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SINGLES Lucario Match-Ups and Directory! Mario will brb saving a princess


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
o_O. Someone Put in the effort of actually posting something useful. Here I was going to stop the doubles talk. Thanks Dphat =D.

I personally disagree with Lucario being weak in doubles. Maybe it is because of the differences of the areas he is played it that we see different views. Like I have stated earlier, Lucario in NJ/NY is felt to be one of the more dominate team members. When playing out a normal strategy, he might not be the best person for kill power, but he still has good enough kill power for this to be looked over, as well as a team member who can also help in terms of kills. As for a stock tank, while it is mainly not his job to be stock tanking, he plays a good one to boot. He has good team combination in terms of setup of attacks as well. I started this for our boards because I knew from the jump that people didn't feel the same, and everyone felt different depending on their experiences. My hope for this project is to show people how good he can really be in doubles, and have a new spark for it overall. While people say he is only good with one or 2 people, i feel he is strong with many characters. I team with a D3 for tourney, and I place high enough consistently to say that the team works wonders when played right. Anyway, Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to put in your input.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Like me and Lee have consistently placed 3rd or better in ever double event we attended, I just believe that Lucario benefits the most when played in the Anubis Strategy. Lucario certainly not weak in teams, but to use his full potential I do believe anubis strategy is the only way to do it. Anyways no problem, I had alot of free time at work (working night shifts gets boring sometimes lol).


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Very informative indeed.

Something came up that I think should be mentioned, a friend of mine claimed that D3 CG -> wario kill move will negate this pretty quickly. I think the logical solution for this (as well as for nearly every part of this strat) is to hang near the ledge, especially where your team mate is planking. Doing so will bolster your friend's defenses of his planking and your chances of recovering if people are out to gimp you.

Still, any thoughts? Like what are the scariest things to negate Lucario's advantages, and how to neutralize them?


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Dang I was just about to cover that option, and no dmg doesn't destroy this team he hasn't even played against it yet fogo. But I doubt D3 and Wario would "negate" this strategy, just have the Lucario have his back facing towards the planking MK and with the mk just behind him it should be difficult to even surround him. Only way to truly "negate" this strategy is by killing the lucario at 0 or killing his partner first. But as I stated this is a real fragile and difficult to execute strategy.

Col. Stauffenberg

Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
San Diego <3
The basic idea is to have Lucci's partner at three stocks when Lucci is at one stock, at which point the wonky doubles mechanics for stock aura turn him into a complete monster.

Generally this is done by the partner planking, as it's by far the best way to ensure they can't be killed. If the other team figures out what's going on and KOes Lucci's partner even once, the strategy kinda falls apart.


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
Basically did the Anubis in teams with m2k this weekend against some teams, like adhd and ninjalink for instance. Instead of m2k never fighting though, he would just plank till I had 1 stock left and then he would go in more aggressive while I started to play safe. Lets face it, Stealing stocks from m2k is not a good use of his stocks lololol, so this worked out well.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
Since this is still going, kinda, Lets talk about stages that this team can use to up their advantage, or stages to ban.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Idk why, but dmg devours this technique. Hopefully he'll name search and explain.
I will get into it in a sec actually. FIRST OFF, I DID NOT NAME SEARCH!

Lol I'm everywhere and people ask if I name search, and the answer is close to never. I don't name search, however I have a sheeeet load of thread subscriptions. I'm close to 1,000. Honestly, just subscribing to every thread you post in makes everything so much easier. I just wish I had chose that feature earlier on Smashboards back in the day.

Dang I was just about to cover that option, and no dmg doesn't destroy this team he hasn't even played against it yet fogo. But I doubt D3 and Wario would "negate" this strategy, just have the Lucario have his back facing towards the planking MK and with the mk just behind him it should be difficult to even surround him. Only way to truly "negate" this strategy is by killing the lucario at 0 or killing his partner first. But as I stated this is a real fragile and difficult to execute strategy.
Actually I have gone up against it before. You did the strategy, you just varied it up a tad a few times. Like, once or twice you went MK, but you didn't plank non stop hardcore (which was the right decision overall IMO, at least against Zac and I because we would juggle Lee for too much damage and when push came to shove I would not get hit by anything too dangerous and so the prospects of being up stockwise was looking low for you guys. Then you guys have tried Lucario/Wario, but that just doesn't work out nearly as well, certainly not against me in teams as I'm just too good at the Wario ditto and you can't stay safe for long enough against us to tank for long enough for Lucario to get both stocks.) Lucario/G&W for you guys would honestly be out of the question against a team like me+Zac, but once you learned G&W really well it could pay off.

As Fogo pointed out, Lee went Lucario when we played at Phase and while they weren't trying exceptionally hard to adhere to the Anubis "theme", Lee seemed dissatisfied with trying to use Lucario and went MK the rest of the time. I don't blame him, because playing against Wario in teams as Lucario is flat out frustrating when Wario plays it correctly (hit and run poking/safe damage/never putting himself in a spot to eat anything deadly). There's no point in being able to kill at 50% or under if you can't hit the other guy, and then out of nowhere he can kill you at 60% and you can't avoid it.

He played against it at phase 3 dphat, lee martin + Dojo, and he devoured it. Lee went straight mk for the rest of the set/day.
Yeah I don't remember what game that was though. That had to of been Delfino/Game 1? That's the game I didn't lose my first stock for 5 minutes... that would make a lot more sense with Lee being Lucario than MK cause it's just too hard to keep a stock for that long against double MK lol.

Yeah that was game one. Like I said earlier, it's a pain for Lucario to try and get kills against naturally running characters like Wario. The strategy is MUCH more effective if you are at least keeping up stockwise with the other team. If Lucario takes a stock for every stock he loses, and maybe 1 more than that, then it's a nice advantage to have. However, the problem is that Lucario, when doing this strategy, generally loses stocks faster than he kills them, certainly at the beginning/middle. If Lucario loses stocks too fast and doesn't get just compensation for it, then the strategy falls apart.

If we kill the Lucario 2 times, he comes back and kills my partner, but can't kill me until he loses at least 3 stocks, then you will run into trouble. Lucario will die 2 times, kill one stock, die a 3rd time, take a second stock from the team, and after that point take 1-2 more stocks. At that point, the entire team for Lucario would be left with 1 stock period (hopefully not the MK's who has potentially taken some damage while planking/doing stuff), while the opposing team has 2 stocks. It essentially can boil down to a 2 v 1 against Lucario's team, and that's no fun lol.

Furthermore, this is assuming that the MK player is REALLY... REALLY not taking damage here. If MK loses even one stock before Lucario loses 3, TERRIBLE things can happen VERY fast to your team. Getting 3-4 stocked is NOT out of the question when something like that happens honestly.

OH ban stages that me and Lee commonly do are Frigate, Halberd, Delfino, and Battlefield. And we tend to stick to neutrals for our CPs. Since the strategy is so fragile already why risk the chance of something random to effect it even more.

Battlefield- Small, lot of platforms for other characters to run from, makes it harder for Lucario to do his job safely.

Delfino- Much harder to plank safely on this stage/keep from getting damaged as the tank because for a lot of transformations there are no edges/no super safe spots. Lucario also doesn't like the Terrain being so weird, and the walkoffs can be an issue against a Dedede/Diddy/etc.

Frigate- Just overall kinda meh stage for Lucario. Right side on first transformation is dangerous for him to be near/knocked off of. The stage flip is decent for him, he can make it harder for people to approach him from the "pit" in the center, but overall it's not that amazing. The stage flips can screw him over though hard.

Yeah people tend to take us their alot.. i actually don't know why. A smaller map that constricts/causes problem for the MK is the ideal CP. I can possible see lylat giving the team alot of trouble due to the quirks and slants.
Lylat is bad against characters that naturally can avoid Lucario well (Wario for example). Lucario even on smaller stages will have to work for kills against those kind of characters, but with more space he is hard pressed to do even small bits of damage here and there. More space also means that the further Lucario has to move away from his partner to try and attack the other team, the more time it takes for his partner to potentially save him. So for teams with running characters backed up by good players, Lylat is a big no no. Against characters a bit more aggressive like MK/Marth, the other stage issues besides space can kick into effect.

Overall, lots of space bad for people who run/camp super hard, small amounts of space bad for people that don't give a rat's a** and will come after Lucario relentlessly.


Purchased premium only to change name ><
May 13, 2008
Irvine CA
Pikachu and Lucario works very well together as I just found at WGF.

however it has a key weakness in that its slightly countered by marth making pikachu a slight liability in the team.

watching Atomsk and Lee Martin in teams I think brinstar could actually be a really good CP for lucario/metaknight if the MK can avoid being killed.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
It went 4 days without activity because I haven't posted anything LOL. I have been out a lot lately, and having a bit of issue's home. Anyway, last part of this is:

What teams would give Lucario and MK trouble in teams (and please explain why)


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
It went 4 days without activity because I haven't posted anything LOL. I have been out a lot lately, and having a bit of issue's home. Anyway, last part of this is:

What teams would give Lucario and MK trouble in teams (and please explain why)
Marth and Diddykong. This team would be dangerous even though lucario has the advantage on diddykong its a hard match up if the marth can utilize the nannerz. Marth can keep the lucario busy while Diddykong goes at for Mk. With both characters having good pressure abilties MK would have to do most of the work. Also Lucario limits stages that the team can choose. Stages like RC are already banned.

Another factor is the role of the lucario player. We know the MK will be the attack dog. But what about lucario. Lucario makes for a decent stock tank but with marth on the other side and nanners all over the place you are bound to run into some damage.

If Marth was paired up with mk the match up is winnable. The Marth player might stay closer to MK

Snake and diddykong(maybe later)


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
G&W + Wario- Together they can juggle Lucario safely while not taking damage due to defensive options. Wario is too hard to kill when he runs, making Lucario's job of killing people very hard. Either character can also kill Lucario super early.

There are others, but that team is the one I have been a part of mostly to solidly deal with the anubis strategy.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
Lincoln Park, New Jersey
Diddy kong actually ***** this strategy, Diddy's control over the stage already is a hassle, and a team working together with the banana's can force lucario off, having the diddy on the lucario, and the other on the metaknight(or the stock tanking character). Diddy turns the 2 v 1 of the anubis strategy, into 2 1 on 1's.

This is my conclusion of what happened during Pound4 when I teamed with Cloudfox. We had 4 matches, and the 2 matches we lost, were to a team that consisted of a Diddy Kong and a Metaknight.

Regardless of the matchup, that diddy kong's complete purpose in this match, is to fight the doubles as 2 1 on 1's negating the Anubis strategy.

TEAM: Lucario + Pit. 33rd.
Round 1(Winners): Double Meta first match, Diddy+Meta second/third. 1-2
Round 2(Losers): Bye
Round 3(Losers): Beat Meta+Marth. 2-0
Round 4(Losers): Beat a Pikachu+GnW. 2-1
Round 5(Losers): Lost to a Meta+Diddy. 0-2 (Seibrik and GDX)


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
I disagree with you shippo. Diddy kong does not **** this strategy, it most likely just ***** you. I teamed with M2K and we did this strat against ADHD and Ninjalink. He just held the stocks/camped like a gay while I kept attacking and we had at least 3 stocks left between us. now I know its m2k but, I was still alive at the end, doing most of the fighting since he hates diddy kong.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Well Zuuco everyone was playing at a high level. Who was ninjalink playing as?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
If the Diddy is camping in teams, then it becomes more noticeable how well he can do against it. At the same time, Diddy is very light and can die very early to a powerful AS or Fsmash. He can also be edgeguarded pretty well by Lucario.

Diddy does ok against that strategy overall, but when played correctly I think he does well against it.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
I just wanted to say some things about the Anubis strategy. Forgive me if a lot of these points have been covered already.

G&W seems good for this strategy since he's good at planking, can help Lucario survive longer by momentum canceling him with his upB, and he has the bucket to fill up with Aura Spheres.

This is a very difficult and gimmicky strategy to do since you need to have a Lucario who is VERY good at holding stock and doing 1 vs 2s and you also need to have a MK/Wario/G&W who is EXTREMELY good at camping in a teams scenario, both of which are feats. Frankly, I think that this configuration does have potential, but that it was mostly just successful for the sheer fact that Atomsk and Lee Martin are incredibly good. Really Atomsk isn't even the best partner for this team since he's a more aggressive player in general. If Lee had teamed with someone like Plank, Havok, Tyrant, etc. he probably would've been more successful.

There's also the question of how good is this team without the gimmick, which is debatable. It is one of the better gimmick teams to be honest, certainly better than G&W and a bucket filler, Lucas/Ness and an energy projectile user, and Double Dedede. Ultimately though I don't think it stands up to the ultimate gimmick team: MK & Snake, aka The Omnigay. MK and Snake are just so good on their own that they don't need their gimmick to win, it just happens to be the easiest way to get kills in a 2v1 scenario. Even if the Lucario is partnered with an MK in the Anubis strategy, I doubt it would be able to stand up to MK/Snake.

And what would an Anubis team do against a double Dedede team? Would the MK keep planking and let his partner get infinited and then killed by an fsmash at an absurdly low percent? Or would he actually help and make the whole strategy pointless?


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
Lincoln Park, New Jersey
And what would an Anubis team do against a double Dedede team? Would the MK keep planking and let his partner get infinited and then killed by an fsmash at an absurdly low percent? Or would he actually help and make the whole strategy pointless?
The Meta in the strat isn't supposed to just stay on the ledge, he also has to prevent gayness from happening on the 2v1, such as grab releases.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Adhere to winning first, strategy second.

If you need to do something else besides strictly the anubis strategy, then do it. Don't sacrifice good opportunities just to stick to the theme. If you can win with just the strategy, that's fine use it to your heart's content. But when you need to do something else, go ahead and do it.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Adhere to winning first, strategy second.

If you need to do something else besides strictly the anubis strategy, then do it. Don't sacrifice good opportunities just to stick to the theme. If you can win with just the strategy, that's fine use it to your heart's content. But when you need to do something else, go ahead and do it.
I say this applies to a lot of things besides this, ie. when going after separated ICs, people are sometimes so dumb and always say "go for Nana!", when in reality, you have to assess what works to your advantage the most. If Popo's closer/in a far more dangerous position, all the non CPU ability in the world isn't going to save him from a good gimp. Use your brains, it's the reason why Atomsk and Lee didn't strictly adhere to Anubis, they occasionally knew when to break off and fight it out differently, especially against Ally/M2K


Smash Rookie
Oct 14, 2008
Sorry was in kind of a bad mood, I'ma just delete what I said

Leephat is still too good. =)


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
dont you know... matchup threads solely exist so people can reach ridiculous post counts by stating the obvious multiple times, on multiple boards, and arguing forever over things that will rarely, if ever, happen in a real match :)

Its all a conspiracy, phils in on it bigtime imo


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
And what would an Anubis team do against a double Dedede team? Would the MK keep planking and let his partner get infinited and then killed by an fsmash at an absurdly low percent? Or would he actually help and make the whole strategy pointless?
The Meta in the strat isn't supposed to just stay on the ledge, he also has to prevent gayness from happening on the 2v1, such as grab releases.
LOL Actually... Lee gets upset if I help before his last stock. TBH Just trust the lucario, regardless if he's getting 0-death. Like yall might call me crazy but whenever I play with Lee, I try to help him as little as possible till his last stock and he's around mid percents. (Somewhere between 60-80). Like it's good if you can knack on some damage here and there but your main goal as the tank is to NOT GET HIT lol. Like the ideal situation/scenario is, Lucario's on his last stock, the tank is below 30-40% on his first stock, and the opponent are mid percent 2nd stock. This should ALWAYS be the ideal/most common situation. Anyways this is something I already covered in a previous post when I stated that you got to TRUST your partner to handle ANY situation.

Anyways these teams you guys are coming up to counter Lucario/MK are so situational and would NEVER happen in tournament. Seriously Double d3? I mean if you aren't playing them early rounds I doubt you'll see a double d3 team past round 2-3 in winners. Most common teams that you'll see beat the Anubis strategy are ones that revolve around one hit KO's or when the Lucario is clearly outmatched. Aura can only make up for so much.

Edit: Through personal experience, only time you should throw away the anubis strategy is if the tank dies first. But if that happened the likelihood of you even winning is already slim.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Even so, I notice that Lee tends to try to take the fight to near where you are, so that you can help with recovery (like when you uair his recovery to save him), aaaaaaand the occasional save from ganging up. Is that a good thing, or is that bringing unwanted potential "anti-plankers" to your area? I'd think the benefit would be mutual, providing more help for both Lucario and MK.

dont you know... matchup threads solely exist so people can reach ridiculous post counts by stating the obvious multiple times, on multiple boards, and arguing forever over things that will rarely, if ever, happen in a real match :)

Its all a conspiracy, phils in on it bigtime imo


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
lol yeah I know double Dedede is a terrible team, I was just using it as an example of something that can **** up Lucario if the tank doesn't go and save him.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
Mm. Ok, Final thoughts and MU number.


MU numbers are going to be a rating of 1-10, going by .5 intervals. Meaning Someone can think its a 9.5, and someone can say its a 9, but no one should be saying its a 9.3 or something of the sort.

Mine is a 9.
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