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Smash Bros. Canon Tournament! (Mario Vs. ????) - 06/14/10

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
Well, he has stood extremly powerful things, you should know some of them, since you seem to be be a big fan of Mario and Kirby. :p
Both are my top most favroite video game characters. <3

Also never revile strengths that is not well known to the opponent of the supporter. =3

By the time it takes to call them, Stop watch would be in activation already :p
Or he can Super Jump, it can techinacally go on forever :p
Let's not forget, Stop Watch isn't 100% guarantee on some enemies, like trying to use a Stop Watch on Amayzee Dayzee, (though that flower is godlike, lol). And don't forget Kirby can block the Super Jump, also if he blocks with Mirror Kirby, his Mirror Shield will protect him better.

Easier said than done xD

With High Jump, Wheel, (or Wheelie Bike), Missile, or Jet Kirby can catch him if Kirby doesn't have the Warp Star near him. Those abilities are very fast, though in a list I'll say Jet > High Jump > Wheelie Bike > Wheel > Missile when it come's to speed however.

What's that mean o_O
If he can absorb hats then he can, but maybe hats work on a different mechanic that makes him not able to do it?
When you say automatically change, does that mean if he changes to, lets say bubble Kirby, he can change again to Anmial Kirby? Or is it just one hat?
Ah sorry, that video was meant to say that the Warp Star can be destroyed by something powerful... Nightmare also destroyed the Warp Star, but that didn't stop Kirby for battling him with the Star Rod. The video showed the wishing stars forming over Kirby, giving him his Star Ship, which is much better than the Warp Star when fighting.... though the last part on Kirby & The Amazing Mirror the Warp Star can shoot stars =3

Also the way Kirby's hats work, to copy another ability he would need to either discard or create a helper the ability he already has, then eats an enemy or an object that has something power related, use one of the bubbles in his stomach, he can change even if he already have an ability, see an ability symbol and touch it, Kirby change even if he already have a hat, or change if Kirby have the Deluxe Copy Ability of that ability to quick change to a hat or another one of his choosing.

Well, pick your poison =P
lol I'll try.... Rainbow Sword, he's able to fly with it and it's powerful. =3


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
Another thing, _Clinton.

You say the power of the Dragon is the same thing that Ness absorbed in Earthbound. Yet Ness absorbed all of it before the game ended.

If it's the same power, why did Ness only get a large stat increase if Lucas gets the ability to recreate the world?


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
PK Love Omega takes more effort to use than any other psychic ability as well…how about that...Lucas shows he has more talent than Kumatora ^_^
I'd like to dispute this. Talent =/= Effort. Besides, Lucas has SO MUCH TALENT, that HE DOESN'T LEARN PK FREEZE, FIRE, OR THUNDER.

We're never going to agree. This is basically _clinton against missingnomater, me, and Diddy Kong. Dunno 'bout anyone else.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
If it's the same power, why did Ness only get a large stat increase if Lucas gets the ability to recreate the world?
When Lucas got his power...there was no threat left...because the threat was gone...

Ness' threat was still around (and has the same thing he has pretty much). Therefore his game had no reason to end yet...unlike with Lucas

You see why you would have Ness fighting still yet Lucas wouldn't have to?

I'd like to dispute this. Talent =/= Effort. Besides, Lucas has SO MUCH TALENT, that HE DOESN'T LEARN PK FREEZE, FIRE, OR THUNDER.

We're never going to agree. This is basically _clinton against missingnomater, me, and Diddy Kong. Dunno 'bout anyone else.
Which is funny...because things like the Triforce parts can be in these match and that has been shown to be a thinking object...yet Lucas' power which really is only going to care about what Lucas is like as well...is not allowed in...even though it is linked to him and is his...which is more than what Link and Ganondorf can say about the Triforce actually ^_^

Hell the Star Rod is "wishing" as well...because in order to use it in the 1st place...you have to wish!

Yet its allowed for whatever dumb reason...

Another point of this argument that is funny as well is that people have some issues with understanding what psychokinesis is...and how they think that someone who can shape the world with his power...yet for some reason can't make ice form is just funny

God...it works both ways...The only reason why Kumatora isn't learning the top level cure moves is because of Lucas...nothing in game is stating that Kumatora is lacking that amount of PK...the only reason she isn't using them is because of the game's game mechs...because again...the only thing that has been limited by the game by what can be used...


PK Fire, freeze, thunder, ground, starstorm, paralysis, hypnosis, brainshock, flash, ect. aren't limited at all...

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Porky becoming ageless wouldn't be a big deal as well...the power made a certain group of people have unlimited life...

He was talking about the power...
Could be either way really, I won't go much further on this.

The order of needle pulling as to what the game wants you to do...
So the game also wants you to feel screwed after you pull the last Needle I guess... =/

Lab-power up
Volcano-power up
Chamber-power up
Final-After effects not fully known...however you thinking Lucas wouldn't get stronger from absorbing this power is just you forgetting that Ness didn't reach his full power until he absorbed all of it as well...
Ness and Lucas aren't the same. And it's all BECAUSE we don't know what Lucas gets, is that he doesn't get it. There's no effidence, so also no measurement of how strong he'd be.

Oh and would you please review the rules stated at the start of this thread? It says they are using their in game abilities…The dragon’s power is Lucas’ ability!
Read the first post, wishing to win is banned. Goes for Bowser, Link, Ganondorf so also for Lucas. And didn't you say PK Love was the power of the Dragon? Lucas does has acces to that of coarse.

PK Love Omega takes more effort to use than any other psychic ability as well…how about that...Lucas shows he has more talent than Kumatora ^_^
PK Ground still can do more damage. PK Freeze Omega to, at least in EarthBound it did more damage than PK Rockin Omega.

Again…The Dragon’s power=Ness’ power…they are both the power of the land according to Leder
Leder never mentioned Ness. Which is pretty normal I guess, cause say... Fox also isn't mentioned anywhere in Fire Emblem.

Yes the powers may be similair, but that's it. Similair =/= the same.

PK Flash actually…fun fact…it’s a telepathic power…
Look we're going somewhere! Yes, PK Flash would work for me. Confusing with PK powers doesn't.

Assuming Lucas is faster than Bowser of coarse... He's hella slow in Mother 3 actually.

The Dragon isn’t back up actually…it’s use behind the power is pretty much the same idea as to what is behind the Triforce…in that its affects depend on the user…Oh and your wishing to win thing is ****ing funny…how is Bowser winning this again? Wishing…that’s what I though…
Bowser doesn't wish to actually win, by using the same logic as you do for Lucas... Bowser could do the same resulting in the same outcome cause most likely Bowser will stay alive anyway cause he's invincible.

Bowser becomming invincible is what he actually did in Paper Mario in the final fight. The Star Rod's abilities -unlike the Dragon's abilities - are actually shown in game. Besides, what makes you so completly sure that Lucas can control the Dragon at will after it recreated the world? My guess is that it goes back to sleep again after creating a new universe. =/

The Dragon sleeps at Nowhere Islands, and that's where it stays... Recreated world or not, I don't ****ing care Lucas just doesn't get the power. What'd you expect anyways? Lucas getting the power and suddenly win everything? Not happening.

The Dragon’s power is his in game abilities…it’s the power of the earth for the 40th time…and Lucas has control over it!
Pics or it didn't happen.

I wanna SEE Lucas using that power, then he can use it.

You miss my point about it being a “fantasy” world…again…even though I’ve brought it up like 50 times…
In game abilities only doesn't seem to make you realise Lucas can't use the power, even though we brought it up more often...

It was real…but the roles of the people on the island…even the island history itself which includes chances are...the dragon…was fake…this is again…according to Leder in Chapter 8…where he points out that everyone on this island is living a lie...
Not everyone I guess, since some people must've made it up.

BTW…ever read “The Book of Lies”?
Nope, I'm no native English speaker. What's it about?

And PK doesn’t go higher than Omega mainly because of game mechs...you know there are limits put in on purpose...Lucas getting a move that would wipe out a boss in one hit does sort of remove some points to this game…a more appropriate example of PK power would be to look at the amount of PP each character has…which stands for “Psychic Power”
Game mechanics is what we're basing these battles on actually. PSI abilities never got stronger than Omega, neither in Mother 1, EarthBound or Mother 3 so it seems logical that Lucas doesn't get PK Love Omega+? Is there even a higher thing than Omega in these Alpha, Beta things?

Also... PP is being used on how MANY times Lucas can use his PSI. <_< Like in the actual game eh?

It wasn't Lucas who destroyed the world...the world was destroyed because the power left the island...remember...the Island was only there because of the power...because...the world was destroyed

This is even pointed out in the game that the island is only still there because the power has been protecting it...if the power is no longer there...than the protection is gone...
I bet Porky did some things as well to influence it all, but yeah your right here I guess. =/

It took Ness a long time to absorb the full power...I don't see why it would be any shorter for Lucas...hell in order for Ness to do it in the 1st place...he had to kill his evil side (which again is my point that the power judges you before you can absorb it)
Wasn't it just the Mani Mani Statue that drove Ness crazy from within? That's just one of my biggest beefs with EarthBound and Mother 3... there's just too much left open for your imagination. While it's part of the game's charms, it's also a big turn off for other people.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
If Lucas destroyed the Universe, how come everyone is all like "ZOMG YOU DESTROYED THE UNIVERSE BUT WE'RE STILL ALIVEEEEE"?

Everything's black and Lucas talks to people and what-not.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav

1. Porky was referencing his age to being near immortal and thusly "god-like".
Why would he reference something he has yet to obtain?

2. Bowser is drawing from the power source of the Star Rod.
He doesn't wish for anything.
No dialogue, no "i wish", just takes it out and draws power from it.
This makes him invincible.

3. The Dragon is what recreates the world.
Pulling the last needle awakens the Dragon.
Lucas displays nothing that suggests he is recreating the world.
That is the Dragon's doing.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Could be either way really, I won't go much further on this.
It’s not going either way…Porky wanted the power remember? If he was already god like…why would he want it?

So the game also wants you to feel screwed after you pull the last Needle I guess... =/
You missed my point…chapter 7 lets you pull 4 of the 6 needles in any order you want…but they recommend you with a certain order for doing them in…either way…it doesn’t matter…my point was already proven with Claus and Lucas showing that they get more powerful even when one of the needles isn’t pulled by them because of the whole “dragon waking up slowly” thing…

Ness and Lucas aren't the same. And it's all BECAUSE we don't know what Lucas gets, is that he doesn't get it. There's no effidence, so also no measurement of how strong he'd be.
Ness and Lucas are the same though…at least in spirit…
1. Same battle role…as in healer
2. Same general stats for the battle role…
3. Itoi saying in an interview that Ness could be the same as Ninten
4. The Smash website’s background info on Lucas stats that he is in the same PK family as Ness
5. Again…the dragon’s power according to Leder is the power of the land…which was the same thing Ness’ title was…

If you don’t think Ness and Lucas are the same…than you really need to look again…because all of the main playable characters in this game are sort of the same…except for the odd ball 4th one…but even they have some things in common…

Read the first post, wishing to win is banned. Goes for Bowser, Link, Ganondorf so also for Lucas. And didn't you say PK Love was the power of the Dragon? Lucas does has acces to that of coarse.
People keep on saying that the Dragon’s power isn’t with Lucas so I have to keep on pointing it out that it is…part of their argument is that the thing is “living” which is sort of a lie…the only thing living about it is how the user works with it…because what happens with the power…it’s the same thing as the triforce somewhat…only its meant for someone instead of just being there like the triforce is…

Oh and it’s not really wishing to ban either in a way…again it is something that is something that is more in common with the triforce…

The star rod in the 1st place is powered by wishes…and isn’t something that should be in the hands of mortals
The Triforce is using the gods power to give whoever touches it their wish…again it is guarded at least…but it doesn’t have any real rules just like the Star Rod…
The power of the earth…is limited because it’s full power only surfaces when needed according to the canon…and it can only be used by a select few that for whatever reason have a tie to it…

The power of the earth sure seems a lot more fare than the other powers if you ask my opinion…but that’s just me…

PK Ground still can do more damage. PK Freeze Omega to, at least in EarthBound it did more damage than PK Rockin Omega.
PK Ground can do more damage in very limited things because of game mechs. and PK freeze Omega…yeah no in EB PK Rockin had a higher cap as far as damage output goes…look it up please

Leder never mentioned Ness. Which is pretty normal I guess, cause say... Fox also isn't mentioned anywhere in Fire Emblem.
Leder mentions that the power in this island is the power of the land…it doesn’t matter if he brings up Ness or not…the last time it was needed was 10,000 years or so ago remember? The only one who knows about Ness is Porky…who is doing all this anyway because of him wanting to be better than him…

Yes the powers may be similair, but that's it. Similair =/= the same.
Please explain to me why the earth has two the powers of the land then if you are going to pull this…please also explain why it was never brought up in the other games…

Look we're going somewhere! Yes, PK Flash would work for me. Confusing with PK powers doesn't.
Assuming Lucas is faster than Bowser of coarse... He's hella slow in Mother 3 actually.
Ok 1st off…Lucas fights foes made out of pure electricity/light/other foes that have jet engines attached to them…so if he looks slow…it may be just because of his foes…
2nd off…Bowser is hella slow as well…ever play Super Mario RPG? He’s the slowest thing in that game (see I can play with game mechs as well) he’s always moving last…Lucas at least happens to be able to trade places with Duster for a good % of the game as far as turn order goes…

Bowser doesn't wish to actually win, by using the same logic as you do for Lucas... Bowser could do the same resulting in the same outcome cause most likely Bowser will stay alive anyway cause he's invincible.
Bowser has to wish though…that’s the point
And again…Lucas’ power isn’t like you think it is…it’s tapped right into him…

Bowser becomming invincible is what he actually did in Paper Mario in the final fight. The Star Rod's abilities -unlike the Dragon's abilities - are actually shown in game.
Being able to destroy everything then remake and protecting a large amount of land from the end of the world wasn’t enough of a demonstration for you of Lucas’ power?

Besides, what makes you so completly sure that Lucas can control the Dragon at will after it recreated the world?
Again…power of the earth…not dragon…there isn’t even any proof of the dragon…god…the people living on that island where living in a fantasy…and the dragon was a part of that fantasy…

Hell for every time a dragon comes up in the games it’s just made up as well…plus again…have you ever read “the book of lies?”

The Dragon sleeps at Nowhere Islands, and that's where it stays...
Funny…last I checked the power was woken up at the end of Mother 3…and the thing didn’t go back to sleep…

Pics or it didn't happen.
LOL wut? The power is tapped into him…the needles were the seal on that power…when they are moved…he got the power in there along with Claus…PK Love is a representation of his power…PK Love was getting stronger because the dragon was waking up…The needles being removed was the reason why the dragon was waking up…How is math hard?

I posted that ****ing link to the game script over 5 times at least in this topic and told you to find the talk with Leder in it…because he confirms that the dragon waking up was the reason on why Love was getting stronger…

In game abilities only doesn't seem to make you realise Lucas can't use the power, even though we brought it up more often...
Lucas is playing a role though…that is the only thing that is preventing him from using PK Fire…because the definition of PK itself should be proof that he can use it…and his talent and unlocking of his powers is another reason…

Not everyone I guess, since some people must've made it up.
Again…the people on that island before wiping their memories away did…

Nope, I'm no native English speaker. What's it about?
The main characters in it are named Lucas and Claus…google it and then check the wiki…it’s the one about the twins…

Game mechanics is what we're basing these battles on actually.
Game mechs =/= canon

Canon has a definition…look it up

PSI abilities never got stronger than Omega, neither in Mother 1, EarthBound or Mother 3 so it seems logical that Lucas doesn't get PK Love Omega+?
Let us see…Lucas doesn’t get Omega+, maybe because the game has to end at some point…funny huh?

Also... PP is being used on how MANY times Lucas can use his PSI. <_< Like in the actual game eh?
PP=psychic power…you can actually explain how it works as well…
How about looking up the definition of “Work” if you need to get what I’m saying…

Wasn't it just the Mani Mani Statue that drove Ness crazy from within?
Ah no…check the game script…Ness’ Nightmare is his evil side…either his good side or his evil side had to go before he could use his power…because the power was dependant on what type of person he was…

Just like this power Lucas is using which is totally not the same thing huh?

That's just one of my biggest beefs with EarthBound and Mother 3... there's just too much left open for your imagination. While it's part of the game's charms, it's also a big turn off for other people.
Look for some background info why don’t you? Just like any of these other games…background info helps explain things…

Wario is the opposite of Mario…if Mario is this:

(Not saying that he is…but it is funny IMO so I’m posting it)

What do you think Wario is?

If Lucas destroyed the Universe, how come everyone is all like "ZOMG YOU DESTROYED THE UNIVERSE BUT WE'RE STILL ALIVEEEEE"?

Everything's black and Lucas talks to people and what-not.
Oh god...

What part of me telling you that he can remake things how he wants do you not understand?

1. Porky was referencing his age to being near immortal and thusly "god-like".
Why would he reference something he has yet to obtain?
**** it...do me a favor...look up that point of the game...he was sure he was going to get the power...

2. Bowser is drawing from the power source of the Star Rod.
Which is powered from what again?

3. The Dragon is what recreates the world.
Pulling the last needle awakens the Dragon.
Lucas displays nothing that suggests he is recreating the world.
That is the Dragon's doing.
Lucas' Love getting stronger as the dragon was waking up...explain why it was getting stronger...


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Raizen, weren't last-minute powers/items/abilities obtained not counted or something? Just wanting to know that, since if they were, Mario would have the Star Rod and be able to harness its power or something. Samus would have break-suits, and some other characters would be ______.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Raizen, weren't last-minute powers/items/abilities obtained not counted or something? Just wanting to know that, since if they were, Mario would have the Star Rod and be able to harness its power or something. Samus would have break-suits, and some other characters would be ______.
Boy I like how you are trying so hard to limit Lucas in his match ups...the thing is...this thread is "if all smash characters are true to their games"

Lucas getting the power he gets at the end game is being true to his game...and because it has so much in common with Ness' to the point where we know Ness didn't lose his...you have clear hints on how Lucas' power works (that also point out that him being limited to a healing role is just game mechs...but whatever)...why would Lucas lose his?

The point I don't understand is why you are limiting Lucas but aren't limiting Bowser...who clearly is more screwed than Lucas as far as their powers have gone...

A. Bowser's star rod isn't his
B. Bowser loses it at the end of the game

So...if this thread was true to what it says in it's name and its rules...Then Bowser shouldn't even have the star rod...but whatever


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
1. Bowser had it, he used it, blah blah blah. I dunno, I'm not exactly a 100% Bowser supporter.
2. I remember some people didn't use end-of-game stats because some end-of-game stuff is lolwut

You also vastly overestimate Lucas...
Just because ZOMGPOWER, doesn't mean ZOMGPOWER beats ZOMGDEFENSE...


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
1. Bowser had it, he used it, blah blah blah. I dunno, I'm not exactly a 100% Bowser supporter.
Bowser had it is the key word...but this thread is "if Brawl characters where true to their game"

Just from that info Lucas should have more rights to use his power than what Bowser does...or what Samus does as well if you check the background on her powers...

2. I remember some people didn't use end-of-game stats because some end-of-game stuff is lolwut
Lucas' case it isn't like this...we have hints at what his stuff is like...

You also vastly overestimate Lucas...
Just because ZOMGPOWER, doesn't mean ZOMGPOWER beats ZOMGDEFENSE...
In this case it does...The Star Rod isn't even Bowser's own power...last I checked that makes it lesser than someone who has "his own power"

Oh and last I checked...Lucas' ZOMGPOWER is also ZOMGDEFENSE because of the whole keeping a place safe from the whole end of the world thing...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2009
Cape Town
But still, Lucas' power at the end is via wishing, like the Peach beam, through the dragon, at the he says he didnt know what would happen if i remember correctly. His "heart" is passed onto the dragon, not its power onto Lucas.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Clinton is basically the sole person supporting this Lucas being omg god. >_> Last time I checked, for something to become approved here you had to actually convince everyone else + Raizen. I've yet to see that happen. :p Everyone here is against Lucas getting dragon powers and whatnot, just as they were and still are, against Mewtwo floathing and whatnot.

So sorry Clinton, but that makes it a big NO to lucas getting dragon powerz.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
It’s not going either way…Porky wanted the power remember? If he was already god like…why would he want it?
Cause he's power hungry I guess. I'm pretty sure he was boasting, but whatever, both sides work.

You missed my point…chapter 7 lets you pull 4 of the 6 needles in any order you want…but they recommend you with a certain order for doing them in…either way…it doesn’t matter…my point was already proven with Claus and Lucas showing that they get more powerful even when one of the needles isn’t pulled by them because of the whole “dragon waking up slowly” thing…
It's only PK Love that grows stronger, and it goes up till Omega. What else besides in game abilities do you want Lucas to use anyway? If he's gonna fight, he's gonna fight how he fights... Like every other character here.

Ness and Lucas are the same though…at least in spirit…
1. Same battle role…as in healer
2. Same general stats for the battle role…
3. Itoi saying in an interview that Ness could be the same as Ninten
4. The Smash website’s background info on Lucas stats that he is in the same PK family as Ness
5. Again…the dragon’s power according to Leder is the power of the land…which was the same thing Ness’ title was…
Yes, the characters are similar. I still agree with that.

If you don’t think Ness and Lucas are the same…than you really need to look again…because all of the main playable characters in this game are sort of the same…except for the odd ball 4th one…but even they have some things in common…
Similar, not the same.

People keep on saying that the Dragon’s power isn’t with Lucas so I have to keep on pointing it out that it is…part of their argument is that the thing is “living” which is sort of a lie…the only thing living about it is how the user works with it…because what happens with the power…it’s the same thing as the triforce somewhat…only its meant for someone instead of just being there like the triforce is…
I'm pretty sure the Triforce (at least, the parts) are meant for Link, Zelda and Ganondorf to. Ganondorf is a bit iffy, cause he got the power by force... But the Triforce of Wisdom for example was always guarded by the Royal Family, thus rightfully being Zelda's.

Okay and even IF Lucas could use the power of the Dragon, what'd he do? Create a new world? Every one survived that in Mother 3 so... <_< The battlefield would just go black, and some character's even have answers to that. If we're using the power like the way it's used in game... It's still pretty bad.

The star rod in the 1st place is powered by wishes…and isn’t something that should be in the hands of mortals
The Triforce is using the gods power to give whoever touches it their wish…again it is guarded at least…but it doesn’t have any real rules just like the Star Rod…
The power of the earth…is limited because it’s full power only surfaces when needed according to the canon…and it can only be used by a select few that for whatever reason have a tie to it…
Power of anything or not, characters here are still mortal unless being stated different. Like Ganondorf for example only being hurt by holy weapons.

The power of the earth sure seems a lot more fare than the other powers if you ask my opinion…but that’s just me…
Yeah that'd be just you, cause game mechanics say different. Ness and Lucas are still mortal, and therefore they'll lose to characters who are better than them, for example Samus.

PK Ground can do more damage in very limited things because of game mechs. and PK freeze Omega…yeah no in EB PK Rockin had a higher cap as far as damage output goes…look it up please
But what else besides game mechanics, stats and actual battle prowess can you use to determine what a character would do in an actual fight???

Leder mentions that the power in this island is the power of the land…it doesn’t matter if he brings up Ness or not…the last time it was needed was 10,000 years or so ago remember? The only one who knows about Ness is Porky…who is doing all this anyway because of him wanting to be better than him…
Porky = best thing in Mother 3 by far.

Please explain to me why the earth has two the powers of the land then if you are going to pull this…please also explain why it was never brought up in the other games…
It might very well be a different earth now. I don't know man, look they are different games. If they were truely connected, then why wasn't the Dragon mentioned before for example?

Ok 1st off…Lucas fights foes made out of pure electricity/light/other foes that have jet engines attached to them…so if he looks slow…it may be just because of his foes…
2nd off…Bowser is hella slow as well…ever play Super Mario RPG? He’s the slowest thing in that game (see I can play with game mechs as well) he’s always moving last…Lucas at least happens to be able to trade places with Duster for a good % of the game as far as turn order goes…
Still... a dog and a criple out run Lucas... >_>

Bowser has to wish though…that’s the point
And again…Lucas’ power isn’t like you think it is…it’s tapped right into him…
1) I don't fully agree with Bowser getting the Star Rod either.
2) Lucas having the power or not, it doesn't mather cause we don't know what it does and what it's uses are in battle.

Being able to destroy everything then remake and protecting a large amount of land from the end of the world wasn’t enough of a demonstration for you of Lucas’ power?
No. Did it really destroy everything and created new ****? All I saw was my screen turning black... <_<

Again…power of the earth…not dragon…there isn’t even any proof of the dragon…god…the people living on that island where living in a fantasy…and the dragon was a part of that fantasy…
That gives us even LESS of an idea what this power of Lucas would be. O_O Dude, Lucas just got screwed by his own game for not showing effidence, therefore he can't have that power. Just leave it at that.

Hell for every time a dragon comes up in the games it’s just made up as well…plus again…have you ever read “the book of lies?”
No, again I haven't. But the book and game aren't the same thing, so no mather what's written there it doesn't have anything to do with Lucas' fighting here.

Funny…last I checked the power was woken up at the end of Mother 3…and the thing didn’t go back to sleep…
*credits roll in*

LOL wut? The power is tapped into him…the needles were the seal on that power…when they are moved…he got the power in there along with Claus…PK Love is a representation of his power…PK Love was getting stronger because the dragon was waking up…The needles being removed was the reason why the dragon was waking up…How is math hard?
What happens to the Needles, the Dragon, and just about everything once that Needle is pulled? We don't know, and it'd only add confusion to the match ups. Lucas can't have it, and that's more because the game doesn't allow you to get a clear view of that power. If we saw him actually use it, it'd be different... maybe. It's still all pretty iffy.

I posted that ****ing link to the game script over 5 times at least in this topic and told you to find the talk with Leder in it…because he confirms that the dragon waking up was the reason on why Love was getting stronger…
Leder: Lewk Lucas, ur powar is gettin' stronga. U c ur PK Luv nao does awesum damage, lolol ur just liek Ness... ya no, that kid frum EarthBound?? U saw him in dat cinema rite?? yea lololol dat him.

Unless Leder said something like that, there just isn't enough effidence. Your assuming way to much. Don't.

Lucas is playing a role though…that is the only thing that is preventing him from using PK Fire…because the definition of PK itself should be proof that he can use it…and his talent and unlocking of his powers is another reason…
If he doesn't get it in game he just doesn't get it. Is it that hard? The only reason why your probably brining this up is cause Ness and Lucas use different PSI in Smash than in their games anyway. =/ He doesn't learn those attacks, so he doesn't get them.

The main characters in it are named Lucas and Claus…google it and then check the wiki…it’s the one about the twins…
I tried, didn't find anything. You have a link or something?

Game mechs =/= canon

Canon has a definition…look it up
I'm not gonna answer this cause your now going against this whole thread.

Let us see…Lucas doesn’t get Omega+, maybe because the game has to end at some point…funny huh?
So Lucas basically got screwed by his own game like I said before. You think that's funny?

PP=psychic power…you can actually explain how it works as well…
How about looking up the definition of “Work” if you need to get what I’m saying…
PP = how many times you can use PSI. Nothing more, nothing less. Now stop your whinery and assumptions please.

Ah no…check the game script…Ness’ Nightmare is his evil side…either his good side or his evil side had to go before he could use his power…because the power was dependant on what type of person he was…
I guess so, don't really care anymore. God your persistent. <_<

Look for some background info why don’t you? Just like any of these other games…background info helps explain things…

Wario is the opposite of Mario…if Mario is this:

(Not saying that he is…but it is funny IMO so I’m posting it)

What do you think Wario is?
Game developers are hardcore junkies. I'm gonna leave it at that. :p

Oh god...

What part of me telling you that he can remake things how he wants do you not understand?
The part of where you getting all that from. Your right on SOME cases, but your over assuming.

**** it...do me a favor...look up that point of the game...he was sure he was going to get the power...
I'm answering your post for about half an hour now, what exactly must I look up? I forgot lulz.

Which is powered from what again?
Dunno, same as above really.

Lucas' Love getting stronger as the dragon was waking up...explain why it was getting stronger...
Cause he'd need that power for the next part of the game. =P Dunni, your right here but again your over assuming. Your got the basic idea right, but then you mess it all up with assumptions.

Look, Lucas has limits, and it's just unfortunate for him that he doesn't get his "potential" full power shown. If he even gets stronger, that's the question. We're guessing it's not, cause it's way too vague at the end.

Lucas still is a solid character overall, and will deffinatly be on the higher side of the end tier list. That alone should be enough for you.

If Isaac from Golden Sun was here fighting (as he's an Assist Trophy), he'd suffer the same as Lucas. Cause at the end, he gets the power of the Golden Sun which is basically the power of all elements. I recommend this game to you, cause Golden Sun comparing to Mother, actually has loads of effidence shown in game. Now that I'm speaking of Golden Sun, it's been a long time since I played that game... I might pick it up myself some day.

Now up to your next post... <_<

Bowser had it is the key word...but this thread is "if Brawl characters where true to their game"
Bowser gets his power IN game, Lucas gets in at END game. Big difference there.

Just from that info Lucas should have more rights to use his power than what Bowser does...or what Samus does as well if you check the background on her powers...
Samus should maybe get her Hyper Beam. Why shouldn't she actually? She actually used it.

Lucas' case it isn't like this...we have hints at what his stuff is like...
I think you've said enough... <_<

In this case it does...The Star Rod isn't even Bowser's own power...last I checked that makes it lesser than someone who has "his own power"
Last time I checked, it was the Dragon not Lucas who had the power. <_<;

Oh and last I checked...Lucas' ZOMGPOWER is also ZOMGDEFENSE because of the whole keeping a place safe from the whole end of the world thing...
Basically what your saying is... Events in Mother 3 >>> Events in other games. Nobody was even HURT when the world was recreated for all we know. The people who you speak to, say their completely fine. If normal people would survive it, every character here would... Including R.O.B., Mr.Game & Watch and Olimar. >_>

Lucas can't ZOMGAPOCALYPS like you say he can. If we'd take people's opinions here, Mewtwo would already be blowing peoples head of. Why? Cause some fan says Mewtwo can and he apperantly has bull **** effidence for that.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
Plus 1 for _clinton.

On the subject of Kirby vs. Mario, Kirby wins or its a draw at the most. Ghost Kirby can possess Mario as well.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Plus 1 for _clinton.

On the subject of Kirby vs. Mario, Kirby wins or its a draw at the most. Ghost Kirby can possess Mario as well.
I lol'd. Because it's OBVIOUS Mario can't do anything back, right?

Ghost Kirby is slow, and his possessive attack has lag. Ghost Kirby also doesn't have versatile mobility and is easily limited. Mario can throw a Fire Ball and scorch the 8-inch wearing bed-sheets. Or he can just, y'know, run away.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Running away should automatically mean the character loses if you ask me. Unless the character has options while running away, like Samus with Speed Booster.

It seems Kirby has more options than Mario, so I guess Kirby will win this?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
No, he doesn't, atleast give me time to rebuttal =/

The only options they have been using anyway is Metal Kirby and Warp star, well, other than Viper, but I'm getting to his post anyway :p

Besides, we already talked about that, and didn't see anyone rebuttal my post. He can't really win with Metal Kirby + Warp star.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Stop Watch wouldn't help. I've checked it out in Super Paper Mario, and before the thing activates, you have to do stuff with your Wii Mote first... meaning the Stop Watch wouldn't work instantly. Time freezing like that wouldn't work when actually fighting I think.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
Raizen, weren't last-minute powers/items/abilities obtained not counted or something? Just wanting to know that, since if they were, Mario would have the Star Rod and be able to harness its power or something. Samus would have break-suits, and some other characters would be ______.
Let's put it this way: If a match-up was discussed and finished, between character A and B (character B being the winner), those defending character A realized a few match-ups later that character A could have beaten character B if he had X ability, then I will change it. Just as how I've been doing.

In short, last minute abilities are allowed.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Let's not forget, Stop Watch isn't 100% guarantee on some enemies, like trying to use a Stop Watch on Amayzee Dayzee, (though that flower is godlike, lol). And don't forget Kirby can block the Super Jump, also if he blocks with Mirror Kirby, his Mirror Shield will protect him better.

He can use it, can't he? Unless she flips dimensions, I think.
That time I was talking about calling his friends when he was busy, in TTYD it was anyway.

With High Jump, Wheel, (or Wheelie Bike), Missile, or Jet Kirby can catch him if Kirby doesn't have the Warp Star near him. Those abilities are very fast, though in a list I'll say Jet > High Jump > Wheelie Bike > Wheel > Missile when it come's to speed however.
I was talking about while he was summoning another with his phone :p
Is it faster than Warp star? Remember though he can only have as many hats as he can stomach :p

Ah sorry, that video was meant to say that the Warp Star can be destroyed by something powerful... Nightmare also destroyed the Warp Star, but that didn't stop Kirby for battling him with the Star Rod. The video showed the wishing stars forming over Kirby, giving him his Star Ship, which is much better than the Warp Star when fighting.... though the last part on Kirby & The Amazing Mirror the Warp Star can shoot stars =3
Well, I'm pretty sure Mario can get rid of the warp star, aren't the wishing stars back-up?
and I don't know anything about the star ship xD
is it faster than the Warp star? Is it fast at all?

Also the way Kirby's hats work, to copy another ability he would need to either discard or create a helper the ability he already has, then eats an enemy or an object that has something power related, use one of the bubbles in his stomach, he can change even if he already have an ability, see an ability symbol and touch it, Kirby change even if he already have a hat, or change if Kirby have the Deluxe Copy Ability of that ability to quick change to a hat or another one of his choosing.
But you can't have another enemies on the field :p

lol I'll try.... Rainbow Sword, he's able to fly with it and it's powerful. =3

When I said that, you know Kirby can have as many abilties as he want's as long as he has them in game.

Does the sword cut? Stupid question, but you know what I mean xD
How does it attack?

I kepp forgetting to put the quote tags around you >.<

Stop Watch wouldn't help. I've checked it out in Super Paper Mario, and before the thing activates, you have to do stuff with your Wii Mote first... meaning the Stop Watch wouldn't work instantly. Time freezing like that wouldn't work when actually fighting I think.
Yeah, it takes around 4 seconds, so he can have, just waits for it to start up.
He had Stop watches in other games too, like TTYD


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
Running away should automatically mean the character loses if you ask me. Unless the character has options while running away, like Samus with Speed Booster.

It seems Kirby has more options than Mario, so I guess Kirby will win this?
I think I should add this as a rule..

It only seems fair this way.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
On the match-up: What do we have so far? I need quick highlights, this match-ups been going for a bit too long.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Kirby can turn Metal and go on a Warp star, but unless I missed a post, Mario can counter that via Stop watch and strong attack.

Mario can turn invicible and make Kirby not know where to go, though he can't attack Mario.

To me, it looks like a draw, if not tipped slightly in Marios side, though I'm still debating with Viper.

I think somebosy could make one or the other win, but if your that eager to change, though I would think it's a tie at the moment.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2009
Cape Town
Cant Mario use the tanooki suit? In stone form he could crush almost any enemy and couldn't be hit. has someone thought of this? and what about badges?


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
I lol'd. Because it's OBVIOUS Mario can't do anything back, right?

Ghost Kirby is slow, and his possessive attack has lag. Ghost Kirby also doesn't have versatile mobility and is easily limited. Mario can throw a Fire Ball and scorch the 8-inch wearing bed-sheets. Or he can just, y'know, run away.
Ghost Kirby's possession attack gives him invincibility throughout its duration. It is also a quicker way to move.

Mario could dodge it effectively, but he would have a hard time hitting Kirby back.

I'm thinking this should be a draw. Kirby has abilities that leave Mario with few things to do, but Kirby then can't do a whole lot either.

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
On the subject of Kirby vs. Mario, Kirby wins or its a draw at the most. Ghost Kirby can possess Mario as well.
Ghost Kirby is one of my most favroite ablities because it's so **** fun to use, but sadly, when facing a mini boss or a boss you can't do nothing to them, on the next Kirby game, they better upgrade Ghost Kirby and give that power more options. But I love the design.

I lol'd. Because it's OBVIOUS Mario can't do anything back, right?

Ghost Kirby is slow, and his possessive attack has lag. Ghost Kirby also doesn't have versatile mobility and is easily limited. Mario can throw a Fire Ball and scorch the 8-inch wearing bed-sheets. Or he can just, y'know, run away.
Well, the possession speed isn't very slow, just the range isn't very good, and as you say, it's slow, the only way Kirby can take over Mario is to sneak up on him. I'm not even sure that's a bed sheet, but it does look like one. XD

He can use it, can't he? Unless she flips dimensions, I think.
That time I was talking about calling his friends when he was busy, in TTYD it was anyway.
I was using mostly Paper Mario and Paper Mario TTYD Amayzee Dayzee since it doesn't run unless it's the enemies turn, (which it has a high chance of running as soon as it get's a turn), sometimes the Stopwatch won't effect all the enemies but by random chance that is.

I was talking about while he was summoning another with his phone :p
Is it faster than Warp star? Remember though he can only have as many hats as he can stomach :p
Must had missed it. =P

Sadly, none of those abilities are faster than the Warp Star, but I understand why since Air Ride Machines are build to ride with the skies, the abilities are fast enough to win a race around the world sort of speak.

Only the Kirby Squeak Squad rule he can able to have 5 items in his stomach, (remember he can held Food, Invincible Candy, etc in his stomach as well), and the Kirby Super Star Milkyway Wishes rule is still applies, (with the rule to switch to whatever power he wants as long as he as the Deluxe Copy Ability, Kirby can keep them even after the game ends).

Well, I'm pretty sure Mario can get rid of the warp star, aren't the wishing stars back-up?
and I don't know anything about the star ship xD
is it faster than the Warp star? Is it fast at all?
Mario has to find a way to hit the Warp Star, which will require him to travel in the air, which his is limited to. Also Wishing Stars is not alive, just objects, so they are not back up. The Star Ship moves faster than the Warp Star, while you can shoot stars as you already saw.

But you can't have another enemies on the field :p
I know support is not allowed, but that's just an option. XD

When I said that, you know Kirby can have as many abilties as he want's as long as he has them in game.

Does the sword cut? Stupid question, but you know what I mean xD
How does it attack?
Oh you mean regular abilities, lol. I guess Plasma will do, Plasma is one of the most powerful of Kirby's abilities, it also takes at least 2 seconds to shoot the Plasma Cannon which goes very far if you know how to store up energy fast with it.

Kirby Super Star Example

I couldn't find a good example for Kirby Air Ride since that Plasma Cannon is pretty big when you shoot it. >.<

About how the Rainbow Sword Plays, also I'm not sure if the final item rule is in or not. XD

Cant Mario use the tanooki suit? In stone form he could crush almost any enemy and couldn't be hit. has someone thought of this? and what about badges?
If Mario get's above Kirby he would, which can be very difficult if Kirby's on a Warp Star. Badges it depends on what you equip.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Since Mario is bigger than most bosses in Kirby games, can Ghost Kirby even posses him?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I was using mostly Paper Mario and Paper Mario TTYD Amayzee Dayzee since it doesn't run unless it's the enemies turn, (which it has a high chance of running as soon as it get's a turn), sometimes the Stopwatch won't effect all the enemies but by random chance that is.
Well I was talking about SPM =P
I'm was sure something was up, I knew it could could freeze everything in SPM.
And there shouldn't be random chance since it's only 1 character =P

Only the Kirby Squeak Squad rule he can able to have 5 items in his stomach, (remember he can held Food, Invincible Candy, etc in his stomach as well), and the Kirby Super Star Milkyway Wishes rule is still applies, (with the rule to switch to whatever power he wants as long as he as the Deluxe Copy Ability, Kirby can keep them even after the game ends).
But could he have hats? But there is no enemie to swallow =P

Mario has to find a way to hit the Warp Star, which will require him to travel in the air, which his is limited to. Also Wishing Stars is not alive, just objects, so they are not back up. The Star Ship moves faster than the Warp Star, while you can shoot stars as you already saw.
He can disguise himself via Repel gel/booo sheet =P
And get close enough to stop watch.

I know support is not allowed, but that's just an option. XD
Oooh, I get it now xD
let me read the other options and I'll edit this.

Oh you mean regular abilities, lol. I guess Plasma will do, Plasma is one of the most powerful of Kirby's abilities, it also takes at least 2 seconds to shoot the Plasma Cannon which goes very far if you know how to store up energy fast with it.
Kirby Super Star Example
No, no, you misunderstand me, I mean anything, I suck at explaining thing =(
Mario could probably super jump over it, or just bring up his barriear from SPM, since it blocks everything in front of him (I know Kirby can move to the side BTW, though it would get enough time to stop watch.

I couldn't find a good example for Kirby Air Ride since that Plasma Cannon is pretty big when you shoot it. >.<

About how the Rainbow Sword Plays, also I'm not sure if the final item rule is in or not. XD
It's characters with the highest potential, I'm pretty sure it's allowed.
But Kirby would have to get pretty darn close.

If Mario get's above Kirby he would, which can be very difficult if Kirby's on a Warp Star. Badges it depends on what you equip.
I vote zap touch, mainly it's because it's the only badge I remember =P
Other than Sound effects and double pain xD
but who would want that :p


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Next MU.

If last minute abilities are allowed that way...

Meh, Lucas still wouldn't win the two match-ups against Bowser/Spamus.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009

Current Match-Up:

Ness Vs. Pit

:ness2: Vs. :pit:

Round 3, Match 3.

Who will win? YOU decide!

Overall Results

Wins +3:


Wins +2:

:samus2:, :ganondorf:, :mario2:, :toonlink:, :younglinkmelee:, :ness2:, :pit:

Wins +1:

:kirby2:, :peach:, :zelda:, :metaknight:, :luigi2:, :wolf:, :lucario:, :pikachu:, :snake:, :fox:, :pt:


:mewtwo:, :bowser2:, :sonic:

Loss -1:

:link2:, :lucas:, :falco:, :roymelee:, :falcon:, :diddy:, :yoshi2:, :zerosuitsamus:, :dedede:, :dk2:, :marth:, :pichu:

Loss -2:

:popo:, :jigglypuff:

Loss -3:

:wario:, :gw:, :rob:, :olimar:

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Without strong effidence, I think Ness will win this. He'll likely have more stamina, and can prevent himself from getting killed, unlike Pit. Pit may or may not have an offensive advantage with the Light Arrows and how fast he shoots, but he'll fall for Ness' PSI shortly.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Anyone know if Counter works on arrows? Are they like beams?

I'm not too sure about what pit can do.
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