This thread needs less P hate. It's not funny. It was funny, now it's overdone.
Sylar, honey, you know I love you with all my blackened, hollow Sheik heart. But this is not the place for P drama, I was very happy when the P drama stopped. P has offered some decent threads and useful input on a few things, and he's not doing anything particularly violent right now (all he really said was "I think Mango plays his characters the way you should play them despite the style seeming ugly") and we disagreed with him. There's no reason for all this fiery hatred or anything like that, let's let the meme die.
P, Mango's Sheik is ugly. I'm sure it's fine, but it's still ugly. And for someone as fabulous as me, that matters honey.
*snaps fingers*
Soap, Azen invented ugly long before Drephen, Drephen just stole ugly and fused it with his ginger powers to make ugly gay.
Vanz, quit Jigglypuff or quit life. The choice is yours.
ALL DAI!!!!!
That's right. I just made All Dai uncool. Get at me *****es.