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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Sep 26, 2013
I mean, at 3 a week, assuming no newcomers at all, that'll put us in early/mid November, which would make sense, since we can assume we'll probably get a few more reveals via Directs from now until December.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Something tells me we won't be getting major character announcements through the blog anyways.
I can see a direct happening relatively soon going over singleplayer content, there we will get new stuff.
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Sr. Community Manager, Smashboards Editor / Social
Oct 22, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
I skipped like 7 pages because the K Rool argument was boring me, and it's still being discussed? heh...

Honestly, if they just said "WELP... That's it!" after the Smash part of the direct, I would've been 100% content with the roster.

However, I did read someone's post about Isabelle being ridiculously iconic and I totally agree. Her popularity skyrocketed (especially in Japan), and I'd be surprised if she wasn't made playable. Not to jank up anyones hopes, but I really think she has a strong chance. I wouldn't be disappointed if they kept her an Assist Trophy, though.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
This means absolutely nothing at all. This website is an echo-chamber that means nothing in the greater audience. Just look at the ballot results.

I love how everyone seems so defensive when I never said he's not getting in or anything.
If K.rool is so popular then why isn't he in the DK main games instead of getting small cameos and mii costumes? Nintendo's not stupid enough to dismiss a character as "popular" as y'all painting k.rool to be.
Obviously things might change, but they haven't yet.
Just like Ridley pre-Smash 4, he had many things going against him and ended up not happening, and just because Ridley made it doesn't mean everything this website or any other group of fans want will happen.
Just because we don't know if K Rool did well on the ballot doesn't mean we can say he didn't do well on the ballot either.
Really, all we know is "K. Rool got votes". That's it.

People simultaneously overstate and understate K.Rool's popularity.

K.Rool doesn't have some gigantic lead when it comes to popularity. He's popular but not a definite leader. If you think he is, you're delusional.

K.Rool ALSO isn't some obscure oneoff character that no one cares about. People clearly do and he has a sizable and notable fanbase that has been acknowledged several times. If you think he doesn't have that, you're delusional.

Now shut up about K.Rool.
100% Agreed.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2018
This is factually inaccurate.

The SNES sold 49 million units vs. 9 million units of DKC and ~5 million for DKC2. That's impressive, but is by no means "most" of the SNES userbase.

I won't comment on the cartoon, but DK64 sold 2.3 million, which was good, but significantly less than DKC2.

So, should we include Kamek, Captain Syrup, Medusa, Medeus, and the like just to include a villain from every series in Smash?

K. Rool has merits, absolutely, but he was in no way more deserving than :ultkingdedede::ultwario::ultdiddy: were for Melee.

This alone reveals that you're not looking for facts in this.
I'll put it this way: Most who played SNES either played DKC or knew of its status and even lore. Sales numbers don't tell the story. You clearly with respect weren't part of the times back then. To hear the buzz. Feel what people felt. The fact you're underselling this is sad to me, because you'll just never know, and there's no way I can explain it to you that won't make me seem alien to you.

Those chars you mention, maybe not all of them. Certainly Cyrup, sure!

Just as deserving as those three, yes! Nott taking away from them. I was mad they weren't in Melee as well.

Oh, so you're gonna be one of "THOSE" people. Well I hate to break it to ya, pally, but my support of something isn't contingent on you agreeing on whether it's logical or not. It's logical to me and many others, and you don't get to have a say in it.

EDIT: I HAVE SEEN YOUR OTHER POST. FORGET THAT LAST BIT (though my passion will not change)
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I'm pretty confident the next newcomer is coming in August.
I feel like we're gonna get a character a month, but that may just be wishful thinking.

What's your theory based on? The usual schedule of Nintendo Directs?


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
I'm pretty confident the next newcomer is coming in August.
There was a reliable source on Gamefaqs saying the same thing (the loz guy who leaked details about smash ultimate the day before is saying there's going to be more information in an august direct). It would be about on schedule for the next nintendo direct anyway.
Until then, jimmies will continue to be rustled.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Yo, Ice Climbers just got featured as Today's Fighter on the Smash Blog.

Today's Fighter
#15: Ice Climbers
Back in the battle after a ten-year absence! There are two of them, so does that make them twice as strong as other fighters?"
>Korea's site got an update before Japan's
Lel. Still though, it's cool to see the climbers get a spotlight of the day so early on before many of the others.

I wouldn't put too much stock into character spotlights yet, there's a lot of content we don't know about. When they run out of characters there's plenty of other things to focus on.
If we go by stages alone, that will certainly take a while.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Let's see... Roughly 66 characters with an assumed 3 characters a week means 22 weeks which would place us at November 9th, roughly a month before the game comes out. This doesn't take into account, however, the very likely Directs, based on the past, in August, October, and November.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
Can I get you guys and gals opinions on my potential newcomer list? This is just for base roster.

Besides Inklings, Daisy, and Ridley, how would everyone feel about the following?

Bandana Dee

King K. Rool

Dixie Kong (Possible Diddy Echo, but hopefully a semi-clone.)

Paper Mario (Unique Moveset)

A Rhythm Heaven Rep (Chorus Kids, Tibby, Karate Joe, or Tap Trial Girl.)

A Pokémon Sun/Moon Rep (Decidueye, Incineroar, Lycanroc, or Mimikyu)

Impa (In her Hyrule Warriors design, as a Sheik Echo)

Isabelle (As a Possible Echo of Villager, but hopefully just barely a semi-clone.)

Octoling (As an Echo of Inkling)

That’d make for 12 newcomers all together. The smallest amount to date.

Any thoughts? Any critiques? Anything?

Side note: I’m hesitant to put Echo Fighters because I know in a lot of cases they could be unique, but for the sake of having them in the game they may be relegated to Echos. That being said, Dark Samus is in limbo for me right now.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
Here's my take on he K. Rool discussion:

I think he actually is likely this time around, but after finding out he was not getting into Smash 4 after repeatedly telling myself he was a guarantee, I'm not getting my hopes up. I don't wanna fall into the same trap a second time.

That said though, I actually do think he has a fighting chance this time around. For one, the roster was finalized December 2015, which means that the Smash Ballot may have a MUCH bigger impact than initially expected. He was also one of the characters to receive a Mii Costume, implying that he at least did well enough on the ballot to warrant that. What's interesting though is that unlike other characters like Isabelle or Ashley, K. Rool's costume didn't reuse the textures from his trophy, rather they used brand-new textures based on the Rare games. No other Costume that already had a trophy in Smash 4 had that kind of treatment. Lastly, I understand Ridley has been brought up before, but between him, bringing back every veteran, Daisy, Inkling, all the little changes made to the fighters, returning stages, etc... this all implies that Sakurai is listening to the fanbase and what they want this time around which, again, implies the Smash Ballot will have at least some impact on the roster (I mean, unlike K. Rool or other candidates, Sakurai literally made a whole statement regarding why he didn't want Ridley playable, why else would he include him for Ultimate?).

I'm not setting my expectations too high but... from all this info I think the stars may have aligned. Only real wildcard here is how well he actually did on the ballot; the Mii Costume implies he did relatively well but we can't know for sure until we see the official results (i.e.: never).
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
You can't base anything off the ballot because we don't know the actual results.
The direct said that bayonetta was just #1 based on "realizable characters", so we don't even know if she truly was #1.
Inb4 Goku was #1


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2018
This means absolutely nothing at all. This website is an echo-chamber that means nothing in the greater audience. Just look at the ballot results.

I love how everyone seems so defensive when I never said he's not getting in or anything.
If K.rool is so popular then why isn't he in the DK main games instead of getting small cameos and mii costumes? Nintendo's not stupid enough to dismiss a character as "popular" as y'all painting k.rool to be.
Obviously things might change, but they haven't yet.
Just like Ridley pre-Smash 4, he had many things going against him and ended up not happening, and just because Ridley made it doesn't mean everything this website or any other group of fans want will happen.
Good paper mario games are popular and we havent gotten one of those for the last 2 games

Makai Wars

Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2013
Deepsea Metro
I don't see the issue with discussing K. Rool. We got 6 whole months till this game is out bruddah, might as well talk about anything to pass the time.

That being said, I might as well gush about Shantae, I adore the series and want Wayforward to do well in the future because the games are so wholesome when you look past all the overt 'fanservice'. Is it wrong of me to think she has a genuine chance for Smash?
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Here's the real question. How long until we get a direct focused entirely on Smash, like we did with Smash 4?


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
Can I get you guys and gals opinions on my potential newcomer list? This is just for base roster.

Besides Inklings, Daisy, and Ridley, how would everyone feel about the following?

Bandana Dee

King K. Rool

Dixie Kong (Possible Diddy Echo, but hopefully a semi-clone.)

Paper Mario (Unique Moveset)

A Rhythm Heaven Rep (Chorus Kids, Tibby, Karate Joe, or Tap Trial Girl.)

A Pokémon Sun/Moon Rep (Decidueye, Incineroar, Lycanroc, or Mimikyu)

Impa (In her Hyrule Warriors design, as a Sheik Echo)

Isabelle (As a Possible Echo of Villager, but hopefully just barely a semi-clone.)

Octoling (As an Echo of Inkling)

That’d make for 12 newcomers all together. The smallest amount to date.

Any thoughts? Any critiques? Anything?

Side note: I’m hesitant to put Echo Fighters because I know in a lot of cases they could be unique, but for the sake of having them in the game they may be relegated to Echos. That being said, Dark Samus is in limbo for me right now.
I don't see the Octoling happening. Splatoon literally just got their first ever rep as a new IP and providing an echo that also uses the ink gimmick, with an extra 8 colours to go around, it wouldn't work in larger matches.

Also lack of Isaac amirite
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Running from the cops in Stardust Speedway.
Well, in regards to K. Rool...

I only said what I said about K. Rool because I wanted to say something, and though I was dragged into it, I did not want to argue about K. Rool. Just disagree or agree with what I said, but there is no need to argue with me. I don't care much at all. Just wanted to make it clear.


Sep 26, 2013
Let's see... Roughly 66 characters with an assumed 3 characters a week means 22 weeks which would place us at November 9th, roughly a month before the game comes out. This doesn't take into account, however, the very likely Directs, based on the past, in August, October, and November.
Although I'm highly skeptical of there being 12 more newcomers to reveal(I think that's the correct math if we get 3 a week), the idea is kinda exciting.
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Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
Let's see... Roughly 66 characters with an assumed 3 characters a week means 22 weeks which would place us at November 9th, roughly a month before the game comes out. This doesn't take into account, however, the very likely Directs, based on the past, in August, October, and November.
I think we're only getting 2 directs unless there's a smash specific direct in November like there was for smash 4.
Otherwise, we should expect probably one newcomer per direct unless they announce an extra echo fighter for each like daisy.

Super Flygon

Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2014
United States
Switch FC
Anybody else notice that (so far) these "Today's Fighter" updates are going in the same order as the E3 presentation when Sakurai was explaining changes made to characters? Obviously Sakurai didn't go through changes made to ALL characters at that time, but the first three he went over were Mario, Link and Ice Climbers. (Fourth was Ike.)

Doesn't really mean anything significant. Just an interesting detail I noticed.

Honest Slug

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2018
I'm still going to stick with Sakurai's "Don't expect too many newcomers" comment. I really want to stay conservative about the roster number until proven otherwise.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
Although I'm highly skeptical of there being 12 more newcomers to reveal(I think that's the correct math if we get 3 a week), the idea is kinda exciting.
What if nine newcomers revealed (Including Echoes), then the final launch week they don't reveal fighters and focus on the game itself, either because 9 is the maximum for more newcomers OR they want to keep some hidden for post-game unlocks. Either way, if we get three more fighters next week in the blog, it confirms a pattern.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
I'll put it this way: Most who played SNES either played DKC or knew of its status and even lore. Sales numbers don't tell the story. You clearly with respect weren't part of the times back then. To hear the buzz. Feel what people felt. The fact you're underselling this is sad to me, because you'll just never know, and there's no way I can explain it to you that won't make me seem alien to you.

Those chars you mention, maybe not all of them. Certainly Cyrup, sure!

Just as deserving as those three, yes! Nott taking away from them. I was mad they weren't in Melee as well.

Oh, so you're gonna be one of "THOSE" people. Well I hate to break it to ya, pally, but my support of something isn't contingent on you agreeing on whether it's logical or not. It's logical to me and many others, and you don't get to have a say in it.
People born after the fact don't know how big a deal characters like Pac-man, Lara Croft, Duke Nukem, Crash Bandicoot, etc. were back at the time they were released.

Not saying King K. Rool was or was not a big deal or anything.

I'd like to state that I had no idea who Link, Zelda (except pop-culturally conflating the two), Sheik, Ganondorf, Samus, Captain Falcon, Ness, Fox, Falco and the Ice Climbers (and obviously Marth and Roy) were before I played Melee.

Forgotten characters like K. Rool and Isaac getting into Smash Bros would give them a HUGE boost in public notice, and I'm sure Nintendo knows this at least somewhat.

...Wait, what was the point I was making again?

Makai Wars

Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2013
Deepsea Metro
Here's the real question. How long until we get a direct focused entirely on Smash, like we did with Smash 4?
Not long, even though the bunch of us here are already sold on the game, Nintendo still needs to get the attention of the super casuals, so we're going to get a direct focued on single player content, multiplayer content, online content, and newcomer reveals sprinkled throughout.

Right now we're just in that terrible middle spot with nothing new to discuss, no new gameplay coming out and no direct in sight, so we're gonna suffer a bit. But hey, we've made it this far, and unlike previous Smash games, the wait from announcement to release is pretty tiny.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
I don't see the Octoling happening. Splatoon literally just got their first ever rep as a new IP and providing an echo that also uses the ink gimmick, with an extra 8 colours to go around, it wouldn't work in larger matches.

Also lack of Isaac amirite
You bring up a good point. That would be a cluster to have to deal with. CONSIDER THE OCTOLING REMOVED FROM MY LIST OF POTENTIAL NEWCOMERS.

I’m still not adding Isacc though. ;)


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I'm just waiting for the announcement that reveals Smash Run's return.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Anybody else notice that (so far) these "Today's Fighter" updates are going in the same order as the E3 presentation when Sakurai was explaining changes made to characters? Obviously Sakurai didn't go through changes made to ALL characters at that time, but the first three he went over were Mario, Link and Ice Climbers. (Fourth was Ike.)

Doesn't really mean anything significant. Just an interesting detail I noticed.
The first three "characters of the day" were Inkling (Jun 12), Ridley (Jun 13), and Daisy (Jun 14)

Unless they just decided to skip the newbies to the beginning...


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
I honestly just want more DK representation.
Earthbound has more representation at the moment.


Eight Leaves One Kame Style
Feb 7, 2008
Newport, Oregon
Not long, even though the bunch of us here are already sold on the game, Nintendo still needs to get the attention of the super casuals, so we're going to get a direct focued on single player content, multiplayer content, online content, and newcomer reveals sprinkled throughout.

Right now we're just in that terrible middle spot with nothing new to discuss, no new gameplay coming out and no direct in sight, so we're gonna suffer a bit. But hey, we've made it this far, and unlike previous Smash games, the wait from announcement to release is pretty tiny.
The wait for Brawl after it was delayed was very much not fun... So glad this is coming out relatively soon.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I don't think it's safe to look for any patterns when it comes to sakurai.
Just one:
"This will be my last Smash."
>cue next game

I don't see the issue with discussing K. Rool. We got 6 whole months till this game is out bruddah, might as well talk about anything to pass the time.

That being said, I might as well gush about Shantae, I adore the series and want Wayforward to do well in the future because the games are so wholesome when you look past all the overt 'fanservice'. Is it wrong of me to think she has a genuine chance for Smash?
Not at all, comrade, it helps that unlike the fellow indie Shovel Knight, a Japanese company was involved with the creation of some of her games, (Inti Creates) on top of eventually reaching Japanese shores, so she has that going for her over many Western third-party reps.

Honest Slug

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2018
I have a feeling Smash Run will return. I just hope you can actually interact with other players this time, that's what made City Trial really fun.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
It's only been ten days since the direct and we're already starved for info. I wasn't on the boards for Smash 4, but I assume the waiting is definitely something we're gonna have to get used to?
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