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Official + Smash 4 [VIC] General Thread - Next events: MILTIM 11 JUN, CWMELEE+PM 18 JUN, CW S4ROA 25 JUN


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2012
Don't let the placing get you down, your Roy was good and the only reason I got on top of you was that you started getting mad. It's great that you have the passion to win but getting mad and cursing not only makes you play worse but also usually means you learn less. Trust me I learnt that lesson the hard way :)
I don't think my Roy's very good at all, hence why I only used him once lol. But anyway one of the reasons I got so mad was that you have a nasty ability to bait out my more standard KOs moves (Uair, FSmash and Inhale with Kirby, FSmash and Bair with Roy) and punish every single one. I'll admit, quite a few missed inputs made me even angrier, but now I'm just johning. You're good man, hopefully if I get better and cool down I'll get to rematch you someday.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2013
As stated earlier, I now present my wall of text. My wording may not be great, and this is a late post I know. But here it is.

It was a great tournament, shame I had to leave a little early.

Feedback: Was a little cramped, we needed more CRTs, though I didn't bring one either so I can't complain. Us smashers were located near the door where fresh air circulates the room (until someone starts smoking outside) so we were more fortunate than the other FGCs; they were located closer to the toilets. Water is very important, good thing it is provided at the venue.

P:M players that bring setups: I hate to sound like a whiny scrub but please update your setups to 3.02, and make sure it's NOT the WiFi version. Obviously it's not stated anywhere here that it's a must but I have major problems playing on those versions.

Skeletom: I somehow never play anywhere near my best against you, I'm not sure whether it's the fear factor, or the fun factor. I got styled on hard, bair > knee for days. I cannot remember who the other guy that was playing with us, even though you introduced him to me lol. Those were some great friendlies, really fun.

Jei: Dat friendlies match against you, I thought I was a goner that's why I did that Falcon Punch thing.
We had some awesome doubles sets and we almost lost our first set because of us messing around with other characters lol. I'm happy with our placement we lasted quite a while and played a lot of sets.

jkts + liana: I've never heard such communication between two teammates before (in smash), it was really interesting tbh and I think you two have great teamwork, I'd get punished for camping one of you by the other. We had a close set, the dead last placement wasn't a true indicator of your performance, was just bad luck imo.

miles + attila: I was nervous and I choked hard, okay okay no johns you guys outplayed us, congrats on that tight comeback attila on the first game, funny how Marth uptilt couldn't kill Falcon at such high percentage on FD. Double Falco messed us up real bad.

dd + alexi: I don't remember this match I'm terribly sorry if I knew which characters you used I might remember. I had to play another match straight afterwards.

redact + jamie: Never vsed a Ness before, but I somewhat know of Ness's attributes. Me and Jei won the first match, then 2nd match redact (didn't know you're redact until the results thread) switched from Marth to Falcon, then proceeded to obliterate me. Jei commented that I was getting beaten by the Falcon and asked if I was okay against Ness, which I replied yes. I think you guys heard because redact proceeded to aim me during the third match but for some reason I was playing faster and wasn't doing too bad and somehow we prevailed. It was a very intense set. I guessed redact learned from this and got his revenge on me later in P:M.

moxie + cup: Before the match Jei said that we should win because he didn't know who you guys were. I'm assuming Jei said that because he couldn't believe our win against redact + jamie and was feeling perhaps a little overconfident. I told him but then nobody knows who I am, I was right, you guys wrecked us. I don't think playing on PAL would've changed the outcome, too good.

cup: Mini revenge lol, that reverse Falcon Punch was actually a technical flub, was supposed to raptor boost left. Fun P:M set though.

waifu: Was a fun set, switched from Falcon to Ganondorf because I felt I could better against your Ness with him, though the counterpick to FD limited my movements severely. PK fire and dash attack got a little predictable, but it was fun vsing you regardless.

sucks about those games on PM with the ******** air dodging, but your falcon was fun to vs, just really need to work on dealing with those lasers.
I appeared to be a little whiny for not wanting to play on a 3.00 setup, fact is my mains have some changes, more importantly 3.00 lags on a lot of stages. Thanks for agreeing to switch setups after identifying the air dodging cause, you clearly deserved the win and I wasn't mad about the outcome. I didn't even know I sometimes lightshield by accident, was funny that I had to vs you in Melee soon after, I got wrecked again lol. GGs

juci: As stated earlier our set was really intense and could have gotten either way, you're really patient/smart player especially for a Fox and it took me a while to figure out how to adapt to such a playstyle.

cam: You probably remembered our many friendly matches from BAM6. I was surprised we struck to FoD, maybe you thought it would hamper my playstyle, well I thought the same thing lol,. Counter picking Falco was a good idea but I think you lost some momentum somewhere and couldn't catch up. A lot of us Falcon main rely on momentum, I could clearly tell from watching your match against Attila it applies to you as well. I wanted to give you advice against his Zard so badly because well you know, Falcon main bias lol.

Moxie: All I remember is I got wrecked by another Falco, I suck.

Shoutouts to the person that played friendlies with me that mained Doc that knows who I am? Wait what? This is my second tournament how did you know me? Dammit who stopped our friendlies we were last stock? I was having so much fun with Kirby. I also played friendlies with another doc main, who allowed agreed to go on Flat Zone, that was fun.

Hmm. I probably could've done better. I wasn't really on-point. Still, not bad.
Meredyse: I didn't get a chance to speak to you or play with you, but I think you've improved since BAM6 at least, I watched a bit of your friendlies.

I noticed that I consistently lose against competent Falcos, ALL my tournament losses consists of a Falco being used. I think Splice said the Melbourne scene is Falco heavy...

I want vengeance... I want to do this challenge against 3 Falcos preferably against redact, moxie and pelican.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2013
To Jamwa:
I'll elaborate, I was combo food for redact during the 2nd match. I remembered getting hit by Ness stray attacks as well, but redact put fear into me, to the point where I rather face off against your Ness despite never ever playing the matchup. I'm assuming redact sensed my fear too since he did stay Falcon for game 3. I'd consider the win over you guys an upset, or a fluke or w.e, did not expect it at all.

I don't have beef against low/mid tiers mains because well my secondaries are low/mid tier and I have too much respect for them. If you really want a MM I'll give you one only if it's a friendly MM lol.

My main beef is with FALCO OMG LASERS WHY SO MANY LASERS?!?!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
dd + alexi: I don't remember this match I'm terribly sorry if I knew which characters you used I might remember. I had to play another match straight afterwards.
It was the 3v1 against my jiggs where the falcon which wasn't you took more of my stocks than you and jei combined :D

Also yeah I duno how to enforce the P:M updating but playing on the old version blew me up
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ily Sebby
Jan 25, 2012
Also yeah I duno how to enforce the P:M updating but playing on the old version blew me up
Make mandatory SD card checks and if it needs updating place the then current full set files onto it.

This would prevent people bringing 3.0 setups and stop people like me forgetting to switch to full set.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2013
It was the 3v1 against my jiggs where the falcon which wasn't you took more of my stocks than you and jei combined :D
I remember now, your Jiggs was edgeguarding my Falcon consistently, and I failed to punish your missed rest with my signature move (hard to punish rest in doubles). I don't remember that much about alexi's Falcon, except I hit him with rogue knees and his DI would be bad, but there's so much chaos in doubles, I knee Jei sometimes too. I threw at least 3 Falcon Punches at Jei against Attila and Miles. He shielded all of them. lol

MM me? I won't use lazers unless you want me to.
Pillar combos still ruin my day. I'm not ready for that either. I want SurPr15e's money not yours.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2013
Lastly I will like to say that I'm overrated and I think I suck lol, so all you veterans are giving me too much props.

But I want both of your money...
Stop picking on noobs.

I'm not friends with anyone
Fair statement, I'l think about it, though if I agree I'm not going to use C.Falcon.

Make mandatory SD card checks and if it needs updating place the then current full set files onto it.

This would prevent people bringing 3.0 setups and stop people like me forgetting to switch to full set.
I forgive you.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2011
Pluto, Jupiter, Mars and Earth..
Danza and bros.: You guys looked a bit like the backbone of VIC Brawl out there today. Thanks for the 1 game Steve, I can see a few things about your playstyle that help you achieve! The Zair on Samus is very unkind to GnWs neutral game, and most people don't have the patience to deal with things like this. I definitely don't after playing Melee for 8 hours straight haha! Hopefully you guys all get into Smash 4 because I'd love to vs. you all in that and I am keen to play it well.
Big congratz to Danza for placing 3rd, really breaking through that wall. When Ledge first started (when he was playing Olimar) he came 9th at 7 tournaments in a row before. The number is cursed :gw:
Haha yeah thanks man, great to finally make it to the finals, 3rd is now my highest place, but i'm not stopping there. Ah, so it must be cursed, me and Ledge went through the same problem, hopefully i won't see a 9th again. Now, to the top of your post, i guess we were the backbone of brawl there lol, seems like brawl is nearly dead, only 15 people compared to the 40+ of Melee and Project M.
Samus... i agree, i also don't have patience it's boring and annoying just waiting there, because my playstyle is a hardcore non stop button smasher (as seen from my Wolf), i have no time to waste, my mission is to destroy quickly, unfortunately with the likes of Samus it's not possible, that character, aswell as other useless time wasters is the reason why i'm having thoughts of moving to Melee, or even Project M.
Yeah, i guess we will pick up Smash 4, hopefully it's got more action in it and less time wasting, spam over camp anyday.
It looks like we will attend our first major, Shadowloo Showdown, and this will be our last Brawl tournament, as Smash 4 is coming at the end of the year, so it's farewell to Brawl.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
Haha yeah thanks man, great to finally make it to the finals, 3rd is now my highest place, but i'm not stopping there. Ah, so it must be cursed, me and Ledge went through the same problem, hopefully i won't see a 9th again. Now, to the top of your post, i guess we were the backbone of brawl there lol, seems like brawl is nearly dead, only 15 people compared to the 40+ of Melee and Project M.
Samus... i agree, i also don't have patience it's boring and annoying just waiting there, because my playstyle is a hardcore non stop button smasher (as seen from my Wolf), i have no time to waste, my mission is to destroy quickly, unfortunately with the likes of Samus it's not possible, that character, aswell as other useless time wasters is the reason why i'm having thoughts of moving to Melee, or even Project M.
Yeah, i guess we will pick up Smash 4, hopefully it's got more action in it and less time wasting, spam over camp anyday.
It looks like we will attend our first major, Shadowloo Showdown, and this will be our last Brawl tournament, as Smash 4 is coming at the end of the year, so it's farewell to Brawl.
The amount of agression it sounds like you love is totally in melee/p:m, have you given either of those a go?


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
Sounds like you need to not come up against a Samus if you want to play aggressive in Brawl.

You also need to not come up against a Meta Knight, Marth, Falco, Ice Climbers and Diddy Kong. Otherwise regardless of who you are playing you can't play aggressive
Whole thing fix'd.

Sorry Shaya, but you misunderstood Danza. He doesn't play Samus, his brother does.
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   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Oh, whoops.

Samus is lame. Play Diddy Kong. Otherwise, Marth/Falco and power shield zair once into a ledge grab requiring situation then ledge trap them for 8 minutes. Heu? Similar with MK/ZSS. Punish mess ups with MK by scooping shuttle loops, or ZSS with down smash. Auto cancelled first 2 hits of bair on MK will trade favourably/beat Up B [and can combo easily into uairs, dsmash, shuttle loop, which on BF (or convenient SV platform timing) for example can be buffer into a cancel platform drop shuttle loop again for auto comboing if you sour hit the first shuttle loop and easily cancels into a ledge grab if you get a strong hit], U/FAir and you can react with dair to a certain extent too. Don't do anything overly committing until you know they've wasted their invincibility on the ledge (that ledge drop or ledge jump option going to be so free in that case), auto cancelled bair is power shielding bait for your opponent's typical options, so know your punish in that situation. Make sure you power shield every projectile in general.


I'll attest to Ice Climbers being like that. But more aggressive styles for most other characters at this point exist. Dat technology of knowing what properly strings/combos from buffers. If things are as "auto power shield" as you made out; Marth, Falco, Diddy Kong and MK on everything not BF most of the time are very easy to take down with solid moves. :p
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Mar 5, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
play Dedede and press Z.
disclaimer: may not work.

you guys should definitely come to Shadowloo Showdown. can promise that there will be a lot more setups and players there to be worth your time and you're all good enough to get top 3 there.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2013
I'm going to tell @ndowner to consider uncapping the entrants, it won't take much extra time
Not gonna lie, 64 man tournaments would make it a lot more easier/convenient to organise, but some people are going to miss out. :(. Maybe if there is an abundance of players, it'd seem more worthy to uncap the tournament.


Smash Ace
May 25, 2010
Melbourne, Aus
The plan is to run pools, so it's possibly beneficial to have awkward numbers because then the lower seeded players do not have to play the top seeds in the first round as they will have a bye. This way, the lower seeds get a chance to play 2 games they can win, one in winners and one in losers
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Smash Lad
May 19, 2013
For most tournaments with bracket pools, it's usually top 2 isn't it? If it finishes quickly there could be an amateur bracket for the people who didn't get into bracket. Or we could just do top 4 and just have the one bracket.
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ily Sebby
Jan 25, 2012
Well I hope someone helps him with seeding and stuff, wouldn't want a pool of SD, Dekar and Redact together.


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
With more than 64 entrants you're looking to complete at least 10 pools of 5+ players
Then you're going to make a bracket based off these results and play a bracket of how many? I reckon it should only be top 32 with no amateur bracket. If you want to do top 64 and/or an amateur bracket you're just right proper ambitious is what that is

How many setups do we even have? Even though we have the venue til late, it opens at 5 (if it's same as last time) and a lot of people don't really wanna (read: aren't going to) hang around past midnight/1 o'clock.

Oh and you're running a P:M tournament of half as many entrants alongside it. Going to want more than 2 set ups for it perhaps
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