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Shining Force II Mafia || Game Over! Who lived happily ever after?


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Red Ryu, at least i havent done anything scummy per se, i just only got bored. You had to claim in order to not get lynched.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

And obtw @July I've just been much busier than what I thought; I was supposed to go HAM in all of my games but I don't really think I've gotten to one yet :c


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Not sure if I said it earlier but Gorf replaced Bleck Mang. I'll still count votes for either the same though.

With 9 Alive it takes 5 to lynch!

Voting (8):
July (5): Bleck Mang, Swiss, Red Ryu, dabuz, Ryker
Orboknown (2): felipe_9595, Rockin
Gorf (1): July

Not Voting (1):


A majority has been reached! Twilight for a few hours, flip will be done when I get time this afternoon.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
After killing so many bad guys, the Shining Force felt as if they were UNSTOPPABLE. Little did they know however, there were things that would still try to stop them.

After some deliberation, they decided to off July. Not because she was a girl though :3.

July, Taya the Vanilla Townie has been lynched!

A sad day in Shining Force land. As the sky darkens and says hello to the moon, listen to this tune!.

Night 3 Begins! Send all actions to me! Get'm in faster and the Night ends quicker!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Day 4 Begins!

I'm too lazy to do flavour, so drumroll please:

Swiss, Gerhalt the Vanilla Townie has been killed during the Night!

Gorf, Kiwi the Mafia Godfather has been killed during the Night!


Zeon's wrath has been avoided! Three cheers for the Shining Force :cool:


Role dump, night actions and postgame analysis incoming!


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
All I have to say is that you guys are idiots for lynching July when Jdietz confirmed her not-mafia.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Role Pm's

The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.

vanderzant said:
Dear Jdietz43, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Slade the Mafia Ninja.

Mafia Partners: Your Mafia partners are Peter (Dark Horse), Mafia Goon and Kiwi (J), Mafia Godfather. You may communicate with them at any time during the game. All records of communication are to be recorded in your quicktopic. http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/xkYYtyty289X

Night Kill: Each night you and or your partners may pm me the command Kill: [playername]. The kill will be decided and carried out by Slade, then Kiwi if he is dead, then Peter if they are both dead.

Special Abilities:

Ninja: You will return no result to investigations that determine which players you visit.

Silence: Each Night (including N0) you may send me the command Silence: [playername]. If successful, it will be announced that your target can no longer vote for the following day phase. However, this command will fail if the remaining number of Mafiosi's equals half of the remaining players alive +1, at the beginning of any day phase. Your target will also be Roleblocked until the end of the Night Phase. You may target anyone other than yourself.

Neighbour: You are Neighbours with Rockin, however they are not informed of your role or alignment. You may communicate with them at all times in the following quicktopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/NSnkrbbrCF5pX

Safeclaim: You know that Elric is not in the game and are the only player with this knowledge.

Win Condition: You win once your faction has an undeniable majority rule over all others or nothing can prevent this.​
vanderzant said:
Dear J, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Kiwi the Mafia Godfather.

Mafia Partners: Your Mafia partners are Peter (Dark Horse), Mafia Goon and Slade (Jdietz43), Mafia Ninja. You may communicate with them at any time during the game. All records of communication are to be recorded in your quicktopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/xkYYtyty289X

Night Kill: Each night you and or your partners may pm me the command Kill: [playername]. This player will be killed during the night. The kill will be decided and carried out by Slade, then Kiwi if he is dead, then Peter if they are both dead.

Special Ability:

No one suspects the turtle (Godfather)..: You will return a Town result to all cop investigations.

Safeclaim: You know that Jaha is not in the game and are the only player with this knowledge.

Win Condition: You win once your faction has an undeniable majority rule over all others or nothing can prevent this.​
vanderzant said:
Dear Dark Horse, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Peter the Mafia Goon.

Mafia Partners: Your Mafia partners are Kiwi (J), Mafia Godfather and Slade (Jdietz43), Mafia Ninja. You may communicate with them at any time during the game. All records of communication are to be recorded in your quicktopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/xkYYtyty289X

Night Kill: Each night you and or your partners may pm me the command Kill: [playername]. This player will be killed during the night. The kill will be decided and carried out by Slade, then Kiwi if he is dead, then Peter if they are both dead.

Special Ability: None.

Safeclaim: You know that May is not in the game and are the only player with this knowledge.

Win Condition: You win once your faction has an undeniable majority rule over all others or nothing can prevent this.​
vanderzant said:
Dear Rockin, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Janet the Vanilla Townie.

Special Ability:

Neighbour: You are Neighbours with (Jdietz43), however they are not informed of your role or alignment. You may communicate with them at all times in the following quicktopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/NSnkrbbrCF5pX

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.​
vanderzant said:
Dear Ryker, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Bowie the Town Cop.

Special Ability:

Cop: Each night you may target another player with the command Investigate: [playername]. You will receive a result of either Town or Mafia or Independent.

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.​
vanderzant said:
Dear Red Ryu, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Sarah the Town Combat Medic.

Special Ability:

Doctor: Each night you may target another player with the command Protect: [playername]. If successful, any lethal actions targeting this player will fail.

Vigilante: Alternatively, you may instead choose to target a player with the command Kill: [playername]. If successful, this player will be killed before the end of the night.

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.​
vanderzant said:
Dear Swiss, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Gerhalt the Vanilla Townie.

Special Ability: None

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.
vanderzant said:
Dear BarDulL, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Kazin the Vanilla Townie.

Special Ability: None

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.
vanderzant said:
Dear Soup~, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Rohde the Vanilla Townie.

Special Ability: None

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.​
vanderzant said:
Dear Orboknown, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Luke the Vanilla Townie.

Special Ability: None

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.​
vanderzant said:
Dear July, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Taya the Vanilla Townie.

Special Ability: None

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.
vanderzant said:
Dear dabuz, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Jaro the Vanilla Townie.

Special Ability: None

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.​
vanderzant said:
Dear felipe_9595, Welcome to Shining Force II Mafia!

You are Tyrin the Vanilla Townie.

Special Ability: None

Win Condition: You win once all threats to the town have been eliminated.​


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Night Actions!

Jdietz - Silence: Red Ryu -> Result: Successful

Ryker - Investigate: Kuz -> Result: Town
Red Ryu - Kill: No Lynch -> Result: Successful
Dark Horse - Kill: Kuz -> Result: Successful

Red Ryu - Protect: Ryker -> Result: Successful
Ryker - Investigate: Dabuz -> Result: Town
Bleck - Kill: Ryker -> Result: Unsuccessful

Red Ryu - Kill: Gorf -> Result: Successful
Ryker - Investigate: Felipe -> Result: Town
Bleck - Kill: Swiss -> Result: Successful


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I actually never saw this :3.

But Jdietz please never dead talk in a game again!
I had Raziek edit it out. But there were like 10 people online when he posted it and July even quouted it and Raziek had to edit that out too lol.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I had Raziek edit it out. But there were like 10 people online when he posted it and July even quouted it and Raziek had to edit that out too lol.
I knew he said something but out of respect for this game I didn't read the edit logs.

I apologize for my terrible play here.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
You did fine I think.

Shout outs in a bit.

I'll explain the why's to my play.

And consider this. I don't like playing as scum. D:

Explanation to that with shout outs too. :3


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
inb4 'it's cuz you suck at being scum'

that's not the reason, but I don't have it in me to do well as scum anyways. ; ___ ;


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree

First off, No MVP. Feel free to discuss this but I think it's obvious and we can all agree that Mafia played really, really bad, and it was ultimately the bad play of Scum rather than good play of Town that caused their demise.

Set Up

I was disappointed when the RNG made most of the good scum players Town, but that happens sometimes.

Anyway, I'm interested in what everyone thought of the set up. Simple Town vs Mafia set ups are my favourite because the game isn't ever going to come down to PR choice. If Town win, it's because they scum hunted well and deserve it. Same with Mafia.

One of my favourite things about reading the game is seeing people try to mod-meta, and this is why I'll always put a ton of red herrings into my set ups. Herrings are cohesive with what I believe Mafia is all about, and that's good Day play. Town should never read into the set-up too heavily, and Mafia should be able to punish them if they do. The Cop is told he can find an independent that doesn't exist. This creates indy fear, especially when there's a Town killing role running around. The Ninja role is three herrings rolled into one. Upon its flip, Town assumes there is a tracker/watcher, uncertainty is raised about the Neighbour, and it's unclear whether the voteblock/roleblock is still in play. Despite all its powers, the name "Mafia Ninja" is purposely used to keep it ambiguous. A smart Town will not concern itself with such issues (and generally, that's what happened here!).

In terms of balance, I don't think there are any incredible issues. I toyed with idea of removing a Vanilla Townie and making it a 12 player set up, but with the Voteblocker I decided that Town needing 7 to lynch (with only 8 townies who can vote) on Day 1 was pretty rough. A good scum team should be able to run through town though, with nothing outside of their own influence that can really stop them.

Despite being simple, the Mafia Team are designed around the philosopy that they must establish themselves well during the Day as they have no clutch Night Powers that will win the game for them. Each member has particular strengths and weaknesses in the set up. The Ninja is the "power player" with a slew of abilities to cripple Town with: Ninja, Role/Voteblock, and the Neighbourhood. The Godfather's job is to draw investigation from the Cop. The goon is far less useful in late game than the others, but it can fill any role the team needs (i.e. be bussed, cause havoc in the spotlight, try a ballsy gambit, etc.).

Lastly, not sure if the thought ever occurred to Dietz, but the Ninja can Silence one of his own team members if he or she so chooses :bee:. Imagine if Godfather Swiss/Ryker was vote blocked on Day 1. SO MUCH WIFOM WHY DIDN'T I RIG THE PLAYERLIST :angry::angry:.

By contrast, Townhave strength in numbers but are mostly vanilla. They have a Cop who is told he can find indys, and a Combat Medic who can Kill or Protect someone each night (Combat Medic is a severely under-appreciated role. No one like being a Doctor, and people often go full ****** mode with Vigilantes, so this role is a spicy compromise).

Now onto individual players:

Gorf, Mafia Godfather,. I think you played pretty well considering the circumstances. Distancing yourself from DH and Dietz was sadly your best shot at victory. I thought you were going to have a real shot at it when Day 2 started, and you looked to be oh so close to drawing a mafia investigation that Night (I was legitimately surprised when Ryker didn't). Your biggest mistake imo was that you just weren't convincing enough, and didn't take control when given the opportunity. After Dietz's flip, you needed to come in with guns blazing ready to nail the rest of the scum team with mad town cred… but you were just like "whatever, I think DH might be scum too, but if you guys don't agree that's fine too". Overall by Day 3, you'd bussed two scum mates but had no thread power/influence from it. If Town came into Day 3 with the mindset "Oh Gord really pushed both Dietz/DH, he's probably Town" you probably could of drawn an Investigation from Ryker, and helped direct RR and had a real shot at winning. You came real close, and I think with a little more conviction you could of ran this Town into the ground and made endgame all exciting and what not. Still, you made the best out of an impossible situation, and Town was pretty stacked so overall good job!

Swiss, Vanilla Townie,. You were a real force to be reckoned with on Day 1. Yes, scum were really bad, but the common denominator was that you were onto them every time. I think if mafia had been a bit better I might have given you MVP.

Ryker, Town Cop,. I honestly don't remember much from your play, apart from generally pushing in the right directions at the right time. You were also made some very good calls on Day 3, so good job on that. Your cop choices didn't work out incredibly, but I think Kuz was the right decision on Day 1, and I think you copped Dabuz incase RR was trying to hit someone else? Thanks for playing!

Red Ryu, Town Combat Medic. I understand why you shot NL on N1, but hopefully you see in hindsight why it might be smarter for Town killing role to idle (or in your case, protect) on N1. Claiming your shot straight up was very smart, because no Indy would ever do that, and I think it saved you from a bad mislynch on D2 :p. Thanks for playing, and make sure JDietz gets himself in another game :p.

Rockin, Vanilla Townies,. Sorry I don't remember much about your play, but I was ****ting myself when you asked Dietz for his role name (if he claimed Town Neighbour, he would of been caught out). I meant to give him a safe claim, but I did this set up about 2 years ago so it totally slipped my mind :3. Thanks for playing!

Dabuz, Felipe, Orbo, Vanilla Townies,. Sorry to group you 3 together, but I don't remember much about your play other than you never really had very strong opinions. Be wary of this, and try to be a bit more proactive next time. A smart scum player could run all over you if you're not thinking things through and just going with the flow. Thanks for playing tho :3.

Jdietz, Mafia Ninja, Lynched Day 1. Good try for a first timer, and I hope you can learn from this experience in your future games! You were put under the pump by Swiss early on, and you reacted poorly which ultimately was the death of you. However, you recovered well using your neighbourhood to great advantage, as well as a nicely executed Miller gambit that had many Townies flip on you altogether. Your shenanigans threw Town into chaos for most of Day 1, and while you ultimately came out on the wrong side, the damage had been done. Bleck and even DH came out of your lynch looking quite favourably, and they owe a lot of that to the foundations you laid. Towards the end of the day, you started flailing quite a bit, and to anyone observing it was obvious you were just trying to avoid your own lynch rather then help Town. You played the noob card, but damn did you play it loud and hard, like any new scum should. I look forward to seeing you play in future games, so take this as a learning experience and you will only get better!

No Lynch, Vanilla Townie, Killed N1. Sometimes they just get away from you =/. It's a shame because you got off to a good start and I think you and Soup worked well together as a hydra. But sometimes all it takes is one wrong read for your entire game is thrown off, and everything else becomes cloudy because you're stuck in that single mindset. I was very interested to see how you guys would approach Day 2, because frankly I think that single town flip would of shifted your entire thought process and you could of been a real force. Early on you were one of the few who seemed to be onto J/Gord, and it would of been interesting (for me at least :bee:) to see that play out. Hopefully this won't be the last time we see a No Lynch :bee::bee::bee:.

th3kuzinator, Vanilla Townie, Killed N1. Similar to Soup/Zen, I think you would of been a real force after that Dietz scum flip. Not much else to say, other than thanks for playing!

Ranmaru, Mafia Goon, Lynched Day 2. Thanks for replacing in Ran, it would of been cool to see you avoid a lynch but it wasn't your fault really. DH played quite poor, but he said it's the first time he's been mafia since Halo (which was a REAL freaking long time ago).

July, Vanilla Townie, Lynched Day 3. You were pretty quiet for most of the game, but were also one of the few people onto J/Gord early on. Props to sticking to that read!


Ok so I think that's everything. Oh wait, I almost forgot! I thought I left my troll face around here somewhere. Now where could it be… aha! Here it is.


Swiss gets MVP. This is up for discussion if you want, but most of Jdietz's/DH's slips came out of his pressure, and he generally had the power to lynch whoever he wanted. Gj!


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I think this game is a typical case of Swiss played well but scum played not so well. Really don't think it warrants an MVP.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I didn't think of a lot of that WIFOM with the red herrings everywhere. Ninja with no watcher/tracker.

Silence ability to vote block N0.

Cop getting indies back. It's interesting.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
He didn't do exactly as I asked, which is justification for death. Note the compliant and very much alive Orbo - and the non-compliant and hammered Ran.

Also this post makes the dangerous assumption Ran is not severely handicapped when it comes to metal ability. His claim as such was irrelevant to my mind unless he claimed something highly risky such as cop. The scumtell that we are lynching him off is that when I spoke to him as if I thought him town and was relaxed in my questioning, he thought he was able to simply ignore any questions which made it awkward for him (see: claiming). If town this shows indecisiveness, a lack of judgement and is entirely his own fault.
Again. Typo Swiss still exists. Shout outs still in progress.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Definitely in favor of Swiss MVP, Swiss and Ryker very much carried this game, and it was fun to see them just kind of dominate scum.

JDeitz...I really, honestly didn't consider that you were scum, you seemed so open and honest and such, I was really concerned we'd lynch you, you'd flip town and then you'd be traumatized and never play mafia again.

Kuzi, why did you ignore me all D1? ;-;

RR, sorry about pushing you D1 and part of D2, there were just really scummy aspects of your play, and their was my own denial of JDietz scum which affected my point of view. You did well after your claim.

Rockin, Orbo, dabuz, it was good to play with you all for the first time :D

No Lynch, I loved your play, I definitely understood your defense of JDietz and it seemed like everything you did pretty much oozed town intent. Also I missed you Zen, glad to play with you again!!

Ran <3 glad you replaced in, was fun to play with again and kinda glad you were scum, it's been quite awhile since I've seen your scum play. I know you don't really like playing as scum and I could see that in your catch-up and justification for your reads there wasn't much of a drive there, but you definitely tried to salvage DH's slot and that was admirable.

Bleck Mang...gaaahhh you bothered me so much, half the time I could articulate it and half the time it was just bad vibes that I couldn't put into words. After JDeitz flipped and RR claimed, I just needed you dead, you were my only stable scum read at that point...but for the life of me I couldn't comprehensively explain why. You definitely did a good job bussing your scummates, that was one thing that bothered me and made me seriously worry you might flip town.

Vandy, thanks for modding, definitely a fun and interesting game :)


Apr 3, 2008
All I have to say is that you guys are idiots for lynching July when Jdietz confirmed her not-mafia.
High and mighty talk coming from the one who couldn't even be arsed to show up in Gigabots :p

I never confirmed her town lol, merely said she'd never think of me as a baby seal ever again. That can go in any direction. (and you should never ever say you get a "go scum post" if everyone in the world is going to blow up once you say hello to use it. Dear jeebus)


Apr 3, 2008
Talking about other players isn't a "Bah, Go scum" post at all.
I'm not holding myself responsible for the rules being unclear. I did what I did and it made me lol, changed it when I had to. If you didn't want me saying anything at all it shouldn't have been included as an option to speak once. Dead serious.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
The rule isn't unclear just fyi. Even if it wasn't clear, it should be obvious that you're not supposed to give away other players alignments.
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