Haven’t really contributed much here lately, so I’ve been thinking of ideas for an indie fighting game on a similar scale to Smash and got a bit of a star on the roster:
Awesomenauts: Voltar the Omniscient
Azure Striker Gunvolt: Gunvolt, Copen
Bit.Trip: CommanderVideo
Bloodstained: Miriam
Cave Story: Quote, Curly Brace
Dust: An Elysian Tail: Dust
Freedom Planet: Lilac, Carol, Milla, Neera Li,
Guacamelee!: Juan, Tostada
A Hat in Time: Hat Kid
Hyper Light Drifter: Drifter
Indivisible: Ajna
Mighty Switch Force: Patricia Wagon
Mutant Mudds: Max
Rivals of Aether: Orcane, Zetterburn, Wrastor, Kragg
Shantae: Shantae, Risky Boots, Rottytops, Sky, Bolo
Shovel Knight: Shovel Knight, Plague Knight, Specter Knight, King Knight,
Steamworld Dig: Rusty
Madeline (Celeste),