ROFL at Mad Ally's posts.
Tell me good sir, what does Brawl have that Melee doesn't have? Outside of footstools, tripping, and knockback decay, there aren't new and exciting new features inherent in the core game. Hell, two of those things are major drawbacks to the game itself. Aside from that, many of the deep and complex features from melee have been removed for the sake of removing them.
So how does this make Brawl like chess? Why is it that just because the game is slower it means that you have to be more "patient?" Where in the definition of patience do you find that it is slow, or slower? There is no logical sense behind your position. Playing faster /= with less thought. I'd argue that you are playing with more thought, because while there is less thought behind each individual action, you are making way more decisions, that are incredibly crucial mind you, in less time.