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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write.
I'd vote Ashley if she isn't already playable, otherwise my move is totally for Lyn.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write.
Lyn has my vote.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2014
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write.
I'd say separating both the categories of Assist Trophy and Pokeball item would be a better way as this way currently limits the choices. I'm thinking a one of each scenario would work better

That list is heresy because Meowth isn't on it. What are you doing my guy.
Last edited:


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!
Takamaru please!


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!
I go with Takamaru, personally.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!
If the Yoshi series so much as HAD an Assist Trophy, that would've been my vote... *cries in a corner*

I'll just say Krystal

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!
I'd pick Knuckles because three Knuckles in one screen (playable, AT, stage cameo) is such a hilarious thought.



Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Check at 1:31, and you will see an early kill by Sukapon on :ultganondorf:. Also, this was probably the best performance of any :ultridley: so far (good stuff, M2K). I could not also help but be confused on why :ultganondorf: could not act out of Flame Choke in the air, as I thought people said he could recover. Maybe that is if he gets the grab only perhaps.


May 2, 2015
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!
Alolan Raichu



Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Considering the speed you answered with, you can't have read the examples. :laugh: Not that I blaim you, there are Nine of them.
That's the point, even if Sakurai showed me a bunch of cool playstyles for everyone else and Waluigi's didn't even look "fun" to me, I'm insta-voting Waluigi because I'd just vote for which character I like the most regardless of anything else lol. Although, after the post I did read them, they're all pretty interesting concepts, Phosphora sounds fun.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!

Hmm, I dunno, this is really kind of a hard questio-
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!
Isaac 100%. Buuuut, if he's already playable at this point, Lyn is my go to. She's probably my favourite character in the Fire Emblem franchise from the first FE game I played. I know some would shout about more FE characters but I think Lyn is one of the few who could be added and not receive horrific backlash since she is so well loved by the community.

Deleted member

Lloyd Irving would actually be an awesome character in Smash. I’d be super excited to see him!

I think at this point i’m going to be excited about any newcomer announcement, but considering i’ve played Tales of Symphonia i’d be extra happy to see him.
I see Swamp Sensei liked the post.
He would be happy with Llyod and he would want his waifu Sheena in there as well.
Being bodied by Yoshi is a privilege and an honor...
I do not want to get eaten by Yoshi and dying in his stomach.


Sr. Community Manager, Smashboards Editor / Social
Oct 22, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
The amount of Lyn supporters make me weep happy man tears.

If you couldn't guess, I'd also pick Lyn.
Last edited:

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I'd be super hyped for Heihachi. I said this months ago, but I NEED to be able to kick my Ryu-main friend's *** with a Tekken character in Smash. Heihachi is my favorite character from Tekken, so hopefully it would be him if anyone.

And yeah no, he plays nothing like Ryu. Not an Echo fighter. Do not start that please, I'm almost willing to beg.
Oh I know he doesn't play like Ryu, but I think some might be confused if having inputs like Ryu would make Heihachi or any of the Mishimas too similar to Ryu.

Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Uvan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!
Guess I'm going with Knuckles then, I always liked him more than Sonic. Waluigi's a close second though.

Can't I just get a Protoman clone character of Mega Man though?
Last edited:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2017
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]")..
My guess goes with Waluigi.

But the idea is I guess you could say... ludicrous. Having a character be an a assist trophy AND a playable character at the same time, sorry but that's not how it works; once an assist trophy will stay as one.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Let's go into Namco characters in a bit more detail.

I see four IPs that I think are possible.

Soul Calibur
Tales of
Dark Souls

I don't see any other as possible. The other IPs are either too obscure or too small to really be considered, and I'm being nice by listing these four.

I think that each of these IPs have a unique set of pros and cons.

+IP has the most legacy by far
+Very popular and successful
+Has a clear defined character to include in Heihachi
+Heihachi has been considered by Sakurai meaning that he's on his mind.
+Heihachi is a Mii costume, meaning Sakurai views him as special

-Heihachi was called difficult to design
-While popular in his own right, Heihachi hasn't gotten a lot of requests for Smash, especially in the ballot period

Soul Calibur
+IP is historic
+Very popular and successful though they did have a dip for a while
+Has a clear defined character to include in Nightmare

-Heihachi is more popular overall and has been considered by Sakurai, meaning Soul Calibur has to compete with its fighting game big brother
- Series had a large "It's ruined" phase for a few years, potentially decreasing public opinion
-While popular in his own right, Nightmare hasn't gotten a lot of requests for Smash, especially in the ballot period

Tales of
+IP is historic
+Popular and successful
+Lloyd is a Mii costume, meaning Sakurai views him as special
+ Lloyd is a Nintendo fan favorite and has received lots of requests for Smash
+ Swamp's personal favorite <3

- Even though Lloyd seems to be the front runner, there are actually a lot of characters the series could include, making it hard to choose one
- Smallest IP on this list by far, its fairly niche
- Lloyd requests unfortunately petered out after Brawl though they were still noticeable during the ballot, no one else seemed to pick up the slack

Dark Souls
+Very popular and successful
+ Nintendo has taken an interest in the IP, being the ones to announce Dark Souls Remastered

- Pretty new and doesn't have the legacy of other IPs
- Requests for a character only showed up after Dark Souls Remastered was announced which is way too late

I personally think Tekken and Tales of are the two IPs to watch.

What do you all think?


May 2, 2015
Oh I know he doesn't play like Ryu, but I think some might be confused if having inputs like Ryu would make Heihachi or any of the Mishimas too similar to Ryu.
Yeah the last part was meant for the thread as a whole. Any Tekken player knows there aren't many similiarities between Ryu and Heihachi.

I mostly said that in case it actually became a discussion but looks like nobody else plays Tekken.:drshrug:

EDIT: Damn. I didn't know about the VA guy dying. That sucks...
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Heihachi's Japanese VA is dead. That's why he was killed off in his own series, out of respect for the actor.

I don't think Heihachi is happening.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Heihachi's Japanese VA is dead. That's why he was killed off in his own series, out of respect for the actor.

I don't think Heihachi is happening.
I was not aware of this.

Are you sure we'll never see him again?
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Heihachi's Japanese VA is dead. That's why he was killed off in his own series, out of respect for the actor.

I don't think Heihachi is happening.
Then I guess it's time for Kazuya to take up the reigns.
Well, until he gets killed by Jin in Tekken 8.
Or they could just reuse Heihachi lines. He's got 10ish games to draw from.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2014
Let's go into Namco characters in a bit more detail.

I see four IPs that I think are possible.

Soul Calibur
Tales of
Dark Souls

I don't see any other as possible. The other IPs are either too obscure or too small to really be considered, and I'm being nice by listing these four.

I think that each of these IPs have a unique set of pros and cons.

+IP has the most legacy by far
+Very popular and successful
+Has a clear defined character to include in Heihachi
+Heihachi has been considered by Sakurai meaning that he's on his mind.
+Heihachi is a Mii costume, meaning Sakurai views him as special

-Heihachi was called difficult to design
-While popular in his own right, Heihachi hasn't gotten a lot of requests for Smash, especially in the ballot period

Soul Calibur
+IP is historic
+Very popular and successful though they did have a dip for a while
+Has a clear defined character to include in Nightmare

-Heihachi is more popular overall and has been considered by Sakurai, meaning Soul Calibur has to compete with its fighting game big brother
- Series had a large "It's ruined" phase for a few years, potentially decreasing public opinion
-While popular in his own right, Nightmare hasn't gotten a lot of requests for Smash, especially in the ballot period

Tales of
+IP is historic
+Popular and successful
+Lloyd is a Mii costume, meaning Sakurai views him as special
+ Lloyd is a Nintendo fan favorite and has received lots of requests for Smash
+ Swamp's personal favorite <3

- Even though Lloyd seems to be the front runner, there are actually a lot of characters the series could include, making it hard to choose one
- Smallest IP on this list by far, its fairly niche
- Lloyd requests unfortunately petered out after Brawl though they were still noticeable during the ballot, no one else seemed to pick up the slack

Dark Souls
+Very popular and successful
+ Nintendo has taken an interest in the IP, being the ones to announce Dark Souls Remastered

- Pretty new and doesn't have the legacy of other IPs
- Requests for a character only showed up after Dark Souls Remastered was announced which is way too late

I personally think Tekken and Tales of are the two IPs to watch.

What do you all think?
But what about Digimon...... Its still pretty popular in Japan... got the new Adventure Tri. Movies and had two pretty well received games release before the movie being Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Digimon World Next Order, the former even got a sequal not long after...

Next Door Dog

Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2018
View attachment 151738

Well if we're doing this for Lloyd and Crono. I want to know if any of you guys would be interested in seeing a Tekken character in the game. I don't know how much you guys like Tekken but for me I'd be pretty hyped up if either Jin or Heihachi (the dude pictured above) was in the game. Seeing as Tekken is what got me into video games as a whole.

Though Tekken is in a weird place where it has a main family rather than a singular main character. Mechanically, the Mishimas fight differently enough from Ryu that they shouldn't step on his toes too much as fighting game characters.
While I haven't played any game after 5, the Tekken series will always have a special place in my heart. That being said, I really don't understand why everybody wants Heihachi. I've never in my life actually picked him in any of the games (aside from clearing arcade/story mode with every character). I will agree he makes a better mascot character in regards to the Mii costumes (his hairstyle definitely sticks out, pun semi-intended). But he's just such a bland character imo. I understand how they have to use Ryu for Street Fighter since he's the main guy, but Heihachi is from a series that has other main characters that are just as viable. Jin and Kazuya could at least use their devil forms for certain moves or final smashes, for instance. However, if there was a King or Yoshimitsu assist trophy I'd be a happy camper.

Soul Calibur is another Namco fighting game series they could draw a character from. I figure Nightmare would be the character, with a Siegfried alt possibly (depending on how much Nightmare uses his arm for attacks). It'd be really cool to see Nightmare fight Link again after 15(?) years.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Okay, let's play a hypotheticals game!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is released and, shortly after release, Sakurai reveals that there will be an (in-game) online poll to determine an Assist Trophy/Pokéball to be promoted to playability.

The candidates are:
  1. Waluigi
  2. Krystal
  3. Gardevoir
  4. Lyn
  5. Phosphora
  6. Takamaru
  7. Knuckles
Honorary mentions are Ashley and Isaac (who are unconfirmed but I would expect to be playable, however, I will list them to be on the safe side).
  • Waluigi plays as the "Mario Spinoff Representative", his moveset involves using sports equipment (moreso than Peach and Daisy), throwing Dice (how the Dice Lands determines the effect, like Mr. Game & Watches flag), using DDR dance moves (the sole game where he was the main guy XD) and generating a "Stock Market Building" (like Dr. Wright). His Up Special is "Air Swimming", it's slow and does no damage, but Waluigi has a lot of control and can swim a long distance.
  • Krystal is based almost entirely on Star Fox Adventures, using her Staff for everything. Fire Shots, Ice Shots, a ground slam, using it as a rocket, and also just beating people up with it. Her Final Smash causes a stampede of Dinosaurs.
  • Gardevoir is sort of like a fusion between Zelda and Mewtwo, using Psychic and Fairy -type moves. Two of her Specials are the same as Mewtwo's (Confusion and Teleport), while she uses Moon Blast instead of Shadow Ball (which charges slower but travels faster), and Barrier to increase her Defense. Her basic attacks are more like Zelda's, and her Final Smash "Mega Black Hole", is very similar to Triforce of Wisdom.
  • Lyn is a speed-based Swordswoman, though she also has a Bow in her Neutral Special. She shares Dancing Blade with the Marth archetype, but unlike them she is a lot more mobile during it. She also has Counter, which functions like her Assist Trophy attack (it's more like Lucario and Greninja's, having a slow wind-up and involving moving during the counter attack). The fact that she uses a Katana makes her functional damage range shorter than the Rapier of Marth, but she makes up for this with a lot of speed in her attacks.
  • Phosphora can be summed up as a "Humanoid Pikachu", she combines electrical attacks with fast dancing movements. She is capable of limited gliding, making her better in the air than on the ground. Most of her attacks involve lobbing electricity of various shapes and sizes at her enemies in some way.
  • Takamaru plays as a character in the same way as his Assist Trophy does, playing more like a historical Samurai than Lyn, who only uses a Katana (and Bow)... well, a Historical Samurai who also uses Fireballs. He is capable of throwing his Windwill Swords as with his Assist Trophy, but also can throw Throwing Knives. He is much more range based than other Sword-wielding Characters as a result.
  • Knuckles is basically a translation of his gameplay from Sonic Games. While he can spindash like Sonic can, he is more powerful and relies moreso on Punching to get the job done. His Up Special is a rising uppercut, and like Peach he can glide through the air, though he does so at more of a downward angle. His Down Special allows him to dig into the ground, either to evade attacks, have a unconventional recovery in 'tower' stages, and to facility 'sneak' attacks on unwary foes.
  • Ashley is a spellcaster, and like how Sheik is an archetypal Ninja, Ashley is an archetypal Witch. She can cast elemental spells (Fire, Electricity), summon vines to entrap enemies, cast debuffs on them and, in her Final Smash, turn people into Spoons, an item which she can then throw off the stage/out-of-bounds. Her up special turns Red into a Broom, which she can then fly on, it's similar to Villager's recovery, and Ashley can get knocked off through damage.
  • While Isaac uses a sword in his basic attacks (with aid from his Djinni Sprites), he is a Geomancer in his Specials. He can use his Neutral Special (Quake) to create Blocks in the terrain, and his Side Special (Spire) to create Spikes out of the ground that hurt to land on (and can also be 'felled' like Villager's tree). If used in the Air, theses attacks drop out of the Sky instead (Spire has, naturally, a Spiking effect). His Down Special, Gaia, causes a beam of energy to erupt out of the ground (ending up like a Reverse Thunder if used in the Air), and it is capable of carving chunks out of the Ground, even out of the stage's ledge. Obviously, these alterations to the stage are temporary, and will go away after either a short period of time, or in the case of Quake and Spire, after enough damage is dealt to them. Isaac's Final Smash, Iris, gathers his full team (Garet, Ivan, Mia, Felix, Jenna, Sheba and Piers) and they collectively use the summon to launch caught enemies into the Sun.
You can only vote on one character (though you can say "Ashley/Isaac is they aren't already playable, otherwise [character]").

...Man, this took a long time to write (A full hour)!

Yeah the last part was meant for the thread as a whole. Any Tekken player knows there aren't many similiarities between Ryu and Heihachi.

I mostly said that in case it actually became a discussion but looks like nobody else plays Tekken.:drshrug:

EDIT: Damn. I didn't know about the VA guy dying. That sucks...
Heihachi's Japanese VA is dead. That's why he was killed off in his own series, out of respect for the actor.

I don't think Heihachi is happening.
I was not aware of this.

Are you sure we'll never see him again?
Then I guess it's time for Kazuya to take up the reigns.
Well, until he gets killed by Jin in Tekken 8.
Or they could just reuse Heihachi lines. He's got 10ish games to draw from.
Didn't he get revived (and get younger)? Pretty sure that Tessho Genda voices him nowadays.

Although the glory of Daisuke Gouri's guttural growling will never grace Smash, sadly.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
My guess goes with Waluigi.

But the idea is I guess you could say... ludicrous. Having a character be an a assist trophy AND a playable character at the same time, sorry but that's not how it works; once an assist trophy will stay as one.
You missed the point a bit. The idea is that after the poll ends and the character is released a year later, they are longer an Assist Trophy, they get made playable due to fan demand.

(Except Knuckles, because of the "Knuckles & Knuckles" meme.)

It's also not a guess, it's a "How do you pick?" affair.
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May 2, 2015
While I haven't played any game after 5, the Tekken series will always have a special place in my heart. That being said, I really don't understand why everybody wants Heihachi. I've never in my life actually picked him in any of the games (aside from clearing arcade/story mode with every character). I will agree he makes a better mascot character in regards to the Mii costumes (his hairstyle definitely sticks out, pun semi-intended). But he's just such a bland character imo. I understand how they have to use Ryu for Street Fighter since he's the main guy, but Heihachi is from a series that has other main characters that are just as viable. Jin and Kazuya could at least use their devil forms for certain moves or final smashes, for instance. However, if there was a King or Yoshimitsu assist trophy I'd be a happy camper.

Soul Calibur is another Namco fighting game series they could draw a character from. I figure Nightmare would be the character, with a Siegfried alt possibly (depending on how much Nightmare uses his arm for attacks). It'd be really cool to see Nightmare fight Link again after 15(?) years.
How is Heihachi in any way more bland than Jin?

I always thought Jin was the most bland character.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Here you guys go! Another ridiculous SSBU leak, courtesy of 4chan! In what world could this possibly happen?


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
Hey I know this is a dumb question to ask here, but does anybody think that you can input anything else but a n-air when you do the short hop arial tech that they showed off in the trailer??? I was just giving it some thought rn...
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