Now here's a thought. If the opportunity presents itself in-game, which character would you use to rescue Shantae, and how do you head-canon the following conversation? Here's one of my ideas:

: Diddy: *monkey noises*
Shantae: "Huh? What are you trying to say?... Oh! I know!" *transforms into monkey* "Now, what were you saying?"
Diddy: "Whoa! You can turn into a monkey like me?! *ahem* Sorry, what I was asking was, are you a genie?"
Shantae: "Yes!... Well, half-genie anyway. How'd you guess?"
Diddy: "Oh, it's just the way you were dressed, kind of reminds me of a genie I know, who runs races. Kind of looks like an elephant"
Shantae: "Is that right? I can turn into one of those too! I'd very much like to meet this friend of yours one day!"