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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Werent there 2 steiners? that were both way too jacked to be healthy? lol

I dont lose to tager, I stomp him out without getting hit and than I try to do something cool to finish him, and than I get hit 3 times for half my life bar. that grab is stupid.

for the record, kin, I do tend to help you out and give you advice when you ask for it or seem like you need it. but at the same time, thats not going to stop me from giving my opinion on your issue as a whole, so like you said, I play both sides of it too.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2010
San Antonio, Texas
... Oh God, I never was into this kind of thing as a young boy. I was too busy playing vidjo gaymes like Meh-guh mayne, Sawnik, and-

... Playing with the girls during my elementary years, since they treated me a lot nicer than my male classmates. :/ and middle-school was all World of Warcraft.

Though once I hit the "pot quick reply button" I feel I'm going to have a bounty on my head for the first sentence.

haha, I was the same as a kid, I actually didn't watch much wrestling, just a little bit with my brother but I'd have much rather been playing Sonic and Megaman games ^.^;

that 2nd sentence at first sounded a bit... nevermind. 0.0 and no kidding, I used to play WoW too, though not in middle school, I got into it more near my 2nd year of HS then I quit at the start of senior year and got more serious about smash :D


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
Did someone say Chao?
<3 Espy.

Hero Flying/Flying were the best. I've had all 3 Immortal Chao. Neutral Immortal aka Chaos Chao was the best one. SA2:B was one of the best Sonic games ever.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2010
San Antonio, Texas
Hey you guys played Sonic 4 yet? I just put up a Let's Play of it on YouTube if anyone's interested:


I have a playlist of the rest and many other videos on my YouTube channel. Go check it out:

actually I haven't and I've been really looking forward to playing it, a friend of mine rented it and hopefully I'll get to go over and play it soon :D it looks pretty fun and it really seems to have a nostalgic feel to it :D always did love platform games :D

especially the Sonic Series :D


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Werent there 2 steiners? that were both way too jacked to be healthy? lol

I dont lose to tager, I stomp him out without getting hit and than I try to do something cool to finish him, and than I get hit 3 times for half my life bar. that grab is stupid.

for the record, kin, I do tend to help you out and give you advice when you ask for it or seem like you need it. but at the same time, thats not going to stop me from giving my opinion on your issue as a whole, so like you said, I play both sides of it too.
Yeah Scott and Rick Steiner. I remember Scott Steiner before he was juiced up. Dude had a babyface and a mullet. Ah...WCW the good ol days.

Ksizzle namesearch


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
actually I haven't and I've been really looking forward to playing it, a friend of mine rented it and hopefully I'll get to go over and play it soon :D it looks pretty fun and it really seems to have a nostalgic feel to it :D always did love platform games :D

especially the Sonic Series :D
Sweet. I hope you get to play it soon. It's rather short, but a lot of fun imo.

Really cool stuff. Your voice is so nonchalant. Awesome commentating. lol
LOL thanks. My voice is just really weird.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
that 2nd sentence at first sounded a bit... nevermind. 0.0
Let me guess, innuendo-worthy? I don't blame you. What did you want me to say though, that I'd listen to them talk about how all the other boys were nothing but sports-addicted pigs that are dirty from the mud on the grass (and that I was apparently weird because I wasn't anything like what they were criticizing but that's another story), they/we don't/didn't "understand" how "uncivilized" it all was and how they'd play pretend with barbie dolls and I'd simply watch them like a hawk? I would've joined them, but I got bullied enough for being physically weak, and I also wasn't that creative. The few times I did (try to) role-play apparently I wasn't playing along. ;~;

That takes up a lot more space than what I had previously said though. Don't worry, I'm much worse better now. ^_-

actually I haven't and I've been really looking forward to playing it, a friend of mine rented it and hopefully I'll get to go over and play it soon :D it looks pretty fun and it really seems to have a nostalgic feel to it :D always did love platform games :D

especially the Sonic Series :D
How exactly do you rent a game you have to download?



Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Henderson &amp; Downtown Express, Las Vegas, NV
Let me guess, innuendo-worthy? I don't blame you. What did you want me to say though, that I'd listen to them talk about how all the other boys were nothing but sports-addicted pigs that are dirty from the mud on the grass (and that I was apparently weird because I wasn't anything like what they were criticizing but that's another story), they/we don't/didn't "understand" how "uncivilized" it all was and how they'd play pretend with barbie dolls and I'd simply watch them like a hawk? I would've joined them, but I got bullied enough for being physically weak, and I also wasn't that creative, and the few times I did (try to) role-play apparently I wasn't playing along. ;~;

That takes up a lot more space than what I had previously said though. Don't worry, I'm much wprse better now. ^_-

How exactly do you rent a game you have to download?
I'm not sure if this is correct or not but I think when you rent a downloadable game, the game will be playable for a certain amount of time then once that time is up, it no longer playable.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Jerry, for future reference, when you're replying to a specific part of a quote, erase everything else. It's less to scroll through, and easier to keep up with.

I'd like to say more and explain it more specifically, but I need to get off. Then I go home and finish Pre-Calculus. I'll probably be back on at 4, if not later.



Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2010
San Antonio, Texas
Let me guess, innuendo-worthy? I don't blame you. What did you want me to say though, that I'd listen to them talk about how all the other boys were nothing but sports-addicted pigs that are dirty from the mud on the grass (and that I was apparently weird because I wasn't anything like what they were criticizing but that's another story), they/we don't/didn't "understand" how "uncivilized" it all was and how they'd play pretend with barbie dolls and I'd simply watch them like a hawk? I would've joined them, but I got bullied enough for being physically weak, and I also wasn't that creative. The few times I did (try to) role-play apparently I wasn't playing along. ;~;

That takes up a lot more space than what I had previously said though. Don't worry, I'm much worse better now. ^_-

How exactly do you rent a game you have to download?

:O you download it?! I've been had! XD no but seriously, wow I did not know that, I must've misheard him then ^.^; anyway, still lookin' 4ward to it, I don't know if I feel like buying it yet but chances are I will

as for the full paragraph, I actually think I found that to be much more entertaining to read ^.^; haha I'm a weird person sorry

Edit: I do recall some download-able games being rent-able but I'm not so sure Sonic 4 would be one of them, either way I really should check it out ^_^

Edit2: @V - I sure will ^.^


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I really should grow up to be a story-teller, @#$% Psychology and listening to other peoples' stories. Lol.

Speaking of stories, my mom almost ran me over in reverse when we were getting off campus. It was an accident, but I don't blame her for doing it, I could see where she was coming from.

There was this stupid b**** (I really hate a majority of my classmates, but that's not the point now) who was just swinging the car door so far out and I'm surprised she didn't hit Mom's car doing it. Mom's had four different cases where people put dings and gashes in her car and the process of having to get it all fixed is just lousy. Especially when people flee from the scene, don't have insurance (and can't immediately pay you back), and other complications that come with having to have a car. Lovely. :/

In attempting to back up away from the car next over though, I probably could've gotten my legs bent in ways they shouldn't. I'm glad I noticed it and started to moonwalk back lol. Maybe I should've waited for the girl to get in the car herself so I wouldn't have had to walk around the car to get into the passenger's seat, but at the same time I hate waiting on campus and I'd much rather be home.

Maybe now Mom will understand what I've been saying all along and just let things happen instead of worrying about avoiding it. I've told her to just let people put all these nasty marks on her car, and then sue them for the repair money afterwards. It's much easier to replace a car than it is mah legz, but this is just my opinion. :X

Also I'm probably a bit selfish. Instead of using that money to pretty-up the car, I say use that money to buy other stuff. I know some people take pride in taking care of their car and making it look fancy, but I myself don't really care. To me, a vehicle is something that gets you from point A to Point B, and serves no other purpose. As long as the car can still run, it's a waste to send it into the repair shop/dealership to fix one tiny scratch (that may I mention costs hundreds of dollars because all they do is just replace the damaged part, and not actually try to repaint/clean the scratch, or in the case of a ding pop it back into place? How stupid is that? :/).

How was your day fellas? Mine was great, even including the fact I almost got ran over by my own mommy lol I love her so much.



Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I read that Kinzer advocates trolling to a degree.

Does that make you a fan of me?


I'm so cool I now make one post into two. Kinzer, all classmates are stupid and worth hating. That's why I stopped attending a normal school.

We also have the same view of a car. So long as it can get me to point A to point B without crapping out on me, it's a car worth having. I'd let people crash into me all day and use the money for other ****. It's not selfish, it's smart. **** the car, so long as it runs. I'm not suing to pretty up my car, I'm suing because that ******* put my life in danger and crashed into me.


PS: If anyone is interested this starts in 40 minutes:


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I read that Kinzer advocates trolling to a degree.

Does that make you a fan of me?


I'm so cool I now make one post into two. Kinzer, all classmates are stupid and worth hating. That's why I stopped attending a normal school.

We also have the same view of a car. So long as it can get me to point A to point B without crapping out on me, it's a car worth having. I'd let people crash into me all day and use the money for other ****. It's not selfish, it's smart. **** the car, so long as it runs. I'm not suing to pretty up my car, I'm suing because that ******* put my life in danger and crashed into me.
I thought it was obvious, you being you on Smashboards is just fancy.

However I must kindly disagree with you saying all classmates are stupid. Only a grand majority of them are, and I wish there was a way that my charter school could just put all the ******* in one class, let them goof off there, fail; and the students who want to learn and create a good future for themselves can all be in one stimulating environment and get the most of our free education.

But that'd be too much to ask from a public school. I can't wait to get into UNLV where it's only the freshman that are as stupid as my high-school classmates, afterwards it's all smooth sailing from there on out. I know it's something that has to be paid for but I suppose such is the beauty of an economy that is fueled by business.



Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
You guys talk too much about random stuff, it's hard to keep up @_@


how is everyone? :D
I was thinking the same thing. I came back to rag/troll about Sonic 4 and I see **** about the steiners and classmates being stupid.

I'm good. :oneeye:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Henderson &amp; Downtown Express, Las Vegas, NV
You guys talk too much about random stuff, it's hard to keep up @_@


how is everyone? :D
I'm doing pretty good today. Kinda frustrated with Sonic 4 Lost Labyrinth Zone boss >_> I had a quiz today in my Mechanical Engineering lab class today and we finally got to do something. We had to place a strain gauge reader onto a piece of metal which we had to wield it on with a wielding gun. I was a bit scared doing so since I don't like touch items that are 700 degrees. I kinda melted my strain gauge when I try to wield the wires onto it. Luckily it was just a practice one since next week we have to have a working one for a grade :X


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Henderson &amp; Downtown Express, Las Vegas, NV
Right now, Lost Labyrinth Zone just so frustrating. The 2nd act was a bit of an annoyance since half the time it's dark and you don't know where the enemies are. 3rd was a bit annoying since it's mostly water. One part I died two times which I couldn't figure out why.
It was the part where you have to rotate the screen a bit to release a block for you to continue on.
I might finish up the last stage later tonight. I kinda want to record some gameplay video when I get a chance.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Right now, Lost Labyrinth Zone just so frustrating. The 2nd act was a bit of an annoyance since half the time it's dark and you don't know where the enemies are. 3rd was a bit annoying since it's mostly water. One part I died two times which I couldn't figure out why. It was the part where you -snip-
Put that last part in spoilers. :X


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV

I am a happy camper, and I haven't evn had my usual glass of wine for the week.

I'm gonna sexually assault you on AIM when I get back from taking the dog around the neighborhood 'cause I'll be as drunk as I like and more likely than not I won't remember anything tomorrow.

Also good news, parents decided to drop tomorrow's "family" dinner. I want you to do me a favor Jerry, let's find that Tokyo Discount shop that you found somewhere near my house I believe you said it was. Please take me up there tomorrow afternoon just to see what's in the store and to help me find where it is for future reference, eh buddy? Afterwards we can do some sparring, because frankly I am sadface :( that you don't play the Lucario matchup as well as you could. We're gonna train ya! Then hopefully if we both look/play well enough, we can save the matches, and I can put them online so we can get 'em critiqued. This also goes for any other matchups I think I can play/ are one-sided enough that I can still **** your Sonic even though I don't have a clue how to play the character because Brawl is a dumb game and it's balance is a joke.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
New sub forums in tactical? How long until "he who must not be named" gets an official competitive sub-forum? Tactical posters continue to chase their own tails.

Also, Sonic 4 is just another plot by Eggman to finally get rid of the blue blur, stop buying this stuff people. Sonic lives on in the memory of good games, not games that just don't suck quite as much as werehogging.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Yea thats the Metaknight characters discussion. I'm talking about a sub-forum for discussion of banning, limiting and crying about MK.

NH Cody

Smash Champion
Apr 17, 2010
Kakariko Village, NH
Jesus christ on a stick I hate Toon Link. Espy, **** you and your ability to beat him. /rage
loll we talked, man, come on...TL's easy offline as opposed to online xD

even online, sonic can be hard to punish too., since he's so fast.

just punish the bomb pull animation and PS the quickdraw if you see it coming, and CP some place with iSDR. ez



Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2009
Villa Rica, Georgia
Not to mention it's not really that hard to predict where his projectiles go. Jump over the arrows and he'll try to stop that by arching the boomerang up, you can run under that.

But you don't want to get too close to him because he'll just spam bair and nair to get you away, but you want to stay close enough to where zair won't be a huge problem and you can punish any attempt at arrow, boomerang or bomb.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
??? Alphazelot's twitter says it was a 14% timeout by speed. MLG twitter says the game ended with 12 seconds left.

Anyway, Grand Finals prediction:
M2K vs Speed
M2k wins on smashville
Speed times out m2k on picto
M2k times out speed on RC

Speed gonna make some money today.

I was expecting Speed to win, but ALOT of weird upsets this MLG, who knows who will wind up placing 2nd this time. So many great players in the loser's bracket and I hear there were 12 people dq'd.
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