Ah yes, flippancy, the true hallmark of a 'psycho.' I guess right and wrong don't matter, it's all about presentation is it?
Why do you keep dancing around "right" and "wrong" when it's blatantly obvious how offensive your post was.
Few things: One, you're beating around the bush when I can tell what you really want to do is accuse me of an appeal to definition fallacy.
Haha, it's been a while since i was in a college English course. I couldn't care less about name dropping fallacies just so everyone else can crack open a google search tab before returning to their post to pretend like they specifically know what i'm talking about.
You clearly have a well-defined stance on this issue, but instead of actually discussing this, you'd rather post trollish responses and then giggle as people take offense while you turtle your way out of admitting you posted a trollish response and clarifying said stance by explaining your reasons.
So no. The only thing i'm 'beating around the bush' to accuse you of is being an asshole.
The semantics of the terms 'inclusive' and 'exclusive' don't matter when the method proposed blatantly contradicts its intended purpose.
Except it isn't contradictory. Unless,
unlesssss, you're so shallow of a problem solver that you can't think more than a step or two in front of your face.
Two, the irony is precisely what renders the idea silly and impossible to entertain as a serious proposition. The irony isn't that it includes by excluding, it's that it intends to include but ultimately excludes. I am saying the idea is counter-intuitive. You are not going to achieve integration between sexes by further separating them.
AHHHHHHHH, there we go. See, wasn't that easy? Now we actually have something to discuss.
The topic is considering women-only tournaments
for the sake of community growth. While the OP has still failed to provide any solid numbers that would prove this is a sound idea, the logic actually does make sense. Not because it's going to magically make females attend more tournaments because magic, but because it could, theoretically, 1) provide a (more) welcoming environment, 2) gather more interest in the game for a minority of players who may otherwise feel turned away, which could 3) result in more females enjoying the competitive scene, and thus wanting to participate with everyone (which, by the way, they're already perfectly capable of doing, but may not feel compelled to.) Stopping at "IT WONT HELP BECAUSE YOU'RE SEGREGATING" is, again, a
very shallow way of criticizing the idea, since it seems to imply that...well, you're missing the entire point.
You should learn to not take everything at face value. It's helpful for learning purposes!
So you can stuff a million straws into your strawman and it still won't make the idea proposed in the thread any better. Three, your accusation that I give a **** about males not being allowed in female tournaments isn't even relevant were it true; whether or not this idea will help the community isn't contingent upon whatever agenda you're accusing me of having, so why don't you stick to points that actually concern the topic at hand?
blah blah blah fallacy blah blah blah i did nothing wrong y u mad blah blah blah BS blah blittity blah