams etc for his normals. I think there was even some boxing event in DK64 he could pull from too. I don't think popularity is the only thing he's got.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015
Ok here's something I wanted to ask because I was interested in people's opinions.

What's one character you think is very likely but is rarely talked about/isn't thought of as likely?

And what's one character you think isn't likely but is discussed a lot/considered likely?

Here's mine -

Impa - I'd say Mimikyu, but it gets pretty discussed here. On the other hand Impa is practically a guarantee for an echo spot and she rarely gets brought up when we talk about echoes (which as everyone likes to complain about, happens a lot). It's surprising with how generally popular she is. I wonder, is it because everyone thinks she's likely that people don't bother discussing it? She's the most likely echo fighter for me.

Elma - Despite the fact that a Xenoblade 2 rep seems less likely, I didn't jump on the Elma bandwagon. I really don't think Sakurai would have thought Xenoblade needed another rep in late 2015, nor would I think he would've picked Elma. I never thought she was a likely option before and I definitely don't now. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like playing as her or having her on the roster. Personally, I just don't see us getting any Xenoblade character in the base roster.
for the first one sepiroth (DLC). clouds main enemy is almost as big as he is. when you have a theme people that dont play games recognize you have a chance. I havent seen anyone else even comment about him except me.
for main game i find elma to be likely moveset potential and part of a new major rpg that sakurai has admitted to liking a lot. Looking forward to cries of XENOBLADE bias in smash 2025 speculation

i dont find king k likely as a character. just going to leave it at that. dont want to step on people's toes.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
I think people sleep on jibanyan solely because of the dread of the very concept that a yokai rep is in smash
I don't think there's a lot of people who'd actually have a problem with Jibanyan in Smash since it'd make sense. The people who want Layton would complain but that's mainly because of the Level 5 rep slot, not about Jibanyan himself.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
That is something I can easily see happening.
Getting both, or him without her? Personally I don't see either as easy or likely, although getting both could happen.

I'm not a big DK fan so I'm not speaking from experience and maybe I'm wrong. From what I can tell though Dixie was a major protagonist in the series at the same time King K. Rool was the major antagonist, and it's not very Smash/Sakurai to include the antagonist before all major protags have been, so she's a higher priority for me. But like I said, a DK fan might know better.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Ok here's something I wanted to ask because I was interested in people's opinions.

What's one character you think is very likely but is rarely talked about/isn't thought of as likely?

And what's one character you think isn't likely but is discussed a lot/considered likely?

Here's mine -

Impa - I'd say Mimikyu, but it gets pretty discussed here. On the other hand Impa is practically a guarantee for an echo spot and she rarely gets brought up when we talk about echoes (which as everyone likes to complain about, happens a lot). It's surprising with how generally popular she is. I wonder, is it because everyone thinks she's likely that people don't bother discussing it? She's the most likely echo fighter for me.

Elma - Despite the fact that a Xenoblade 2 rep seems less likely, I didn't jump on the Elma bandwagon. I really don't think Sakurai would have thought Xenoblade needed another rep in late 2015, nor would I think he would've picked Elma. I never thought she was a likely option before and I definitely don't now. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like playing as her or having her on the roster. Personally I just don't see us getting any Xenoblade character in the base roster.
I don't think Chorus Men are talked about enough, it's fairly likely they didn't make the cut because of the 3DS' limitations, and I imagine Sakurai would like to revisit the idea seeing that they did make what can be assumed to be the initial list for Smash 4. The conceptual work has presumably all been done in advance as Sakurai mentioned he had even made a moveset for Chrom, who was cut at what must have been a similar stage of the game's planning, so that also makes them at least a bit less time consuming to implement too, which might be important considering the sheer amount of work in developing this game.

For the second point I'm going to say I think this is the game where we don't get a Pokémon newcomer, at least in the base game. Gen 7's timing is very awkward in relation to Ultimate, there's no clear standout option from it, and Pokémon receiving a total of three returning veterans (two of which can promote Let's Go, which will be the hip new thing when Ultimate is released) makes me think that if there are significantly less newcomers for this game then Pokémon won't be able to book a spot at the top of the priority list this time. We'll likely get a Gen 8 newcomer once DLC gets rolling, and we might even get an Alola stage in the base game, but I don't think we'll see a Gen 7 newcomer, and by extension a Pokémon newcomer in general.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I definitely think people put him way above Dixie, which is ridiculous. I can't imagine getting him without her too.

Is that your bias? :p
Yes, I think Dixie will have priority over him, as much as I dislike comparing characters like that.
Also King is essentially a dead character, so I don't know if his popularity is enough for Sakurai to consider him as a fighter.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2014
Planet Ultimate
Ok here's something I wanted to ask because I was interested in people's opinions.

What's one character you think is very likely but is rarely talked about/isn't thought of as likely?

And what's one character you think isn't likely but is discussed a lot/considered likely?

Here's mine -

Impa - I'd say Mimikyu, but it gets pretty discussed here. On the other hand Impa is practically a guarantee for an echo spot and she rarely gets brought up when we talk about echoes (which as everyone likes to complain about, happens a lot). It's surprising with how generally popular she is. I wonder, is it because everyone thinks she's likely that people don't bother discussing it? She's the most likely echo fighter for me.

Elma - Despite the fact that a Xenoblade 2 rep seems less likely, I didn't jump on the Elma bandwagon. I really don't think Sakurai would have thought Xenoblade needed another rep in late 2015, nor would I think he would've picked Elma. I never thought she was a likely option before and I definitely don't now. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like playing as her or having her on the roster. Personally I just don't see us getting any Xenoblade character in the base roster.
For rarely talked about but likely:
Octolings - Many people think they're too new to add on to the roster, however the entire point of Echo Fighters is that they take very little development time to implement.

For talked about often but not likely:
Reimu - Ok, I know she rarely gets brought up at all, but I think even the little she is brought up overstates her chances. I believe she only has one game on a Nintendo console, and it's a very recent one. Her severe lack of popularity outside of Japan is also a factor.


Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
What's one character you think is very likely but is rarely talked about/isn't thought of as likely?
Skull Kid - The timing for his 3D re-release is perfect, and that mask/game are iconic in the world of Nintendo

And what's one character you think isn't likely but is discussed a lot/considered likely?
Lycanroc - Where did the support base come from? It's a bare-bones Pokemon who's most popular form didn't even exist when the game was being planned


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
What do you mean by this? I'm not an avid K. Rool supporter or anything, but he has tons of moveset potential. He can throw his crown, he can use his blunderbuss with several different potential shot types (swirling, bouncing, etc), he can use his jet pack for recovery and he could do plenty of swipes, bites, tail slams etc for his normals. I think there was even some boxing event in DK64 he could pull from too. I don't think popularity is the only thing he's got.
He has moveset potential but it's just cosplay. If he gets in, he'll probably be interesting but I'm personally not interested.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Okay, lots of things today... I'll skip out on the reaction thing because it would be a super boring read: "I liked them and still like them."
:ultmegaman:I don't really love the MegaMan games but he sure does deserve his spot on the roster. Hope he never gets cut.
Megaman and Sonic are, I feel, the 3rd Party Smash Characters who should never ever get cut.
You guys should just be like me and like everything.:4pacman:
You and Me both. XD
I don't even mind Dark Pit.
What the **** is this "Ocarina of Time is currently getting 'it aint that good'" bull**** it existed for as long as I knew of the ****ing game which was at least pre-2014. That being said, it still holds up and revolutionized gaming, but naturally it isn't as good as other games after it due to other games taking notes and improving it. Such as Ocarina of Time 3D
Two words, twice over: "Edgelord Contrarians" and "Hype Backlash".

More specifically, Ocarina of Time is coming up on being a 20 year old game. There are people who played OOT when they were young and are parents now, and there's always going to be the crowd of "anything my parents like must be lame" among younger generations (the parallel line to "everything those darn kids like is stupid, not like the stupid **** I used to like"; this actually has a name: "Juvenoia").

You've also got people like Arin Hanson, who has issues with how Ocarina of Time (and Sonic) plays; and there are people who follow him on every word. Never mind that Arin has ADD and therefore has patience issues (which I am certain is the root cause of his problems with Sonic the Hedgehog as a platformer), Arin's biggest issue with OOT is all the waiting you have to do in combat (that and the camera).

When everyone and their mother (sometimes literally:laugh:) claims that something is the best thing ever (Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy VII, Smash Melee etc.), when potential new fans go and play it and find that the game is "only" "pretty dang good but not perfect", they have a tendency to overaccentuate the products' flaws.
All I know is that after Brawl, a lot of people were complaining that the latest franchise added was Pikmin, which was seven years old at that point, and that Smash needed new franchises in general.

Smash 4 fixed that, and then people complain in the opposite direction.

This all just feels a bit cyclical. I know personal taste is a thing, but I fully expect people to complain about Ultimate the same way they are currently complaining about Smash 4 and how they used to complain about Brawl.
People will always find something to complain about, it's human nature.
Goku is cool too.
I would play as both.
It would be fun and people are lame.

I like you.
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Let's Mosey
Jul 29, 2014
Los Angeles
Switch FC
He never said that. I saw the Gamefaqs thread before it was deleted and I never remember him actually saying that, only that there was a third unrevealed character he may know.
The reason people keep attributing "controversial" to him is because, unlike literally everything else he's ever leaked about any game, this one specific character he doesn't want to leak because he doesn't want people shooting the messenger.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Btw, if Isabelle and Simon Belmont do get in, are they fan favourite characters? Or are they just Sakurai picks aimed at larger fan groups, not at Smash speculation?


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
So I am actually curious about this thread's thoughts on Smash 4's newcomers and how your views on them have changed since they were revealed (or you played them on release).

Alright then... I'll give it a shot
:ultvillager: (Reveal): I was thinking that this was going to be the "goofy" one, but that turned out to be so wrong. I also revealed in the many memes that came out about them after the reveal

(Post): I honestly wish this character was better because they were an interesting concept. Now they're just a character that people rarely play as.

:ultmegaman:(Reveal): SUPER FIGHTING ROBOT... MEGAMAN! SUPER FIGHTING ROBOT!!!! MEGAMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (also I thought this was going to pave the way for more 3rd parties but sadly that was mostly DLC)
(Post): Again I hoped he was going to be more high tier... and kind of more fun to play as, but I guess we can't have our cake and eat it too.

:ultlittlemac:(Reveal): I was kind of happy that he wasn't an assist trophy, though he's a lot more anime than I thought he would have been. Especially after Punch-Out Wii happened.
(Post): You were such a try hard character and yet, you were also a low tier at the same time... I hope you find solace in Smash Ultimate

:ultwiifittrainer:(Reveal): Wait... is that the ****ing Wii Fit trainer?
(Post): Oh hey look, it's the ****ing Wii Fit trainer, remember how wierd that was at first?

:ultpacman:(Reveal): Wow, his moveset is gonna make him super broken
(Post): Wow, I hope his moveset in Smash 5 will make him a top tier

:ultbowserjr:(Reveal): Uhm Ok? I guess I can be cool with that?
(Post): I wished you were a bit better, you were kinda cool

(Post): I guess this means that we won't get another CAF in Smash 6...

:ultshulk:(Reveal): Who's Shulk? What's a Xenoblade?
(Post): I ended up buying Xenoblade Chronicles for my Wii and ended up loving it, even though I'm not the biggest RPG fan... I do wish he was better in Smash though...

(Post): Oh... he's just... a clone

(Post): Sadly... that isn't the case...

:ultrobin:ultlucina::ultcorrin:(Reveal): Why are you all here?
(Post): Why are you all here?

:ultgreninja: (Reveal): Oh a new gen Pokemon? That isn't like Mewtwo?
(Post): They should have nerf'd Greninja

:ultryu:(Reveal): It's going to be weird not being able to do quarter circles for a shoryuken.
(Post): Sakurai, we didn't ask for us being able to input quarter circles, but you did it anyways for us... thank you...

:ultcloud:(Reveal): I can't believe Sony wasn't able to get him for PASBR
(Post): I honestly never thought he would be top tier... but here we are

:ultbayonetta:(Reveal): WAIT... SHE MADE IT IN!!!!!! THIS IS CRAZY, SHE REALLY DID IT...
(Post): I'm so sorry queen that you were made into a disgustingly OP character. I know you're really not that nasty



Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
I don't think Chorus Men are talked about enough, it's fairly likely they didn't make the cut because of the 3DS' limitations, and I imagine Sakurai would like to revisit the idea seeing that they did make what can be assumed to be the initial list for Smash 4. The conceptual work has presumably all been done in advance as Sakurai mentioned he had even made a moveset for Chrom, who was cut at what must have been a similar stage of the game's planning, so that also makes them at least a bit less time consuming to implement too, which might be important considering the sheer amount of work in developing this game.

For the second point I'm going to say I think this is the game where we don't get a Pokémon newcomer, at least in the base game. Gen 7's timing is very awkward in relation to Ultimate, there's no clear standout option from it, and Pokémon receiving a total of three returning veterans (two of which can promote Let's Go, which will be the hip new thing when Ultimate is released) makes me think that if there are significantly less newcomers for this game then Pokémon won't be able to book a spot at the top of the priority list this time. We'll likely get a Gen 8 newcomer once DLC gets rolling, and we might even get an Alola stage in the base game, but I don't think we'll see a Gen 7 newcomer, and by extension a Pokémon newcomer in general.
well said, i definitely agree chorus men and chrom are both much more likely than many people seem to guess at. I know in the past "ideas" for smash characters didnt make it into the next game necessarily but theres reason to believe both chrom and chorus men were worked on a decent amount before being cut and since ultimate seems to be much closer to smash 4 than the other games and their previous entries it really seems likely sakurai could "finish" those two easily and add them.

honestly i think people just dont care all to much for chorus men and chrom (myself included) and with "not many more" fighters this time people dont want to see them take up roster space over highly requested characters but this may be a case of sakurai giving us the maximum amount he can and not necessarily exactly which characters everyone wants... tough to say this time especially cause the smash ballot seems likely to be a big influence on the roster (at least most are guessing it is, again myself included) so with a smaller amount of newcomers but many "likely" highly requested newcomer choices, its just really hard to accept that the "easier to finish" characters might get in instead.
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