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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
The beauty of the ballot. It means characters that people are passionate about get a shot.

It's the best hope for Pokemon outside the latest gen and gen 1. And within Gen 1, the best chance for those that weren't superglued to Ash at one point


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Well, this leak seems believable, but I am not going to believe it just yet. I’ll wait until we get more evidence or if the trailers do come out.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Here's a visual of what my reboot roster would look like. Limited to 34.
The goal here is to provide representation for as many series as possible.

View attachment 150920
I agree with Skyblade12 Skyblade12 , though. I wouldn't purchase the next Smash if they cut too many characters. I probably wouldn't take any less than this, and even this is stretching it. Why would I buy a game with half as much content? They'd have to serve some substantial gameplay improvements to make it worth it. It'd have to play even better than Melee and Smash 4 combined.

Nintendo has their work cut out for them when it comes to beating Ultimate.
I know it's kinda greedy, but if Sheik and Palutena was added, (and Gardevoir was there instead of Decidueye) this would be my reboot list. I agree with you though, if they cut too many characters I wouldn't buy Smash.
Gengar is my favorite Gen 1 Pokemon, but if we get another Gen 1 Pokemon in Smash I'll be massively disappointed, for a lack of a better term.
We have six Gen 1 Pokémon already, do we really need a 7th especially when Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer, and Mewtwo represents Gen 1 so well and Jigglypuff is a popular Gen 1 Pokémon. I think Gen 3 needs at least one Pokémon newcomer

*Shamelessly pushes Gardevoir to the front.*

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I was rewatching that glorious Ridley reveal again and the ending got me thinking: what if Sakurai is doing a new thing where the ending part of a trailer gives us a very subtle hint of the next newcomer?

There’s not much to go from considering it’s just zamus springing our of the explosion and making a kicking attack at Ridley. But what if it gives a hint in how the trailer will continue?

Will Geno arrive and give hope to Zamus, Mega Man, and Mario?
Will Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie come and save them but then have K Rool join forces with Ridley?
Will Captain Toad come out of nowhere and whack away at Ridley with a pick axe?
Will simon restrain both fighters?
Will Mastet Chief come in on a Pelican and take over the fight?


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I was rewatching that glorious Ridley reveal again and the ending got me thinking: what if Sakurai is doing a new thing where the ending part of a trailer gives us a very subtle hint of the next newcomer?

There’s not much to go from considering it’s just zamus springing our of the explosion and making a kicking attack at Ridley. But what if it gives a hint in how the trailer will continue?

Will Geno arrive and give hope to Zamus, Mega Man, and Mario?
Will Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie come and save them but then have K Rool join forces with Ridley?
Will Captain Toad come out of nowhere and whack away at Ridley with a pick axe?
Will simon restrain both fighters?
Will Mastet Chief come in on a Pelican and take over the fight?
Odd. I believe I actually posted a similar idea somewhere on this forum.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
The more I think about it, the more something along the lines of Gengar actually makes sense to me

Let's say Sakurai bases his newcomer picks entirely on the ballot. That he wants this to be his "Ultimate" Smash Brothers game, a celebration of the series as a whole, so he focuses on giving the fans EXACTLY what they want. It's not even that far fetched, the 3 newcomers we've gotten are extremely popular, fan demand has been cited multiple times in interviews and blog updates, Sakurai himself said he brought back every veteran because "He believes that's what the fans want."

We have no idea what the ballot results were apart from Bayonetta winning overall, disregarding "Unrealistic choices". Polls have tried to get an idea, but those are never going to even touch the massive casual crowd that would have voted on the ballot. But we can make a few educated guesses;

Pokemon is unbelievably popular, more so then pretty much every other franchise on the roster. It makes sense that a ton of votes would have gone towards people's favorite Pokemon. Hell, I voted for Sceptile myself!

Now say you're Sakurai, and you want to pick a Pokemon newcomer. This time, you want to pick the one that your fans want the most. What might those results look like?

Well, first off, it's going to be a Generation 1 Pokemon. Sceptile had a decent run, but that was mainly in the core Smash fanbase, the ones who wanted a grass starter to nicely fill out the trio. I wouldn't be surprised if the Pokemon did ok on the ballot, but it can't compete with the juggernaut that is the Gen 1 fanbase.
So who'd top that list from Generation 1? Call me crazy, but I think :094: would have scored the highest.

The starters, :009: in particular, would be pretty high, but its got to compete with :007:, whose already made it back.

I could see characters like :052:, :151:, and :143:, but they're already disconfirmed as Pokeballs.

One's like :131:, :130:, and :139: (Praise be) are really popular, but they're not exactly built to be a Smash fighter, I don't see people voting for them...

:123: doesn't have hands, which is a damn shame because that would be awesome.

In my opinion, the major contenders that are left are :149:, :059:, :065:, and :094:. Gengar fits that bill best. There's very little overlap with other characters on the roster, no weird complications to make them fit in, it's one of the most expressive Pokemon in general, and it's got some serious potential for a weird, interesting moveset. It could poison fighters, confuse them by messing with the players inputs, put them to sleep and eat their dreams!

And sure, there's Game Freak, but Sakurai has stated that they go to the Pokemon company to research potential fighters and who might be popular in the near future. Game Freak doesn't pick for him, he still goes his same criteria as usual:

"Well first of all, we talk with the Pokemon company. What’s the hot Pokemon? What Pokemon are in the movies right now? And really do a lot of research on that front.

For example, X and Y are coming out – of course, we haven’t done any market research because they’re not out yet, but we look at the animated series or movies and anything like that and again, find out which ones are going to be central to any of conversations in Pokemon going forward.

But it’s not just that – going back to just what we talked about, what’s unique about them? Where do they fit in with the rest of everything else? What do they have? It’s a combination of those things. "

The way he words it makes it sounds like he goes to them simply to find characters to add to his potential roster of Pokemon. And it's not like Gengar isn't a "hot Pokemon" right now.

TL'DR, Gengar actually kinda makes sense if you keep the desires of the casual audience in mind.
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Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
I was rewatching that glorious Ridley reveal again and the ending got me thinking: what if Sakurai is doing a new thing where the ending part of a trailer gives us a very subtle hint of the next newcomer?

There’s not much to go from considering it’s just zamus springing our of the explosion and making a kicking attack at Ridley. But what if it gives a hint in how the trailer will continue?

Will Geno arrive and give hope to Zamus, Mega Man, and Mario?
Will Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie come and save them but then have K Rool join forces with Ridley?
Will Captain Toad come out of nowhere and whack away at Ridley with a pick axe?
Will simon restrain both fighters?
Will Mastet Chief come in on a Pelican and take over the fight?
If there is no correlation with the Inkling ones then I doubt it.
That final part with ZSS was probably just to show that even if she was scared by Ridley, she is still willing to fight him. No PTSD here, this isn't Other M.
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Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Gengar is cool but yeah, I’d rather have a first seventh gen Pokémon than a seventh first gen Pokémon.
See what I did there?

And regarding the ballot, I'd argue Squirtle and Ivysaur (or just PKMN Trainer) were the most requested Pokémon, and we got them.
Plus maybe Sceptile because of grass-type and OR/AS being recent at the time.
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
I was rewatching that glorious Ridley reveal again and the ending got me thinking: what if Sakurai is doing a new thing where the ending part of a trailer gives us a very subtle hint of the next newcomer?

There’s not much to go from considering it’s just zamus springing our of the explosion and making a kicking attack at Ridley. But what if it gives a hint in how the trailer will continue?

Will Geno arrive and give hope to Zamus, Mega Man, and Mario?
Will Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie come and save them but then have K Rool join forces with Ridley?
Will Captain Toad come out of nowhere and whack away at Ridley with a pick axe?
Will simon restrain both fighters?
Will Mastet Chief come in on a Pelican and take over the fight?
I doubt that. I think the end was merely to say "Samus is not dead. She can still kick his ass!" for some Metroid fanservice.

I like the idea. In truth, it reminds me of Mega Man's trailer where people said the rock was Bowser Jr. It sounded crazy but then his reveal comes, and he is literally in the same setting with only Rosalina not being present in MM'Ss trailer showing up randomly. Purely coincidental but loved it haha.
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Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
Gengar is a Pokemon that I do not see happening in the slightest. The most it has is popularity and that it's a fighter in Pokken.

If we're getting a new Pokemon, it'll end up being from Gen VII, and my money's on either Decidueye or Lycanroc. Incineroar is possible, too.

As for the newcomer trailers being linked, I highly doubt it, as neat as it'd be. And not going to lie, for a split second, I thought when Zero Suit Samus appeared, it was Sylux. All I saw was blue, then she came close to the camera and was like 'Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.'


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Heres another one o' dem 4chan leaks:

"Hello, I know this will probably be buried under a lot of speculation, however I am leaving my career after a few years and I've decided to speak about what I know about this game.​
A little backstory, I worked for a little animation company called "Spooky graphic". We worked a little bit on the animated trailers for Smash Wii U, and we were asked to help with this new game too. I personally specialise in effects, including for example the dust you see when the characters land in the Duck Hunt trailer. I also worked on the lighting for Mega Man's trailer. Including a Spark Shock move featuring Pikachu that got unfortunately cut.​
Because I have only worked on the trailers, I was only ever given what I needed to. I don't have any attack information, and I can't say that there aren't other character trailers being worked on. We were supplied with screenshots and animation references however, to make sure the animation is accurate.​
So far, the company has been hired to work on two trailers. The first one appears to be a King K. Rool trailer. The trailer is a comedic take on a heist movie, with Wario, Wolf and Ridley planning to steal a large pile of bananas from Donkey Kong. I mainly worked on the physics for the scroll map, however I did do dust trails for the end of the trailer where King K. Rool is running away with the stash in a wooden cart. I know that at one point he uses a giant cannon (smoke effects) so this is likely one of his specials.​

The second and last trailer I worked on is for a character that from what I can tell isn't highly requested, but should cause a lot of excitement. It's a trailer for Gengar. The main theme of the trailer is the haunted house genre, starring Ness, Lucas and Toon Link (in pajamas). It appears to be a sleepover scene, with the kids telling scary stories. The house starts doing strange things, including moving chairs, animating paintings and strange noises. All of these effects use an aura, so I worked quite heavily on this animation. Eventually, both Toon Link and Ness are swallowed by a black void, leaving only Lucas. The wall then grows a smiling face, and Gengar emerges from it.​
I wish I could give you moveset information, however that doesn't appear to be possible for Gengar. His character model is translucent however, and that would likely be a feature in his actual character. Other than that, all I can say is that he's in the game.​
The reason I can legally divulge this information is actually the reason I am leaving the company. I was seriously ill a while ago, and was out of work for a few months. Those were the months that Nintendo demanded non-disclosure agreements, and I was overlooked. By the time I had left, nobody had asked me to sign anything, so as far as I know I'm under no obligation to keep this secret. The illness has returned, and I am unable to work because of it."​

the company he is talking about "spooky graphic" is indeed real and works on nintendo games so theres that. http://www.spooky.tv/
As someone who works with NDAs on a regular basis... That’s not how they work.

You don’t “miss” an NDA. It’s not as though Nintendo sends a group of lawyers around wth a stack of papers and ask for everyone to just sign.

These companies have a standard relationship. NDAs for the team are likely e-signed and automated. He’d have been sent an NDA when he was assigned to the project. When he missed signing it within a deadline, it would have probably alerted his manager. He would have either been asked to sign (he can’t work, but he can get email), or removed from the project, and the NDA would have been given to him when reassigned to it. And, since the videos were probably separate projects, they’d likely have individual NDAs, making it harder to overlook something like this.

What’s more, the NDA is not the only contract in play here. There’s his employment contract. If the company regularly uses NDAs, one of the clauses is almost certainly “if you see information you are not cleared for, pass it on to supervisor, manager, or other high level individual”. Every piece of information would have been marked as NDA only. He would have been required to report that, and that is breach of contract that is legally enforceable. Knowingly taking company information is theft/embezzlement. In addition to losing whatever medical benefits or leave he would have had, he is very legally vulnerable here.

What’s more, he’s not the only one. Since he didn’t sign the NDA, every one of his coworkers is now legally vulnerable for revealing information to someone who wasn’t bound by the NDA. His supervisor or manager is guilty of gross negligence or incompetence. His company would be in breach of contract as well.

What’s more, this is a major breach of professional ethics, and most big companies have serious ethics policies. Nintendo would be rethinking their relationship with a company that has a culture of “well, as long as you can get away with it”. This would probably keep them from getting more work for Nintendo in the future.

That’s not even getting into the details of the leak itself (such as the convenience of being out of office during the NDA signing, coming back to work, and then happening to get sick and be permanently gone from the job after finding out details).
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Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2013
Lorraine, France
I'd be so bummed to have Gengar. Yet another 1st gen mon, and easily the least interesting of all ghost types to me. All these years waiting for my beloved ghost types to be in and in the end getting the only one that sucks would sting.

Deleted member

Not a fan of the idea of a reboot, but it's an interesting discussion topic. Here's my reboot roster, with 30 characters:
:ultmario::ultdk::ultlink::ultsamus::ultkirby::ultpikachu::ultmarth::ultvillager::ultinkling: - Arguably Nintendo's biggest franchise at the moment
:ultluigi::ultpeach::ultbowser::ultyoshi::ultzelda::ultganondorf::ultkingdedede::ultmewtwo::ultlucario: - Some of the most well known secondary characters from those franchises
:ultike:/:ultridley: - See above (limited slots)
:ultfox: - A franchise that Nintendo is seemingly trying to bring back but struggles with coming up with ideas for it
:ultolimar: - Miyamoto's boi
:ultshulk: - A franchise that Nintendo is seemingly pushing as one of its A-listers
:ultfalcon::ultness: - Sort of legacy characters for the Smash series at this point
:ultlittlemac::ultpit: - Retros
:ultsonic::ultmegaman::ultcloud: - Third-parties that could be used as selling points
Crash Bandicoot - See above (Mario vs Sonic vs Crash could be a big selling point for the game)
0% bias injected.
We have six Gen 1 Pokémon already, do we really need a 7th especially when Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer, and Mewtwo represents Gen 1 so well and Jigglypuff is a popular Gen 1 Pokémon. I think Gen 3 needs at least one Pokémon newcomer

*Shamelessly pushes Gardevoir to the front.*
Gardevoir does seem like the best Gen 3 choice to me at the moment, though I'm less interested in Gen 3 newcomers than I am in a Gen 5/7 newcomer.


May 2, 2015
Here's an activity for you all.

State your reaction for each of these events.

Your reaction if Captain Toad is revealed.
Your reaction if Papaer Mario is revealed.
Your reaction if K.Rool is revealed.
Your reaction if Dixie Kong is revealed.
Your reaction if Skull Kid is revealed.
Your reaction if a champion is revealed.
Your reaction if Dark Samus is revealed.
Your reaction if Bandana Waddle Dee is revealed.
Your reaction if Decidueye is revealed.
Your reaction if Incineroar is revealed.
Your reaction if Mimikyu is revealed.
Your reaction if Celica is revealed.
Your reaction if Ashley is revealed.
Your reaction if Elma is Revealed.
Your reaction if Rex and Pyra is revealed.
Your reaction if Wonder Red is revealed.
Your reaction if Dillon is revealed.
Your reaction if Spring Man is revealed.
Your reaction if Simon is revealed.
Your reaction if Crash is revealed.
I'm over 12 hours late but why not.
Captain Toad: Sick!
Paper Mario: Ok...
K. Rool: Neat.
Dixie: ...
Skull Kid: ...
Champion: Depends on the champion.
Dark Samus: ...
Bandana Dee: Sick!
Decidueye: End my suffering.
Incineroar: Sick!
Celica: Neat.
Ashley: Awesome!
Elma: Sick!
Rex & Pyra: Why.
Wonder Red: Whyyyyyy
Dillion: Who
Spring Man: Neat. Too bad hes the least interesting fighter from his game :l.
Simon: Neat.
Crash: Ok.

My responses overall seem extremely negative but I'm also just grading my reaction based on the initial reveal. If they had a fun or interesting playstyle I would end the reveal trailer much more positively. Even Decidueye could end up being a "Neat!" assuming his playstyle wows me.

There are some other characters like Dillion and Crash who I just have no attachment to and I don't care one way or the other if they are in.

I want to be excited for Spring Man but I'd literally be more interested in every other character from his game.

Deleted member

And that, folks, is how Gengar started popping up on every prediction roster on Smashboards.
This is why I hate leaks...
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Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2016
Mario: Paper Mario
Yoshi: Baby Mario (it still counts, right?)
Wario: Ashley (I guess?)
Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong (I want King K. Rool too, though)
Zelda: Tetra
Metroid: Kraid (From NES Metroid)
Fire Emblem: Lyn
Kirby: Bandana Waddle Dee
Star Fox: Krystal
Pokémon: Chikorita, I guess? Not sure if we really need more Pokémon, but Gen 2 hasn't been represented much (I guess Pichu counts).
F-Zero: Black Shadow
Earthbound: Mr. Saturn (Porky might not fit).
Pikmin: Pass.
Kid Icarus: Pass.
Animal Crossing: Pass.
Punch-Out!: King Hippo (Plenty of choices, but we need someone who is very different from Little Mac and is fairly iconic.)
Xenoblade: Pass.
Splatoon: Pass.
Retro: Popeye (technically a first party title, though the character isn't)
New IP: Commanding Officer (from the Advance Wars series, with many different options as costume changes).
SEGA: AiAi from Super Monkey Ball (Throw in all four characters as different costumes).
Capcom: Phoenix Wright
Namco: Siegfried
Square-Enix: Geno
Konami: Simon Belmont (I would be fine with many different Castlevania characters, but is arguably the most iconic of the NES-era).


May 2, 2015
I like Gengar and Gardevoir but am really disliking the "its in Pokken so it has a chance in Smash!" thought process. How about let people who like a Pokemon that got in Pokken......play Pokken?

There is already plenty of overlap there and if you let different mons be playable between Smash and Pokken your letting more people get a chance to play their favorite pokemon.

If all we do is overlap then we are catering to a very select few fans comparitively. Yes, Gengar and Gardevoir are popular. That doesn't mean they are anywhere near everyone's favorite.

I don't actually mind the two making it in Smash but it shouldn't be "because they were in Pokken." In my opinion, thats a reason to keep them out of Smash.
(Also yeah no more Gen 1 mons for a minute please and thank you.)
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I like Gengar and Gardevoir but am really disliking the "its in Pokken so it has a chance in Smash!" thought process. How about let people who like a Pokemon that got in Pokken......play Pokken?

There is already plenty of overlap there and if you let different mons be playable between Smash and Pokken your letting more people get a chance to play their favorite pokemon.

If all we do is overlap then we are catering to a very select few fans comparitively. Yes, Gengar and Gardevoir are popular. That doesn't mean they are anywhere near everyone's favorite.

I don't actually mind the two making it in Smash but it shouldn't be "because they were in Pokken." In my opinion, thats a reason to keep them out of Smash.
(Also yeah no more Gen 1 mons for a minute please and thank you.)
I have absolutely no idea how Sakurai looks at Pokemon, so this is just a 100% random assumption from me.

Personally, I think any Pokemon getting in Pokken who's not already in Smash actually hurts their chances. Sakurai loves being original, and I think if it came down to it, he'd rather do his own weird thing than to look at someone else's roster and say, "Yeah, that Pokemon seems pretty popular. I guess I'll add it it my game too."


Hocus Pocus
Jun 19, 2018
I was rewatching that glorious Ridley reveal again and the ending got me thinking: what if Sakurai is doing a new thing where the ending part of a trailer gives us a very subtle hint of the next newcomer?

There’s not much to go from considering it’s just zamus springing our of the explosion and making a kicking attack at Ridley. But what if it gives a hint in how the trailer will continue?

Will Geno arrive and give hope to Zamus, Mega Man, and Mario?
Will Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie come and save them but then have K Rool join forces with Ridley?
Will Captain Toad come out of nowhere and whack away at Ridley with a pick axe?
Will simon restrain both fighters?
Will Mastet Chief come in on a Pelican and take over the fight?
Ashley Turns Ridley into a spoon >w<.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I don't want Gengar to be playable. That would bring Gen 1 up to 7 reps, more than the entire Zelda franchise (6)! Sure, the first gen is the original, and the most iconic, but that does not mean that it should have more reps than all of Zelda!
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I don't want Gengar to be playable. That would bring Gen 1 up to 7 reps, more than the entire Zelda franchise (6)! Sure, the first gen is the original, and the most iconic, but that does not mean that it should have more reps than all of Zelda!
I don't like comparing reps much but agreed, it's not like other gens have no fan favourites.


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2013
Lorraine, France
I have absolutely no idea how Sakurai looks at Pokemon, so this is just a 100% random assumption from me.

Personally, I think any Pokemon getting in Pokken who's not already in Smash actually hurts their chances. Sakurai loves being original, and I think if it came down to it, he'd rather do his own weird thing than to look at someone else's roster and say, "Yeah, that Pokemon seems pretty popular. I guess I'll add it it my game too."
NOoooooOoO! Let me believe in my dear Chandelure!


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
Here's an activity for you all.

State your reaction for each of these events.

Your reaction if Captain Toad is revealed.
Your reaction if Papaer Mario is revealed.
Your reaction if K.Rool is revealed.
Your reaction if Dixie Kong is revealed.
Your reaction if Skull Kid is revealed.
Your reaction if a champion is revealed.
Your reaction if Dark Samus is revealed.
Your reaction if Bandana Waddle Dee is revealed.
Your reaction if Decidueye is revealed.
Your reaction if Incineroar is revealed.
Your reaction if Mimikyu is revealed.
Your reaction if Celica is revealed.
Your reaction if Ashley is revealed.
Your reaction if Elma is Revealed.
Your reaction if Rex and Pyra is revealed.
Your reaction if Wonder Red is revealed.
Your reaction if Dillon is revealed.
Your reaction if Spring Man is revealed.
Your reaction if Simon is revealed.
Your reaction if Crash is revealed.
To be honest I wouldn't really have much complaints on these choices as most of the characters I would want are pretty much on there.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
I'm on the flipside of the opinion. Gengar is cool and all, but now that PT is back, I'm adamantly opposing a seventh Gen I Pokemon.

Give me any of the Gen VII Pokemon before Gengar.
I can appreciate the way that Generation I is pushed can be frustrating at times - count me as someone not interested in Let's Go in the slightest - but I strongly disagree with this. What's the real difference between just choosing Generation I Pokemon and choosing anything except Generation I Pokemon? Both are choosing a Pokemon based solely on its generation rather than any intrinsic merit the Pokemon actually has. Just support the Pokemon you like the most. If you like Decidueye / Mimikyu / Lycanroc / Bounsweet / Hau's underpants more than Gengar (or, indeed, choose your favourite Gen I Pokemon that isn't here) then I get that. But I cannot think of any line of thinking on this issue more frustrating than vehemently opposing the Pokemon based solely on its generation and nothing about the Pokemon itself.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2018
Madrid, New Mexico
Switch FC
Here's an activity for you all.

State your reaction for each of these events.

Your reaction if Captain Toad is revealed.
Your reaction if Papaer Mario is revealed.
Your reaction if K.Rool is revealed.
Your reaction if Dixie Kong is revealed.
Your reaction if Skull Kid is revealed.
Your reaction if a champion is revealed.
Your reaction if Dark Samus is revealed.
Your reaction if Bandana Waddle Dee is revealed.
Your reaction if Decidueye is revealed.
Your reaction if Incineroar is revealed.
Your reaction if Mimikyu is revealed.
Your reaction if Celica is revealed.
Your reaction if Ashley is revealed.
Your reaction if Elma is Revealed.
Your reaction if Rex and Pyra is revealed.
Your reaction if Wonder Red is revealed.
Your reaction if Dillon is revealed.
Your reaction if Spring Man is revealed.
Your reaction if Simon is revealed.
Your reaction if Crash is revealed.
Honestly all of these characters would earn an enthusiastic holler from me upon reveal because I actually know who they are (other than Celica idk who that is.) I just like seeing new fighters. The character that would make me lose my mind though from this list are Captain Toad, K. Rool, Mimikyu, Spring Man, and Crash.

Deleted member

I can appreciate the way that Generation I is pushed can be frustrating at times - count me as someone not interested in Let's Go in the slightest - but I strongly disagree with this. What's the real difference between just choosing Generation I Pokemon and choosing anything except Generation I Pokemon? Both are choosing a Pokemon based solely on its generation rather than any intrinsic merit the Pokemon actually has. Just support the Pokemon you like the most. If you like Decidueye / Mimikyu / Lycanroc / Bounsweet / Hau's underpants more than Gengar (or, indeed, choose your favourite Gen I Pokemon that isn't here) then I get that. But I cannot think of any line of thinking on this issue more frustrating than vehemently opposing the Pokemon based solely on its generation and nothing about the Pokemon itself.
To tell the truth, I would normally agree with this sort of mindset, but I think you're underestimating how much people are frustrated with Gen 1 pandering.
Sakurai passing on so many unique options from Gen 7 in favor of another Gen 1 Pokemon would feel like a slap in the face to fans of the newer gens, myself included.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
To tell the truth, I usually agree with this sort of mindset, but I think you're underestimating how much people are frustrated with Gen 1 pandering.
Sakurai passing on so many unique options from Gen 7 in favor of another Gen 1 Pokemon would feel like a slap in the face to fans of the newer Generations, myself included.
Forget that.

Sakurai passing on so many unique options from OTHER GAMES in favor of another Gen 1 Pokemon would feel like a slap in the face of fans of other Nintendo franchises.

Gen 1 gets 4 characters added to this game who weren’t in Smash 4, but Waluigi/Takamaru/Whoever else gets left out? For a Pokémon that no one asked for, from a Gen with more characters than there are Fire Emblem characters in the roster?

Minikyu fans are upset for a ghost type that’s not Mimikyu. Half the rest of the Pokémon fans are upset about Gen 1 pandering. The entire rest of the fan base is upset at this pick coming out of nowhere and taking resources that could go for characters they want.

You think the Waluigi fans lost it before? Wait until they find out that he didn’t make it, but another Pokémon did.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
As far as Pokemon is concerned, the generation representatives dilemma does not bother me. Gen I will obviously have an edge in terms of nostalgic value and being icons as that's when the series peaked. If he focuses on the ballot for a Pokemon newcomer, another Gen I is certainly possible.

For me, I prefer Gen 2, with Crystal being the definitive version of GBA era Pokemon as a whole. I liked Gen 3's mechanics, but only in the familiar surroundings of Kanto. Hoenn did not grab my attention and I only like a handful of the Pokemon introduced in that region. Gen 4 was largely forgettable aside from the Johto remakes, and I liked Gen 5's ideas and was the first time I thought the series was going in the right direction again. Gen 6 had a lot of variety but they made the simple concept of Pokemon much more simpler, thus the challenge was effectively erased. Gen 7 had a lot of cool new Pokemon and the region is neat to go through, but didn't really change the problems Gen 6 had.

So for that reason in Smash, they can add whoever they want in my view as long as they are interesting. I personally found Greninja's moveset lackluster, but Gen 7 has a lot of neat ideas from Decidueye, Mimikyu, and Lycanroc that I'd like to see explored in Smash. However, Gengar could also do that with ghost and poison moves, so if it is him so be it. It shouldn't be a problem, although I understand why newer fans might feel alienated.

Besides, my favorite Pokemon tend to be the ones that wouldn't really fit into Smash. Machamp is the sole exception as he could be a proper grappler, but otherwise what can you do with Arbok, Muk, Venomoth, Vileplume, Glaceon, Toxicroak, Tentacruel, Mamoswine, Skarmory, and Steelix? Not much!
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Well, this leak seems believable, but I am not going to believe it just yet. I’ll wait until we get more evidence or if the trailers do come out.
Yeah. I'll save my excitement for when any of it is proven true. In the meantime, it's still an entertaining read, I think.

Also, in regards to Bandana Dee's supposed moveset being "nothing special", I think it would mean that everything he can do in Return to Dream Land, he does here as well.

Konami: Simon (Castlevania) & Goemon (Mystical Ninja)
SEGA: Arle (Puyo Puyo)
Namco: Heihachi (Tekken)
Square: A Dragon Quest rep
Pretty much want all of these.

As for a specific one from Capcom, it would be a tossup between Morrigan (she's been in every Capcom crossover, so why not this as well :p) and Arthur (he's THE most iconic masocore platform hero of the company).
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