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Smash Bros. Canon Tournament! (Mario Vs. ????) - 06/14/10


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I just proved it was canon. <_<
Really? So we are getting rid of a move, that is canonlly MEANT to work, because of some Special effect in an old game.
Bowser flew in Mario Party 8, oh and in Super Mario Galaxy, just as he was about to teleport, his stayed in the air for a while, that settles it. Bowser can fly too!

Levitation is not limited to floathing just above ground levle you know.
But it would show he do something like that...

This "gimmick" is such an excuse, I could say that for a whole lot of things. =)
It is.

On mario kart games, you need those boxes to get items from and they're always randomized. You cannot find these boxes here. Provide proof Bowser could get a guaranteed star without a box.
IIRC, in Mario Kart DS, you chose to start with an item.

Do you require fanfiction to make you happy? >_> How's is not important because Mewtwo is capable of doing it and thus he can.
How IS important, obviously, you basically saying that Mewtwo is able to walk outside and savange for TMs without looking suspisious

Leaves grow in forests, pokemon resources consist of natural ingredients (just how humans do, we've manufactured things before we even had machines, much less being able to even speak a language or be moderately intelligent).
Yet, they had machines too, a badge or something somehow magically transpoarted them out of a tunnel.

I also jokingly whined, but cause I had to sleep, I couldn't even explain why he shouldn't have lost. So it escaped me and now I have to do this. :/
Oh come on =/
Everybody whined =/
Diddy Kong whined, you went along, don't act like it didn't happen =/

Also, how about you explain how Bowser managed to locate himself to whichever place he's been then, like space and stuff, in turn. How about explain where Bowser gets his items too.
How about he is the leader of a country, so people won't find it weird that he walks around.
He also clearly walked around in front of people, clear infront of people, Mewtwo hasn't =/

Among smaller things that are allowed.
I don't recall adding such a small, insignificant little trick in this game, it was either items or important things, I never said something like "OH! BOWSER FELL DOWN AND DODGED A BULLET :O

He throws those out from his car to ground.
Not fire, and what's your point?

Proof? Gardevoir certainly doesn't need much concentration if gardy is able to just float and do attacks at the same time. Levitation would be like walking to Mewtwo lol.

Mewtwo is not earthbound character. >_>
He has his sights on Bowser, a HUGE ghosts comes his way, that wouldn't be distracting?

Mewtwo can use Roar too. And Bowser hasn't yet summoned a Big Boo out of Clown car to my understanding. And Big boo basically is sentinent and roams his haunted houses and whatnot. Wouldn't that be back-up then?


It doesn't work like that lol. It has many restrictions like that it requires Mushrooms that are collected via surfing in fabric of time. Timulator is also big and probably not too durable.
No, while you are surfing the fabric of time, mushrooms appear in that fabric of time, there is no time limit or restrictions, IIRC, you can spend much time as you want surfing.

It's cyndaquil. But it either was a tent or wood house, which both use natural ingredients.
The inside, maybe, but how did they shape it like they did? They have to hold it up with something.

Lets not forget Squirtle's oasis thing, they would need cement to hold the rocks together, this isn't just some hut.

*facepalm* He was kinda created in Cinnabar and then went to Cerulean cave in main story. But we do not know the timeline in PMD and relocation is entirely possible. Actually, probably because in GSC the Cerulean cave entrance is totally blocked.
Exactly, how did he know where in Pokemon country was?
if the entrance was blocked, how could he get out?

Crusher from his ship? <_>

In PMD the tm's are not found from human sites, but dungeons and you can buy em too. <_< But basically the routes where the tm's are located aren't always occupied by whatever trainer that suffer from permanent insomnia lol.
What? I don't think I get you, but if you're saying what I think you're saying then other people travel there too, it is a route to get from one place to another, and don't you have to enter a door to go through routes?

And it's not a straw, but a legit quote that can prove validity, among other things I had pointed out.
It's a very vague quote in an a single part of the game that hardly explains anything.

Now where's your proof? =) Pokedex and stuff only state Mewtwo escaped the lab, then went to cerulean cave hideout and that's he's savage pokemon. It doesn't say Mewtwo doesn't want to be seen by humans and thus he went and hid.
He is a savage pokemon, so why would he go out and get TMs?

Not much of a storyline iirc.
What isn't?
Mario Party has a storyline in some and Mario Kart has as much of a story line as some other racing games...

Well **** ring then. <.< But is it an item that works automatically whenever Bowser is status ailmented or does he need to activate it? If he needs to, embargo should work.

And explain why taunt or disable wouldn't work, this conversation doesn't work this way. >_>
Isn't taunt a status move?
Anyway disable sounds a lot like mute, where it stops enemies from using attacks.

@Raizen, it isn't calling upon, more like wishing, it even shows it's magic from the sparkle that comes out of Mario's hand.

I thought in-game abilities were allowed, they sound exactly alike.

Seriously but if you're going to follow the story that closely then Bowser can not have the Star Rod + an item from another game. He got and lost the star Rod in the same game, right? Where do we see Bowser retrieving it again?

I don't see why Bowser could go back and pick up the Star Rod even though besides not happening in any game, it even contradicts the Mario story line.

At least Mewtwo getting TMs won't contradict the story as a whole since he did in PMD which story involves the main games story and, unlike Bowser and his Star rod, Mewtwo being able to getting TMs but just not wanting to doesn't contradict anything. It's not like someone is preventing Mewtwo to get the TMs by force.
We are giving people weapons that they had. Mewtwo NEVER EVER had a TM =/

And it WOULD contridict the whole story-line.

Do you even know the storyline for that game =l
Bowser crashed the Stars Spirits place and THEN stole it, it COULD happen again.
not that it needs to happen!


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Justaway12, Mewtwo CAN fly because he was shown to in-game. Just as how Bowser was shown to avoid some of Mario's moves by teleporting, he wasn't shown to avoid them all. Would the restrict him to avoiding only 'some' of Mario's moves? No it wouldn't.

Also, on the current match-up, these are the Pokemon who can learn Embargo.


Oh and, Pokemon Trainer/Red shouldn't be limited to 2 Pokemons just because he was limited to them in game. That's like saying, we should also limit Mario's (using this as a example) stopwatches to function rpg style, and only during a turn, because that's how we was shown using them in-game.

So yeah, most game mechanics are avoided in battles here, Pokemon Trainer can use all 6 Pokemon at once, which surprisingly, makes him a very broken character.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
Raizen, what's your take on this TM debate?

I'm getting very tired of explaining over and over again, this takes many many hours and I don't wanna end up staying up all night again and I'd really really like to move up with the actual debate of Mewtwo vs Bowser and the current debate as well. <_< There's plenty of stuff to read, hope you've managed to keep up.
I'm sticking with my decision. Those who are against it, have yet to prove why.

@Missing: Hm, well I've allowed alot of things that have only happened in a game for other characters, so yeah I guess that's alright.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Justaway12, Mewtwo CAN fly because he was shown to in-game. Just as how Bowser was shown to avoid some of Mario's moves by teleporting, he wasn't shown to avoid them all. Would the restrict him to avoiding only 'some' of Mario's moves? No it wouldn't.

Also, on the current match-up, these are the Pokemon who can learn Embargo.

On a game that hardly shows canon by having Mewtwo be the trainer and Pokeball, as well as emerging from a pokeball >_>

Oh and, Pokemon Trainer/Red shouldn't be limited to 2 Pokemons just because he was limited to them in game. That's like saying, we should also limit Mario's (using this as a example) stopwatches to function rpg style, and only during a turn, because that's how we was shown using them in-game.

So yeah, most game mechanics are avoided in battles here, Pokemon Trainer can use all 6 Pokemon at once, which surprisingly, makes him a very broken character.
He should be limited >___>
Otherwise it ISN'T true to it's game, you know, what we are here for >_>
Mario uses Double Dip!
It makes him attack twice.

@Raizen: How about the fact that he NEVER had them >_>
And you still haven't reanswered what I said about the star spirits.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2008
Glitch City
I'm aware that Red can have 6 pokemon out at once, but I don't think he could start with 6 out at once.
Plus commanding 6 pokemon would be a difficult task.
And it wouldn't help much against Mario since he can just use Super Jump to jump past Red's pokemon and kill Red himself.


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada

On a game that hardly shows canon by having Mewtwo be the trainer and Pokeball, as well as emerging from a pokeball >_>

He should be limited >___>
Otherwise it ISN'T true to it's game, you know, what we are here for >_>
Mario uses Double Dip!
It makes him attack twice.

@Raizen: How about the fact that he NEVER had them >_>
And you still haven't reanswered what I said about the star spirits.
By that logic, Mario should also be limited to using his Paper Mario items RPG style.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
@Raizen: How about the fact that he NEVER had them >_>
And you still haven't reanswered what I said about the star spirits.
Bowser lost is starrod, should I disallow that? That's alot like 'not having' something.

and, I've already answered your question. Few posts back.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
He had it, he knows how to use it, he could get it again, he has been shown to use it.

Mewtwo didn't have it therefore, we don't know if he knows how to use it, he probably won't look for it again, he hasn't been shown to use it.

And you didn't answer my rebuttal.

@Raizen, it isn't calling upon, more like wishing, it even shows it's magic from the sparkle that comes out of Mario's hand.

I thought in-game abilities were allowed, they sound exactly alike.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009
To the one saying that Mewtwo could not look for TMs without being suspicious, Mewtwo crossed the sea without being suspicious. Cinnebar is an island, right?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Yeah, he escaped an island and confined himself in a cave =/

If that doesn't say, I hate humans, or I want to be alone then I don't know what does =/

I know it doesn't scream LET'S LOOK FOR TMS =D


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009
Yeah, he escaped an island and confined himself in a cave =/

If that doesn't say, I hate humans, or I want to be alone then I don't know what does =/

I know it doesn't scream LET'S LOOK FOR TMS =D
Why would he hate humans? Does he attack them? No.

However, it does scream "Hey I can go where I want and fly over the sea without being noticed." Don't forgot that the cave is right next to a town and that the sea is crowded with trainers .


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Oh man, the results of all of Samus' fights are hilarious! Everyone is obliterated and under constant mortal damage. :D

Too bad Ganondorf will probably win this, with the Master Swords gone down to losers' brackets... Unless Samus drags him with the ship's grapple beam and leaves him out in the middle of Space.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Why would he hate humans? Does he attack them? No. He even obides them if you catch him. He just wants to be left alone.
He hides from them, well then, I guess he is just scared, either way.

However, it does scream "Hey I can go where I want and fly over the sea without being noticed." Don't forgot that the cave is right next to a town and that the sea is crowded with trainers .
Don't forget the part where there are restricted areas that the PKMN trainer isn't allowed to go to, you know, the jagged rocks and what not.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009

He hides from them, well then, I guess he is just scared, either way.

Who say he's hiding anyway? He needs to live somewhere. He destroyed his own home after all.

Don't forget the part where there are restricted areas that the PKMN trainer isn't allowed to go to, you know, the jagged rocks and what not.
And TMs are everywhere in the Pokémon world. Probably even some in Mewtwo's cave. So why not on/behind those rocks then?

Anyway he traveled a long distance crowded with trainers without being noticed. That proves the point that he is able to sneak around.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Who say he's hiding anyway? He needs to live somewhere. He destroyed his own home after all.
Oh, so he goes rumaging around the tall grass, an OMG PSYCHIC UBER, lowers himself to scavange around like an animal looking for, IIRC, sub-standard TMs =/

And TMs are everywhere in the Pokémon world. Probably even some in Mewtwo's cave. So why not on/behind those rocks then?

Anyway he traveled a long distance crowded with trainers without being noticed. That proves the point that he is able to sneak around.
Yes, there in Mewtwos cave, but not Embargo, IIRC.

So he is going to crawl around searching for secret entrances? A uber, walking around like a dog. Yeah, that is belivable...


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009

Oh, so he goes rumaging around the tall grass, an OMG PSYCHIC UBER, lowers himself to scavange around like an animal looking for, IIRC, sub-standard TMs =/

Yes, there in Mewtwos cave, but not Embargo, IIRC.

So he is going to crawl around searching for secret entrances? A uber, walking around like a dog. Yeah, that is belivable...
The point is that he DID do that according to the main games. So there is really nothing to argue about. He did sneak around so he can sneak around. That's how it is.

Also I'm sure that if he can cross a sea and a town without being noticed that he could cross the border to Johto. It's not like there's a Mewtwo rails between Cinnebar and his cave that he used or something.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
The point is that he DID do that according to the main games. So there is really nothing to argue about. He did sneak around so he can sneak around. That's how it is.

NOT looking for TMs.
I would think that is the LAST thing on his mind.

I really don't understand why everyone is fighting for an uncanon weapon, that Mewtwo has never been shown to use or understand, I'm shocked =/
The only thing supporting it is PMD and that is just >________>


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009

NOT looking for TMs.
I would think that is the LAST thing on his mind.

I really don't understand why everyone is fighting for an uncanon weapon, that Mewtwo has never been shown to use or understand, I'm shocked =/
The only thing supporting it is PMD and that is just >________>
Bowser using an item that he lost and could not retrieve again totally is not uncanon. It only breaks the story line.

At least Mewtwo could be cought and released to have the TMs if may not go look for them himself.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Why are we bringing this TM seeking quest up again? <_<; Mewtwo just get's them, we skip HOW he gets them.

How does Bowser get his Star Rod anyway? It was stored up somewhere in the sky right? Probably protected well so that it won't be stolen again. How'd Bowser get it then?

Samus doesn't get all her abilities in one game. Some of the planets / bases where she found her previous abilities don't even excist anymore, talkinga bout destructed planets and such here. <_<

I'm sure there is more, but these are just examples.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Bowser using an item that he lost and could not retrieve again totally is not uncanon. It only breaks the story line.
He can retrive it again, where do you get your infromation =/

He has been shown that he can use it, it does not break the storyline, don't assume =/

Mewtwo has been even shown to use it =/
You can't say oh look, this item appeared in a game where someone else does all the work, let's give it to the pokemon even though they don't know how to use it.

You know what, why don't we give items to everyone even though they don't have it!
Zelda get's links equitment.
All the Mario gang get other peoples equitment.
Same with all the other seris'

Great logic!

@Diddy: Mewtwo was never shown to learn it >_>
Bowser could do the exact same thing as last time to get it back.

If he was shown to have it, there wouldn't even BE an argument >_>


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009

He can retrive it again, where do you get your infromation =/

He has been shown that he can use it, it does not break the storyline, don't assume =/

Mewtwo has been even shown to use it =/
You can't say oh look, this item appeared in a game where someone else does all the work, let's give it to the pokemon even though they don't know how to use it.

You know what, why don't we give items to everyone even though they don't have it!
Zelda get's links equitment.
All the Mario gang get other peoples equitment.
Same with all the other seris'

Great logic!

@Diddy: Mewtwo was never shown to learn it >_>
Bowser could do the exact same thing as last time to get it back.

If he was shown to have it, there wouldn't even BE an argument >_>
Except that Zelda doesn't use Links equipment. Ever. Mewtwo actually is able to learn TMs if you make him to. Would catching the Mewtwo, learning him TMs, and releasing him make it uncannon?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
Except that Zelda doesn't use Links equipment. Ever. Mewtwo actually is able to learn TMs if you make him to. Would catching the Mewtwo, learning him TMs, and releasing him make it uncannon?

That is the exact same reason we applied the TMs to Mewtwo.
A wild Mewtwo didn't have TMs. Ever. But he could if he *insert uncanon/silly proof here*

Catching and realeasing would be uncanon because the moment you release it, it goes away forever.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009

That is the exact same reason we applied the TMs to Mewtwo.
A wild Mewtwo didn't have TMs. Ever. But he could if he *insert uncanon/silly proof here*

Catching and realeasing would be uncanon because the moment you release it, it goes away forever.
It goes away for ever, but doesn't die.

A: Evidence that Mewtwo can leave Kanto (Or at least hide himself really really good).
B: He doesn't die so would still be able to fight.

Jup. Mewtwo can learn TMs this way in the main games and be wild. Though poor trainer in Kanto would not be able to see his wild Mewtwo again, according to the game Mewtwo would still live somewhere with his TMs.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
It goes away for ever, but doesn't die.

A: Evidence that Mewtwo can leave Kanto (Or at least hide himself really really good).
B: He doesn't die so would still be able to fight.

Jup. Mewtwo can learn TMs this way in the main games and be wild. Though poor trainer in Kanto would not be able to see his wild Mewtwo again, according to the game Mewtwo would still live somewhere with his TMs.
Or he could get deleted from the system, you know, the PC.

Even then, he can still learn one set of moves for every single one of his match-ups.

Since he can't possibly learn it again.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
PMD isn't canon. It's not like Paper Mario, where stuff still makes some sense, despite the different graphical design and ability.

i.e.: Peach talks in Paper Mario and in his regular games.

In PMD2, Mewtwo is a random, wild Pokemon. He's not hidden away in a cave, saying 'OMG DNA'. PMD2 is also... uh, a retcon of PMD1, would it?
Would PMD2 be a more recent, retconned PMD1, since it has fourth gen and stuff? And Mewtwo is classified as a wild Pokemon?

Look. Mewtwo is going to be hit by Earthquake. He's hit by it EVERYWHERE. If you want to say 'OH, HE CAN MAGICALLY EVADE IT BECAUSE HE LEVITATED ONCE IN HIS GAMES', then you're breaking canon.

The AI thing was badly thought out, I didn't know how to quite explain it. Think of Mewtwo as a wild animal, and trainers as...human beings. Lulz. The wild animal isn't as smart as the trainer (I know some animals are smart, but I'm talking about the not-so-smart ones), and as such, the wild animal attacks randomly due to not have enough cognitive thought to strategize. Mewtwo is afflicted with this. As for Psychic Pokemon, look at Slowbro.

Diddy Kong said:
Why are we bringing this TM seeking quest up again? <_<; Mewtwo just get's them, we skip HOW he gets them.

How does Bowser get his Star Rod anyway? It was stored up somewhere in the sky right? Probably protected well so that it won't be stolen again. How'd Bowser get it then?

Samus doesn't get all her abilities in one game. Some of the planets / bases where she found her previous abilities don't even excist anymore, talkinga bout destructed planets and such here. <_<

I'm sure there is more, but these are just examples.
Reply With Quote
I thought we were using one Samus o_O
But it's funny to note, Samus gives the Light Suit back to the Lumineth, but keeps their weapons. :p

The thing is, Bowser and Spamus can pick these weapons up on their own. Mewtwo can't. PMD doesn't count; it isn't canon.

Techno said:
It goes away for ever, but doesn't die.

A: Evidence that Mewtwo can leave Kanto (Or at least hide himself really really good).
B: He doesn't die so would still be able to fight.

Jup. Mewtwo can learn TMs this way in the main games and be wild. Though poor trainer in Kanto would not be able to see his wild Mewtwo again, according to the game Mewtwo would still live somewhere with his TMs.
In Platinum, some legends return if you release or KO them. They don't have their TM moves if you teach it to them.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009

Or he could get deleted from the system, you know, the PC.

Even then, he can still learn one set of moves for every single one of his match-ups.

Since he can't possibly learn it again.
He can still change his moves for level up moves though. but it would mean that he can only learn 4 TMs max. And if he learns an HM he's stuck with it.

Then again....

Bowser Mewtwo could do the exact same thing as last time to get it back.



Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
When you release a Pokemon, the game says you can never see or obtain the Pokemon again.


Raizen said:
I'm sticking with my decision. Those who are against it, have yet to prove why.

@Missing: Hm, well I've allowed alot of things that have only happened in a game for other characters, so yeah I guess that's alright.
We have proved why...
PS1 breaks canon with Mewtwo.
PMD has no tie in to the storyline. You don't fight the Champion _____ in PMD games, and Mewtwo isn't even in the main storyline.
PMD2's issue is the same as PMD1, but Mewtwo is established as a random Pokemon who uses random moves. Like in the wild. Like in every game he's a wild Pokemon in. Why? Because Nintendo wanted to establish the whole 'wild animal' thing. Tried to explain it earlier, but utterly failed.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009

He hasn't been shown to learn it.

He can't learn it again, if they don't come back, he can't.

- Mewtwo can be cought and can be learned his TMs.
- Mewtwo can be released and will then leave forever. Though he won't die and there is nothing about his moves being deleted or replaced. So he keeps his TMs.
- And since we are assuming that Bowser can return to get his lost items back, though it never happens ingame, obviously Mewtwo can do the same.

So that's how Mewtwo gets his TMs without relying on games that include the main story line but are spinoff like PMD (Or paper Mario in Mario's case).

Edit: PS1 is very canon. You can even use your Maingame Pkmn in it. Seriously but if PS1 is not canon then neither is Pkmn R/B/Y. And PMD mentions the main games world so they do have a tie.


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
- Mewtwo can be cought and can be learned his TMs.
- Mewtwo can be released and will then leave forever. Though he won't die and there is nothing about his moves being deleted or replaced. So he keeps his TMs.
- And since we are assuming that Bowser can return to get his lost items back, though it never happens ingame, obviously Mewtwo can do the same.

So that's how Mewtwo gets his TMs without relying on games that include the main story line but are spinoff like PMD (Or paper Mario in Mario's case).

Edit: PS1 is very canon. You can even use your Maingame Pkmn in it. And PMD mentions the main games world so they do have a tie.
No, I mean PS breaks canon. EQ not hitting Mewtwo is bull.
So? The Version games don't relate to it in ANY WAY POSSIBLE. Pick a PMD: 1 or 2?

Paper Mario ties in with the main series >_>
So now Mario and Luigi: SS is a spin-off? It's not really canon?

There is nothing to say that Mewtwo keeps his TMs. For all we know, Mewtwo deletes them.
Bowser gets his items because of potential or if we're using that specific Bowser, and the fact that Bowser himself gets the items initially. Mewtwo never initially gets the items nor is seen with them. The trainer must help Mewtwo learn them. So Mewtwo's potential can only be reached with TMs via the trainer.

EDIT: I'm playing s3xbawks, this is annoying me


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
- Mewtwo can be cought and can be learned his TMs.

- Mewtwo can be released and will then leave forever. Though he won't die and there is nothing about his moves being deleted or replaced. So he keeps his TMs.
Sure, lets go with that for now.

- And since we are assuming that Bowser can return to get his lost items back, though it never happens ingame, obviously Mewtwo can do the same.
It wasn't his lost items, it was POKEMON TRAINERS lost items =/

So that's how Mewtwo gets his TMs without relying on games that include the main story line but are spinoff like PMD (Or paper Mario in Mario's case).
We didn't give Bowser the star rod ecause we are assuming that Bowser can return to get his lost items back, though it never happens ingame, we are giving it to him because he has been shown to use it.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009
No, I mean PS breaks canon. EQ not hitting Mewtwo is bull.
So? The Version games don't relate to it in ANY WAY POSSIBLE. Pick a PMD: 1 or 2?

Paper Mario ties in with the main series >_>
So now Mario and Luigi: SS is a spin-off? It's not really canon?

There is nothing to say that Mewtwo keeps his TMs. For all we know, Mewtwo deletes them.
Bowser gets his items because of potential, and the fact that Bowser himself gets the items initially. Mewtwo never initially gets the items nor is seen with them. The trainer must help Mewtwo learn them.
Pokémons can't delete moves without learning new ones or the help from a move tutor. So he would leave with his TM moves according to the game.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
PMD isn't canon. It's not like Paper Mario, where stuff still makes some sense, despite the different graphical design and ability.

i.e.: Peach talks in Paper Mario and in his regular games.

In PMD2, Mewtwo is a random, wild Pokemon. He's not hidden away in a cave, saying 'OMG DNA'. PMD2 is also... uh, a retcon of PMD1, would it?
Would PMD2 be a more recent, retconned PMD1, since it has fourth gen and stuff? And Mewtwo is classified as a wild Pokemon?

Look. Mewtwo is going to be hit by Earthquake. He's hit by it EVERYWHERE. If you want to say 'OH, HE CAN MAGICALLY EVADE IT BECAUSE HE LEVITATED ONCE IN HIS GAMES', then you're breaking canon.

The AI thing was badly thought out, I didn't know how to quite explain it. Think of Mewtwo as a wild animal, and trainers as...human beings. Lulz. The wild animal isn't as smart as the trainer (I know some animals are smart, but I'm talking about the not-so-smart ones), and as such, the wild animal attacks randomly due to not have enough cognitive thought to strategize. Mewtwo is afflicted with this. As for Psychic Pokemon, look at Slowbro.
IIRC, Mewtwo WAS in a cave in Mystery Dungeon. His role is pretty much the same as in the main games. However, he's shown to be a bit more aggressive as I saw from a video. Instead of just waiting for the "challenger" (the trainer in the main series entering the Cerulean Cave or the main character and partner in Mystery Dungeon) to appear to him at the end of the cave, he's shown to attack Blastoise and Charizard on his own accord when they entered the cave. Causing explosions everywhere and stuff. Vid is here, found it in the meanwhile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiTcRsNQ8N4 .

As for the Earthquake, yes maybe it'll hit Mewtwo but it all depends on it. Most likely, he won't float if he musn't. If he must, it's likely cause Bowser is going airbone in the Clown Car. Levitation could only be used as a second option, Mewtwo would likely prefer the ground (as opposed to Falco lolz).

It isn't as far fechted for Mewtwo to float though. He's shown to be able to do it, so why can't he? Also, Bowser's average AI is likely much worse than Mewtwo's. Mewtwo at least tries to set up when encountered in the wild, Bowser is much like "ARRGH IM GONNA WALK INTO YOU TO CAUSE YOU DAMAGE MARIO RAAWRRRRZ".

Talking about the "average" Bowser now, sometimes he does show some sence of planning, but I just remembered fighting Bowser in Super Paper Mario. **** those where some short fights.

I thought we were using one Samus o_O
But it's funny to note, Samus gives the Light Suit back to the Lumineth, but keeps their weapons. :p

The thing is, Bowser and Spamus can pick these weapons up on their own. Mewtwo can't. PMD doesn't count; it isn't canon.
Mewtwo learned himself moves in Stadium as well. I keep on saying this, cause.. he did. Thunderbolt and Blizzard are clearly TM moves, and wisely chosen as well. Mewtwo is a pretty cool guy. Uhh counters all types, and doesn't affraid of anything. O_O

Problem with Samus for example is that most of the planets where she gets her weapons from are destroyed. Yet we're skipping it all for her, cause Samus is clearly liked a lot. I like her to, so I've got no complains but... it could all be countered as well.

If we apply the same rules Mewtwo gets to Bowser, Bowser first needs to plan a great invasion of the Star Haven to get his Star Rod back, as he loses it canoncially at the end of Paper Mario right? I don't care if he gets it on his own accord or not, cause in the end he also needs to get it right back from the Star Haven to use it. And he most likely can't...

So I say, we skip the "logic" and give characters all their moves which aren't back up.

In Platinum, some legends return if you release or KO them. They don't have their TM moves if you teach it to them.
Then, most likely by using the same logic Mewtwo or any other pPokemon can't have TMs we must assume these Pokemon first go look for Heart Scales to have that one fat guy learn them their moves back right? :p
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