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Smash Bros. Canon Tournament! (Mario Vs. ????) - 06/14/10


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
... Storyline, dude. >_>; Seriously, pokemon is full of stuff that's scientifically impossible and funky things.

How'd you explain Paper mario lol. Or that Mario in Galaxy can somehow breathe in space...? Yea. >_>

Spin-off =/= non-canon. :/ You can't really base your canonicity arguments around that.

Paper Mario did completely change the story, it OMG let's dirve a go-karts w/ bOOzer!!
It was still the same =/

I wasn't even mentioning spin-off, Bulbapedia had page of it's canon, and it did NOT have PMD

Raizen, Bowser still DOESN'T lose, even before the whole canon argument, we were in the middle of an argument >_____________>


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Yay for TM's being allowed! Now I don't care if Paper Mario is allowed or not! :bee:

As for the current match-up, it's obvious that Pokemon > Mario.


Is Pokemon Trainer > Mario? I'd have to say yes, seeing as if Mario tries to attack Pokemon Trainer...

"Arcanine, use Extreme Speed/Quick Attack!"

Stopping Mario in his tracks by attacking him. I'm sure there are other moves that could be used as well. I stopped playing Pokemon after G/S/C.
Unless PT can become invulnerable in about 4 seonds, he loses. Remember that PT has to actually release the PKMN before they can do anything.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
I think it's OK with allowing TMs. I don't think it's right to allow gen4 content.
When PT is an NPC, he doesn't have gen4 Pokemon, and he couldn't possibly have caught them when he was playable considering that you cannot transfer generation 4 content onto Fire Red/Leaf Green.

Either way, I think Mario with the Star Rod and Lazy Shell will win.

Mario can stop time to prevent the trainer from issuing commands LOL.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
He's in contact with fourth gen Pokemon. Just because when you battle him and he doesn't have the fourth gen pokes doesn't mean he doesn't know where to get them or what they are.

EDIT: That sounds weird.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Oh and Raizen, there is something I've been meaning to bring, other than you allowing TMs >_>

Why did you let Meta-knight summon his men to the halberd but Mario can't have the star spirits? It's an in-game abilty, why isn't it allowed? They sound exactly the same.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Wow, really?


Aura Sphere is range-limited, as seen when it misses Fly. Bowser can teleport out of range, wait for Embargo to wear off, and then invincify himself.
I did prove at some point how Mewtwo could win. >_> And I wasn't using aura sphere anyway. :p

Future sight hits trough any means of protect, fly, dig... only sp.attack and sp.def are applied. teleport is also veery slow to move and has shadow easy to follow. Mewtwo can also levitate.
Embargo disables the use of Star rod and other items.
Substitute makes mewtwo safe from status ailments, also takes any attack for mewtwo
Recover to recover health

And basically the match goes like this:

Mewtwo as the psychic pokemon, according to PMD, has telepathical powers (see the video I posted) and psychics in pokemon world are usually equipped with premonition powers as well. While Mewtwo talks normally on PMD, he shows he's able to enter the minds of the pokemons that wandered to his cave, thus mind reading is not out of the question but actually very plausible scenario.

These are not neccesarily needed however, as Bowser's taking out the Star Rod and activating it takes more time than Mewtwo being able to initiate Embargo and disable Bowser's Star rod plus other items. While if Bowser instead opts to wait out and try and use his status ailment move, substitute is quick enough to be pulled off. Or we could even switch this out with Protect as it's a priority move, thus being able to block out any status ailment or even physical move once in a while from Bowser if he so tries, or Safeguard.

However, if Bowser uses his stoning move (lol) and Mewtwo pulls off his move to counter it, Bowser takes 8 seconds to whip out his Star Rod at minimum, plenty of time for Mewtwo to utilize his most powerful psychic abilities in the pokemon verse and his speed to embargo Bowser, leaving him unable to utilize it. On realistic scenario, Bowser would be cocky and dumbfounded when his moves didn't work, thus allowing even more time for Mewtwo to do his moves. Mewtwo is made to fight and engineered as such.

For Mewtwo's moves then, he can use Future sight which hits trough any means of protect, fly, dig and even shadow force using Giratina and ignores weakness, resistance and things. Only Mewtwo's awesome sp.attack and Bowsers special defence (which is lower than his defence) are taken into account. Future sight has 90% accuracy, so it's hard to miss. In the meantime Mewtwo can dodge Bowser's other means of attacks if he does anything besides teleport, pressures bowser, heals himself, embargos some more and protects himself via substitute/protect.

Also, if Bowser lacks any kind of anti-status ailment move, it would be possible for mewtwo to use toxic on him before he uses his star rod (unless ofc invincibility removes status ailments).


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
Oh, right. Stop watch. Forgot.

K, so assuming PT has no Pokemon on the field to start out with, Mario wins by using Stop Watch and then running up to PT and like, crushing his face or something.

If PT has at least one Pokemon on the field to start (let's say it's one that can learn Embargo), it's WAY different. The Pokemon can use Embargo and Mario can't use any items for a while.

As for M2 beating Bowser, TM's means Embargo, Aura Sphere, Psychic, Recover (someone correct me if those aren't the best moves in this situation). The Bowser vs. M2 match-up covered why these make M2 win.

EDIT: K I'm just gonna let Samo answer any more M2 vs. Bowser questions. She clearly types faster than me and knows a bit more.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
why exactly does Red get to start with a pokemon out already? True to his game, he has to release the pokemon when the battle starts.

What's the start-up time on Embargo?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...

Mewtwo as the psychic pokemon, according to PMD, has telepathical powers (see the video I posted) and psychics in pokemon world are usually equipped with premonition powers as well. While Mewtwo talks normally on PMD, he shows he's able to enter the minds of the pokemons that wandered to his cave, thus mind reading is not out of the question but actually very plausible scenario.
And that's why it sounds so uncanon >_>
Everybody says it here, and bulbapedia, why is it allowed again?

These are not neccesarily needed however, as Bowser's taking out the Star Rod and activating it takes more time than Mewtwo being able to initiate Embargo and disable Bowser's Star rod plus other items. While if Bowser instead opts to wait out and try and use his status ailment move, substitute is quick enough to be pulled off. Or we could even switch this out with Protect as it's a priority move, thus being able to block out any status ailment or even physical move once in a while from Bowser if he so tries, or Safeguard.
Bowser can just use crusher, it comes out in a split second, Which would give Bowser plenty of time to use his star rod.

However, if Bowser uses his stoning move (lol) and Mewtwo pulls off his move to counter it, Bowser takes 8 seconds to whip out his Star Rod at minimum, plenty of time for Mewtwo to utilize his most powerful psychic abilities in the pokemon verse and his speed to embargo Bowser, leaving him unable to utilize it. On realistic scenario, Bowser would be cocky and dumbfounded when his moves didn't work, thus allowing even more time for Mewtwo to do his moves. Mewtwo is made to fight and engineered as such.
He DOESN'T use his star rod for the stone move, that was before he stole it, whenever Bowsers plans don't work, he is hardly ever dumbfounded.

For Mewtwo's moves then, he can use Future sight which hits trough any means of protect, fly, dig and even shadow force using Giratina and ignores weakness, resistance and things. Only Mewtwo's awesome sp.attack and Bowsers special defence (which is lower than his defence) are taken into account. Future sight has 90% accuracy, so it's hard to miss. In the meantime Mewtwo can dodge Bowser's other means of attacks if he does anything besides teleport, pressures bowser, heals himself, embargos some more and protects himself via substitute/protect.
It's isn't that low.
Pokemon =/= Super mairo RPG.
That's why RPGs cap is level 30.
As I said before, it depends on what you raise not JUST the his sp.defence, you could play through the whole game ONLY raising his SP.defence.

@sasha: Mario has Repel Gel, he shoyld turn invisible.

@Raizen: You still haven't answered my question about Mario >__________>


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
I did prove at some point how Mewtwo could win. >_> And I wasn't using aura sphere anyway. :p

Future sight hits trough any means of protect, fly, dig... only sp.attack and sp.def are applied. teleport is also veery slow to move and has shadow easy to follow. Mewtwo can also levitate.
Embargo disables the use of Star rod and other items.
Substitute makes mewtwo safe from status ailments, also takes any attack for mewtwo
Recover to recover health
Mewtwo can't levitate. He's hit by Earthquake in the games, so he can't levitate. If you say he does, that's breaking canon right there. Future Sight can be avoided. Recover and Sub can be outstalled.
And basically the match goes like this:
Mewtwo as the psychic pokemon, according to PMD, has telepathical powers (see the video I posted) and psychics in pokemon world are usually equipped with premonition powers as well. While Mewtwo talks normally on PMD, he shows he's able to enter the minds of the pokemons that wandered to his cave, thus mind reading is not out of the question but actually very plausible scenario.
What I'm surprised is why PMD is allowed. It's a spin-off, it's not actually canon to the series. In the version games, Pokemon don't talk and live in Pokemon-like houses. They don't have premonitions, they don't have banks.
These are not neccesarily needed however, as Bowser's taking out the Star Rod and activating it takes more time than Mewtwo being able to initiate Embargo and disable Bowser's Star rod plus other items. While if Bowser instead opts to wait out and try and use his status ailment move, substitute is quick enough to be pulled off. Or we could even switch this out with Protect as it's a priority move, thus being able to block out any status ailment or even physical move once in a while from Bowser if he so tries, or Safeguard.
What moveset are you using?
However, if Bowser uses his stoning move (lol) and Mewtwo pulls off his move to counter it, Bowser takes 8 seconds to whip out his Star Rod at minimum, plenty of time for Mewtwo to utilize his most powerful psychic abilities in the pokemon verse and his speed to embargo Bowser, leaving him unable to utilize it. On realistic scenario, Bowser would be cocky and dumbfounded when his moves didn't work, thus allowing even more time for Mewtwo to do his moves. Mewtwo is made to fight and engineered as such.
And in a realistic situation, Mewtwo would use all four of his moves randomly and NOT have TMs.
For Mewtwo's moves then, he can use Future sight which hits trough any means of protect, fly, dig and even shadow force using Giratina and ignores weakness, resistance and things. Only Mewtwo's awesome sp.attack and Bowsers special defence (which is lower than his defence) are taken into account. Future sight has 90% accuracy, so it's hard to miss. In the meantime Mewtwo can dodge Bowser's other means of attacks if he does anything besides teleport, pressures bowser, heals himself, embargos some more and protects himself via substitute/protect.
Bowser's defense serves as special defense as well, iirc. Future Sight can still miss... Future Sight can fail and not work if Bowser's out of range via teleport. Besides, all Bowser has to do is get out of range. Once out of range, Embargo is waited out and Star Rod is used.

Pick a single moveset


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv

And that's why it sounds so uncanon >_>
Everybody says it here, and bulbapedia, why is it allowed again?

Then why the same info is repeated in every instance then? <_< On bulbapedia too.

Bowser can just use crusher, it comes out in a split second, Which would give Bowser plenty of time to use his star rod.
What did the crusher do again? Something akin to earthquake and rocks flying? :confused:

Anyways, anything else besides the stoning move and using star rod also gives mewtwo leeway to use embargo/substitute too, as he's also faster than Bowser and doesn't require any muscle movements.

He DOESN'T use his star rod for the stone move, that was before he stole it, whenever Bowsers plans don't work, he is hardly ever dumbfounded.
I didn't say he used stoning via star rod. >_> And I've sen bowser get suprised many times.

It's isn't that low.
Pokemon =/= Super mairo RPG.
That's why RPGs cap is level 30.
As I said before, it depends on what you raise not JUST the his sp.defence, you could play through the whole game ONLY raising his SP.defence.
Lower than his defence anyway, which can be beaten by Mario as well.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Then why the same info is repeated in every instance then? <_< On bulbapedia too.
I said that's why it sound so uncanon, I showed you that page on Bulbapadia, it wasn't canon

What did the crusher do again? Something akin to earthquake and rocks flying? :confused:
A sharp mini-mountian comes out of the ground.

Anyways, anything else besides the stoning move and using star rod also gives mewtwo leeway to use embargo/substitute too, as he's also faster than Bowser and doesn't require any muscle movements.
Bowser snaps his hands, that's it.

I didn't say he used stoning via star rod. >_> And I've sen bowser get suprised many times.
As the enemy, he just normally becomes madder, like Galaxy

Lower than his defence anyway, which can be beaten by Mario as well.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Mewtwo can't levitate. He's hit by Earthquake in the games, so he can't levitate. If you say he does, that's breaking canon right there. Future Sight can be avoided. Recover and Sub can be outstalled.
Mewtwo floathed on both Stadium 1 screen (main series game) and PMD.
Mewtwo has pressure, stalls better and Bowser really cannot take in so many future sights to outstall mewtwo out of pp's.

What I'm surprised is why PMD is allowed. It's a spin-off, it's not actually canon to the series. In the version games, Pokemon don't talk and live in Pokemon-like houses. They don't have premonitions, they don't have banks.
Spin-off =/= non-canon. And I suppose the main series disproves the world of PMD how? >_> I've already explained this too..

And in a realistic situation, Mewtwo would use all four of his moves randomly and NOT have TMs.
Why in the world would Mewtwo use his randomly when Bowser wouldn't? >_> This is no AI controlled Mewtwo rofl.

Bowser's defense serves as special defense as well, iirc. Future Sight can still miss... Future Sight can fail and not work if Bowser's out of range via teleport. Besides, all Bowser has to do is get out of range. Once out of range, Embargo is waited out and Star Rod is used.
Future sight can only miss by a lucky chance, as it has high accuracy. Boozer is fairly sluggish. And pray tell how in teh world can Bowser get out of range via teleport when it's sluggish as hell so even Mario can follow it? Mewtwo is faster than Bowser too, there's no real way for Bowser to just run/teleport away from him. I also don't recall non-contact move induced via mind powers having too much range problems in the first place.

I said that's why it sound so uncanon, I showed you that page on Bulbapadia, it wasn't canon

Bowser snaps his hands, that's it.
" Special abilities

Mewtwo is highly skilled with Psychic powers. It can fly through use of telekinesis, speak telepathically, and take control of another living being's mind. Mewtwo is also capable of wielding various types of attacks (but to a slightly lesser extent than Mew). " - Bulbapedia Mewtwo page

Bowser snapping hands on Super Mario Bros 1? >_>;

Tell me, exactly what kind of range does Embargo have?
or Future Sight?
Or even Psychic?

Bowser only needs to get out of range to avoid these attacks.
Stopwatch --> Star Rod.
All moves are non-contact moves.

And Bowser out of range lol, Mewtwo is faster + teleportation is slow and shadow is seen.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
why exactly does Red get to start with a pokemon out already? True to his game, he has to release the pokemon when the battle starts.

What's the start-up time on Embargo?
Because Yellow version shows that it's perfectly ok to have a pokemon out at all times.

TBH, I actually don't know how long Embargo takes to start up. I never used it.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Mewtwo floathed on both Stadium 1 screen (main series game) and PMD.
Mewtwo has pressure, stalls better and Bowser really cannot take in so many future sights to outstall mewtwo out of pp's.
AND GUESS WHAT? He was STILL hit by Earthquake.
Spin-off =/= non-canon. And I suppose the main series disproves the world of PMD how? >_> I've already explained this too..
Bring it up pl0x
Why in the world would Mewtwo use his randomly when Bowser wouldn't? >_> This is no AI controlled Mewtwo rofl.
Because he's a wild Pokemon. Wild Pokemon use moves randomly.
Future sight can only miss by a lucky chance, as it has high accuracy. Boozer is fairly sluggish. And pray tell how in teh world can Bowser get out of range via teleport when it's sluggish as hell so even Mario can follow it? Mewtwo is faster than Bowser too, there's no real way for Bowser to just run/teleport away from him. I also don't recall non-contact move induced via mind powers having too much range problems in the first place.
If Future Sight is used on Fly/Dig, it fails.

EDIT: Embargo lasts five turns in the Pokemon Battle thing. Dunno how that would translate into real-time.

EDIT2: The Uber Mewtwo in PMD1 and 2 uses moves randomly to demonstrate he's wild. If he really 'smart', Gamefreak would've given Mewtwo a trainer AI to demonstrate his intelligence. But he doesn't have that.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...

" Special abilities

Mewtwo is highly skilled with Psychic powers. It can fly through use of telekinesis, speak telepathically, and take control of another living being's mind. Mewtwo is also capable of wielding various types of attacks (but to a slightly lesser extent than Mew). " - Bulbapedia Mewtwo page

Bowser snapping hands on Super Mario Bros 1? >_>;
I'm pretty sure they are talking about some of his moves.
I meant his crusher move in SMRPG.

All moves are non-contact moves.

And Bowser out of range lol, Mewtwo is faster + teleportation is slow and shadow is seen.
Again, Bowser is faster last battle.
And he still needs time to think...


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
AND GUESS WHAT? He was STILL hit by Earthquake.
EQ doesn't hit levitating of flying opponents. >_> On pokemon main series game his ability is pressure, but he's most certainly able to levitate as proved in the aforementioned occasions plus mewtwo's bulbapedia page.

Bring it up pl0x
Uga, tomorrow... sleep plox.

Because he's a wild Pokemon. Wild Pokemon use moves randomly.
Wild Bowser used random move!
Seriously man, this is not an argument, we are not using AI's. Mewtwo is sentinent being rofl. >_>;

If Future Sight is used on Fly/Dig, it fails.


Actually, I need to test out whether Embargo hits a pokemon using dig/fly. <_<;


But Embargo really needs to be used when Bowser is whipping out his star rod. If Bowser just stalls in teleport, future sight hits him.

I'm also thinking of another moveset that might also work, but I'll get to that tomorrow pls.

Imo, it's very cool. :p


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
EQ doesn't hit levitating of flying opponents. >_> On pokemon main series game his ability is pressure, but he's most certainly able to levitate as proved in the aforementioned occasions plus mewtwo's bulbapedia page.
So then why is he hit in the game? Because LEVITATE is not his ability. And as such, he gets hit by Earthquake. Also, he's not levitating in the more recent games. Aren't the more recent Stadium-like games retcons of PS1?
Uga, tomorrow... sleep plox.
Wild Bowser used random move!
Seriously man, this is not an argument, we are not using AI's. Mewtwo is sentinent being rofl. >_>;
Prove he is. He uses random moves when you fight in PMD1-2 when he's supposed to be sentient and intelligent, and he does the same in every game you fight him in. Now, trainers are supposed to be smart, right? It would've been an easy task to give Mewtwo a trainer AI, which would demonstrate his intelligence. But he isn't smart. I'm only using AIs as a way to demonstrate intelligence in-game, as Trainers are smarter than Wild Pokemon, since they don't use random moves.
Interesting that it fails on Protect and Detect if used on the same turn. It also activates after three-turns... Mewtwo's only means of attack is a slow move that can fail. That's pretty bad.
Actually, I need to test out whether Embargo hits a pokemon using dig/fly. <_<;
You do that. But it's more of a range thing.

But Embargo really needs to be used when Bowser is whipping out his star rod. If Bowser just stalls in teleport, future sight hits him.
Embargo is affected by range. If Bowser gets the hell outta the range limit thing, Embargo fails. Embargo is affected by evasion... >_> Just realized that. So range really does affect it.
I'm also thinking of another moveset that might also work, but I'll get to that tomorrow pls.

Imo, it's very cool. :p
I still think Mewtwo shouldn't get TMs. Seriously... >_>
Bowser might try to attack first. If he attacks while Mewtwo Embargo's, Mewtwo will get hit for heavy damage and be hardpressed to keep up. I see most of Bowser's moves being an OHKO or a 2HKO, since he resembles Groudon who can teabag Mewtwo anyway.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
Ok, I just tested Embargo, and it takes a bit over 2 seconds to perform. Stopwatch takes about 4 going by Dryn's measurement, so Red may be able to stop Mario from using it.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
Ok, I just tested Embargo, and it takes a bit over 2 seconds to perform. Stopwatch takes about 4 going by Dryn's measurement, so Red may be able to stop Mario from using it.
No. You didn't factor in the time it takes for Red to take out his Pokemon AND issue the commands. Whatever Pokemon comes out will be frozen by the stopwatch before they can do anything.

Also, if Mewtwo is wild, TMs shouldn't be be allowed.

Aura Sphere,
etc. should be allowed.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
Oh? I thought it was settled that Mewtwo beats Bowser with TMs, oh well. The match-up keeps leaning closer and closer to a draw.

@Justaway: Metaknight summons them himself, Mario calls not summon. (Unless I'm wrong here.)


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
No. You didn't factor in the time it takes for Red to take out his Pokemon AND issue the commands. Whatever Pokemon comes out will be frozen by the stopwatch before they can do anything.

Also, if Mewtwo is wild, TMs shouldn't be be allowed.

Aura Sphere,
etc. should be allowed.
Pay more attention. I said maybe, because I know that Red would have to call out the command. However, you failed to notice that in Pokemon Yellow, starting with a pokemon already out is perfectly legit.

Besides, if Red has to call out his first pokemon, he does it the way he does in his games: before the match starts.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
Only Pikachu was allowed to do that in Yellow.
Unless, you are referring to HG/SS which is basically playing the future card.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
Only Pikachu was allowed to do that in Yellow.
Unless, you are referring to HG/SS which is basically playing the future card.
Really. I've seen plenty of pokemon outside of their pokeballs, outside of battles. It's quite common amongst npcs. Red's Pikachu doing it confirms that any pokemon can do it.
Unless you can explain where it said in game that only Pikachu is allowed to be outside of its pokeball.

And there's nothing wrong with using HG/SS, since we already know what's in it. The information isn't disputed anymore, it's confirmed.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Oh? I thought it was settled that Mewtwo beats Bowser with TMs, oh well. The match-up keeps leaning closer and closer to a draw.

@Justaway: Metaknight summons them himself, Mario calls not summon. (Unless I'm wrong here.)
What? No! Mewtwo doesn't defeat Bowser by any means. Hell, at worst, it's a draw. Bowser has too much for Mewtwo.

Can Bowser use the Koopa Clown Car? If he can, then that's cool.

Seriously, Mewtwo can't do anything strong at all. Mewtwo can be defeated by a level 1 Ratata.

Yeah I know, bad, but it's FEAR Ratata! It deserves a mention here! Or maybe PIE.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
What? No! Mewtwo doesn't defeat Bowser by any means. Hell, at worst, it's a draw. Bowser has too much for Mewtwo.

Can Bowser use the Koopa Clown Car? If he can, then that's cool.

Seriously, Mewtwo can't do anything strong at all. Mewtwo can be defeated by a level 1 Ratata.

Yeah I know, bad, but it's FEAR Ratata! It deserves a mention here! Or maybe PIE.
Any sort of vehicle is completely legit.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
Mewtwo surefire loses now.

Bowser flies out of range.

Embargo and Future Sight both fail due to range restrictions.

Bowser invincifies himself.



Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
So, would Red calling out an order + a pokemon using Embargo take longer than Mario using a Stopwatch? Embargo takes a bit over 2 seconds, while a Stopwatch takes around 4 seconds.

He could give the pokemon knowing Embargo a 1 syllable nickname to shorten the command.

Hmm, "Bob use Emargo!" takes around a second or less to say clearly. Add that to the approximately 2.5 seconds that Embargo takes, and Embargo would beat out the Stopwatch by less than a second, provided the pokemon reacts instantly.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
Mewtwo surefire loses now.

Bowser flies out of range.

Embargo and Future Sight both fail due to range restrictions.

Bowser invincifies himself.

Sigh... why did Samo have to go to sleep and leave me defenseless-ish.

M2 uses Teleport to chase.
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