go to this so you can take me up on my mm big boy
i have the best player in teh world to practice with =)
hasn't really helped you much
but srsly i really do wanna go. especially since i have been inactive since november 2007 >.>; (vanz, you are officially the last person to beat me in a tournament! since i didn't even get to stay at the tourny for 2nd round of pools)
it depends on jobness and timeness. if i do go i won't be able to do $50 since i'll be bringing like $25 extra for MMs max. but if i get lucky and beat some of the people i really want to play (mainly midwest, they're jawsome, and some southeast&washington players too), i guess i could hunt you down and double my money.
i have a sheik question, too. not really but let's get the thread back on track before our fun is locked down...
anyone have any regional combo inside jokes? like...naming a "combo" that really doesn't work but people can fall for? i've got a few but am running out of things to go for and yell when i play scud and kosy mosy