**** _clinton you had to make another wall right..?
It’s kind of hard not to make one when I’m quoting stuff from a game’s script for 90% of it.
How do you imagine Marth casting some spell on Roy on the battle field with the Dark Orb? Marth isn't a magic user, unlike Gharnef. Sure the Shield of Seals holds the power of the Dark Orb, but who says Marth can use it?
Marth is able to use the effects of the light orb, the star orb, the life orb, and the geo orb’s powers just fine, why wouldn’t he be able to use the dark orb? They aren’t some high level spells just by themselves, you don’t see me saying Marth will use starlight do you? The orbs are working their own magic naturally just from being held.
“How come Roy can use the sword of seals when the guy can’t use simple magic like from the anima tome of fire? That is clearly a “magic” sword you know, and I’m sure it is packing more magic power than fire anima!”
Besides, it's not like characters cannot attack Marth anymore in Fire Emblem when he has the Shield of Seals right? On the map, enemies are still very able to target Marth to attack. Only Earth Dragons don't (they simply... go away).
You are aware that the foes left on the map after Marth has the shield of seals are things like Gharnef’s dark priests right? As in those guys that have been affected by the dark orbs powers and turned into monsters and the like because of it.
Cause he only has the shield now, not the orbs.
The idea of the shield showing off it’s true power anyway is just silly for game play, god Marth would be a one man army for reals, but I’m not going to use that point, what I will use is what happens after Marth gets the shield.
The shield has the orbs on them, and by themselves Marth was able to use the orbs, and canon wise in case you didn’t get it from my previous posts the shield is just packing it’s full power to protect Marth’s group from mind **** and the like in case you didn’t notice what the bad ending for FE3 is (as in the ending you get if you don’t finish making the shield full), there is more than just a few thousand dragons for Marth to worry about, he is also fighting a guy who knows about the orbs and is able to create illusions and control people as well, oh and he is packing Falchion and his own dark magic tome made from the dark orb as well, but that must mean nothing huh?
So it's not about Marth not being allowed to attack with other swords, but it's more about Marth not getting the orbs.
What don’t you get that canon wise Marth gets the orbs back in FE3 book 2? It doesn’t ****ing matter worth **** that he loses them in Book 1, because in book 2 he repairs them fully, because the safety of his world is dependent on that, as in the real ending for his games!
God it isn’t something like hyper sonic which is just a pointless extra that adds nothing to Sonic’s story!
He gets the orbs canon wise to make the complete shield of seals, and Falchion. He can’t get the perfect ending in FE3 book 2 without them, and FE3 book 2 is
canon to Marth’s story!
I've told you what I thought about Ike before right? Ike's blessing should be considered the same as how the Black Knight appeared in Path of Ridiance (and Ashnard to a lesser point). Therefore, yes some characters wouldn't be able to hurt him. And canon-wise Ike packs more strenght than Marth and Roy anyways.
Yeah, you’ve told me before about what you think about Ike’s blessing, but I pointed out that canon wise the whole “can’t hurt someone else unless you have another blessing” is a bunch of BS when you see at the start of Ike’s end game chapters that
various teams clearly w/o a goddess’ blessing can clearly win vs. teams that
do have a goddess’ blessing according to the goddess herself.
Which shows from what I see is that as long as you have enough force and strength behind your groups (such as what this group did), you can still beat something packing a blessing.
So, just because Ike’s armor and sword are blessed and that makes them more powerful and more durable to the point where people packing other dark ages stuff wouldn’t scratch him at all doesn’t mean he would be taking a nuke to his face (like this thread implies with match ups like Fox vs. Ike and how Fox lost to him, which isn’t as much BS as Sonic vs. Ike, but it is pretty close).
Oh and Marth again is packing a shield that is single handily saving his world from destruction and protecting him and his group at the same time along with that, and is also packing a sword made in the same way as the shield. As in both of those objects are made from some of the remains of a dragon god. So why on earth is that not better than Ike’s blessing in your book, and why do you think Ike’s blessings on his stuff would protect him from something like that?
Oh and it is the same with Roy’s sword as well, why on earth do you think Ike’s blessings would protect him from a sword that is the most powerful out of a group of weapons that could clearly destroy the world if they were used wrong?
God, the special protection Link gets from the ToC is also clearly better than ****ing Ike’s blessing, got to enjoy seeing how Link was pretty much the last living thing alive in TP pretty much.
Besides, Aether *****. And Ike could easily use a Sword beating Axe to gain a weapon advantage over Marth and Roy.
Right, lol you want to try this? What is stopping Roy from equipping an “lance killing sword” to counteract the effect of Ike’s “sword beating axe?” Or how about we don’t talk about the weapon triangle because overall I think it is pretty stupid for something like this, are you going to say the same for something like Link and the weapons he mainly uses in future debates?
God the triangle system isn’t even originally in Marth’s games as well for starters so that is another issue with relying on game mechanics to compare two people from the same game series (in case you can’t tell it is because the game series changes over time, but the stories do not, which is why I see Ness vs. Lucas as a tie for starters).
Just saying I disagree with your idea of Idoun > Medius just because the thing has more HP, you are aware that just because they have the same base for game mechanics doesn’t make them the same right? God there are three promotion levels in some of the games, and some of them have the ability to let you chose how you promote them as well. There are a ton of differences in their game mechanics for these games, it is really a bad idea to compare them to other games in their series, after all, do the game mechanics for the 2D Zelda games the same as the 3D ones? They certainly have a lot in common as well though huh? Or how about comparing the 1st Zelda Link to other Link’s in later games?
How are the dragons Marth fights stronger than Roy's? I'm honestly not seeing any difference at all. Besides as I said before, Idoun > Medius from FE11.
You don’t see any difference at all? Well for starters Marth’s dragons are strong enough by themselves to destroy the world, and they can reproduce on top of that. Oh and the boss of Marth’s game comes back by itself w/o the influence of others and changes into a monster, that is another thing, but whatever.
The orbs are used for that, not the Shield.
Ok 1st off, the orbs are parts of the shield oringally, the canon story for that game is that a certain someone who would become king stole the shield, removed the orbs from the shield, then sold the orbs to the point where he made enough money off of them to allow him become said king of a certain area after making enough war and such with his money, then had a horrible time for the rest of his life because “karma” caught up to him and him pretty much selling the remains of a god, then everyone else who became king of that area had a lot of bad luck as well just from holding onto that shield.
Besides, the Sword of Seals is ranged, Falchion is not. That alone gives Marth a big disadvantage against Ike and Roy.
You got to love what the perception of range is in games can be, I mean a huge castle is like only 3 squares in length on the outside of the map but once inside it, it happens to be like a 100x100 grid, so what is up with archer range again? From looking at it either way makes their range look bad or fake in the games.
Of course Earthbound is perhaps the greatest example of what I’m saying; ever notice how in for example Fourside that your characters and the NPCs are about the size of the streets you are on and how they tower over those doors and such?
Just saying, of course is there any reason canon wise for why Roy and Ike have a sword beam with their magic swords other than just as a game mechanic compared to the unrealistic bows. Of course the real thing that I want to know the “why” to is with Marth and his magic sword that he is using, and how like you said it doesn’t have a ranged attack for some reason, but the other magic swords in his game do have a ranged attack for them.
Of course going on with the said nature of the games, why is it that Marth is like the only one of these lord characters smart enough to use a shield again along with his armor in some official portraits?
I mean all of these characters are an important part of a war they are fighting in that just so happens to be packed with normal things like knights on horses, knights in general, and some freelancers.
Yet for some reason this world also is packed with magic flinging people along with others who can also actually remove wounds from the body (so it isn’t a war crime to attack them lol), people on flying horses and people on wyverns also make a show in this ****ed up dark ages world.
That logically in our world should turn the favor to whoever was using these things IMO, but for some reason in this ****ed up world, the knights on horse and the guy running around with a sword can compete with the fire balls of death from the mage and the flying horse/wyvern users.
That doesn’t make sense huh?! Oh wait I guess I went off the trail a bit huh? ^_^
Anyway on top of the shield of course the geo gem just adds to Marth’s hit and dodge rate, which are already his best stuff anyway, but whatever.
It’s also funny how if we want to go by “range” and how you think their game mechanics are the same out of the games, then you should note that Marth sort of beats them both in movement range fully with Roy, but with Ike it isn’t until promotion when he catches up in his case because movement despite being the same in definition for these games is different for these units in the games, but whatever.
Both game scripts are pretty much the same anyways.
Yeah not really, just because Roy’s has some aspects of Marth’s in it doesn’t make them pretty much the same. As you can see behind the back story of each of their game’s main weapons and such if you look. **** the reason why dragons are a threat is different as well.
Well actually... Roy
might be 1/4th dragon, seeing as his mother is most likely Ninian from Fire Emblem 7. Though, FE6 was obviously made before 7 so we'll never know. Just fan speculation which shouldn't be taken for canon.
To be honest Ninian being Roy’s mother makes the most sense canon wise actually out of all of Roy’s possible moms, unlike Lyn (who makes more sense to be with Rath).
Not like him being 1/4th dragon would matter much though, because it’s not like he transforms into what the Falchion eats anyway.