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Shining Force II Mafia || Game Over! Who lived happily ever after?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I'm one of those who would stay in the game, because I made a commitment to said game. I just never motivated myself to fully reread it.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
such a strong town. really liked the synergy going on between some of the players.

enjoyed this game. can't really comment much now. i'll throw in some more comments later on :grin:

vanz when are wii gonna revive chucky and beat up swiss again?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Man what the tit was I to do yo ive never been in a position where I NEEDED to NK em off lol gimme some slack mang.

I GOTTA stop toasting walrus.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Bleck Mang - You fooled me later in the game, but the large pool of scum picks were a tip off to me on you being scum slightly. Still you did the best of all the scum in this game, it happens and I've been in those situations. You did well but others just did better.

Dabuz - I know activity can be an issue, and with what you've said to me when we were scummates with school, smash etc. I understand. Still try to make each post count as much as possible, just saying "yes" isn't going to give people a good impression. Your a smart duder, you can be a force to be reckoned with.

July - Man, I did OMGUS and didn't see you as town with how you acted with me. Just trying to fit the meta in, defending Deitz. I couldn't see you being town, misread on my part. You had Mang like others did, but Deitz man...

Rockin - Knowing when to go after your neighbor is a good thing you did. I really don't understand why people thought you were scum off the fact Deitz didn't flip mafia neighbor. You didn't do anything bad this game outside of some slips in thinking, so good job on that.

th3Kuzinator - You read Deitz wrong but it happens. I get why they shot you, strong player who was a safe shot and better to remove before you turned your head around on them. Wonder what would have happened if you were here more when Deitz got lynch.

Dark Horse/Ran - DH you got way to defensive, though this isn't abnormal for you. Don't do it, look at it logically and answer him as best you can as scum while trying to look town. Ran you got the short end of the stick when you had to replace in, not much you could do.

Swiss - D1 I was sure you were scum, then you posted and fleshed out everything and I was like, "Oh, damn I'm wrong" so maybe he's wrong on Deitz, then he posted the AtE hard and I was like "Oh my read is wrong." I just hate the sheeping mindset people do because they don't do **** to improve and get manipulated so easily if you were scum. In turn though, I let that blind me, and affect my actions and reactions too much.

I apologize for that.

Orboknown - Wierd turn with Swiss caught everyone's eye, then you didn't make much of an impact. I know you are busy but try and be a more frontal force. It will make you a better player.

Jdietz43 - You fooled me hard, and you kept a huge force of people trying to save you in the face of Swiss and Ryker. Try and not AtE or offer the things you did at the end of the game nor be indecisive. As scum your going to have to commit at some point to some stances, don't be afraid to do this if you make a gameplan.

felipe_9595 - If all you do is sheep people you will never improve. You offered little to nothing outside of that. Xiivi tells me sheeping helps town come together, but it still makes reads hard when people don't offer that with good activity.

Red Ryu - Scrub

No Lynch - Uggg, just the lengths you weren't were so frustrating and annoying. You didn't give me any way to defend myself, just left me with strawmans and bribes to other players to get your way. That's why I shot you, either you were town who was going to be a large ? for the game, or scum who was hellbent on saving their scummate. Took the shot either way.

Ryker - Didn't do a while lot and had less activity than normal. Still did what you had to do. Not much I can say because nothing was off, though I fully agree with you not wanting me to full claim when Swiss did.

Vanz - Love he set-up and did a lot of things I didn't expect. Shoutout is right, I knew not claiming was going to make the game tunneled at me and I needed to stop it there before it got too far. Since I needed town to focus on other players.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Good game town.
Bad game scum.

No MvP imo, but I never followed the entire game too much. Got the scumteam down in the first few pages (Vandy can vouch) and got disinterested afterwards.
Ohwell, was a fun read.
This is true, however so did just about everyone else (at that stage in the game). After that, dietz through a lot of people off with his gambit, things changed, etc.

Mfw I get MvP here and not TWEWY....


> Gambit.
> **** it didn't work. Cello y u no fall for gambit.
> Wait yes it did.
> Brutal, brutal, sheer brutality win.
Jeez if you don't want mvp just say so :p.


Apr 3, 2008
Shoutouts woooo!:

~Bleck Mang~ (J/Gord Hydra): We did our best lol. Watching you two argue both in and out of thread was some really funny stuff. Especially when you both attempted to post as each other's style.
July: Believed me to be essentially a baby seal, which made me lol. *flippers are bad for keyboards*
Rockin: You never did give me that cup of sugar before I was lynched...
Th3kuzinator: Your play was solid, but you took my bait. I can't say I blame you though: it's hard to resist when people are being mostly genuine.
Dark Horse: Your inactivity really put us down a man. We could have really used your slot to have been active. It sucks.
Swiss: Lol... 3 gambits?? Really? 3? You cheeky dog you... Lucky for you I was as scummy as you thought I was so it wasn't entirely unwarrented.
Orboknown: Sorry, not much to say here. You didn't do much while I was still alive.
felipe_9595: ... Ok.
Red Ryu: XDDD. It came down to me or you at the end there and I def. didn't know how to handle it right without seeming like scum. Silencing you N0 was rather fun though.
No Lynch (Soup/Zen): You guys were totally awesome, made D1 a blast. I have no idea why you followed me to the depths of hell the way you did, but it was amazing. Soup's quotes were epic, and you made even me getting lynched fun.
Ryker: Didn't interact beyond being told to die by rock I think lol.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Not like for the better.

DH got lynched D2, and Gord got NKed N3.
That's oversimplifying the situation imo. It's not as if Town was unanimous in lynching Dietz day 1, or even DH on day 2. I won't go into the specifics (because frankly, this game was pretty damn long) but there were many, many issues that came up that Town was pretty divided on. Swiss however, approached nearly every situation correctly and showed an astounding level of understanding player's intentions. He was right with scum reads on Dietz/DH, but also consistently garnered town reads on low lying inactive slots (i.e. Orbo, Felipe, Dabuz, you to an extent) which made it difficult for scum to do much without being caught out. Sure, it helped that after Day 1 most of the town was happy to just sheep Swiss/Ryker, but a lot of that was due to the good scum hunting foundations Swiss lay down on day 1.

So yeah, scum were bad, but they were caught out mostly because Swiss was applying good pressure, or they were afraid to do anything because they thought Swiss/Town might catch them. It's one thing to read a game and get good reads, but another to actually interrogate other players and successfully read them (town or scum). Swiss imo did this very well, and it's emphasized by the fact that were only 2 town deaths (1 being a ballsy shot in the dark) and a stack of difficult to read null players.

The thing is, if you put someone like Ran in Swiss' shoes, and saw that Ran basically caught all the scum and carried Town to victory, it'd be almost unanimous that he gets MVP. So I think we shouldn't hold a double standard based on how skilled or unskilled the Mafia was (or something like that).

mfw i'm defending Swiss

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Sat on my *** Day 1. My original plan was to sheep the hell out of Swiss Day 1 and then cop him. If I got an inno after the horrendous confrontation with Kuz, I was going to claim guilty on Kuz.

Swiss, however, made me feel just fine about him before Day's end, so that plan was abandoned and I just rode shotgun.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ah, I see. I was wondering about that. : D

Btw, how would you play differently if you were in a town you didn't trust as much? (as cop)

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Completely dependent on a game to game basis. Before the end of D2, I really didn't trust this town much. I like Swiss, that was about it. I felt bad about Orbo, Dabuz, DH, Felipe, July, and Gorf. I felt bad about the two players who flipped (Kuz more than No Lynch). After the end of D2 though, I felt we had it pretty well sorted even though my reads on Felipe and Orbo could be wrong, so long as I got a clear of some kind out for a mass claim the following day.

At game's end, there was still a mountain of nulls and null leans to sift through, but we were so far ahead that I wasn't particularly worried.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Alright. I was wondering what you would have done if Swiss wasn't there, actually. I like the idea of sheeping someone who you know can do the job, but if you are by yourself and can't really rely on anyone... that's what I'm wondering about. :D

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Normally, Swiss or no Swiss, cop or no cop, I do what I do. I read the game and act on my reads, but I didn't really have the investment level I normally have because my optimal play was to be player two. I never had an issue with what Swiss was doing save two isolated times where I did, in fact, challenge him. That meant that I could just let him push without having to stick my neck out there. I simply offered support and let him take any hypothetical bullets.

Had his reads not lined up with my own, I would have clashed with him in order to take the course of action I thought best.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Ryker's reads were accurate all game, he let me do my thing which was appreciated.

Me swapping on July was a rookie error. Although I will, I shouldn't really take too mcuh credit for this game as DH and Dietz were easy pins which most people shoudl have got - so I'd have no excuse for missing them.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Sat on my *** Day 1. My original plan was to sheep the hell out of Swiss Day 1 and then cop him. If I got an inno after the horrendous confrontation with Kuz, I was going to claim guilty on Kuz.

Swiss, however, made me feel just fine about him before Day's end, so that plan was abandoned and I just rode shotgun.
Ryker I should mention that imo your play this game embodies great Cop play. You danced the line of being under the radar while still being influential enough that Scum never suspected you to be a power role. I also thought your targets were very smart choices, but scum were just kind of weird with their own. Gj!

ninjas, ninjas everywhere


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ryker's reads were accurate all game, he let me do my thing which was appreciated.

Me swapping on July was a rookie error. Although I will, I shouldn't really take too mcuh credit for this game as DH and Dietz were easy pins which most people shoudl have got - so I'd have no excuse for missing them.
I wouldn't blame you. At that last moment I'd doubt myself too when it comes to July, especially if she didn't have the time to play or wasn't as motivated. (And I know she was sick and all so it also took time away from her : [ )

Basically. If it's a fun game, or SHE's having fun, I'd watch out! Either she's a PR (regardless of alignement), or scum. She no likey vt hehehe. If there is awesome flavor, that even makes it better.

Also she got confused and demoralized after the JD flip. I also wouldn't blame her for that, that's just a mind ****. lol

I should prolly re-read your case on him to see how you got 'em.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I liked the call for a shot as opposed to a cop on the final day. Vig is the best investigative. Pins Godfathers, easy.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
As a vig I always vig someone super scummy and/or useless n1. I always am paranoid about being nk'd somehow so i just get the vig over with. :3 (But I realized no matter how paranoid I act it won't happen so muahahaha)

I know I can be smart with a vig but in a LONG game I can't be that patient.... ugh.

Same with joat

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
9/10 shoot lurkers. Makes the game so much better. More importantly, strong town players should be putting out which lurkers need to be shot as players like me and Swiss are fairly good at figuring out who can be read and who will remain useless. Note to only listen when said strong players are making sense. Don't listen to a scummy power player.

Unless it's me.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I agree with that, makes sense. I always like making games better/funner. : P


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Swiss if you were scummy I'd lynch you (I mean in K v D you scumslipped by using that domo avatar)

Ryker I'd have to double check if he's scummy on purpose because he can still somehow make sense. (Time Travelers) lol

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
9/10 shoot lurkers. Makes the game so much better. More importantly, strong town players should be putting out which lurkers need to be shot as players like me and Swiss are fairly good at figuring out who can be read and who will remain useless. Note to only listen when said strong players are making sense. Don't listen to a scummy power player.

Unless it's me.
Would have done that over my shot if events didn't play out how they did.

Also Vig is my favorite role, gives me a say and a tool to threaten people with.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I was a vig off site once. I killed every nite. : 3

I got mafia randomly the first nite. Then got cocky. and got lynched for it. LOL
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