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Santi spills all of his knowledge.

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Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
For the two Bairs in one short hop thing, try the C-stick at first. =)


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
I was talking to WEMP, and ok about the goggle stuff sudai. Thats cool. Alsoo, gonna be cool if you do come sasuke. Come to houston!, its where all the best are =]. And for peach, I throw them at her. Unless they are in the air, then I throw it away. And most peaches are in the air =/


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
WEMP, dont complain about seth practicen xD. Thats such good practicelol. Why you decide to make the switch? Just curios.


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
Jerm's right about that. speaking of, are you coming to sethlon's and my tournament on the third? we need a big opening crowd!

I'll try the C-stick thing at home. unfortunetly for the next 10 hours im at work. then i sleep. then i work 7 to 7 AGAIN......f*ck

san antonios cool. it's not houston. but it's okay i guess :p.

Well I'm thinking of making Link a 2nd and tl first because seth and I talked for a long time about low tier. and he knows how many hours i practice but still don't do great at tourneys. we both decided i'll have a much better brawl carrier with a higher tier. and TL because i'm a giant LoZ nerd...


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
Oops, about the double post.. but, thats close enough lol. I wanted to go, but nobody wants to go with me D;. Still a chane though, ima convince them.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
lol I suck.

Anyway, Sasuke, you can't move right the **** next to Santi if you get his goggles.. lol. Now I really have to beat you. :p

Jerm, you do live within 60 minutes of all of SWF. So what if you have to travel at the speed of light?


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
I'm not moving because of the goggles. Just moving there. =P

Unless you meant that in a different way.

But okay, beat me. ^_^


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
Haha, dude, you dont have to pick me up, I have a car. I just didnt want to take the journey alone xD. Annd, I actually live on beechnut and highway 6.

Sudai: SWF? lol


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Smash World Forums.

The real name of this forum. Smash Boards is just a nickname given by the community. Look up at the title bar of your browser if you don't believe me. ; )


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Drawing my imagination, in GA
Question: Against Peach, what do you do with her beats? I usually just throw them back unless I know the Peach is going to catch it again. They seem link more of a set-up projectile for Peach with her glide toss, and since we don't have one....ehh. Throw it away?

I'm planning on coming to Texas for college. ^_^;
Texas: The Toon Link state.
I use them like a bomb...
There kinda better JCT to upsmash at closer range cause theres no exploitation.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
Smash World Forums.

The real name of this forum. Smash Boards is just a nickname given by the community. Look up at the title bar of your browser if you don't believe me. ; )
oh I believe you. I've seen that, just didnt reconize it.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
These goggles were originally Santi's. No previous owner.

Jerm, if we did that, I'd ask you put goggles up. It's not a goggle/money match, it's a goggle match. ; ) Sadly, I can't accept your offer. After winning these, I promised Santi that I would spread the legend as best as possible. Having them go right back to Texas nullifies that point. The legend is actually my primary motive behind this road trip. My final stop is in Texas where I plan to challenge Santi to another goggle match after winning tons of goggle matches around the nation. : )

That's best case scenario of course. Haha.

Bomber, right now it's looking like Me, Mocha, and Eet. Both of them expressed interest but aren't 100% sure yet.
lawlwhat? Can we at least get Lee in there? I already got a pledge ready for when, if, yall go to DC, Lee can country match obama and Lee can be our first LA pres....dictator. I'm all for it.

I pledge my aleigance to Lee
The smash god of Louisiana(the united states)
and to the game for which he wins
one nation, under Lee, indivisible with Lee and Brawl for all.

>>>if this pledge sucks I'm sorry it's just a thing I came up with this morning. >.>


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
great thread Santi, you told me via youtube comment that you use default controls... what determines whether you tap jump or Y/X jump?

someone asked about secondaries, i'd say kirby works well, bair spam fun, nice and aggressive character overall.

and marth :S

what kind of goggles are they exactly? link to a similar brand perhaps?


Smash Rookie
Dec 2, 2008
alright before i go on my rant i will have to say your vid santi are freaking aweseome

R.O.B i seriously hate this matchup with TL.
i will do my best to post a video soon of my fight with this ROB my win ratio is about 40:60
-is there an effective way to grab his item? when he lays it?
-i double arrow. he jumps over. uses Nair, i sidestep or sheild into a grab. he sidesteps and Dsmash


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2008
Ooh man! I'm going to have to read all of this. I just recently started to use Toon Link.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
great thread Santi, you told me via youtube comment that you use default controls... what determines whether you tap jump or Y/X jump?

someone asked about secondaries, i'd say kirby works well, bair spam fun, nice and aggressive character overall.

and marth :S

what kind of goggles are they exactly? link to a similar brand perhaps?
Yo Yo.
oh no no no.. it takes no courage. These goggles are amazingggggly pimp.

Here's a pic of my friend wearing them.

here you go


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
too bad it isnt Santi. Gosh why do i have to be a minor still if I was 19 i might have been able to go to texas's last smash with sudai and fight santi. GAH!

every day I cant fight santi, one of my bombs loses its bang... good thing i got an infinite amount. >.>


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
Good god I'm so behind. My internet had been down for a couple days. Now it's up and I'm back =)

Lol at the 3 pages about my goggles =)
Sudai won them from in a a best of 3 set. He came back to after losing game one.

I still rep my Quidditch goggles at tournies sometimes. And my hancock beanie =)

And the goggles look like hancocks since they are black so I'm still able to maintain a tiny portion of my legitness I had with my playboy goggles haha

Well, I lost to DMG and Melee1 at the last hobo. I'm sure you've played at least one of them, since we play generally the same people. Any tips?? DMG is wario, and melee1 is ice climbers. Both of them are really good, for people who dont know them. Alsooo, falco, my worst enemy, anyone Please help!!! D:

I still have my vids up, from a while back vs falco.. although I've changed a bit since then, I still need help.
And, my last question.. you coming to houston this month to play me and quivo? or for the oni con. Since you skipped out last week. Better had placed high! xD
I never approach against any of those characters. And those 3 characers are some of my least favorite to play against and I don't have that much expierence against them. Keep on the move. lol.

And I play high in the air.
Sorry I don't have much.

Yall come down to San Angelo and chill with me and Doj for a day =)

*gets on hands and knees and begs* O great Santi I'm a poor n00b who cant TL worth s*** please let me be your apprentice.

Stats: (10 being the best)
Killing ability- 3
combo ability- 2
predictability(which is bad)-10
projectiles- 8
Zair ability - fail (theres no other nuber to describe it)
Bair - 3
grabbing- 4

I need serius help. plz help.

>.> btw do we have a combo effectivness guid? I'd like to know what moves/combos work agasint what characters. (cuz YES HEIGHT makes a difference)

with love,
Bomber(BR's only TL player... who isn't all that great ^^)
Stats: (10 being the best)
Killing ability- 3
combo ability- 2
predictability(which is bad)-10
projectiles- 8
Zair ability - fail (theres no other nuber to describe it)
Bair - 3
grabbing- 4
Santi's blessing 10

that should help out a little bit :D

ummm Santi?

How do you **** with toon link?
I eat spaghettios.

I'd take a picture and post it up so you guys could see where they are now, but my webcam is lost and I lack a digital camera.

I've taken good care of them though. I can tell they miss Santi.. :/
I trust you Sudai. I had not met you before we played so I told myself that when I met you at HOBO 12 and if I thought you were a douche and not worthy to goggle match then I wouldn't play you.
I'm glad we met =)

I saw that you were the chosen one. You were the one that would carry the legend and hold the magic. I knew you were the right person for the mission. I hope the goggles have lived up to the hype :D

okay santi need your help. best advice against ( alex's ) falco.

i haven't taken my toon link against anyone but Hiza and fats, but just want some information, since you've fought him a number of occasions.

Also before I ask ( I am new to toon link, Hi everyone, I'm WEMP, or Well Excuse Me princess ) can we ask for general advice on toon link such as how you 9 or other TL's ) do certain things. because some of the things I see blow my mind, but ive been using Link for a few months, a lot blows my mind haha
Oh dear lord. Ha. Sethlon... words can not describe. He is a mindcontrol master. Everytime I play him I feel like I'm about to break. Ha he's awesome.

My best advice is to keep your cool. Bait the reflector if he starts to abuse it.
Bomb.. then get close to him and bait his reflector. Then hit with Zair then throw bomb.
You have to outsmart and outplay him if you want to beat his Falco with TL.

And don't make the mistake I made. When you get that lead....camp...ledge camp. Don't get to aggressive and eat a chaingrab.

Jerm, if we did that, I'd ask you put goggles up. It's not a goggle/money match, it's a goggle match. ; ) Sadly, I can't accept your offer. After winning these, I promised Santi that I would spread the legend as best as possible. Having them go right back to Texas nullifies that point. The legend is actually my primary motive behind this road trip. My final stop is in Texas where I plan to challenge Santi to another goggle match after winning tons of goggle matches around the nation. : )

That's best case scenario of course. Haha.
Proof of my above statement about Sudai :D

great thread Santi, you told me via youtube comment that you use default controls... what determines whether you tap jump or Y/X jump?

someone asked about secondaries, i'd say kirby works well, bair spam fun, nice and aggressive character overall.

and marth :S

what kind of goggles are they exactly? link to a similar brand perhaps?
I jumo with X.
Or is it Y ha?
Whatever one is on the left =)

How is that arrow trick done? Originally BattleChrist's trick...
After you double arrow push the other direction on the control stick.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I dunno if it's the fact that I've gotten 4 hours of sleep in the past 56 hours or that Santi's just amazing (prolly that he's just amazing) but I teared up with what you said about me. XD

Travel the nation, these goggles shall. : )


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Australia, Western Australia, Perth
This is probably not the best thread to talk about this, but I believe Santi is not the best Toon Link. I have watched all of your vids (assuming you havn't made a 3rd combo video) and your opponents suck bad, they're horrible. No offense to you Santi, but your opponents really do suck.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
I don't think your supposed to smoke pot before you get on smashboards. O_O;

lol judging by combo videos. Very smart my lad.


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
play dojo or sethlon or hylian then say that afterwards hahaha. i find that funny. if anything i can say that aside from like 3 vids, the rest are from a while ago, the combo vids being from may and august, in which since then metagame and competition has changed and beefed up a lot.

edit - sasuke, do you ever go to sleep?


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Australia, Western Australia, Perth
Well think about it. Those combo vids are what make everyone think Santi is the best Toon Link. How does telling me to verse those players change the opponents that Santi verses? You said he had 3 vids and you said that the last vid was September. That wasn't that long ago, i'll have to see his 3rd vid.


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
watch videos of hylian, dojo, sethlon, etc.,etc.,etc. then. they have new vids up i am sure. and they are without question some of the best players in the u.s., and he can keep up with them.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Australia, Western Australia, Perth
"keep up with them". So he can't beat them, depite the fact that Santi is known as the best Toon Link? Are those players Toon Link mainers too? (At the moment I am unable to access youtube, so I can't check).

Oh and btw, incase you're going to assume that i'm saying Santi is bad at brawl, (which most humans would do) i'm letting you know now, i'm not.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Those combo vids are what make everyone think Santi is the best Toon Link.
Only to noobs. I'm assuming your of that category considering your take on this.
We think hes good because of his tourney results.
How does telling me to verse those players change the opponents that Santi verses?
If you think they suck, play them and see for yourself. You'd surely get 3 stocked by most of the good people hes played.
You said he had 3 vids and you said that the last vid was September. That wasn't that long ago, i'll have to see his 3rd vid.
Thats when the video was uploaded.
That includes the time it took to:
gather all the clips
make the video
have the time to upload it
This isn't a short process.
If your judging how good he is based on how well he combos other people, your a fool. Combo videos are for entertainment purposes strictly and show little of the players true skills. And a combo vid shows one guy ****** the crap out of other people, what kind of combo video would it be if the opponents didn't fall for ANYTHING he did to them?
Now in your premise you say, from what you've seen, Santi does not impress you. So maybe stop watching combo videos and start watching some of his matches against top players?

This is what you get for distracting me from watching a movie I've been wanting to see for a while, buddy.
That, and Santis a G. =)

I don't sleep WEMP. ^_^


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Australia, Western Australia, Perth
Only to noobs. I'm assuming your of that category considering your take on this.
We think hes good because of his tourney results.

If you think they suck, play them and see for yourself. You'd surely get 3 stocked by most of the good people hes played.

Thats when the video was uploaded.
That includes the time it took to:
gather all the clips
make the video
have the time to upload it
This isn't a short process.
If your judging how good he is based on how well he combos other people, your a fool. Combo videos are for entertainment purposes strictly and show little of the players true skills. And a combo vid shows one guy ****** the crap out of other people, what kind of combo video would it be if the opponents didn't fall for ANYTHING he did to them?
Now in your premise you say, from what you've seen, Santi does not impress you. So maybe stop watching combo videos and start watching some of his matches against top players?

This is what you get for distracting me from watching a movie I've been wanting to see for a while, buddy.
That, and Santis a G. =)

I don't sleep WEMP. ^_^
lolz. Play the people that Santi verses in his combo vids? lol? First of all, i'd have to verse them online. I have to play different (because of the lag) against people that live a couple of kms away from me, so versing anyone online is out of the question. I also never said I was better or pro at brawl.

"If your judging how good he is based on how well he combos other people" I was saying that other people judge how good he is based on the combo vids, not me.

"Combo videos are for entertainment purposes" This simply isn't true. No matter what you say.

If you can link me some Santi tournament matches / matches against "top players", then i'll watch them when I can.

I also never physically stopped you from watching a movie, so you have no right to blame me.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
lolz. Play the people that Santi verses in his combo vids? lol?
Okay, I said the people he plays in his actual matches. Where did you come up with combo vids? Well anyway, even some of the people in the combo vids I know are good, so sure.

First of all, i'd have to verse them online. I have to play different (because of the lag) against people that live a couple of kms away from me, so versing anyone online is out of the question. I also never said I was better or pro at brawl.
No johns. Thats your fault. And I never said you were good either. I know you probably suck lolz. But that has nothing to do with the fact that Santi beats very skilled players.
I was saying that other people judge how good he is based on the combo vids, not me.
Let idiots be idiots. That shouldn't be any of your business.
This simply isn't true. No matter what you say.
Yes it is. Explain to me one other (not completely stupid) reason they're for.

If you can link me some Santi tournament matches / matches against "top players", then i'll watch them when I can.

I also never physically stopped you from watching a movie, so you have no right to blame me.
Oh lighten up, I'm not really blaming you.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
This is probably not the best thread to talk about this, but I believe Santi is not the best Toon Link. I have watched all of your vids (assuming you havn't made a 3rd combo video) and your opponents suck bad, they're horrible. No offense to you Santi, but your opponents really do suck.
Mate, you're from Australia.

We suck at smash compared to the USA.

Sorry, but it's the truth.
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