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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
Peoria, AZ
Couldn't find the Sonic and Knuckles Collection CD I got from Jack in the Box so many years ago.

I've resorted to an emulator. :ohwell:

Sonic Mega Collection sucks. It doesn't even use the same music. :mad:

As far as Sonic gear goes, I believe I have a headless Tails figure hidden somewhere in the recesses of my closet.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
Speed, you gotta remember to not wear that sh-t in public though. You already got enough problems getting a girl without you walking around holding a Sonic plush and wearing a Sonic hat.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
You thought wrong. You gotta fake it till you make it.

Write that down, Kinzer.

And you too, Speed.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
Peoria, AZ


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Orange County, NY
Sonic Trapper Keeper.. from back when trapper keepers were cool. Some of you may not even know what a Trapper Keeper is, that's how long they've been out of style. I still have it.. bidding starts at $5..


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
Bidding starts at stfu.

Tools of education or academic learning will not be tolerated here.

Now, if you have some porn we can talk...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Orange County, NY
Twink, ill give you a discount on that trapper keep. And ill throw in some hedgehog porn action for ya, courtesy of Discovery channel.

And agreed, new name for thread. Orange county >> rest of NY, perhaps? Sigh.. even i don't believe that..


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
Aw, hell yeah. I know the Discovery Channel be producing that grade A echidna porn. We'll discuss details via PM.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Orange County, NY
Aw, hell yeah. I know the Discovery Channel be producing that grade A echidna porn. We'll discuss details via PM.
My favorite. One of them echidna porns is actually called "knuckles." You can imagine what goes on in it..

I didnt know an echidna was a real animal until like 1-2 years ago.
Its ok man, i didn't know a bearcat was a real animal until less than a yr ago, and i went to college for 3 yrs with the bearcat as our school mascot..


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
That's kind of got to be one of those moments where you're quietly really glad that you were alone when you figured it out. You don't wanna be in a group of people and be like, "wait, wait, these ****ing bearcats are REAL?" And then they're all staring at you like, "why do we hang out with this guy?"


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Orange County, NY
Hahaha, seriously man, if everyone knew they existed but me it would've sucked. But the thing is, we all thought it was some stupid combination animal that the school made up to try and be cool, "the binghamton bearcats.." No one knew until Animal Behaviour 335 took a trip to the local zoo, and lo and behold, 2 bearcats, in the flesh. Google em, they look strange as hell.

They use those tails to hang from trees apparently. Needless to say, i gained a certain amount of respect for the mascot after the zoo.



Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I am really at a loss for what to say in this letter other than to convey my shock. You may be disappointed to hear that my concrete suggestions on how to reverse the devolutionary course that BlueSteak has set for us are sprinkled throughout this letter like raisins in a pudding, not grouped together in a single block of text at the end. This was a conscious decision I made based on the observation that whenever anyone states the obvious—that a certain curtailment of the right to political opposition is an unavoidable concomitant of BlueSteak's disorganized mind games—discussion naturally progresses towards the question, "Is BlueSteak's lack of intelligence genetic or the result of too much time spent with what I call disruptive quacks?" I wish I had a lot more time to answer that question. Unfortunately, the following comment will have to suffice: Sometimes I think that BlueSteak is simply a willing pawn of those tactless vendors of revanchism who conspire with evil. I typically drop that willing-pawn notion, however, whenever I remember that BlueSteak's cruel cajoleries can be quite educational. By studying them, students can observe firsthand the consequences of having an organization consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and ignorance. Just as night follows day, BlueSteak will justify, palliate, or excuse the evils of its heart eventually. BlueSteak's favorite tactic is known as "deceiving with the truth". The idea behind this tactic is that it wins our trust by revealing the truth but leaving some of it out. This makes us less likely to put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity.

From what I know of BlueSteak's calumnies, it is saying essentially three things:

1. Truth is merely a social construct.
2. The majority of disorderly, vicious oligarchs are heroes, if not saints.
3. Violence and prejudice are funny.

Obviously, all three of these are certainly malicious.

Without beating around the bush, I'll tell you now what I have concluded about BlueSteak's flippant sermons. I've concluded that BlueSteak just keeps on saying, "We don't give a [expletive deleted] about you. We just want to issue a flood of bogus legal documents." Of course, there is a lot of debate on this subject but the best scholars avouch that as our society continues to unravel, more and more people will be grasping for straws, grasping for something to hold onto, grasping for something that promises to give them the sense of security and certainty that they so desperately need. These are the types of people BlueSteak preys upon. What shall we do? We have several options. We might bring meaning, direction, and purpose into our lives. We might advance a clear, credible, and effective vision for dealing with our present dilemma and its most pretentious manifestations. Or, we might solve the problems that are important to most people. Any of these options, I profess, are acceptable. Still, we must choose one of them or else BlueSteak will lash out at everyone and everything in sight some day.

BlueSteak can get away with lies (e.g., that it is as innocent as a newborn lamb) because the average person cannot imagine anyone lying so brazenly. Not one person in a hundred will actually check out the facts for himself and discover that BlueSteak is lying. BlueSteak says that it wants to make life better for everyone. Lacking a coherent ideology, however, BlueSteak always ends up challenging all I stand for.

It may be obvious but should nonetheless be acknowledged that one of the things I find quite interesting is listening to other people's takes on things. For instance, I recently overheard some folks remark that we must overcome the fears that beset us every day of our lives. We must overcome the fear that BlueSteak will inject its lethal poison into our children's minds and souls. And to overcome these fears, we must prevent BlueSteak's harebrained, brusque bruta fulmina from spreading like a malignant tumor. BlueSteak's denunciations share a number of characteristics. They declare that diseases can be defeated not through standard medical research but through the creation of a new language, one that does not stigmatize certain groups and behaviors. They provoke terrible, total, universal, and merciless destruction. And they bring widespread death and degradation to millions of human beings across the face of the Earth. Put together, these characteristics imply that if you don't think that BlueSteak's thralls are so ready to canonize obscene nutters as nomological emblems of propriety that their scribblings are laughable, then you've missed the whole point of this letter.

I guess what I really mean to say is that there is a problem here. A very large, brutal, poxy problem. Shame on BlueSteak for thinking that people like you and me are randy! This was true long before the latest scandal broke. If you doubt this, just ask around.

BlueSteak's jealous artifices are causing terrorism to spiral out of control in our society. And that's why I'm writing this letter; this is my manifesto, if you will, on how to get people to sign a petition to limit its ability to cause trouble. There's no way I can do that alone, and there's no way I can do it without first stating that where there is an excess of power there will always be an abuse of power. I trust that I have not shocked any of you by writing that. However, I do realize that some of my readers may feel that much of what I have penned about BlueSteak in this letter is heartless and in violation of our Christian duty to love everyone. If so, I can say only that if BlueSteak wants to seize control over where we eat, sleep, socialize, and associate with others, let it wear the opprobrium of that decision.

Let's get reasonable; the public is like a giant that BlueSteak has blindfolded, drugged, and gagged. This giant has plugs in his ears and BlueSteak leads him around by the nose. Clearly, such a giant needs to dispense justice. That's why I feel obligated to notify the giant (i.e., the public) that BlueSteak's lickspittles' thinking is fenced in by many constraints. Their minds are not free because they dare not be.

I unquestionably hope you're not being misled by the "new BlueSteak". Only its methods and tactics have changed. BlueSteak's goal is still the same: to create a climate in which it will be assumed that our achievements reflect not individual worth, talent, or skill, but special consideration. That's why I'm telling you that the reason BlueSteak wants to flush all my hopes and dreams down the toilet is that it's thoroughly repulsive. If you believe you have another explanation for its drugged-out behavior, then please write and tell me about it. Once again, to BlueSteak's mind, its faith in sectarianism gives it an uncanny ability to detect astral energy and cosmic vibrations. So that means that the rules don't apply to it, right? No, not right. The truth is that you should not ask, "What exactly is BlueSteak trying to hide?", but rather, "To what lengths will BlueSteak go to eviscerate every bit of social progress of the past century?". The latter question is the better one to ask because if everyone does his own, small part, together we can advocate social change through dialogue, passive resistance, and nonviolence.

Although BlueSteak's worshippers may be eager to buy a lifetime's supply of snake oil from BlueSteak, the rest of us would like nothing more than to focus on the major economic, social, and political forces that provide the setting for the expression of a hate-filled agenda. But we can't do that until more people learn to accept that BlueSteak would have us believe that anyone who disagrees with it is ultimately disagreeable. Such flummery can be quickly dissipated merely by skimming a few random pages from any book on the subject. To be fair, I am more than merely surprised by BlueSteak's willingness to con us into believing that human beings should be appraised by the number of things and the amount of money they possess instead of by their internal value and achievements. I'm shocked, shocked. And, as if that weren't enough, BlueSteak focuses on feelings rather than facts. Sure, it attempts to twist and distort facts to justify its feelings, but that just goes to show that we must encourage open, civic engagement. This call to action begins with you. You must be the first to plant markers that define the limits of what is judgmental and what is not. You must be the one to weed out organizations like BlueSteak that have deceived, betrayed, and exploited us. And you must inform your fellow man that BlueSteak's theatrics cannot stand on their own merit. That's why they're dependent on elaborate artifices and explanatory stories to convince us that the world can be happy only when BlueSteak's Praetorian Guard is given full rein. And that, in my view, is our real problem.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
Hahaha, seriously man, if everyone knew they existed but me it would've sucked. But the thing is, we all thought it was some stupid combination animal that the school made up to try and be cool, "the binghamton bearcats.." No one knew until Animal Behaviour 335 took a trip to the local zoo, and lo and behold, 2 bearcats, in the flesh. Google em, they look strange as hell.

They use those tails to hang from trees apparently. Needless to say, i gained a certain amount of respect for the mascot after the zoo.

They look like the hobos of the animal kingdom >.>


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
Speed, you gotta remember to not wear that sh-t in public though. You already got enough problems getting a girl without you walking around holding a Sonic plush and wearing a Sonic hat.
You thought wrong. You gotta fake it till you make it.

Write that down, Kinzer.

And you too, Speed.
I dont wear it in public...i only wear it/walk with the plush to tourneys. What do i look like carrying around a plush in the open? And i dont have the hat yet. :(

And when did this situation about girls pop up anyway? A girl will come when she comes. Im not worried about it, nor am i trying to rush it.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I read Pierce's post about nair fixing the problem of Sonic's KO potential.
It definitely filled my quota on how many moronic posts I have to read per day.

Cammy looks mad fugly in TT's sig, KID. Reminded me of those Fallout 3 characters after you blow shiz up.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I read Pierce's post about nair fixing the problem of Sonic's KO potential.
It definitely filled my quota on how many moronic posts I have to read per day.

Cammy looks mad fugly in TT's sig, KID. Reminded me of those Fallout 3 characters after you blow shiz up.

1. people that dont play sonic are dumb.
2. its just a diff style of drawing, shes still fine and i would still tap that.
3. maybe if she had a tail and purple cat hair all over every inch of her body, youd be more attracted to her...

go lose to in ui some more.
fkn scrub.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006

1. people that dont play sonic are dumb.
2. its just a diff style of drawing, shes still fine and i would still tap that.
3. maybe if she had a tail and purple cat hair all over every inch of her body, youd be more attracted to her...

go lose to in ui some more.
fkn scrub.
I lol'd.

1. Yup yup.
2. Don't be more stupid. Cammy is holy-****-hot, and always will be. That piece of work just looks weird as hell.
3. Yes. Yes I ****ing would.

Go play top tier. Quit messing with a character as bad as Sonic.
I wrecked that **** in loser's bracket, and you **** well know it.


And Chis is...onto something.
Research. Now.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
I read Pierce's post about nair fixing the problem of Sonic's KO potential.
It definitely filled my quota on how many moronic posts I have to read per day.

Cammy looks mad fugly in TT's sig, KID. Reminded me of those Fallout 3 characters after you blow shiz up.
I'm pretty sure Cammy looks bangin' in my sig. I don't use "fugly" drawings in my sigs, ya hear?

I dont wear it in public...i only wear it/walk with the plush to tourneys. What do i look like carrying around a plush in the open? And i dont have the hat yet. :(

And when did this situation about girls pop up anyway? A girl will come when she comes. Im not worried about it, nor am i trying to rush it.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
SONIC suffers via a "time reboot" plot device at the end, Trent. Meaning Blaze isn't dead.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
I always thought the time reboot thing was stupid. Speaking of which, I've always wondered about how the continuity in the games are. Guess we know that that one doesn't even happen, so no continuity problems there.

She still dies. She's not DEAD, but the death happens! ADMIT IT


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
I read Pierce's post about nair fixing the problem of Sonic's KO potential.
It definitely filled my quota on how many moronic posts I have to read per day.
The definition as to why I no longer research/debate in detail anything to do with this game anymore in any attempt to get into the SBR or smash researchers (as I tried to do early this year). It is clear what qualities actually qualify one for membership :/
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