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Should Metaknight be Banned? ***Take 3***

Should Metaknight be banned?

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da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I can't find that really pretty one. I'll see what I can do once when I get back to Sweden (I'm currently in London).

But would you say that this is proof that Jigglypuff has the advantage in the match-up? Or simply that it's a pretty even one/one where Jigglypuff holds the disadvantage which Mango just keeps having to come up on top of?
Does it matter?
MetaKnight isnt in melee so why worry about it?
Same reason you main Sonic.
you can ask any sonic main. i FREQUENTLY voice my opinion that all sonic mains should all openly admit to being functionally ********
I main sonic cus Im dumb, and if i was smart, id play MK
but as dumb as i am, i can still tell that MK is broke.
@da KID
Because MK only has a slight advantage on each of those characters.

Why would you pick MK against Dedede if you could use Falco?
Why would you pick MK against Snake if you could use Dedede?
Why would you pick MK against GaW if you could use Snake?

Additionally to what Kage Me said, of course.
why play 3 characters to have the advantage when you can play 1 and still have the advantage?

I understand that the same people will win. and i dont really care, thats not my point.

i would hope the same people win, but it just makes for a better overall experience and game with out meta knight

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Blind pick time:

"Ok my opponent is gonna go Dedede, Imma go Falco"

"Crap he chose Marth, I lose"

"Ok my opponent will go Snake, Imma go Dedede"

"Crap he chose Falco, I lose"

"Ok my opponent is picking G&W, Imma go Snake"

"Crap he chose Dedede, I lose"
Usual counterpick situation. That's why there are numerous sets in your usual fighting game offering such possibilities.
No johns.

"Ok my opponent is gonna go Dedede, Imma go MK"

"Sweet, he went Marth/Dedede/Snake/x character, I am just fine"
Yes. I never denied that Meta Knight is a safe choice. But he is never ever the best except vs Marth.

Why are those people using Dedede, Snake, and GaW in the first place, when they could just go MK and theoretically not be counterpicked? Also, MK is harder for Snake than Dedede is, imo.
See above. And I thought De3 was harder for Snake than 40:60, my bad if I remembered wrong.

But, this discussion is going in endless circles. To sum it up:

Arguments of the Pro-Ban-Side:
  • We think MK destroys diversity.
  • We think MK dominates the tournament scene.
  • We think MK breaks the CP System.
  • We think MK has no disadvantageous or even matchups.

Arguments of the Anti-Ban-Side:
  • Diversity doesn't really matter.
  • We think MK doesn't dominate the tournament scene.
  • We think MKdoesn't break the CP System.
  • We think MK has even or disadvantageous matchups.

So, basically, it winds down to opinion and how someone is interpreting tournament results (not counting WHOBO, I dare you), experiences on themselves and what conclusions everyone has made out of these.
Seeing how stubborn each side is, this discussion will go on without end, since we are basically argueing our own conclusions and won't move away from it.


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
since we are basically argueing our own conclusions and won't move away from it.
I've changed my position several times, in fact IIRC I've changed my vote with every new poll lol

But you're right regarding most people...


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I'll modify this later, had something in my head but lost it lol.


Smash Rookie
Apr 14, 2009
i think its kinda silly to ban metaknight i mean there are still characters and players that win so i don't understand why.



Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
But you're right regarding most people...
The real reason for people to voice their thoughs and opinions in this thread is so that people in the middle will make a descision though. Obviously if someone is completley convinced for whatever reason, it won't help. But there are middle people.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Roughly 10% of these people have voted "Not Sure", and those who have taken this option and posted here stated that they want to wait for Genesis results, or a bit longer for the metagame to advance more.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
@da KID
Because MK only has a slight advantage on each of those characters.

Why would you pick MK against Dedede if you could use Falco?
Why would you pick MK against Snake if you could use Dedede?
Why would you pick MK against GaW if you could use Snake?

Additionally to what Kage Me said, of course.
I think the idea is, that's only good for your counter-pick.

Why would I pick DDD to start if I know my opponent could pick ICs, sure they might pick D or SnakeK, but do I want to risk that.

It's the same with every character you mentioned, that only comes into play when you know your opponent's choice in advance.

However, MK is the best choice in 2/3 situations, first match, and your opponent's counter-pick. The only one where he's not is your counterpick.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Why would I pick DDD to start if I know my opponent could pick ICs, sure they might pick D or SnakeK, but do I want to risk that.

It's the same with every character you mentioned, that only comes into play when you know your opponent's choice in advance.
Counterpick system. You use the rules? Don't complain about them if they catch back on you.

Meta Knight is safe, but he's never the best choice against any character but Marth.

People really should stop thinking Meta Knight DESTROYS everyone. A slight advantage is not destroying. Destroying is what Dedede does to Donkey Kong, or what Peach does to Olimar.

However, MK is the best choice in 2/3 situations, first match, and your opponent's counter-pick. The only one where he's not is your counterpick.
I don't understand this statement, sorry.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
In a set of 3 games, MK is the safest choice for 2 of them, being the first (assuming a Double Blind) and then on your opponent's CP. With that being said, lets look at your opponents perspective. If it is My turn to CP, his safest bet is MK. If he picks MK, my safest choice is MK as well.

So one could argue that he's the safest choice for all 3.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
In a set of 3 games, MK is the safest choice for 2 of them, being the first (assuming a Double Blind) and then on your opponent's CP. With that being said, lets look at your opponents perspective. If it is My turn to CP, his safest bet is MK. If he picks MK, my safest choice is MK as well.

So one could argue that he's the safest choice for all 3.
Yes, and with MK banned, there would be another character to take the place of MK as "safest character against CPs" (the one with the best overall match-ups).

What is your point?


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Truth hurts.
This is why other fighting communities look down upon the smash community.
We are too busy having our heads up our ***** or our hands on each others throats that we can never get anything done productively.

yes you will have scrubs who will whine about EVERYTHING, but to use that as a reason to knock down everyone else including those who feel their concerns are of merit?
What justification is there? hmm?

This debate is not only to prove the other side wrong, but to also provide a justification for that other side when we refute them, in doing so they gain the knowledge that has been placed before them and are capable of applying it in the future.

That is how the community gets better.
We do not lump everyone under the same roof, then call it truth like an elitist fool would.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Yes, and with MK banned, there would be another character to take the place of MK as "safest character against CPs" (the one with the best overall match-ups).

What is your point?
At least that character would have bad matchups. :0

Kage Me

Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2008
The Netherlands
Yes, and with MK banned, there would be another character to take the place of MK as "safest character against CPs" (the one with the best overall match-ups).

What is your point?
His point is that while there is a new safest character, that character wouldn't be completely safe. Meta Knight is safe because he doesn't have any bad match-ups. Snake is "safe" because he only has a few. But imagine this:

You find that with Meta Knight gone, the new safe character is Marth. Your opponent knows this, and also knows that Snake, DK and King Dedede all have an advantageous match-up against Marth. By using any of those, they make Marth unsafe.

However, you're one step ahead of them and use King Dedede, who has an advantage against Snake and DK and goes even with himself.

King Dedede gets countered by Ice Climbers, who get countered by R.O.B., who gets countered by Mr. Game & Watch, who gets countered by Snake, who gets countered by Olimar, who gets countered by Peach, and so on. Eventually, both of you just pick your main, and you end up playing Toon Link vs. Pikachu.

Please do forgive the exaggeration.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2006
Southern California, North Hills (818)
This is why other fighting communities look down upon the smash community.
We are too busy having our heads up our ***** or our hands on each others throats that we can never get anything done productively.

yes you will have scrubs who will whine about EVERYTHING, but to use that as a reason to knock down everyone else including those who feel their concerns are of merit?
What justification is there? hmm?

This debate is not only to prove the other side wrong, but to also provide a justification for that other side when we refute them, in doing so they gain the knowledge that has been placed before them and are capable of applying it in the future.

That is how the community gets better.
We do not lump everyone under the same roof, then call it truth like an elitist fool would.
Welcome to Competitive Gaming.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Edit: I am working on putting together a comprehensive "guide" to how one goes from Sirlin's criteria to the diversity argument. Rather than trying to prove that my current draft of the diversity argument doesn't have any minor flaws that can be nit-picked, I am simply going to show why Sirlin's criteria inevitably leads to the idea of the diversity argument. I am going to prove the "essence" behind the diversity argument. I know it isn't readily apparent why Sirlin's ideas lead to the diversity argument, and it's difficult to believe that it truly is the completion of Sirlin's criteria. Once I have the guide finished, it should be much easier to see the connection; it should be much easier to see that Sirlin laid the groundwork for the diversity argument, but he never realized the full implications of his ideas.

The "guide" will start with Sirlin's criteria, and then go step by step through the journey I took to find the diversity argument. Hopefully, it will make it clear why the idea of the diversity argument is correct and necessary, even if my current written version of the idea has flaws due to poor wording or bad organization.

Because in a game with many options, having only one is not acceptable by current Competitive standards. It is no longer an ensemble fighting game, it's a solo character fighting game.
This is the problematic idea that led to me developing the diversity argument. It is a fundamental problem with Sirlin's criteria, and I couldn't think of a way to get around it without modifying Sirlin's ideas.

Having only one option is not acceptable by current Competitive standards. I agree; and the truth of that statement is intuitively obvious. A competitive game is better if it doesn't have just one single viable option. Look at all of the competitive games we play, and you'll see that none of them have only one option. Yet, when I try to think of a justification for that standard, nothing good is available. Why does the current competitive standard demand more than one option? Saying that it's "because overcentralization is bad" is really just a tautology. Overcentralization, in this context, is being used to mean only having one option. So, claiming overcentralization as justification is like saying that it's wrong to only have one option because that means you only have one option; which is a useless tautology. All the attempts at providing justification for this "standard" using only Sirlin's original ideas result in tautologies or weak arguments that don't hold up to scrutiny.

Perhaps not though? Can anyone think of a valid reason why competitive players are justified in wanting more than one viable option available in their games? Am I wrong in thinking that that desire seems intuitively justified, that the preference towards having more than one option seems reasonable? If it seems intuitively obvious, surely there must be a logical explanation why it is reasonable.

I eventually found a valid answer to that question; however, the answer I found had a great deal of implications, the exploration of which resulted in my diversity argument.

One of the steps to finding my answer involved addressing your next point:

But, yes, if we truly want to see who is the most skilled, maybe we should ban all characters except a single one.
But is this really true? Is a game with only Character A vs. Character A ditto match-ups really any more skilled than a game with a wide variety of match-ups? Is a game with only one usable option actually more skillful than game with a wide variety of options?

I don't think that the answer to that question is readily apparent. When I reached this point in my deliberations 3 weeks ago, it eventually became clear that the only way to get a valid answer to that question is to first ask what constitutes "skill". How can we decide whether something is more "skillful" than something else if we don't even have a clear understanding of what "skill" means? It's like trying to decide if one object weighs more than another without first defining what "weight" means.

So I ask, what is the definition of the word "skill" as we use it in competitive gaming?

When someone says "M2K is a really skilled player", what do they mean? When someone looks at a simple little game made for children and says "That game takes no skill", what do they mean?

I have never gotten infractioned by double posting with a disclaimer that the 2nd post is a result of the 10,000 character limit. I really don't see why anyone would.
That's a good point. Hopefully I can have the argument up on Sirlin's forums before the end of the day.

Why don't you just tell me what it is you're trying to say? Because obviously by ingenious and bulletproof responses are not leading me into the traps you're trying to set.
This line of questioning is failing badly, so I'll just save everyone some time and end it. The point I'm trying to get at is that a fundamental part of a game being competitive is that the outcome of the game is determined by decisions made by the players. The relevance of this point isn't readily apparent. I hate to say this again, but it's become apparent that this part of our discussion would go more smoothly if we resolve the diversity argument portion first. This line of questioning is relevant to the diversity argument, but we haven't reached the point in that discussion where it is apparent why we need to concern ourselves with player decisions.

Are you saying that Competitive tourney rules anti-Competitive? Because that's a very broad generalization. By that generalization, Random Stage Select is anti-Competitive.

I just told you time and again what I view as anti-Competitive in a lot of detail. Why would you then ask me to make a broad generalization? I go into elaborate detail in order to prevent people from distorting my words.
My questioning is failing supremely at accomplishing anything productive, so, as I said earlier, I'll just end it for now.

Ah, but there are several characters who under the "70-30 = unviable" philosophy would become viable again if IC infinites were banned,I believe. So at the end of the day, there would be a net gain.
It helps if you list which characters you mean, but I'll address the characters I think you're talking about.

I'll just use Rajam's chart since it's a handy reference.

First, Ganondorf and Captain Falcon. Both of whom are ***** by a vast number of characters. So they wouldn't be viable even if IC's were banned.

Next, Bowser. The various character boards disagree on this match-up. The IC and Bowser boards agree that the IC's **** him, but the Diddy boards and ZSS boards also apparently think that they **** Bowser. I don't really agree that Sheik ***** him, but Zelda/Sheik probably has an advantage. D3 obviously ruins him if the Infinite is legal. (Which it shouldn't be.) Regardless, this isn't a clear cut case, so it is difficult to say that banning the IC's would make Bowser viable.

Next, Sheik and Fox. As to Fox, Sheik, Pikachu, and ZSS **** him. As to Sheik, yeah, it's a hard match-up, but I think 80-20 and perhaps even 70-30 is pushing it a bit. This is even less relevant given that one of Sheik's moves causes her to turn into Zelda, and Zelda can handle the IC's.

Edit: Forgot the good King. D3 hates life when he has to face IC's, but he hates life even more when he has to face Falco.

Overall, I fail to see how banning the IC's would result in increased diversity.

"By banning a match-up", he means "If Player A picks Character X, Player B is banned from using any character against whom Player A doesn't have a 50-50 match-up". Because according to the part of your Criteria I didn't even address, you claim we maximize the need of skill.
If that's the case, then his criticism isn't valid. My argument doesn't result in the banning of all non-50:50 match-ups. Remember, a ban must increase diversity. I fail to see how banning the vast majority of match-ups within the game results in greater diversity. I can see how doing so results in a massive loss of diversity, but I cannot see how it causes an increase.

No, we don't. Stop needlessly and fallaciously make the claim that we ban and shape the rules to maximize things. We do not. If we did, then as ColinJF says, we'd have to ban all match-ups that aren't 50-50. A vast majority of match-ups in the game would have to be banned!
The premise he was addressing is the introduction to the section where I show that the point of making a Competitive Rule Set is to maximize the competitiveness of the game.

Since you object, is it fair to assume then that you don't believe that the goal of a Competitive Rule Set is to maximize the competitiveness of a game? If that's the case, can I ask what you think Competitive Rule Sets are supposed to do?

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
its still playoffs. it was pretty lagless too, i watched the matches.
of course they were playing seriously, but there is no such thing as "lagless wifi" for brawl... it still greatly affects gameplay and it's shown... especially in those vids of the finals. you have to play different because of the lag.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2008
His point is that while there is a new safest character, that character wouldn't be completely safe. Meta Knight is safe because he doesn't have any bad match-ups. Snake is "safe" because he only has a few. But imagine this:

You find that with Meta Knight gone, the new safe character is Marth. Your opponent knows this, and also knows that Snake, DK and King Dedede all have an advantageous match-up against Marth. By using any of those, they make Marth unsafe.

However, you're one step ahead of them and use King Dedede, who has an advantage against Snake and DK and goes even with himself.

King Dedede gets countered by Ice Climbers, who get countered by R.O.B., who gets countered by Mr. Game & Watch, who gets countered by Snake, who gets countered by Olimar, who gets countered by Peach, and so on. Eventually, both of you just pick your main, and you end up playing Toon Link vs. Pikachu.

Please do forgive the exaggeration.
THIS!.... i love you!

PS: brawl+ rawks


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Akorn(Akron) OH
i think its kinda silly to ban metaknight i mean there are still characters and players that win so i don't understand why.

Because it is almost always even easier to win as metaknight ...and easier to learn...so

1. No bad machups... and im not saying that they are all 50-50
2. other charecters do have bad machups...
3. easier to learn than a lot of chars...

hmm...why not pick metaknight...

See where this is going? When this gets proven true to the players EVERYONE will main metaknight...because there is not a reason to choose another char...

Im not saying that we should ban him NOW because we do not exactly know if this WILL happen...

But when this event takes place he should be banned...Esspecially if MK's metagame continues to evolve to the point where you must use him to play in a competitive scene...

And where there are bad match ups, there are counters, and simple logic goes a long way. Why would you play a match with a disadvantaged character? Especially if you're playing to win?
I cannot follow what you are saying...:dizzy:


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2008
I'm thinking about being pro-ban. Before I commit myself, I want to know something.

If a character has no disadvantaged matchups, then what is keeping the player attrition rate [players switching from a lower tier main to maining MK] from concentrating the metagame?

I keep hearing about character X mains switching to MK. I never hear about MK mains switching to another character.

I understand that against DK, DDD is the better choice vs playing as MK. But what about when there aren't anymore DK players because they've switched to MK?

From a competitive gaming perspective, is there anything wrong with an MK-only metagame?
10 repost questions


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
♣ There's been so many ban Meta Knight topics that I don't even know what to say anymore. I don't even know if he should be banned or stay anymore, I have yet to see why he should be banned, yet I don't know if he should be allowed after looking at the tourney results from most tourneys. ♥


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
10 repost questions
A lot of players do not play as MK because they feel he is cheap. Some people main a character and use MK when they run into trouble. Others realize they are not excellent with MK and in a competitive environment they believe they would be best off with their main/best character and try to overcome hard matchups instead of trying to use their bad/not as good MK. Others still do not play as MK simply because they enjoy playing their main and would not switch to any other character. Also, a few do not play as MK, but they will play as a lot of the top tier characters to counterpick people stronger (Counter picking an opponent's G&W with Marth or Snake is stronger than counterpicking it with MK). Or some people will play every character on the screen lol.

Is there anything wrong with a MK only metagame/tourney scene? Well honestly if everyone wants to do solely MK ditto's for large sums of money, that is up to them. Every matchup would be even and boil down to player skill, but a lot of people I think would find that boring fairly quickly. There aren't many popular fighting games out there that are successful with only 1 character in the scene.
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