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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
People are allowed to like or not like certain characters. And you are allowed to defend your opinion. That was not trolling territory.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Gotta put on those kid gloves and walk on eggshells on the best place for discussing Smash Bros I guess.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Yeah no, it's bull****
But I believe it works.
It does work. I don't know who plays these remasters more, actual children or people who get off the nostalgia.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
I can't believe no one ever talks about this guy when discussing Alolan candidates;
Man, I wished Type: Null and/or Silvally would've kept their momentum, but I feel it kinda fell short and we hardly see them these days, be it in merchandise or the games or the anime. Such an interesting backstory and neat concept. When Type: Null was first revealed I had an itch it would become one of the more prominent Alolan Pokémon, but I dunno anymore haha. I did vouch for it to become the next Pokémon rep in Smash before Smash Switch was even a thing, but nowadays I'm more of a Mimikyu guy. Though I guess 2016 would have been the best time for it to be considered.

Anyway, merchandise-wise, here's somewhat of a list (probably incomplete and mainly plushies) for Alolan Pokémon. As expected, most of them are for the starters, Rockruff/Lycanroc, Mimikyu, Cosmog and a bunch of legendaries. And Bewear.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
You know what this 'but the items would look too awkward' bull**** annoyed me today as I had an empty stomach and had to get bread from the store so here we are on why you're a ****ing moron if you think goofy or odd item animations can prevent a character
Pit, Dedede and Ridley are going to be my primary examples.

PIT: Pit's hammer animation was updated in Smash 4 to reference the original NES game. The only animation is his wrist and it's an animation using a whopping 2 frames on loop, it looks hokey as **** and was deliberately done so, it loses ALL feeling of impact the hammer had prior due to being that badly animated

DEDEDE: Dedede's animation is a LOT better but causes a different problem, he swings both hammers around back and forth which is cool looking but is very misleading as only one of those hammers has a hitbox, animations in video games are deliberately made to convey their actions easier to players, telling you "So my attack does that and hits like that", the lack of a hitbox on Dedede's regular hammer makes you think you're able to rush in and murder everything when it's still just 1 hammer

RIDLEY: Ridley's animations in Smash are deliberately made to show his cruel and violent nature while showing off his personality, as Ridley's VERY flat if you miss the subtle details in the Metroid games, almost every move this guy has makes you think "Oh my god this guy is a vicious monster". His character trailer had him disturbingly crush Mario's head and toy with his hat, showing his sadistic sense of humour and the last we see of him in the trailer is menacingly clasp his hands together while pulling off a terrifying smile before realizing Samus isn't dead yet. I can only speculate on this part but Sakurai seems to have deliberately done this amazing characterization of Ridley not just to please his fans but to grt his personality across better than any other Metroid game had, as his trophy descriptions always mention that he looks like a mindless beast but is actually intelligent. Ridley's extra emotional range makes him so much more fleshed out and menacing. Why is this important? BECAUSE RIDLEY'S PAGE ON THE SMASH SITE SHOWS SUCH A GOOFY ****ING PICTURE OF RIDLEY WITH THE HAMMER. I'm not complaining but it show item animations are MEANT to be awkward or goofy as hell so saying that a character can't work because "Item awkward hnnnnnnngh" is the laziest **** I've seen in a long time and I haven't touched my PS3 in a week because I'm too lazy to fight The End in MGS3 and too lazy to mess with the system settings so I don't have to wait an actual week


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Not as a playable character but I'd want Psyduck as a Pokeball summon. He's one of my favourite Pokémon.

As a fighter, I think it's hard to predict but I'm pretty sure it's from recent generations. Decidueye would be my pick but I'm also kinda curious about how Mimikyu would fight.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Gotta put on those kid gloves and walk on eggshells on the best place for discussing Smash Bros I guess.
Because people have strong opinions for characters they like. If you can’t respect that and then expect everyone else to respect your opinion, then don’t bother posting here.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
There's far too little between the various Gen 7 candidates for anyone to confidently say one is significantly more likely than the other imo, the smaller advantages people are bringing up are unlikely to make a world of difference, and then the rest of the arguments are mostly rooted in gut feelings or personal bias. There simply isn't a clear frontrunner and it really is just a wait and see situation, anything could happen, there's even a real chance that no Pokémon newcomer is added at all.


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
Why are so many people on this site so sensitive?
Real talk: no one likes it when someone comes off as pretentious, and with percieved bad bait to boot; I've been on enough ****posting and hell FB groups to know that. And for what it's worth, the fact you backpedaled to 'nah, it was just a joke' tells me you're exist within that group of people that are sensitive too, just sayin'.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
You know what this 'but the items would look too awkward' bull**** annoyed me today as I had an empty stomach and had to get bread from the store so here we are on why you're a ****ing moron if you think goofy or odd item animations can prevent a character
Pit, Dedede and Ridley are going to be my primary examples.

PIT: Pit's hammer animation was updated in Smash 4 to reference the original NES game. The only animation is his wrist and it's an animation using a whopping 2 frames on loop, it looks hokey as **** and was deliberately done so, it loses ALL feeling of impact the hammer had prior due to being that badly animated

DEDEDE: Dedede's animation is a LOT better but causes a different problem, he swings both hammers around back and forth which is cool looking but is very misleading as only one of those hammers has a hitbox, animations in video games are deliberately made to convey their actions easier to players, telling you "So my attack does that and hits like that", the lack of a hitbox on Dedede's regular hammer makes you think you're able to rush in and murder everything when it's still just 1 hammer

RIDLEY: Ridley's animations in Smash are deliberately made to show his cruel and violent nature while showing off his personality, as Ridley's VERY flat if you miss the subtle details in the Metroid games, almost every move this guy has makes you think "Oh my god this guy is a vicious monster". His character trailer had him disturbingly crush Mario's head and toy with his hat, showing his sadistic sense of humour and the last we see of him in the trailer is menacingly clasp his hands together while pulling off a terrifying smile before realizing Samus isn't dead yet. I can only speculate on this part but Sakurai seems to have deliberately done this amazing characterization of Ridley not just to please his fans but to grt his personality across better than any other Metroid game had, as his trophy descriptions always mention that he looks like a mindless beast but is actually intelligent. Ridley's extra emotional range makes him so much more fleshed out and menacing. Why is this important? BECAUSE RIDLEY'S PAGE ON THE SMASH SITE SHOWS SUCH A GOOFY ****ING PICTURE OF RIDLEY WITH THE HAMMER. I'm not complaining but it show item animations are MEANT to be awkward or goofy as hell so saying that a character can't work because "Item awkward hnnnnnnngh" is the laziest **** I've seen in a long time and I haven't touched my PS3 in a week because I'm too lazy to fight The End in MGS3 and too lazy to mess with the system settings so I don't have to wait an actual week
Abridged: Toon Link can hold stuff.

But, really, if anything not being able to hold stuff makes it even more fun when they do.

Certain attack animations might be harder to do without vines like Ivysaur or Duck in Duck Hunt but... like I said Duck Hunt Dog works with Duck so he can attack. Everything is possible.
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Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Real talk: no one likes it when someone comes off as pretentious, and with percieved bad bait to boot; I've been on enough ****posting and hell FB groups to know that. And for what it's worth, the fact you backpedaled to 'nah, it was just a joke' tells me you're exist within that group of people that are sensitive too, just sayin'.
This was an awfully long "no u". Like the guy was genuinely wanting an intellectual throw down and had a thesis for why he hates Gengar being in smash ready to post.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
People shouldn't be browsing the internet at all if they get so worked up over what was basically nothing.
It is basically nothing but you made it something. There’s one thing about making a harmless joke about a character; using that and exasperating the situation to make it worse is another.

Both parties could of let the topic drop by being the better man and bowing out. Instead though, it has been blown out of proportions and further stoked by “LoL y u mad?” Posts.

But this has gone on long enough.

Let’s drop it, shall we?
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"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
This was an awfully long "no u". Like the guy was genuinely wanting an intellectual throw down and had a thesis for why he hates Gengar being in smash ready to post.
How so? You asked a question and I responded with what I though was why someone/people reacted to your inital post the way they did (which, for what it's worth, was a pretty ridiculous response); I don't have any stake in Gengar's chances of being playable in Smash.

Unless you were referring to the response to your Gengar post, which is totally understandable in that case.

Edit: Uhhhhh, I didn't see that mod post above, my B :lol:
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Now that I've gotten my memeposting out of the away, here's constructive ****

In all seriousness this is the internet, a place filled with whiny manchildren at any given corner, whether someone said something you didn't like or if people didn't like what you said, the internet's filled with people who can't handle anything and somehow managed to successfully get people fired over an opinion they didn't like recently (See Guild Wars 2 and Jennifer Price). It's a reality we all have to deal with this. This post wasn't aimed at anyone in particular as what I saw here today wasn't nearly as bad as what I'm referring to


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
This is considered spam. Let’s get back on topic.
I'll try to keep in mind to put actual unironic trigger warnings before every joke I make from now on.

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
I need Chandelure in Smash. I'd give ANYTHING to have Chandelure playable in Smash.

Skipping gen 5 (it didn't even get pokéball pokémon iirc) was a very sad move from the developers.
There were several gen 5 pokeball pokemon in Smash 4 (Victini, Snivy, Oshawott, Zoroark, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meoletta, and Genesect), and Chandelure was a Smash Run enemy. And it got a stage in 3DS, so gen 5 just missed out on a playable character (which was purely due to timing, if Smash 4 started development a year or so earlier we probably would have gotten Zoroark and if not him certainly another gen 5 pokemon, though I think it would have been ideal if he still added a gen 5 pokemon alongside Greninja, but for Smash 4 it seems like Sakurai was more focused on getting more series represented with its newcomers than bolstering already existing series).
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Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Now that I've gotten my memeposting out of the away, here's constructive ****

In all seriousness this is the internet, a place filled with whiny manchildren at any given corner, whether someone said something you didn't like or if people didn't like what you said, the internet's filled with people who can't handle anything and somehow managed to successfully get people fired over an opinion they didn't like recently (See Guild Wars 2 and Jennifer Price). It's a reality we all have to deal with this. This post wasn't aimed at anyone in particular as what I saw here today wasn't nearly as bad as what I'm referring to
She deserved to get fired though lol. I've never seen a single post from her where she wasn't just being an absolutely awful person.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
So... fanfiction TIME!

The trailer starts right

It opens to the ring from Sun and Moon's battle royale.

:ultpikachu: Libre enters the ring as the crowd cheers her on.

Then " New Challenger Approaches" flashes on the screens in the arena.

Incenroar approaches its body enveloped in shadow as it gives an arrogant smirk.

Leaving the shade of the Charizard entrance it leaps.

Jump cut to a ball of fire appearing above Pikachu's head before it crashes in front of her, Incenroar has entered the ring.

**cut to Gameplay**

Pikachu and Incenaroar clash, Incenroar comes out of it a little shaken up and the crowd in wrestling fashion cheer for the Face that is Pikachu Libre.

This cheering causes the arena to go dark as a certain onlooker hates that a Pikachu is getting love from the crowd.

A cry is heard

It faints in and out until.

Two eyes flash behind Pikachu and a quick swipe takes her out.

The lights turn on to reveal Mimikyu.

Incenaroar is confused but eager to fight the *masked* imposter

**Gameplay starts**
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Mod gloves on. I may have not helped by getting too invested in the past argument and for that I apologize but continued posting regarding it (whether it’s replying, baiting, trolling, etc) but this has gone long enough. Warnings and Infractions will be issued. Please keep that in mind. Let’s drop it and move to a new subject.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
So: Here's a fun idea. Add as many characters in Smash to make fun of Playstation Allstar Battle Royale. It can be stuff like Crash, Lara Croft, Spyro, etc. whatever. Just whatever you think would kick that game's teeth in. My only real ideas are Crash and Dante


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Whether this Guild Wars 2 writer required firing over a social dispute with a fan is surely up for debate, but not in a Smash Bros. General.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
So: Here's a fun idea. Add as many characters in Smash to make fun of Playstation Allstar Battle Royale. It can be stuff like Crash, Lara Croft, Spyro, etc. whatever. Just whatever you think would kick that game's teeth in. My only real ideas are Crash and Dante
Crash is the golden calf to me. Though Lara would be something as well as Spyro.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
So: Here's a fun idea. Add as many characters in Smash to make fun of Playstation Allstar Battle Royale. It can be stuff like Crash, Lara Croft, Spyro, etc. whatever. Just whatever you think would kick that game's teeth in. My only real ideas are Crash and Dante
Dante would be cool. I want him to team up with Bayonetta.

Also Fat Princess vs Peach, there, I said it.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
So: Here's a fun idea. Add as many characters in Smash to make fun of Playstation Allstar Battle Royale. It can be stuff like Crash, Lara Croft, Spyro, etc. whatever. Just whatever you think would kick that game's teeth in. My only real ideas are Crash and Dante
Just add Crash and you have Sony's big 3 in the game. I think Crash is a lock for DLC. He's a popular character so he would sell well, he is highly requested, he has a game on Switch and Smash 4's dlc focused heavily on 3rd parties.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Just add Crash and you have Sony's big 3 in the game. I think Crash is a lock for DLC. He's a popular character so he would sell well, he is highly requested, he has a game on Switch and Smash 4's dlc focused heavily on 3rd parties.
This is probably a fan-made rule but do you think we'll get Crash when we already have a platforming icon as a guest? Just thinking out loud.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
The only rule that's actually not fan-made is that the characters at least need to be from video games.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Just add Crash and you have Sony's big 3 in the game. I think Crash is a lock for DLC. He's a popular character so he would sell well, he is highly requested, he has a game on Switch and Smash 4's dlc focused heavily on 3rd parties.
If the rumors are true he and Spyro could be frequent guests on the Switch in the future.

The only rule that's actually not fan-made is that the characters at least need to be from video games.
Right, that's true.
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