That's exactly it, congratulations on picking that up. [no sarcasm, I promise!I just watched recent darkrain stuff to analyze his decision making/intuition you guys were talking about and really I think he just play very smart, all of his choices made sense he just made them REALLY quickly. Which is not surprising with his ridiculous techchasing. But he rarely makes a poor risk vs reward decision while on the stage. Once the opponent goes off the stage he seems to take bigger chances. While on stage though he picks very good times to attack.
Also to me it looks like every time he approaches or gets a hit he has a somewhat preplanned combo waiting just really to get imputed and if the hit doesn't land or they DI in a weird way the combo is half set up as pressure anyways.
I only watched like 8 matches so I'm not sure how accurate any of this is.
The risk/reward system is something that I use a variation of, in which I pick the "best option" for the situation. What's got the most chance to hit/most ability to combo off of/least chance of retaliation if it misses? That's exactly the thoughts that are going through Darkrain's head, he's just so familiar with Falcon and his options that the process is superfast.
As far as preplanned combos, definitely! My friend and I were talking about that today, actually. You need a list of options in your head at any given % so that you know what you can do to do the most damage.
It's like looking at a Marth at 40% and knowing that you can dthrow->uair->regrab. It's stuff that you pick up over time, but you definitely need to start remembering them!
Also, going off of the discussion about getting new "How to" guides, do you think it would be cool if I made one for Falcon?
We were discussing how the old ones were, well, old, and new players would really benefit from new ones. Also, since Scar isn't on often [not his fault], I guess I would have to make my own thread.
I know we've been kind of kicking this idea around a bit [Hax] but I think it would be cool to make a new one.
Not just the whole "this is an ftilt, wheee" thing, but I think it would be cool to dissect how to play MUs. I was thinking of a kind of edited-in red circles around Marth, for example, indicating all of the spaces he can control while DDing, or something like that.
A very simple video with lots of easy to see symbols [giant green checks, big red x's] would be cool, for given MUs
For example:
It shows Falcon playing against a Marth, they're both standing on the floor of DL64
Text pops up:
"In this Match up, it's all about who makes the first move. If you make a move first, you'll probably die."
~It shows a Falcon rushing at him with a nair, getting grabbed, then dthrown, then dair'd to death~
~Screen changes to big Red X~
"Patience is key in this Matchup. Dash dance around until you see an opening."
~Shows a Falcon and Marth DDing, then Marth does a dash attack, misses, and Falcon punishes~
~Screen changes to a big Green Check~
"To help your spacing, you need to remember just how much area Marth controls at any given moment. I've outlined all of the spaces in which his moves hit, so as to see the areas that he can hit you, if you misspace your DD"
~Marth's standing, I draw the outlines of utilt, Fsmash, ftilt, dtilt, and grab in succession, then an arrow for how far he was WD~
"Now here's what's really happening while he's dding"
~Overlay those outlines on the clip of Falcon and Marth dding~
What do you think?
cool idea?
Lemme know