So you're just writing it off as a bad reaction? It was quite scummy to come out reveal itHoly ****, I've already explained this. Xiivi has been on my case since his FIRST VOTE on Day 1, and it just irked me the wrong way. His little snobby "olol nobody gotten this yet, you all? ohohoh" comment really grinded my gears. It may have been impulsive, yes, but he gets on my LAST nerve. I guess it just snapped me.
A whole lot of appeal to emotion, nothing substantial on why we shouldn't vote him. lookin mad desperate, and it was alot of backlash from kevin's posts that he really didn't even need to respond to >_>. Things like "Just feeling that he's scum" or "lurking mad hard" drew some intense responses from MK, such as this AtE paragraph aboveI don't understand how I tunneled on Kevin. In my opinion, a person should be able to defend themselves when someone says they want to lynch them. He gave his opinions, I gave mine. Hardly tunneling. By your definition, anybody who responds to a lynch threat is considered to be tunneling. Obviously, I don't want to by lynched, I am NOT scum. I don't know if this is because I'm a newbie, but I'm really stressed over it/worrying about it. I desperately want to show all of you that I'm NOT SCUM!!! How do you want me to do this?! I don't know what to do anymore, and it's scaring me D: Please help me help you understand the truth.
So role fishing on two players? hmmmm...And @ Boba Fett. Sorry, I've just seen the Star Wars movies wayyyy too many times. Xonar asked what characters could be that role, and he's the first that popped into my mind, so I answered. I didn't mean for this to be like "omg Boba = Kevin", just possible flavor for roles. >_<
so did you look at me? tell me what you found. Also, fence sitting on macman, could be scum waiting to look opprotunistic if the times right (goes for me too i know.)I'm not scum, but I'm fairly certain that Kevin is indy. See, I'm also fairly certain that Kevin has a night kill ability, which is why I'm slightly uneasy letting him live through another night. Looking @ Bungle real hard as well. Macman....I don't know what to think of you right now, but I'm getting a mixed reaction, but not NO reaction, if that makes sense? I sense town and scum from you at both times, which confuses me.
while xiivi shoudl talk more, this looks like an attempt to see if he can't take the heat off him by pushing it onto another player.Also, CAN WE PLEASE GET XIIVI TALKING?? Good lord, he could be scum just skating by watching town flail! I want to get him talking/participating, whether or not he feels like it Requesting Xiivi Prod
Basically don't like the way MK has been responding to the pressure
vote: Meta-Kirby
I can claim if you want me to.
So for being away for 3 days or so, been really stupid sick.