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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2017
Question to everyone: I’ve always wanted this Chrono in smash not just cause I wanted a swordsman with the power of lightning but Chrono Trigger music is simply amazing. Plus, a stage that travels between time eras and a possible Frog assist trophy would be pretty cool. What’s your thoughts on Chrono and how would you react to him getting in?

I've thought about him before, he was cool at first, but people considered Geno & Sora(heck even Lara Croft now that she's owned by Square Enix) and now him? I feel that there's too much Square Enix fluff in terms of characters that they might as well do their own Smash Bros.

All things aside, Chrono is very unlikely and just not top priority compared to Geno or Sora. At least Sakurai can do is bring music from Chrono Trigger; obviously the best part about the game.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I don't know if this has been posted yet but I saw it on Reddit and it really made me laugh.

Spoilers - it's a leak!

What do you all think?
Fake. The Pokemon Company would never allow any Pokemon to have their Shiny coloration as an alternate costume.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2014
I didn't mean it like that, I'm not a pervert. xD

Couldn't tell if she was an adult or not because people will make adults in anime incredibly tiny.

What i meant was. "Oh. Another anime character people can make dirty art of!" (Sarcasm)
Looks like a fun game tho
So i'm kinda confused, this an indie game? I heard it was one earlier, but it looks more like a retro game, not some wannabe anime indie
I will never understand why this seems like something that needs to be pointed out. There's dirty art of almost every character in existence. Its nothing new or special.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
I don't know if this has been posted yet but I saw it on Reddit and it really made me laugh.

Spoilers - it's a leak!

What do you all think?
The worst part is that it looks real

I will never understand why this seems like something that needs to be pointed out. There's dirty art of almost every character in existence. Its nothing new or special.
That's true.
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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
I didn't mean it like that, I'm not a pervert. xD

Couldn't tell if she was an adult or not because people will make adults in anime incredibly tiny.

What i meant was. "Oh. Another anime character people can make dirty art of!" (Sarcasm)
Looks like a fun game tho
So i'm kinda confused, this an indie game? I heard it was one earlier, but it looks more like a retro game, not some wannabe anime indie
Is not one game, is a series of games that started all over 1996.
There are like 16 touhou games and is just madness, they are all free (as long as I know) and they are made by actual japanese people.
There was even an anime of it, but I think it wasn't too good.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I have no attachment to Crono, since I've yet to play Crono Trigger, but even I can realize that he is from a landmark game and apart of Nintendo history. I'd be pleasantly surprised if he got in, despite hardly knowing anything about the series. The music is pretty good too.
I played CT back during the SNES days and my adolescent mind was collectively blown. It really got me into JRPG’s like FF or Secret of Mana never did. I played the first Dragon Quests (Warrior) and Breath of Fire and all but it wasn’t until CT where I thought...man...these games are tons of fun. Something just clicked with me about it. So hearing that CT soundtrack triggers so many Saturday morning memories in the dead of winter for me. That being said, seeing one of my all time favorite video games repped in the all time video game franchise in history would be beyond amazing.
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
I will never understand why this seems like something that needs to be pointed out. There's dirty art of almost every character in existence. Its nothing new or special.
Is not one game, is a series of games that started all over 1996.
There are like 16 touhou games and is just madness, they are all free (as long as I know) and they are made by actual japanese people.
There was even an anime of it, but I think it wasn't too good.
If it's made by actual japanese people, i can get by that. If that makes sense, which it probably doesn't.
What i mean is that I'm happy it's not just another japanese game cliche, and made by actual japanese people.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2017
So, I found a character that nobody seems to talk about so...


What do you guys think if Abe from Oddworld joins the fray in Super Smash Bros: Ultimate? Oh boy, I will flip out with joy! I know it'll never happen, but let me dream like a Mudokon. He's got potential, and might be the cinematic platformer re- uh I mean the big man of cinematic platformers. There are other options such as the Prince from Prince of Persia, Conrad from Flashback, or Lester Chaykin from Another World(also known as Out of this World).
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States

Well if we're doing this for Lloyd and Crono. I want to know if any of you guys would be interested in seeing a Tekken character in the game. I don't know how much you guys like Tekken but for me I'd be pretty hyped up if either Jin or Heihachi (the dude pictured above) was in the game. Seeing as Tekken is what got me into video games as a whole.

Though Tekken is in a weird place where it has a main family rather than a singular main character. Mechanically, the Mishimas fight differently enough from Ryu that they shouldn't step on his toes too much as fighting game characters.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
This. PLEASE more of this.

The rep mentality more or less disregards the fact that it’s a video game. It also seems to be used differently depending on the person. While series are obviously represented through the content in the game, the moveset of the character and how they work should represent the character on an individual level and not the series they come from.

Personally, I would love Shovel Knight in Smash. But I wouldn’t want him in to just “rep” something. He’d probably be super fun to play. But I do agree, Indies have a rough path to Smash.
At the end of the day, I just want to see the characters I need in Smash, not having them for the sake of bolstering a series roster.

On the topic of Shantae, I consider her a character from a middle ground company like Hudson Soft (RIP), albeit with less guarantee of safe financial backing for original games. If anything, she can be the main "ambassador" for the indie scene, after Cave Story's Quote, since she's been around for a good while.

Although it'd still be great to have Shovel Knight in somehow.

I didn't mean it like that, I'm not a pervert. xD

Couldn't tell if she was an adult or not because people will make adults in anime incredibly tiny.

What i meant was. "Oh. Another anime character people can make dirty art of!" (Sarcasm)
Looks like a fun game tho
So i'm kinda confused, this an indie game? I heard it was one earlier, but it looks more like a retro game, not some wannabe anime indie
ZUN made most of the Touhou games himself, yes. He was from Taito once.

Also, not much of an artist (at least early on). so anyone else that uses the characters draws them better than him. :p


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Question to everyone: I’ve always wanted Chrono in from the SNES classic Chrono trigger in Smash not just cause I like the idea of a swordsman with the power of lightning but Chrono Trigger music is simply amazing. Plus, a stage that travels between time eras and a possible Frog assist trophy would be pretty cool. What’s your thoughts on Chrono and how would you react to him getting in?

I wouldn't care much personally but my younger brother really wants him so I'd be happy for him and I do think Chrono is deserving enough to get in, I wouldn't have any qualms with it happening.

Ah i see.
Honestly i just thought it was because everyone was biased about it because it was competetive.
To be fair, every Smash game is played competitively, it's just that Melee is more beloved than the others by a lot (not all) of us competitive players because it caters more to what many want, all of them have competitive scenes in some way (Brawl is almost dead but gets the occasional side event and it still has really small local scenes in some spread out places, Smash 64 is smallish but growing, and Smash 4 is actually huge, it's technically on the decline but it's still pretty massive, the recent major Hyrule Saga had 760+ entrants in Smash 4 singles for context).

Omega Tyrant

Smash Champion
Nov 13, 2009
Schenectady, New York
So I've been seeing a lot of people placing Mii costume characters on their rosters (I'm looking at you @papagenos) I want to see if I can change your mind.

I believe that Assist Trophy characters and Mii costume characters are actually less likely than characters who don't have any representation in Smash.

I believe when Sakurai reviews a character he looks at these attributes in this order: Does the character have longevity? Ie does their series have a future. Is the character popular and it is important that the character should be popular among multiple regions. Finally, does the character have good moveset potential that will differentiate them from the rest of the roster and expand Smash as a whole. Sure, A character can still be the weak in one area but so strong in another that they make it in.

I am starting to believe that AT and costumes were made because they were too weak in too many of these areas and therefore Sakurai didn't see them ever making it into Smash. Now this can change, for example Little Mac. at the time when he was made into an AT I believe Sakurai saw his moveset as being minimal and not able to function in Smash. More importantly though I think his lack of a future installment doomed his fate. Come to Smash 4 with him still being popular and having a new title I believe Sakurai was willing to revisit the idea. Another example would be Krystal. After the Starfox series was rebooted and her longevity was in question I believe he gave up on the idea of her as being a potential fighter and has thus resigned her into being an AT.

In terms of costumes I think it is worse. I think there is a mentality of "I will make this character a costume because this is the only way their fan will be able to play as this character" I think this holds/held particularly true for Geno, Ashley, and Takamaru. We know Sakurai has wanted Geno and Takamaru in the game but I don't think he is willing to let his bias/desire get in the way of pleasing his community/making the best game possible. Sure there are exceptions, There are always exceptions, Like some costumes may have been completely meant for promotional reasons and are not weak in the three "golden areas" and are therefore still a candidate. But for everyone else I'd recommend that we all sit back and ask why they were added.
Assist trophies are just popular/significant characters who couldn't make that particular game's base roster that Sakurai still wanted to give an active ingame role to, it's not an indictment of that character not being "Smash material", they just weren't able to beat out their competitors at the time for roster selection for whatever reason, and there's nothing that says they won't be able to do it the next time roster selection comes along, as happened with Little Mac and Charizard.

And Mii Costumes were just a fun way to dress up Miis as popular characters who weren't on the Smash 4 roster, they aren't for "this character is never going to be in Smash and this is the best you'll get". Also Sakurai never said he wanted Takamaru, just that he was considered for Smash 4 but rejected for lack of international presence, while with Geno he just said in regards to Brawl and Smash 4 that it just "couldn't become a reality", i.e. probably licensing issues making it impossible/infeasible at the time. Don't know how you can stretch that as Sakurai will never include them because of "making the best game possible".
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Even if Sora and Crono are nowhere to be found, I really hope Kingdom Hearts and Chrono Trigger music somehow get in. I'm also hoping they cave and finally put in SMRPG music too. They sometimes slip with their games but Square Enix is almost non contested when it comes to music.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
What would your reaction be in the hypothetical scenario where Lloyd Irving is confirmed to be playable in Ultimate?
Ah, the Tales game that got me into Tales. I always liked Lloyd and it would be fun to see his naive go-get-em attitude used in Smash. Plus, his twin sword and arts would be great to see. I was always a fan of Pressea though but I would be fine with this.

At least they don’t have to worry about voice clips as they bday just reuse the ones already made haha.

I can just see him Star KO’d and while every character is like “arrrghhhhh!!!”, Lloyd’s all like “....I’m...sorry, dad...”
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Assist trophies are just popular/significant characters who couldn't make that particular game's base roster that Sakurai still wanted to give an active ingame role to, it's not an indictment of that character not being "Smash material", they just weren't able to beat out their competitors at the time for roster selection for whatever reason, and there's nothing that says they won't be able to do it the next time roster selection comes along, as happened with Little Mac and Charizard.

And Mii Costumes were just a fun way to dress up Miis as popular characters who weren't on the Smash 4 roster, they aren't for "this character is never going to be in Smash and this is the best you'll get". Also Sakurai never said he wanted Takamaru, just that he was considered for Smash 4 but rejected for lack of international presence, while with Geno he just said in regards to Brawl and Smash 4 that it just "couldn't become a reality", i.e. probably licensing issues making it impossible/infeasible at the time. Don't know how you can stretch that as Sakurai will never include them because of "making the best game possible".
For Takamaru, wasn't it also said it might be possible if he got a second game? Closest he got was that Murasame Castle mode in Samurai Warriors 3...


May 2, 2015
View attachment 151738

Well if we're doing this for Lloyd and Crono. I want to know if any of you guys would be interested in seeing a Tekken character in the game. I don't know how much you guys like Tekken but for me I'd be pretty hyped up if either Jin or Heihachi (the dude pictured above) was in the game. Seeing as Tekken is what got me into video games as a whole.

Though Tekken is in a weird place where it has a main family rather than a singular main character. Mechanically, the Mishimas fight differently enough from Ryu that they shouldn't step on his toes too much as fighting game characters.
I'd be super hyped for Heihachi. I said this months ago, but I NEED to be able to kick my Ryu-main friend's *** with a Tekken character in Smash. Heihachi is my favorite character from Tekken, so hopefully it would be him if anyone.

And yeah no, he plays nothing like Ryu. Not an Echo fighter. Do not start that please, I'm almost willing to beg.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Even if Sora and Crono are nowhere to be found, I really hope Kingdom Hearts and Chrono Trigger music somehow get in. I'm also hoping they cave and finally put in SMRPG music too. They sometimes slip with their games but Square Enix is almost non contested when it comes to music.
wish granted but it's all secret of mana remake's arrangements


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Question to everyone: I’ve always wanted Chrono in from the SNES classic Chrono trigger in Smash not just cause I like the idea of a swordsman with the power of lightning but Chrono Trigger music is simply amazing. Plus, a stage that travels between time eras and a possible Frog assist trophy would be pretty cool. What’s your thoughts on Chrono and how would you react to him getting in?

He’s the closest we’ll ever get to a playable Goku in Smash.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC

Can we talk about how Mario's art looks like a 3D Model compared to other characters like Ridley?

Because it is a 3D model. Some characters in the E3 version were using their in-game models for their CSPs instead of their actual render.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
What would your reaction be in the hypothetical scenario where Lloyd Irving is confirmed to be playable in Ultimate?
Might be late to replying to this but I'd probably be sobbing uncontrollably because I've got the impression that if one JRPG protagonist gets in, that's curtains for Isaac's chances. I really do feel like it's one or the other (Or neither at all) but not both.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Ivan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!
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Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write.
I'd vote Waluigi without hesitation.


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
This isn't really a leak, but it's an interesting post nonetheless. Your thoughts?
I cracked the code. This is what you can expect both from Smash and from Switch.

Remember the Splatoon announcement? Nintendo's gonna try that again for the following new characters: have them show up in a direct as it pertains to their own game, then show them in the context of Smash. This means that every Smash character will go together with another game announcement.

In order to pull this off, Nintendo had to refrain from showing its cards last E3.

Now with this all-seeing eye I see the following:

1. Captain K. Rool. Within unofficial polls conducted around the world (both in English and in Japanese) he consistently finds a spot in the top 3. Meanwhile we haven't heard anything from Retro Studio's new project, even though they should be ready to show something. Coincidence?

2. Geno. Also ranking very high, especially in Japanese polls. It's possible that Geno may make a surprise return in a Mario context. Just before E3, a SE executive said: "There are several other titles that we're currently working on for Switch. If you could just wait a bit longer, we'll work with Nintendo and announce them in the future." He also said in the same interview: "Square Enix has decided that it wants to focus on original titles for the Switch." Thus, one of their original titles for Switch, TBA very soon, may have Geno.

3. Phoenix Wright. No idea where he ranked (not that high), but the director of Ace Attorney said that two titles were planned for Switch in 2018: one trilogy port, and one original exclusive. For those in the know, these titles were significantly missing in action last E3. Thus they can be expected to be announced very soon; and what a great opportunity to show him in Smash.

That's all I have.
*Slips the universe a fifty*

~"Psst... Hey, universe? Can you please let this leak be the real one? Thanks."~
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