k, confirmed for tomorrow's day off, had to go through some loops and crap to make sure that I got the day off since my manager tried to get a last ditch gimp on me and schedule me for a closing shift just before she left today, but my DI was too good so it all worked out.
whoever wants to come over, forget the 3PM business, come over whenever tomorrow, idc how early you show up, you can probably house too. *probably*, I'd love it if we could get as many as can show up. Paw, Nike, Slush, Espy, Castro, Kprime, Tree, Blondie, Tofer, Beros etc; if any of you guys wanna come that'd be awesome

who knows, if enough people show up then maybe I can just host a tourney.
Edit: oh and bring wii+tvs plz, and if things go well maybe there will be mario kart double dash, melee, or Mario party on the side
Edit2: I guess for those that are coming it's kind of important address is: 4906 Village Way, 78218. It's out by Eisenhauer and IH35. kinda far I know :/