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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2009
England Milton Keynes
Because im one of those people that likes to see if its right and its like everytime i L cancel i need to check if i did it right which then messes up my combo's lol.
If you want to see if your doing it right, try doing it with slower characters then youl notive the difference. or normally, you should be able to jump straight after an Lcancel. you could practice routines like a fair into a D-tilt/ U-tilt

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
Wat did I miss guys I've been up 2 uni 4 a few days had no access 2 Internet didn't bring a laptop lol. So any1 doing anything? any new rivals? Every1 much improving while I still play like crap lol. My tech skills hve gotten so rubbish over the last month need 2 just regain my confidence so ppl u knw u love me n wanna fill me in lol

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
how do i watch the matches. im no good with computers . im only good with fox.
On Fuzzyness youtube account lol.


You're another person who passed Ben on the skilled road and asked him how his day was and then drove off and he tried to catch up you up but you ***** him in tournament, you were gonna 4 stock him then felt sympathy for him so let him take your stock, that's of kind of you.

Gantz ak-47

Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2009
On Fuzzyness youtube account lol.


You're another person who passed Ben on the skilled road and asked him how his day was and then drove off and he tried to catch up you up but you ***** him in tournament, you were gonna 4 stock him then felt sympathy for him so let him take your stock, that's of kind of you.[/QUO

haha prof your out of control.. i think were gonna see a few up sets this torney
V.A vs chrisboi
fuzz vs prof
last dragon vs V.A

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
lool We dunno if VA is attending, he prob isn't cos he gets put off by my attitude but it's obviously mostly to do with the fear that Last Dragon has strucken into his body after seeing his stupid student getting ***** and he KICKED HIM out the tournament.
I don't need to face VA though, I will just send LD out to him lol.

VA vs Chrisboi is gonna be ****, by **** I mean VA getting *****, he wouldnt be able to handle him and would shatter under the pressure cos everyone would crowd round and watch lol.

Me vs Fuzzyness is just Fuzzy getting *****....jkin lool I'm looking forward to our sets next time :bee:


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2008
London, UK
this is gonna be too good. i've put it up on All is brawl sooo for all you brawlers hopefully it can help improve the turnout compared to the last one.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
LMAO!!!!!! :laugh:
It weren't that fun to watch was it :confused:
I've never seen you at any of these events, I would prob **** you at brawl now, if you come to this I will enter the brawl tournament lol.

JJlinyard - What's the turnout looking like for people on AIB, HSAM > Dave Gays lol????
This one is onna be sick, hopefully we get a crowd around melee finals and we will TRY TO create a crowd for brawl finals lol.

Who are the people from outside of London looking to come to this?
Reply if you are please :)


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2008
London, UK
well i put it up only half an hour ago and im spreading it around the site soooo give it a day and ill get back to you, keep in mind quite a few people on this site are also on AIB.
ermm for HSAM atm its 3/11 but im working on it.


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
HSAM > Dave Gays lol????
Wait what?! since when lol?

At the monthly, Dave's gays came 5th, 7th and 9th,
HSAM came 9th, drowned in pools and drowned in pools

Well we'll have a crew battle when we get back from lyon i guess, but im pretty confident :p and me and dave are gonna **** after all the european experience lool


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Umm. it was ages ago but I still managed to beat chrisboi in marth ditto with the whole crowd watching and chanting crap. I was sooo nervous and played bad but I still won...I'm better than that now hopefully too. I was much better at coping with crowd pressure at GGT2 and have got better since. PH was my first time being the guy expected to place really high, so it was tough.

I'm much better than i used to be. I think I would cope vs chrisboi ^^


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2009
wow looks likes its all gonna kick off at the next ranbat...

maybe we need some bouncers

chris H

Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2007
london FC 0087 2309 2626
Umm. it was ages ago but I still managed to beat chrisboi in marth ditto with the whole crowd watching and chanting crap. I was sooo nervous and played bad but I still won...I'm better than that now hopefully too. I was much better at coping with crowd pressure at GGT2 and have got better since. PH was my first time being the guy expected to place really high, so it was tough.

I'm much better than i used to be. I think I would cope vs chrisboi ^^
i don't think you could cope with me VA sorry to tell you this but it had to be done

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Umm. it was ages ago but I still managed to beat chrisboi in marth ditto with the whole crowd watching and chanting crap. I was sooo nervous and played bad but I still won...I'm better than that now hopefully too. I was much better at coping with crowd pressure at GGT2 and have got better since. PH was my first time being the guy expected to place really high, so it was tough.

I'm much better than i used to be. I think I would cope vs chrisboi ^^
How was being the expected guy at PH to place high tough.
That was like the easiest tournament known to man, it shouldn't even be called a tournament it should be an average smashfest with people outside of Southampton attending.

Those marth dittos are long and gone with you vs Chrisboi and really doesn't matter anymore lol. I find it joke when you type of people quote events long and make it seem like it still matters lol.
Chrisboi will **** YOU, you can't handle his awkward style, to be honest it is pretty unfair, possibly we can talk about allowing there to be handicap in that match :confused:

You can't cope with the London Monthlies crowd...we will scream 'London' RIGHT INFRONT OF YOURFACE and you will crack.
Are you even coming to our event btw, it will benifit you not to so you can leave the UK to the questioning of where you are in the UK, BUT I KNOW WHERE YO ARE, come here and you will place 7th GUARANTEED! NO HIGHER, NO LESS!

Last Dragon will be the person to put you in that position.
He won't even **** you and put you there, he will pick you up gently and place you there and walk off as he progresses in the tournament. He saves he's skill to those deserving.

wow looks likes its all gonna kick off at the next ranbat...

maybe we need some bouncers
He prob ain't coming so it's unlikely we need them lol.

Loooool, This thread is like Paramount Comedy! Too many jokes...
looool I know :)

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
How was being the expected guy at PH to place high tough.
That was like the easiest tournament known to man, it shouldn't even be called a tournament it should be an average smashfest with people outside of Southampton attending.

Those marth dittos are long and gone with you vs Chrisboi and really doesn't matter anymore lol. I find it joke when you type of people quote events long and make it seem like it still matters lol.
Chrisboi will **** YOU, you can't handle his awkward style, to be honest it is pretty unfair, possibly we can talk about allowing there to be handicap in that match :confused:

You can't cope with the London Monthlies crowd...we will scream 'London' RIGHT INFRONT OF YOURFACE and you will crack.
Are you even coming to our event btw, it will benifit you not to so you can leave the UK to the questioning of where you are in the UK, BUT I KNOW WHERE YO ARE, come here and you will place 7th GUARANTEED! NO HIGHER, NO LESS!

Last Dragon will be the person to put you in that position.
He won't even **** you and put you there, he will pick you up gently and place you there and walk off as he progresses in the tournament. He saves he's skill to those deserving.

He prob ain't coming so it's unlikely we need them lol.

looool I know :)

Random insult :)

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Random....the subject was around it in an earlier post which is quoted in my posts.
As I said before I would never insult someone when they haven't said anything and VA said something and I replied with an insult making it not random lol.

Nice try though, make sure to subscribe to my posts to find future mistakes 'Prick who is always wrong' lol.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Don't worry it's alright. I should have known you weren't smart enough to see that my earlier post...

'I would never start insulting someone when they haven't said anything or the subject isn't already around them lol'

Still abides in this situation but it's alright Ben. If you need any help just e-mail me on aaron.h.thomas@hotmail.co.uk Ok?


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
yeah pretty much there was no excuse for that but I've come to expect it from you who attacks me constantly for no reason all the time!

I didn't really read most of what you said but basically I've got much better on my nerves now and yeah PH was a bit of a joke. But I don't mind, everything that's happened in the past few years helps me get better, I'd like to think I could cope with an Edwin style attempt at putting me off now ^^

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
yeah pretty much there was no excuse for that but I've come to expect it from you who attacks me constantly for no reason all the time!

I didn't really read most of what you said but basically I've got much better on my nerves now and yeah PH was a bit of a joke. But I don't mind, everything that's happened in the past few years helps me get better, I'd like to think I could cope with an Edwin style attempt at putting me off now ^^
We should have a smashfest sometime V.A.? I think LJ is busy doing something that I don't know anything about but Blinky might be able to come. How are you in terms of travelling/hosting?


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street

yeah pretty much there was no excuse for that but I've come to expect it from you who attacks me constantly for no reason all the time!

I didn't really read most of what you said but basically I've got much better on my nerves now and yeah PH was a bit of a joke. But I don't mind, everything that's happened in the past few years helps me get better, I'd like to think I could cope with an Edwin style attempt at putting me off now ^^

why are you bringing up stuff that happened months ago ,

i even said i was sorry for arguing with you

i dont want you to view me negatively

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
VA was talking about Chrisboi and you insult him = random :)
Actually if you wanna be precise it was me talking about VA vs Chrisboi and then VA replied saying he thinks he can cope with Chrisboi and then I insulted him lol.
This doesn't make the insult random it just makes it unnecessary.
Nice attempt though, looking forward to your next one lol.

Still proving my statement about you being the prick who is always wrong.
I would actually like you to prove me wrong for once, being right gets boring and i've always wondered what's it been like to be wrong.

Any words of advice on how to cope with it?

why are you bringing up stuff that happened months ago ,

i even said i was sorry for arguing with you

i dont want you to view me negatively

We should have a smashfest sometime V.A.? I think LJ is busy doing something that I don't know anything about but Blinky might be able to come. How are you in terms of travelling/hosting?
You two should defintely meet up, you're prob round the same level no so it will be good experience for both of you.
Are you lot gonna summone up the courage to step into the London Monthlies venue on the 29th of August?!?!?!

no offence but dragon wont be the one to take out VA
You only think that cos you haven't played him in the CF vs Fox matchup and you're taken into consideration other matchups.
This is his best matchup by far, he ***** Aikos fox in friendlies which forced him to go Marth against him in tournament cos he knew from what happened in friendlies he didn't stand a chance in tourn, it will be NO different in the VA vs Last Dragon situation lol.
VA will ONLY stand a chance if he goes peach!
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