peef/rich weeler is a jerk if he thinks falcon falco is even or not in falco's favor. it's blatantly bad for falcon
vs luigi advice
first of all you really can't combo him unless you're as fast as possible, which you probably aren't if i haven't heard of you. if you want to do something special, tighten up your aerial speed, in other words make sure your nairs are coming out as soon as you leave the ground and make sure you're fastfalling as soon as you can while still hitting with the second part of the nair. this part is difficult and it'll take a lot of dedication on your part to figure it out.
so now if you can't combo luigi, keep that in mind because you don't want to eat nairs bc they lead to dsmash/usmash/grabs which combo hard
realize that both of luigi's good grabs (uthrow and dthrow) send you behind him, so DI in front is bad b/c you go straight up, DI behind him so that you get as far away as possible and keep him guessing with your techs.
dthrow him almost all the time, uthrow i don't think ever combos on luigi. dthrow nair is great if they DI away, otherwise dthrow uair and run away, don't try to keep him up b/c you probably can't
also **** him when he's offstage, his recovery is pretty garbage so take advantage of that. CF has one of the longest rolls off of the ledge in the game, and at >100% his roll edgehogs for like at least a full second. bait them into prematurely upBing and edgehog them if they don't know the matchup