Hey Guys,
Thanks to all who came out on the weekend, I want to apologise firstly for not having the splitters ready and running the cool split screen setup like I wanted to. Unfortunately, there was a delay in the shipment so there wasn't much I could do. >.<
Secondly, I didn't get a chance to set up all the CRT's the night before but it looked like you guys managed alright. Hopefully by the end of the year we'll have all our own consoles so that whenever there is an event, everything will be ready to go and you guys can just come down and play. =)
I want to take this opportunity to ask you guys what you feel is a good frequency for these events. At the moment, we have a schedule set up for our other fighting games where the 2D and the 3D games rotate on fortnightly basis.
On Sunday's we have our 2D Fighters (Street Fighter, Marvel etc.) and on every other Saturday we have our 3D Fighters (Tekken, Soul Calibur etc.). So one week is 2D and the next week is 3D etc.
How do you guys feel about having fornightly events? I know traditionally they have been monthly, but if you guys had the option of more events, is that something you feel would be good for the Smash Community?
At the moment, I've paired Smash with the 2D Fighters just to follow the convention of having Smash Events on a Sunday. If you guys feel that Saturday might be a better fit, I could easily arrange for Smash to be setup with the 3D Fighters.
So yea, what do you guys feel about the frequency? If you're happy to have more events, we can easily accomodate for that, but if you guys would like to keep it monthly that won't be a problem either.
With the release of Sony Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale next month, I was thinking of running regular events for it as well to promote a competitive scene and strong growth for the game.
At this stage, my plan is to run it along side our 3D Fighters on the Saturday since for 3D we primarily use PS3's so that makes it easy to organise.
Anyway, let me know what you guys think. =)
PS. Jamwa - Your Wii Console is safe here at SLHQ. You can come and pick it up anytime or if you're nearby the city I can drop it off for you. =)