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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
While I understand where everyone is coming from with the “reboot” talk, I also kinda don’t. Yes, fighting game franchises do receive a reboot every once in awhile, but Smash isn’t like Street Fighter, Tekken, or Mortal Kombat. Smash thrives because of the roster.

If they release Ultimate with one of the greatest rosters in gaming history, and release a new Smash with more than half of this current roster missing, why would I buy it? Why would anybody buy it? Unless they experiment with a new gameplay design, I see absolutely no reason to reboot.

I’d rather play Ultimate that will probably end up having over 70 characters and (though i’m not worried) potential balance issues, than a game with 24 characters and it being more balanced/something drastically changed.

Imagine being a huge fan of Cloud, Ike, Ridley, Snake, even freaking Sonic. Maybe you’re a huge fan of Pokémon Trainer. Whatever it is, the incentive to play a reboot is lost when those characters are easily cut.

I think it’s interesting to entertain the thought of a reboot, but i’m not quite sure why it’s being seen as a mandatory action. Yeah, the roster is big in Ultimate already. That’s literally the selling point for the game, and frankly, the series itself. I simply do not see a convincing reason that Smash would need to be rebooted rather than put on hiatus for several years.
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Honestly I see then porting Ultimate with more content rather than rebooting. Same workload in theory, just not scrapping everything to make it happen.
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Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone
Also, very late to this, but here's my attempt at a 30 character roster for a potential reboot:

(Pokémon Trainer is counted as 3)

Honestly I see then porting Ultimate with more content rather than rebooting. Same workload in theory, just not scrapping everything to make it happen.
I'd rather have this instead of a reboot.


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Honestly I see then porting Ultimate with more content rather than rebooting. Same workload in theory, just not scrapping everything to make it happen.
Yeah, I think that's what they'd do too, more content is what sells, but I have to wonder what they will call it, Super Smash Bros. Ultimater?


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Yeah, I think that's what they'd do too, more content is what sells, but I have to wonder what they will call it, Super Smash Bros. Ultimater?
Ultimate Super Smash Bros.

That's right.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Is it weird that I think Boshi is more likely to be in the game than Kamek? At least Boshi could be made into a clone. I just don't see a good Kamek moveset
Honestly, I think one of the biggest merits Kamek has is his moveset potential.

He's a summoner. Like, his main shtick is powering up other enemies to fight you, preferring not to fight himself.

With his Toadies, Boom Boom, and other Yoshi series bosses, he could potentially be a really interesting character that relies on summoning and powering up AI enemies to fight alongside him.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Here's an activity for you all.

State your reaction for each of these events.

Your reaction if Captain Toad is revealed.
Your reaction if Papaer Mario is revealed.
Your reaction if K.Rool is revealed.
Your reaction if Dixie Kong is revealed.
Your reaction if Skull Kid is revealed.
Your reaction if a champion is revealed.
Your reaction if Dark Samus is revealed.
Your reaction if Bandana Waddle Dee is revealed.
Your reaction if Decidueye is revealed.
Your reaction if Incineroar is revealed.
Your reaction if Mimikyu is revealed.
Your reaction if Celica is revealed.
Your reaction if Ashley is revealed.
Your reaction if Elma is Revealed.
Your reaction if Rex and Pyra is revealed.
Your reaction if Wonder Red is revealed.
Your reaction if Dillon is revealed.
Your reaction if Spring Man is revealed.
Your reaction if Simon is revealed.
Your reaction if Crash is revealed.
Captain Toad: it's about time that Toad was playable in some form! Plus, the Captain Toad game is just adorable, and I'd be interested to see how he plays.

Paper Mario: I'd be interested to see how he plays, and I'd hope that they'd mainly focus on Paper Mario, Thousand Year Door, Super Paper Mario, and possibly the Mario & Luigi game with him in it. (haven't played that one)

K. Rool: LONG overdue, and I'd be excited to have him. Having him in would mean that all of my top three most wanted characters (the other two being Snake and Ridley) would be in the same Smash game!

Dixie: I'd be excited - when playing DKC2, I generally preferred Dixie over Diddy.

Skull Kid: while he might not be my first choice for a new Zelda character, most of those have already been confirmed as assist trophies, and I'd be interested to see what he could do.

Champion: I'm not very far into Breath of the Wild, so I've only encountered one champion, Mipha. She'd definitely be an interesting character to play as, and in general, I wouldn't say no to any of them - Zelda could use a newcomer.

Dark Samus: could be interesting, though honestly, I'm just happy with Ridley

Bandana Waddle Dee: glad; his moves seem like they'd fit perfectly in a Smash game, and hopefully, it would put an end to the "Goomba with a hat" comparisons that I've seen

Decidueye, Incineroar, Mimikyu: I'm several generations behind on Pokemon, so I'm not entirely familiar with them beyond what they look like, but if they've got interesting movesets, I'm sure I'd be pleased with any of them.

Celica: she's from Fire Emblem, from what I recall; I have no idea what she can do (I think she might be a mage?), but as long as other franchises like Zelda and Donkey Kong get newcomers, and she isn't a sword user, I'd be okay with it.

Ashley: no strong feelings one way or the other; I prefer Wario's platformers over his Wario Ware games, and from the few I've played (the original, the Gamecube one, and Smooth Moves), Ashley didn't stand out much to me.

Elma or Rex and Pyra: either one would be great; I wasn't sure about Rex and Pyra before I got Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but even from the first few chapters, it's clear that they'd work really well in Smash. I'd like to see Elma get in; while I haven't played much of Xenoblade Chronicles X, I don't want it to be ignored by Nintendo just because it was on the Wii U.

Wonder Red: the Wonderful 101's camera has made it difficult for me to get into the game (everything seems so zoomed-out that it seems impossible to tell where my character is at times, and some of the dual screen features are neat but poorly implemented, like when you have to activate controls on the Gamepad to move a ship around on the TV), but I feel like he'd be a ton of fun; as Bayonetta showed, it seems fairly straightforward to create a Smash moveset for a character from Platinum's style of games.

Dillon: I've never played his games, but his design looks neat.

Spring Man: I haven't played ARMS. He seems like he'd be the main character (both him and Ribbon Girl are featured prominently in the advertising), though from what I've seen, he kind of seems like the blandest one there. (then again, the same could be said about Ryu compared to the Street Fighter cast, and even taking his game mechanics directly from Street Fighter made him unique in Smash)

Simon: I've had trouble with getting into the Castlevania franchise, whether I tried Castlevania 1, Super Castlevania IV, or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I'd appreciate Simon's inclusion for his history, but I wouldn't be as excited as I would be for Snake or Bomberman.

Crash: WHOA! I'd be interested to see how he would work in Smash, and I'd find it hilarious that Smash Bros. has better examples of Playstation all-stars (:ultsnake::ultcloud: and Crash) than Playstation All-Stars did.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Yeah, I think that's what they'd do too, more content is what sells, but I have to wonder what they will call it, Super Smash Bros. Ultimater?
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate featuring Dante from Devil May Cry and Knuckles, obviously


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Is it weird that I think Boshi is more likely to be in the game than Kamek? At least Boshi could be made into a clone. I just don't see a good Kamek moveset
Not really, although I think Kamek has lots they could do for a moveset, but the thing is the New Super Mario Bros. U stage he's on is back and he was a integral part of it, and Boshi has the advantage of most of the dev time being spent bringing back the veterans, making Echoes/Clones probably is very appealing to the dev team right now because it's cheap (and no longer controversial because Echoes is good marketing lol) and can still add new characters while not taking their limited time away from making more unique newcomers, and Kamek would definitely have to be a unique new character. I don't think it's that likely that Boshi gets in (More so than Kamek as of now though) but I could see it happening.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
I wonder if Pokemon Trainer is gonna have separate Pokemon amiibo or they'll just be a GIANT Detective Pikachu size amiibo with the Trainer and his three Pokemon.

Mr. Mumbles

Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2013
Honestly I see then porting Ultimate with more content rather than rebooting. Same workload in theory, just not scrapping everything to make it happen.
I get where you guys are coming from but at what point does the roster become overwhelmingly big? 100? 150? 200?

I realize numbers like these are a long way off but if smash keeps being a franchise and they just keep adding characters they'd be hit eventually. Personally I think Smash with ultimate is getting close to a point where it'd be completely overwhelming to newcommers just from having so many character choices.
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I wonder if Pokemon Trainer is gonna have separate Pokemon amiibo or they'll just be a GIANT Detective Pikachu size amiibo with the Trainer and his three Pokemon.
It’s an interesting question. I think it could entirely depend on custome moves coming back.

If not, I can totally see all 3 Pokémon being relegated to the single trainer (not to mention the additional Female Trainer Amiibo that would undoubtedly be released). Otherwise, I could see a 4-pack of the Trainer, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and a new Charizard.

Personally I think it will just be the Trainer.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Smash's roster size isn't really a thing for Sakurai and Nintendo.. They aren't treating it like their main esport. Characters sell, and they know the competitive crowd will find a way to enjoy their game.

If they wanted to make Smash truly competitive, then rebooting makes sense. They COULD use it as a marketing strategy, but honestly that goes against the very foundation of Smash Bros. as a series. It would be very risky.
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Hocus Pocus
Jun 19, 2018
I get where you guys are coming from but at what point does the roster become overwhelmingly big? 100? 150? 200?

I realize numbers like these are a long way off but if smash keeps being a franchise and they just keep adding characters they'd be hit eventually. Personally I think Smash with ultimate is getting close to a point where it'd be completely overwhelming to newcommers just from having so many character choices.
I think even if they build on this game in the future instead of starting from scratch, we will still see old characters getting cut for new ones.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Let’s play a little game, choose your most wanted newcomer from each series:

Donkey Kong:
Fire Emblem:
Star Fox:
Kid Icarus:
Animal Crossing:
Punch Out!:
Square Enix:
Mario: Captain Toad
Yoshi: Kamek
Wario: Mona (it's hard for me to choose her over Captain Syrup, believe me)
Donkey Kong: Tiny Kong
Zelda: Impa, maybe
Metroid: Sylux
Fire Emblem: Black Knight
Kirby: Adeleine
Star Fox: Leon
Pokémon: Incineroar
F-Zero: Jody Summer
Earthbound: Masked Man
Pikmin: Charlie
Kid Icarus: Medusa
Animal Crossing: Isabelle
Punch Out!: SUPER! MACHO! MAN!!!
Xenoblade: Alma
Splatoon: Octolings?
Retro: Mach Rider
Other: E-Shop Bag
SEGA: Arle
Capcom: Arthur
Namco: Klonoa
Square Enix: Alena
Konami: Goemon (after Simon, that is)

Yeah, I think that's what they'd do too, more content is what sells, but I have to wonder what they will call it, Super Smash Bros. Ultimater?
To be fair, the subtitles for each entry differ between Japan and the West, the latter tends to go for more extravagant ones.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
Not really, although I think Kamek has lots they could do for a moveset, but the thing is the New Super Mario Bros. U stage he's on is back and he was a integral part of it, and Boshi has the advantage of most of the dev time being spent bringing back the veterans, making Echoes/Clones probably is very appealing to the dev team right now because it's cheap (and no longer controversial because Echoes is good marketing lol) and can still add new characters while not taking their limited time away from making more unique newcomers, and Kamek would definitely have to be a unique new character. I don't think it's that likely that Boshi gets in (More so than Kamek as of now though) but I could see it happening.
They could just make it an Alfonzo situation and replace him with a different-colored Magikoopa (or Kammy Koopa... plz...)


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
Heres another one o' dem 4chan leaks:

"Hello, I know this will probably be buried under a lot of speculation, however I am leaving my career after a few years and I've decided to speak about what I know about this game.​
A little backstory, I worked for a little animation company called "Spooky graphic". We worked a little bit on the animated trailers for Smash Wii U, and we were asked to help with this new game too. I personally specialise in effects, including for example the dust you see when the characters land in the Duck Hunt trailer. I also worked on the lighting for Mega Man's trailer. Including a Spark Shock move featuring Pikachu that got unfortunately cut.​
Because I have only worked on the trailers, I was only ever given what I needed to. I don't have any attack information, and I can't say that there aren't other character trailers being worked on. We were supplied with screenshots and animation references however, to make sure the animation is accurate.​
So far, the company has been hired to work on two trailers. The first one appears to be a King K. Rool trailer. The trailer is a comedic take on a heist movie, with Wario, Wolf and Ridley planning to steal a large pile of bananas from Donkey Kong. I mainly worked on the physics for the scroll map, however I did do dust trails for the end of the trailer where King K. Rool is running away with the stash in a wooden cart. I know that at one point he uses a giant cannon (smoke effects) so this is likely one of his specials.​

The second and last trailer I worked on is for a character that from what I can tell isn't highly requested, but should cause a lot of excitement. It's a trailer for Gengar. The main theme of the trailer is the haunted house genre, starring Ness, Lucas and Toon Link (in pajamas). It appears to be a sleepover scene, with the kids telling scary stories. The house starts doing strange things, including moving chairs, animating paintings and strange noises. All of these effects use an aura, so I worked quite heavily on this animation. Eventually, both Toon Link and Ness are swallowed by a black void, leaving only Lucas. The wall then grows a smiling face, and Gengar emerges from it.​
I wish I could give you moveset information, however that doesn't appear to be possible for Gengar. His character model is translucent however, and that would likely be a feature in his actual character. Other than that, all I can say is that he's in the game.​
The reason I can legally divulge this information is actually the reason I am leaving the company. I was seriously ill a while ago, and was out of work for a few months. Those were the months that Nintendo demanded non-disclosure agreements, and I was overlooked. By the time I had left, nobody had asked me to sign anything, so as far as I know I'm under no obligation to keep this secret. The illness has returned, and I am unable to work because of it."​

the company he is talking about "spooky graphic" is indeed real and works on nintendo games so theres that. http://www.spooky.tv/
This leak sounds plausible


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Let’s play a little game, choose your most wanted newcomer from each series:
Mario: Captain Toad
Yoshi: Baby Mario Bros.? I'm not sure on this one
Wario: Captain Syrup
Donkey Kong: King K. Rool
Zelda: Impa (admittedly, I'm not far in Breath of the Wild; maybe one of the Champions will stand out)
Metroid: Sylux (now that Ridley's been confirmed)
Fire Emblem: Azura? Anna? Camilla? I'd just like to see someone who isn't a swordsman, but I've only played Awakening and a little bit of Fates.
Kirby: Bandanna Waddle Dee
Star Fox: Peppy (seeing as Wolf's confirmed and Krystal's an assist trophy)
Pokémon: Genesect? (I haven't followed Pokemon for years, but I like the concept behind the character)
F-Zero: Deathborn
Earthbound: Mother 1 Giygas
Pikmin: Plasm Wraith
Kid Icarus: Medusa? Hades? Phosphora? I don't know, to be honest
Animal Crossing: Isabelle
Punch Out!: Mr. Sandman
Xenoblade: Elma
Splatoon: Octoling?
Retro: Mike Jones from Star Tropics
Other: Alexandra Roivas from Eternal Darkness
SEGA: Red from Gunstar Heroes
Capcom: Dante from the Devil May Cry series
Namco: Agumon
Square Enix: Crono from Chrono Trigger
Konami: Alucard


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
This leak sounds plausible
Can't say I'm in that industry, but that is almost certainly not how disclosure works. Even if he didn't sign a specific NDA for Nintendo, he would still almost doubtlessly be constrained by company policies on proprietary information. Not to mention that even should everything he said be perfectly fair game legally he'd never work again once it came out that he used a loophole to leak private information from a customer.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
The main question is difficult to answer. I assume pre-DLC because I know that there will be some big DLC like with Wii U\3DS. (I imagine we will get some big 3rd parties in DLC).


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Is it weird that I think Boshi is more likely to be in the game than Kamek? At least Boshi could be made into a clone. I just don't see a good Kamek moveset
Yup, that's your Yoshi fanaticism talking. And that's taking into account the fact that Kamek is almost definitely still stuck on the Mushroom Kingdom U stage. One has been part of their series for decades and is actually, well, important, and the other was an extremely minor character that only appears in a single area of a game released in 1996. The only way Boshi's getting into the game is if he is a trophy, and the only way that happens is if Geno is playable, and even then you'd have to go through quite a few characters before a Boshi trophy gets priority.
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Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
While I understand where everyone is coming from with the “reboot” talk, I also kinda don’t. Yes, fighting game franchises do receive a reboot every once in awhile, but Smash isn’t like Street Fighter, Tekken, or Mortal Kombat. Smash thrives because of the roster.

If they release Ultimate with one of the greatest rosters in gaming history, and release a new Smash with more than half of this current roster missing, why would I buy it? Why would anybody buy it? Unless they experiment with a new gameplay design, I see absolutely no reason to reboot.

I’d rather play Ultimate that will probably end up having over 70 characters and (though i’m not worried) potential balance issues, than a game with 24 characters and it being more balanced/something drastically changed.

Imagine being a huge fan of Cloud, Ike, Ridley, Snake, even freaking Sonic. Maybe you’re a huge fan of Pokémon Trainer. Whatever it is, the incentive to play a reboot is lost when those characters are easily cut.

I think it’s interesting to entertain the thought of a reboot, but i’m not quite sure why it’s being seen as a mandatory action. Yeah, the roster is big in Ultimate already. That’s literally the selling point for the game, and frankly, the series itself. I simply do not see a convincing reason that Smash would need to be rebooted rather than put on hiatus for several years.
When I talk about them rebooting the series, I definitely imagine reworking it completely. It would probably be under a new director and honestly could be anything. I absolutely agree that Smash is about the roster and its great cast of characters, and so if they can't bring that back they have to try to sell something else. I do not think we will get the same smash formula but with a roster half the size, because what would be the point?

Although that's years from now (like a minimum of 10 honestly). Sakurai did flat out say that they will probably never bring back all characters again, and so I think the best way to fight backlash from that is to market it as almost a different series.

Oh and I'd also love a Nintendo crossover adventure platformer in that time. Would be a great way to bank on the crossover formula but not worry about huge roster continuity and such.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Ugh, this thread keeps moving too fast to play the games.

Anyway, reboot roster game:

Let’s play a little game, choose your most wanted newcomer from each series:

Donkey Kong:
Fire Emblem:
Star Fox:
Kid Icarus:
Animal Crossing:
Punch Out!:
Square Enix:

For me I’d do this:
Mario: Captain Toad
Yoshi: Kamek
Wario: Ashley
Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong
Zelda: Tetra
Metroid: Dark Samus
Fire Emblem: Lyndis
Kirby: Bandana Dee
Star Fox: Slippy or Krystal
Pokémon: Zoroark
F-Zero: Jody Summer
Earthbound: Kumatora
Pikmin: Alph
Kid Icarus: Viridi
Animal Crossing: Tom Nook or Isabelle
Punch Out!: Doc Lois
Xenoblade: Fiora
Splatoon: Octolings
Retro: Takamaru
Other: Chorus Kids
SEGA: Arle Nadja
Capcom: Chun-Li
Namco: Lloyd
Square Enix: Geno
Konami: Bomberman
I'm gonna leave a bunch of these blank...I don't think the roster needs more characters from some of these series.
:ultmario::ultluigi::ultpeach::ultdaisy::ultbowser::ultdoc::ultrosalina::ultbowserjr:: Waluigi, but none really needed
:ultyoshi:: None needed
:ultwario:: Ashley
:ultdk::ultdiddy:: K.Rool
:ultlink::ultsheik::ultzelda::ultyounglink::ultganondorf::ulttoonlink:: Urbosa. Or Midna. Maybe Skulll Kid. Impa could also work as a Sheik echo
:ultsamus::ultzss::ultridley:: None needed
:ultmarth::ultlucina::ultroy::ultike::ultrobin:ultcorrin:: Azura
:ultkirby::ultmetaknight::ultkingdedede:: None needed, but people will flip if I don't say Bandana Dee
:ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:: None needed, but people will flip if I don't say Krystal
:ultpikachu::ultjigglypuff::ultpichu::ultmewtwo::ultpokemontrainer::ultlucario::ultgreninja:: Decidueye or Gardevoir, but none really needed
:ultfalcon:: None needed
:ultness::ultlucas:: None needed
:ultolimar:: None needed; just make all of the other captains into Koopaling-style alts.
:ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpalutena:: None needed
:ultvillager:: Isabelle as a Villager echo
:ultlittlemac:: None needed
:ultshulk:: None needed
:ultinkling:: None needed
:ultgnw::ultrob::ultduckhunt:: Takamaru
:?:: Dovahkiin (Skyrim)
:ultsonic:: Tails
:ultpacman:: Ivy (Soul Calibur)
:ultcloud:: ?
:ultsnake:: maybe Belmont?


Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
A 30 character roster is super hard, but I tried. Felt I had to keep third parties at a minimum, so only Sonic remains.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
When it comes to generational Pokémon representation in Smash, outside of two VERY SPECIFIC choices (:105::143:) I would be left incredibly disappointed if we got yet another Kanto Pokémon. Alola has so many amazing options. Decidueye, Incineroar, and Mimikyu (anime version notwithstanding) all have neat concepts they can use, and lots of neat options in general beyond the likely ones. Hell, give me enough time and I'm sure I can even come up with a unique concept for my boy Dhelmise.

So to see so much unique potential be cast aside for more Kanto would be incredibly disappointing, and that's coming from someone who's been a fan of Pokémon since the Kanto era. But that's just it...not only do I love where the franchise started, I love where it's been since.

It also doesn't help that my favorite regions, Hoenn and Unova, got skipped over completely.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
It also doesn't help that my favorite regions, Hoenn and Unova, got skipped over completely.
On the bright side, at least we're getting the beautiful Unova League in HD. Not quite the same as a character, but it's nice to know Unova wasn't completely ignored for Kalos saturation.

Hoenn on the other hand...


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
Hoenn's my favorite region. I'd still love to see Hoenn in some form other than trophies or Poke Ball summons.

Sceptile would be the long-shot dream, but I'd kill for Hoenn Victory Road or some other Hoenn-based stage.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
On the bright side, at least we're getting the beautiful Unova League in HD. Not quite the same as a character, but it's nice to know Unova wasn't completely ignored for Kalos saturation.

Hoenn on the other hand...
> When Pika Libre is the closest thing to a playable Hoenn Pokémon we have



Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
While I understand where everyone is coming from with the “reboot” talk, I also kinda don’t. Yes, fighting game franchises do receive a reboot every once in awhile, but Smash isn’t like Street Fighter, Tekken, or Mortal Kombat. Smash thrives because of the roster.

If they release Ultimate with one of the greatest rosters in gaming history, and release a new Smash with more than half of this current roster missing, why would I buy it? Why would anybody buy it? Unless they experiment with a new gameplay design, I see absolutely no reason to reboot.

I’d rather play Ultimate that will probably end up having over 70 characters and (though i’m not worried) potential balance issues, than a game with 24 characters and it being more balanced/something drastically changed.

Imagine being a huge fan of Cloud, Ike, Ridley, Snake, even freaking Sonic. Maybe you’re a huge fan of Pokémon Trainer. Whatever it is, the incentive to play a reboot is lost when those characters are easily cut.

I think it’s interesting to entertain the thought of a reboot, but i’m not quite sure why it’s being seen as a mandatory action. Yeah, the roster is big in Ultimate already. That’s literally the selling point for the game, and frankly, the series itself. I simply do not see a convincing reason that Smash would need to be rebooted rather than put on hiatus for several years.
I think the best way to go about this is by starting with a smaller roster and then expanding it further with continuous updates, bringing back old veterans and adding newcomers, some characters that are less important or less relevant could be kept but the major players in every series are gonna have to be there. Yeah they could change up the gameplay but in the end it's still gonna be smash, it's gonna be hard to deviate from what smash already is to justify such a small roster.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Mario: Paper Mario
Yoshi: Kamek
Wario: Ashely
Donkey Kong: King K Rool
Zelda: Impa
Metroid: Dark Samus
Fire Emblem: Celica?
Kirby: BWD
Star Fox: Leon
Pokémon: Mimkyu
F-Zero: Deathborn
Earthbound: Porky
Pikmin: Plasma Wraith
Kid Icarus: Medusa
Animal Crossing: Isabelle
Punch Out!: King Hippo
Xenoblade: Rex & Pyra
Splatoon: Agent 8
Retro: Foreman Spike
Other: Crash
SEGA: Eggman
Capcom: Chun Li
Namco: Taizo Hori (Dig Dug)
Square Enix: Geno
Konami: A Belmont or all Belmonts in one Belmont
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Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
:ultlink::ultzelda::ultganondorf::ultsamus::ultridley::ultmarth:(New Lord):ultkirby::ultmetaknight::ultkingdedede:
:ultpikachu::ultmewtwo:(new Mon):ultfox::ultolimar::ultness::ultfalcon:(Xenoblade rep):ultinkling:(Isabelle)

Late 30 reboot roster. Rip Retros & Third Parties.
But I totally think it would something like this with monthly updates for veterans and bew characters. I wanted to include around 5 newcomers in base...but I mean with the Ultimate base roster still not complete these might not even all be "newcomers".

Overall honestly satisifed, not too many sacrifices and reteros and 3rd parties make for good update characters.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
The "leaked" Gengar trailer also fails to show off Gengar's moveset. This is fake.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
The "leaked" Gengar trailer also fails to show off Gengar's moveset. This is fake.
Well seeing as moveset is usually in game footage that wouldn't have to be touched by the animation team. However besides the legal stuff others have mentioned the trailers read like every other fan made trailer. Seriously every trailer up to this point could be summed up in a sentence and don't actually carry stories or arcs, and most importantly never feature the characters doing things they don't normally do (seriously Ness Lucas and Toon Link telling scary stories????).

I've never seen a trailer leak that convinced me and I don't think there's ever been an actual trailer leak.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
While I understand where everyone is coming from with the “reboot” talk, I also kinda don’t. Yes, fighting game franchises do receive a reboot every once in awhile, but Smash isn’t like Street Fighter, Tekken, or Mortal Kombat. Smash thrives because of the roster.

If they release Ultimate with one of the greatest rosters in gaming history, and release a new Smash with more than half of this current roster missing, why would I buy it? Why would anybody buy it? Unless they experiment with a new gameplay design, I see absolutely no reason to reboot.

I’d rather play Ultimate that will probably end up having over 70 characters and (though i’m not worried) potential balance issues, than a game with 24 characters and it being more balanced/something drastically changed.

Imagine being a huge fan of Cloud, Ike, Ridley, Snake, even freaking Sonic. Maybe you’re a huge fan of Pokémon Trainer. Whatever it is, the incentive to play a reboot is lost when those characters are easily cut.

I think it’s interesting to entertain the thought of a reboot, but i’m not quite sure why it’s being seen as a mandatory action. Yeah, the roster is big in Ultimate already. That’s literally the selling point for the game, and frankly, the series itself. I simply do not see a convincing reason that Smash would need to be rebooted rather than put on hiatus for several years.
I think the reason it's seen as mandatory is because of way the roster's being presented.

It's basically being treated as a culmination of everything that came before it. You have every character coming back, nearly every stage, a number of beloved elements like directional air dodging, changes that calls back to classic and modern games, and so on and so forth. It feels like an anniversary title that's celebrating everything that the franchise has done before, and in some ways that also makes it feel like it would be a good sendoff to those elements.

Additionally, Sakurai has not been shy when mentioning that it was quite an undertaking to do a roster bringing everyone back. In his Famitsu column, he mentions the idea was met with gasps, he's always mentions how much work he and his crew are putting into the game, and he mentions that in a lot of ways they were fortunate that this could happen as they managed to get all parties cooperating (negotiations, developers, etc.). Ultimate is being treated as a game that manages to do the impossible, and it's been mentioned by Sakurai itself that it may be the only one of its kind as a result of that. So while it's difficult to think about, it's the way that it's being approached that gives the game that sense of finality, and I think the reboot is being given serious thought as a result of that.

With all that said, I don't like the idea either. Looking at the 24 character rosters I realize how restrictive it feels since you have to cut a lot of notable characters to make it work, and it breaks my heart to see characters like Sonic, Ridley, Pit, Wolf, Ness/Lucas, etc. all have to be considered for removal. It's not an ideal situation at all and I'm glad Sakurai ended up not going with the idea for Ultimate. At least now regardless of what happens, we have Ultimate as a game that can celebrate everything that came before, even if the future cannot do that.
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Hocus Pocus
Jun 19, 2018
Mario: Toadette
Yoshi: Poochy
Wario: Ashley
Donkey Kong: Funky
Zelda: Midna
Metroid: Dark Samus I guess
Fire Emblem: Tiki
Kirby: Megalor
Star Fox: N/A
Pokémon: Mew
F-Zero: N/A
Earthbound: Kumatora
Pikmin: N/A
Kid Icarus: N/A
Animal Crossing: K.K Slider
Punch Out!: Don Flamenco
Xenoblade: N/a
Splatoon: Pearl
Retro: Bubble Bobble
Other: N/A
SEGA: Tails Or Eggman
Capcom: Leon s Kennedy
Namco: Klonoa
Square Enix: Sephiroth
Konami: Alucard
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