1. Too many saved replays - You're good but not that good. Or you play too much. Or you need some other hobby (that bright thing outside is the sun, it's good for you). Probably all of the above..
A) I am that good
B) You're right, I save too much
C) I get plenty of sun, but I do play far too much smash.
2. Auctioning on Marth forums - At least pick General or something. You might have also posted there, in which case, stop spamming. Not only is this forum less traffic before it inevitably gets locked, now you're giving your SD card to some pos Marth like SOLID and then Steel will have to critique like a million videos of the same ****
I didn't post there. I flee from that board like the plague. Even the Marth forums are a decent place for a little marketing
. Also, the title is clearly defined. You knew what you were going to find here. You didn't have to click the thread. Lastly, I'll critique the vids. Betcha didn't think of THAT! Also, what do you have against SOLID? Random shoutout. There's something I WOULDN'T do. Mad negativity madu. Chill with that, it's unbefitting of a Marth of your stature.
You just auto-failed for SBR I can guarantee it. Think about the post you **** when you're under scrutiny just word of advice for the future not only for SWF but for life.
I'm almost certain the SBR has a reasonable sense of humor, and I'm not going to put on false airs just to get in. That's counter-productive. Consider my
joke to serious post ratio on the Marth boards. I'd like to think I can let my hair down every once in a while. Seriously, I'm sexy with my hair down.
Are you even in the SBR? How could you possibly say you can guarantee something like that? I did consider that before I posted. But in addition to the SBR and the moderating team being seperate entities, I think that it's alright to think that not everyone in the SBR never makes a funny thread.
Besides, I'm sure there are members of the SBR that WISH they were as good with Marth as I am. Perhaps one of them wants to buy my SD card.