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Santi spills all of his knowledge.

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Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Drawing my imagination, in GA
Well only you guys know US and Japan are said to have the best players...

But back to Santi
Hes a great player
Hylian is a great player Santi beat him good few times...while he had his main G&W
RoyR is one of the best marths period...Santi can hold his own against him.
Dojo is a beast nasty MK and Santi can keep up with that with T.Link who as a character has huge problems against MK...

Combo vids like Sasuke said are for entertainment...
Not to judge a persons acctual skill.
Some combo vids the players losing the match but does an awsome combo...

Most people believes Santis the best cause of his tournament results...

But not everyone beileves this some say chip is better...

Still point remains its your opion that Santis not the best...

But its ours he is this thread is not a place for disscuing this...
Its for asking questions about Santi's knowledge of T.Links meta game and his personal matchup experience...

no bigge tho ^_^


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
pfft. I really want to play Santi I think I'd do quite well agasint him and lose. I think I'd have a close match with him. If it werent for me being a couple years too young I'm sure I'd be able to go to that Texas last smash with Sudai and some other guys I know from Gameware. But its perfectly alright, maybe Santi will come to LA next year. or maybe during the summer I could get some friends to carpool with and I could go to texas ^^ . But yeah I consider Santi the Best TL i know of, in the south, in the US. I'm getting better and hope to surpass Santi lol.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Well only you guys know US and Japan are said to have the best players...

But back to Santi
Hes a great player
Hylian is a great player Santi beat him good few times...while he had his main G&W
RoyR is one of the best marths period...Santi can hold his own against him.
Dojo is a beast nasty MK and Santi can keep up with that with T.Link who as a character has huge problems against MK...

Combo vids like Sasuke said are for entertainment...
Not to judge a persons acctual skill.
Some combo vids the players losing the match but does an awsome combo...

Most people believes Santis the best cause of his tournament results...

But not everyone beileves this some say chip is better...

Still point remains its your opion that Santis not the best...

But its ours he is this thread is not a place for disscuing this...
Its for asking questions about Santi's knowledge of T.Links meta game and his personal matchup experience...

no bigge tho ^_^
A good few times?

Santi's beaten me once.

<3 Santi.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
Diddy Kong on any flat stage (especially FD). Little ******* is so annoying, struggled to get a single stock of him last night with both my Ike and TL. Any help as far as TL is concerned?

Also, do you plan on making another combo video?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2008
Point is, Tlink struggles against a lot of top and high tier characters, especially when played by some of the best Brawlers in the country. Santi perseveres through that and actually manages to compete with Tlink against top players using top characters where most people would have the floor wiped with their sorry *****.

Richard you also said that the people Santi faces must suck. Santi has and does face some of the best in the country. Just because in a combo video he pulled off a sweet *** combo on someone doesn't mean that person sucks. If you pay attention, the player in the combo video is not always winning, they just happened to catch their opponent off guard.

And as has been said, you are assuming we judge Santi's skill based on his combo videos as you have. Most people on smashboards aren't that naive as to judge a person's skill based on a combo video. We have seen santi's videos of him vs some of the best in the country and we have seen his tournament results. Tlink has a lot working against him that prevents a lot of people from placing and competing as well as santi.

And yes "keeping up" is a huge accomplishment. You try maining toon link or finding another toon link who can "keep up" with some of the players santi keeps up with. They are going to be very very far and few between.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2008
Now to my question:
So I just held my first tourney and got 9th out of 16. Did pretty well. The two matches I lost were super close. It was anyone's game which made me happy because I don't get to play people but every 3-4 weeks. Some things I know I need to work on are better coordination with my b moves. I tend to jump and throw my boomerang in whatever direction i feel will be useful but half the time I accidentally end up doing my up B instead. I use a madkatz controller and was told using a better controller might help. Is that true? Where do I pick up new GC controllers?

And my in game question I guess would be about Ike. Of all characters I struggled a little against him. It came down to the last hit both games I played, but I felt like I should have demolished him. I don't have a lot of experience against Ike, so I spent most of my time trying to figure out how Ike works. Looking back am I right to assume that zair is pretty crucial to facing an Ike? SH bairs seemed to be easily shielded and then occasionally punished afterwords.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
I've only beaten Hylian once. That was the last time we played.
We don't play anymore :(
We do play rock paper scissors alot :D hehe. I get 3 stocked evertime.

and your opponents suck bad, they're horrible. No offense to you Santi, but your opponents really do suck.
I stopped reading your posts after that. Think what you want about about my TL but just know that my opponents don't suck.

Diddy Kong on any flat stage (especially FD). Little ******* is so annoying, struggled to get a single stock of him last night with both my Ike and TL. Any help as far as TL is concerned?

Also, do you plan on making another combo video?
Against Diddy. When they throw a banana at your shield, nair out of shield. It stops their approaches with dash attack and what not and you also catch their banana.

Keep your space. I like FD just for the fact that I can stay away and force Diddy to approach me and when they approach I just act out of shield and catch their nana and go from there.

I was thinking of making a new combo video... but I think I wont have any kind of new videos up till after Final Smash IV in San Antonio. So maybe towards the end of January or maybe Feb. Or maybe March lol. :D
I think the one year anniversary I might have my new video =)

Now to my question:
So I just held my first tourney and got 9th out of 16. Did pretty well. The two matches I lost were super close. It was anyone's game which made me happy because I don't get to play people but every 3-4 weeks. Some things I know I need to work on are better coordination with my b moves. I tend to jump and throw my boomerang in whatever direction i feel will be useful but half the time I accidentally end up doing my up B instead. I use a madkatz controller and was told using a better controller might help. Is that true? Where do I pick up new GC controllers?

And my in game question I guess would be about Ike. Of all characters I struggled a little against him. It came down to the last hit both games I played, but I felt like I should have demolished him. I don't have a lot of experience against Ike, so I spent most of my time trying to figure out how Ike works. Looking back am I right to assume that zair is pretty crucial to facing an Ike? SH bairs seemed to be easily shielded and then occasionally punished afterwords.
I've always used a nintendo GC controller so I'm not really sure how other controllers affect (effect? :) ) my play. I ordered my controller that I'm using now.

What is Ike doing that is giving you trouble? Retreating fairs?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2006
New York City
Switch FC
Well Dr. Santi man, I've been horrible as Toon lately (got back into Brawl after 2 month or so absence due to college.) My fast falling is pathetic, I always seem to smash shields and get punished after wards, and I spend about 40-50% of the match in the air, and not with short hops. My most embarrassing loss came via another Toon Link, who wasn't necessarily using mind blowing AT's.

I'm also getting very predictable with zair, but in the middle of a match, I can't think of better options to use when, say, a Kirby or a Marth are baiting me in for a nair. Also, I've read the bomb thread here on the Toon board, but I'm still not getting it.

In terms of an attack I struggle against, Snake's ftilt ***** me, so does Lucario's dair. I don't have a capture card or homebrew (to record longer replays,) so having a ditto match would be great so you can critique my Toon first hand.



Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Drawing my imagination, in GA
A good few times?

Santi's beaten me once.

<3 Santi.
I mean like those matches against your MK and G&W lol

But your Ice Climbers are nasty!
I want mines be as good as yours!
But I just dont play with them much anymore D:

One day you gotta teach me a few things :D

I'll read it all!

Didn't mean it rudely Hylian your my Diddy roll model and NinjaLink! lol


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Dude..... you relise you're making our own country look bad right? Also, what you said is SO not true.

You sir make our country look bad by making claims that you are in no position to make. E.g. saying people suck when you have never played them before.

Question for Santi:

Do you use the c-stick for aerials? and do you think it is important to do this (rather than using the A button + direction on the control stick) because you can space bair and uair better?

I have been trying to work this into my game, but it's hard because i'm very used to just using the A button and i have fairly slow fingers.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Australia, Perth
Ok lets start and end this logically so theres no form of biased opinions or unfair statements. I'll take each point one at a time and explain if it is true/false and why, but since I cant really be bothered multiquoting everything I'll just repeat previous statements not word for word but close enough to still send the same message.

"Australian smashers suck compared to US, sorry but thats how it is"

Ok.... Australian smashers? I'm going to assume here that this means that people who are living in Australia that play smash and not people that are of Australian origin and play smash. This is amazingly untrue for mindblowingly obvious reasons. Saying that Australian smashers arent as skillful as US smashers is a huge generalisation and there is basically no backing to why someone would mention an idea like this. While it is true that the smash series (and video games in general) are less popular in Australia than it is in other parts of the world, that is not reason enough to make a statement that ALL Australian smashers are less skillful than their US counterparts. For all we know, there might be some Australian player that plays smash 20 hours a day and sleeps the remaining for 4 hours, he writes down every note of every technique or glitch that he might find and then extensively tests them out the next day. He could be masterful with every character to a point where you and I cannot even begin to comprehend. Bottom line is that theres no way a statement like this can or should be taken seriously.

"If you think they suck, play them and see for yourself. You'd surely get 3 stocked by most of the good people hes played." - Directed to Richard7

This is another baseless statement that I personally found profoundly entertaining (knowing Richard7 in real life is a requirement to experiencing and understanding why its so amusing) and i'll do my best to explain why. In fact wait a moment... I already have explained why! Remember the theoretical 20 hour smasher per day guy that lives in Australia? Well, as far as you know, Richard7 could very well be that person! He could also be a total noob that only figured out yesterday how to jump and use an aerial attack. You simply dont know. You havent seen Richard7 play brawl, you havent brawled him yourself, you havent seen his combo videos (since he doesnt have one) so who are you to say that Richard7 would get 3 stocked by most of the good people that Santi has played against? Think about it for a moment, and you'll realise that you cant say anything, you know nothing of how good or bad Richard7 is at brawl. I know Richard7's skill level in brawl and if anyone can reliably 3 stock him then that person deserves global recognition of his/her achievement.

"If you think Santi's opponents are really bad then why dont you fight them over online and see for yourself?"

....seriously does this even require an indepth analysis? Put it to you this way, if you can play brawl online happily at about 2 frames per second then you are a person that is extremely easy to entertain. NEXT!

"Combo videos are made purely for entertainment, nothing more"

Hehe, i've heard so many times, unfortunately it is not true. With every combo video that is made, their motivation for making that video is never purely based on the urge to entertain a group of people they have never met before. I mean, why would you? Why would you go through all the time required (as Sasuke listed) to make a combo video to 'entertain' people you have never met before and receive absolutely nothing in return? You wouldn't. Now if the only reason why combo videos exist is to entertain then by following this idea I begin to question how it is that there are any combo videos at all! I mean, if combo videos are made to be pure entertainment but nobody would every make one just to entertain then there should be none anywhere! As such, we realise that theres is another reason why combo videos are constructed and that is social recognition. If Santi made his 1st combo video and posted it on smash boards and not a SINGLE PERSON RESPONDED OR WATCHED the video then do you think its likely that he would make a second one? No, he would realise that all the effort put into making that video was wasted and he would learn from that mistake and not make a second one. Now dont misunderstand me, I'm not saying that he made his videos so people would think he's the best Toon Link. I'm saying that his desire to be socially accepted and recognised as a good Toon Link player along with the intention of providing entertainment is what the driving force was to make his videos. Bottom Line - Combo Videos are NOT purely for entertainment.

"Most people believes Santis the best cause of his tournament results..."

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm now this just cant be right. How many tournaments has Santi come 1st in? As far as I know, none. I could be mistaken. However if tournament results are the conclusive reason why Santi is considered the best Toon Link then how come I'm never mentioned? I've mained Toon Link since I unlocked him on the japanese version of Brawl and I have been actively playing Brawl since then (which is about 9-10 months now?). I have placed 1st in 8 or 9 tournaments and have listed those tournament winnings on this forum with little to no recognition of being the greatest Toon Link player to ever live. Again, dont misunderstand me, I'm not saying that I am the greatest Toon Link player to ever live, what I am saying is that my tournament results havent given me the reputation of a great Toon Link player. Now personally, I dont care if people think im the best ever or not, it just doesn't interest me. I can assure you however that I am quite skillful when it comes to playing Toon Link, if you dont think thats true then you can find out when you buy a plane ticket to Australia Perth :) Bottom Line - Tournament results is not the reason for Santi's reputation.

"and your opponents suck bad, they're horrible. No offense to you Santi, but your opponents really do suck." - Oppnents are in reference to those in the Combo Videos, not tournament matches.

Well sorry to burst everyones bubble but this is a true statement. The very first time I saw both of Santi's Combo Vids I thought the very same thing to myself. The 1st video (Bair Naken Bonage) your enemies seem to be inescapably trapped in a back air combo. Any person that knows what the Dodge/Shield button does should be able to get out of these 'combos' with ease. Some people in that video would fall for extremely easy to avoid attacks as well. It almost looks like his opponents would intentionally get hit by his attacks for the purpose of a 'cool' looking combo that could be added into his video while he was recording his string of kills. I'm pretty sure that this isnt the case but it almost looks like it is. Sorry Santi but your enemies in your 1st video are extremely lacking in the blocking/dodging department. Thankfully, your 2nd video shows players that are a little more skillful. They dont fall for a Bair combo that lasts for 6-7 hits anymore but they still fall into easily avoidable 'combos' and attacks. Now, if his opponents in his 2nd video are presumably some of the best in the US then im starting to think that in general Australian players are quite a bit better than those in the US. I assure you, you absolutely cannot and will not ever combo Richard7 or me (and a few other people I know) like his oponnents in that video. Bottom Line - Santi's opponents in his 2 combo videos are still learning how to dodge and block attacks.

Words are one of the things that distinguish human intelligence apart from animals, unfortunately for some, it also expresses their stupidity, lack of knowledge and failure at constructing meaningful responses.

Note: By no means do I think Santi is a bad Toon Link player, I do think that I would beat him 1v1 in a NON ONLINE match but that doesn't change the fact that I respect his ability and skill as a Toon Link player. The same goes for everyone else on this board. Also by no means is my (or anyone elses) post count a reflection of my ability to play competitive brawl, forum posts and skillful gameplay are 2 extremely different things.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city

actually I did skim it, and the difference between you, corpsecrate, and santi, is that while you've won first place in australia, santi has placed very well in a lot of tournaments chock full of players like Hylian, dojo, and ****in Zori. Go watch his match against Zori on youtube and tell me if you could keep up like that.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2008
Yay, off topic, defensive wall of text! (No seriously, go post somewhere else...)

Anyway, back on topic. Santi, No matter how hard i try, I still have a freaking hard time killing! Do you normally use zair to go into a kill move, grab, or just mindgame into the kill move?


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
So Santi, do you think your success is because of your superior use of TL or your superior playing ability in general, and specifically mindgames?

affect: verb meaning to influence
effect: noun meaning the consequences, what follows from something


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
Lots and lots of text.
Ok I'm going to assess what you said logically, as you did, and show you that you aren't necessarily right. . I'm going to take each of your points and show that there isn't really a true/false setting here as it's almost impossible to determine who's the best at anything with this game. Whotf would know, eh?

Anyways. Is the US > Australia?

Who knows, but it is a common generalization, and due to the fact that we have a much larger and thus more evolving metagame then you guys, it is more than likely. Even if there was an Australian player to do as you said, what are the chances, the mindgames that come along with you at a higher level of play wouldn't be there. Alot of the skill and mindsets from this game come from experience, which at a tournament level, we have far more than you guys.

So, is the US better than Australia? Who knows, but we probably are. I'm sorry but if you don't like it, come and prove us all wrong. :)

Next, would Rich get 3 stocked by us?

There's not much to acknowledge here. I don't see why you pointed this post out and tried to make logical sense from it. People are these forums make thousands of useless posts daily. Accept it, and move on. Who knows if we'd 3 stock him. We truly don't know our skill level compared to your country's. Although, like stated above, it's more than likely true. Also just because you think highly of his skill, doesn't mean many other people do. My money's on I could 3 stock him. :p Once again, come prove us wrong.

Ok, online fighting is stupid. Simple as that. Another post you really didn't have to point out.

Combo Videos. They are more for entermainment purposes really. Not just for other people's entermainment, but for ourselves as well. Who doesn't get a kick out of seeing themselves **** others? Of course, small time fame from noobs and little things come with it, if you have some skill on you but that's about it. We didn't make these to get known, we made these simply because they're fun to make and watch.

Santi's results. Placing top 10 with a mid-tier character in a region swarming with known top players playing top tiered characters is a bit of an accomplishment no? The reason you haven't been fully acknowledged with you wins (gratz on that) is because you have shown us nothing to say, "Oh look, that guy is amazing." You come and say, "Here I won a tourney in a far away place that none of you know anything about, but trust me we're good." And? The fact of the matter is that even if you did win those tourneys, we really don't care all that much. They're in a place that isn't generally known as great at Smash. It's a cruel way to put it, but its the truth none-the-less.

Us sucking in the combo vids. Bair Naked Bonage came out in Mayish I think. Us capturing the majority of that video during April? A month or two into the game, of course it's going to look scrubbish. I couldn't DI or pretty much anything extraordinarily well at the time. Toon Nasty obviously looks better as we had progressed quite a bit. The thing about combo videos is you never really see the mindgames thrown into them. The same as gameplay videos. They never do either player complete justice. The only people who know what really happened at that moment is the two people playing. The mere fact of looking at a combo video for skill of either player is stupid in general.

Words are one of the things that distinguish human intelligence apart from animals, unfortunately for some, it also expresses their stupidity, lack of knowledge and failure at constructing meaningful responses.

I agree with you. Those are the ones we learn to ignore, and move on as we waste our own time acknowledging those people.

Santi has been acknowledged as a great Toon Link for several accomplishments around here. He's generally known as one of the best for more than one reason. I am not saying he's the best as I've seen some amazing play from Lobos, Quivo, Chip, and a few others. They've all been recognized as good players, whereas you really haven't. Nobody's heard of you, Richard, or anyone from Australia doing amazing. The fact that you haven't provided us with any insight of your game-breaking knowledge or skill of the game is the main reason for our generalization of you guys. I'm not trying to be mean, its just the cold hard truth.

And for the record, I used to think I could beat Ken, THE King of Smash, in melee. I can now see that I didn't have a chance in the world. I'd easily put 1000$ down that you couldn't beat him. You're welcome to come and prove us wrong though.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
Well Dr. Santi man, I've been horrible as Toon lately (got back into Brawl after 2 month or so absence due to college.) My fast falling is pathetic, I always seem to smash shields and get punished after wards, and I spend about 40-50% of the match in the air, and not with short hops. My most embarrassing loss came via another Toon Link, who wasn't necessarily using mind blowing AT's.

I'm also getting very predictable with zair, but in the middle of a match, I can't think of better options to use when, say, a Kirby or a Marth are baiting me in for a nair. Also, I've read the bomb thread here on the Toon board, but I'm still not getting it.

In terms of an attack I struggle against, Snake's ftilt ***** me, so does Lucario's dair. I don't have a capture card or homebrew (to record longer replays,) so having a ditto match would be great so you can critique my Toon first hand.

I haven't been landing Zair that much either. The airdodge before gives it away.
Not airdodging before really helps or trying to Zair when your opponent is not grounded and in the air. Also baiting an airdoge then doing a zair can really help out.

Perfect spaced zair can prevent you from getting hit with the Ftilt.
Bair Lucarios Dair. Don't let him get above your head, then you don't have much space to work with. Keep on the move and let him get over you,


You sir make our country look bad by making claims that you are in no position to make. E.g. saying people suck when you have never played them before.

Question for Santi:

Do you use the c-stick for aerials? and do you think it is important to do this (rather than using the A button + direction on the control stick) because you can space bair and uair better?

I have been trying to work this into my game, but it's hard because i'm very used to just using the A button and i have fairly slow fingers.
I use the C stick because I feel lit does help me space better. But if I need to Bair really really fast out of shield...like for example if a MK glide attacks my shield and is going to then dair or something of that nature; then I will use the A button so I can react fast enough out of my shield.
So Santi, do you think your success is because of your superior use of TL or your superior playing ability in general, and specifically mindgames?

affect: verb meaning to influence
effect: noun meaning the consequences, what follows from something
I just have been playing with TL from the get go and expiermenting with what I can do and what I can't.
I just play day in and day out (not so much anymore) and don't stray from him in tourney so I can get as much expierence as possible.
So i would say its mostly due to my expierence.

I knew that =)lol


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
As dojo put it "lots and lots of text"
less than corpsecreate but still a lot of text
My turn?
There is no true way beside real in life brawling to decide who the better brawler. How good a brawler you are, is determined by the standards set around. Corpsecreate may very well be a very good brawler. he may have intense mindgames, he may be able to combo you from 0-999, he may be able to land kills with relative ease. while all this true, the meaning of intense, ablilty to combo, and ability to land kills could be very great there but beginner stuff here or vice versa. To do the above things may be easier or more difficult depending on the standard of "a good player" in your respective area.

For example i got melee about a week after it came out, and played it untill the release of brawl and to the standards of me and my friends i was a "good player". However we knew nothing about the competive world of smash. The game to us was items on high, no ats, just a simple "for fun" fight and i was one of the best. Again i was a good among our standards.

I know that niether party is trying to fly across the world just to settle a stupid argument, so can we please just go with my theory?:)

TL;DR: a player is called good by there standards and two completely different standards cant be compared without a real-life brawl


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
No one cares if you think you can beat Santi or not, or even anyone on this board.

Come to America and prove it.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
I don't want this to be a thread where people can argue and argue over who is the best TL in the world. ha.
It doesn't really matter.
I don't think I'm the best TL there is and I've never proclaimed that I'm the King of Toon. I've never given myself the crown or demanded that I get respect.
I used to just be some scrub on these boards who would say something in a thread and be ignored and I would usually kill the thread. lol.
I don't have as much knowledge as some other users.
I got into the smash scene a little late and luckily I started with Brawl from the begining.
I don't have as much expierence with tournaments and high levels of play like others.
I don't practice much anymore and I just try to help out the character as a whole.
I'm just a guy who dreamed of making a name for myself in the smash community and become known as a great player.
If you don't want to consider me the best...cool. Welcome to the club. Be my guest. Play me on wifi and beat me? I don't care, but please don't come into my thread where I'm trying to help others get past an obstacle, give general advice, or tell them about my goggles... and begin to trash myself or the opponents I play. That's stupid and honestly just pisses me off.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
I still think you're a good player, and so far you and Hylian_Royalty from Kenner LA are the only two TL's I'd really love to face.

You: Cuz as far as I know you are the best among us.
Hylian: cuz he is my competition that i know of for known TL players in Louisiana.

Man having a match with you would be awsome(not like I havent said that liek am million times on the TL boards) but it's so true. just a thrill to fight what I see as the best in the same character class. just like next on my list would be fighting Sauaskebowser cuz i see him as #2 (wait shoulding i be going from least to greatest? 0.o) no matter. Cuz he never fights a TL online so I'm dying to fight him in person(pfft if I can ever make it to California lol)

Maybe during the summer I can get my friend redson and we can try to carpool with someone we know from LA that has a reliable and accepted transportation to Texas and we can fight ^^ not to mention I'm getting better cuz I've seen it in almost beating the top guys at Gameware(like #10 DJ's MK) which was a humongusly close match but it was myfault for panic/carelessness when it came down to the wire where any mistake would kill one of us. So fighting you would be a great experience and if you really know as much as this thread insinuates then tips/advice/ yadayada would be awsome.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Australia, Perth
Santi, I hope you didn't misunderstand what the purpose of my 'wall of text' (:)) was for. I dont plan on shifting the focus of the thread to 'whos the best toon link?'. That was not my intention at all. All I wanted to do was point out some of the unreasonable comments that were made specifically to Richard7 and I also wanted to express my opinions on your opponents in your 2 combo videos. When it comes to which Toon Link player is better than who, like I said earlier, I dont really care. It doesnt interest me. I'm not going to get into a heated discussion that lasts for another 20 pages, I posted my opinion and corrected some unreasonable comments and now I'm done. Don't let my post derail the purpose of this thread!

"Go watch his match against Zori on youtube and tell me if you could keep up like that."

Unlike Richard7 I have seen some of Santi's and a few other known toon link players tournament matches and yes, I most certainly can keep up with them.

"1000$ you cant beat Ken"

I definetly cannot beat Ken in melee and I never said I could. He would destroy me :) As for brawl.... I dont know since I havent actually watched any of his matches (does he even play brawl seriously?).


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Cary, NC
I definetly cannot beat Ken in melee and I never said I could. He would destroy me :) As for brawl.... I dont know since I havent actually watched any of his matches (does he even play brawl seriously?).

He's on Survivor right now =o.

But I kill threads.

to Santi:
how do you juggle bombs =) (like on the ledge)


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
Santi, I hope you didn't misunderstand what the purpose of my 'wall of text' (:)) was for. I dont plan on shifting the focus of the thread to 'whos the best toon link?'. That was not my intention at all. All I wanted to do was point out some of the unreasonable comments that were made specifically to Richard7 and I also wanted to express my opinions on your opponents in your 2 combo videos. When it comes to which Toon Link player is better than who, like I said earlier, I dont really care. It doesnt interest me. I'm not going to get into a heated discussion that lasts for another 20 pages, I posted my opinion and corrected some unreasonable comments and now I'm done. Don't let my post derail the purpose of this thread!

"Go watch his match against Zori on youtube and tell me if you could keep up like that."

Unlike Richard7 I have seen some of Santi's and a few other known toon link players tournament matches and yes, I most certainly can keep up with them.

"1000$ you cant beat Ken"

I definetly cannot beat Ken in melee and I never said I could. He would destroy me :) As for brawl.... I dont know since I havent actually watched any of his matches (does he even play brawl seriously?).
I was directing it toward Richard since he is the one that brought it up and made it into a huge deal. You, Doj, Sasuke, and others were just pointing at the flaws in his argument. And his argument was pointless in the first place and that's what got me mad.

I actually was mad before I logged in but thats another story =) That's why I kind of blew up.

I guess it bothers him that people think Im the best TL... other people don't call me the best TL because of my skill...they call me the best because I bring presents to all the kids at christmas. Santi Clause ftw

He's on Survivor right now =o.

But I kill threads.

to Santi:
how do you juggle bombs =) (like on the ledge)
Theres plenty of ways to do it on certain stages but I think I know what your talking about.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ianIhUxUnp8 ???

Hmm, its been a while since I've done it. I get punished too much when I show my head above the ledge.

I drop pull bomb> Jump and throw up then Up to ledge. I then drop from ledge, jump real quick and catch the bomb I threw up then throw it up again and pull out a new bomb before I pass the ledge. I then throw that bomb up and Up B to ledge.

rinse and repeat.

Im sorry I cant word it very well.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Hey santi, from your experience from playing Sudai, you got any advise or a long summary of what to do or what not to do?

This is the only vid i have showing how I fight. It's old from september, I definatly know Ive gotten better since then. >.> Until i get my sis's laptop i wont be able to show more vids. I just mainly wana post vids to show off and or get criticism(constructive) and get advice.



Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
Hey bomber, I know I'm not Santi, but I'm very skilled with Toon Link so I'll hit you with my wisdom.



lol, that's the first thing I'd say to someone who just bought the game and wants to pick up TL. Dair is bad, unless you're momentum cancelling or following up a footstool into a spike (but even then you really wanna be careful)

Need to see more Bair. Need to see less bombs and more boomerang/arrows. ESPECIALLY arrows. Do you know how to quickdraw/arrow cancel? that's very important.

Bomb to hyphen smash is cool, but you need more approaches. Either Zair, bair, or nair approach. My personal favorite is the short hop nair to quickdraw approach. works wonders and seriously pisses people off. use that if they're standing on the ground in front of you and are camping you or just standing there. Air dodge+Zair if they're coming at you, and Bair if they're in the air. that's not definitive, just a general idea i made up.

as for battlefield, dont start with an arrow on the platform, nobody's gonna just stand there like that and you're asking to get punished.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Like I said, I have gotten better and I have mixed other projectiles into bombing, I still use bombs more but it's more balanced with the boomeraang and bow so projectiles isnt a problem for me, swordmanship i need to work on. As far as Bair goes I have also put that in I dont Bair as much as Santi but I have become more balanced sinse then but still need improvement otherwise im not a half bad TL.

The quickdraw is where you fire an arrow before you hit the ground and its faster right? If so i will get to that when i can i'll practice it some cuz i know i am just doing regular SHDA's its not faster its normal speed. Approaching I know i need work on. my CQC isnt the greatest. I'm still working with TL and PT. I just learned to gain control over TL cuz I would over jump and stuff and it was hard to play for a while but im ok, it just now im at that stage where I actually have that great potential cuz at the past tournies i have gone against many of the best people with in the top 10-top 15 and almost beat them (1 stock with in killing %) i just feel like i need that big push to make me become like Santi or Sauske(more or less VG cuz we are like brothers when it comes to how we play TL)

But I just wanted Santi's advice against Sudai cuz I'm having a goggle match for Santi's old goggles(i know i have a slim chance of winning) but it doesnt hurt to know your opponent right? Either way, this is a serious match. A LA smash noob against LA's top 5 person. And I wana see how far I have come since that vid I posted.

Edit: and I've had the game for a while.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
dont u clear your throat at me. :p

it was good advice.

i know you've had it, i was just saying how important the "dont use Dair" is.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
>.> i'll try to break that habbit if its possible. I still have that Dair spirit in me from Meele cuz i played marth and Dair was a specialty of mine. Not to sound all high and mighty but I think at one point i could have been able to go head and head with Ken. >.> but idk.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
As you all know, our beloved discussion thread was closed.

A social group has been created for this occasion:


Now, Santi, how do you fight campy Snakes?

I mean, you have projectiles too so it counterreacts his, but should you approach? That's sounds lethal <_<.

Getting him into the air is key, but keeping him there is the problem...

Also his shield ***** too much. Please bring back Melee lol.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Mate, you're from Australia.

We suck at smash compared to the USA.

Sorry, but it's the truth.
LOLZ A bit of a generalisation there maaate, but it's true, it's all true! *Sob*

There are some good Australian players though.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006

I'll do my best to contribute in the future when I'm not to busy :cool:
Sweet deal!

But I just wanted Santi's advice against Sudai cuz I'm having a goggle match for Santi's old goggles(i know i have a slim chance of winning) but it doesnt hurt to know your opponent right? Either way, this is a serious match. A LA smash noob against LA's top 5 person. And I wana see how far I have come since that vid I posted.

Edit: and I've had the game for a while.
KBM covered most of it very well. *applauds*
The only thing I have to contribute is personal expierence against Sudai.
I don't know if it would be fair for me to just tell you his weaknesses and help you exploit him, especially if goggles are on the line.
I will tell you to play smart. lol.
I know that's not much, but when we played... I won the first match.. he won the second... and our third went to Poke Stadium.

I played really dumb, I didn't take the stage into consideration.
On his second to last stock he went to the windmill... I just came back to life and I was on my last stock... I was overwhelmed with my Playboy goggles on the line and I wanted to just go and fight him and kill him to save my babies. Ha. I upsmashed him but ofcourse the windmill saved him and I ate quite a few Dsmashes and 100%.

I lost that match one stock.

It was my fault and my ignorance to attempt what I did. I got caught up in the moment and just wanted to fight.

You MUST play smart and wait for your oppurtunities, I know sometimes you'll feel rushed since the ROB will be camping and you can see the time dwindling but don't worry. Your time will come and when it does, you must take advantage of it.

Play smart. Don't get too engaged in the fight and forget to think.
Zair *****.
Watch out for Nair.
Don't leave the match thinking there was more you could of done.
Go all out but play smart =)
and take advantage of ROB not being able to airdodge out of his UpB.

Theres some general ROB stuff.

oh ..

and good luck :D
As you all know, our beloved discussion thread was closed.

A social group has been created for this occasion:


Now, Santi, how do you fight campy Snakes?

I mean, you have projectiles too so it counterreacts his, but should you approach? That's sounds lethal <_<.

Getting him into the air is key, but keeping him there is the problem...

Also his shield ***** too much. Please bring back Melee lol.
I full jump and throw bombs.
It keeps your bombs from colliding with his gernades and you can put some good damage on him.
Then I sometimes boomerrang when I'm falling down incase he mortar slides.

But I just love bombs from way high since it forces him into the air if he wants to get to you.
Aslo throwing them down and following with Bair can cause some ****.

Since the bombs put the opponent in perfect position for an aerial.

Arrows are fun if they like to mortar slide of if they don't like canceling arrows with their attacks.

Noooooo our thread was closed? Who did it?


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Nonono, Santi, tell him all my weaknesses. There's a reason I search for my name and it's situations like this. XD I want to know what other people think my weaknesses are so I can work on them. : ) It's fair to tell him my weaknesses if I get to hear them as well, imo. : )


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
WEllll.... while we were playing....

Sudai was rubbing my leg....

my boner threw off my thought and I wasn't able to focus...

So think with your head Bomber.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
WEllll.... while we were playing....

Sudai was rubbing my leg....

my boner threw off my thought and I wasn't able to focus...

So think with your head Bomber.
We men cannot simply think with only our heads...

especially in this occasion.

Just stay far away lol.

*keeps in mind Sudai's mindgame for tourney use*
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