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Rumors Run Rampant! History of SSBB's rumors


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
If this has already been posted, then sorry, I just don't like reading 8 pages of posts.
Anyways, this rumor was proven to be true.
The original rumor: http://mother3.fobby.net/2007/08/10/38/
Besides the main post, as a response to one of the comments, Tomato also said: "Oh, for your other question, it will spoil stuff at the end of the game. If you pay really close attention to the game’s text and check *everything*, there are tiny subtle hints starting halfway through the game."

After that, on the Starmen.net forums, people asked the staff questions (me being one of them), leading to the next rumor:
Sun, 12 August 2007 05:47, reidman (owner of Starmen.net) posted the following (in my topic, yay):
"Anyway, I'll say this: According to my source, we're getting Lucas."
October 1st, Lucas was confirmed, so this rumor was true (I'd say it's true because reid says so, but you wouldn't accept that :p).

Also, in the same topic, reidman started a new rumor: "I'm also pretty sure that we're not getting any other MOTHER-related main characters, but that's not 100% positive."

Anyways, back to the original topic. I recall that Tomato hinted towards the spoiler being a stage, but I can't find that anymore. Anyways, October 15th, New Pork City was revealed, and the translation page warned for spoilers.
New Pork City is a spoiler location only avaiable in the final chapter of the game. Also, the stage obviously shows Pokey as being the leader of the Pig Mask Army, which is a huge spoiler. This was the spoiler they were talking about.

So, yeah, original rumor confirmed, new rumor confirmed, other new rumor still unconfirmed.

EDIT: Starmen.net forum post from August 15th, stating all three rumors, and directly saying it was about Pokey. Thanks to Tomato from the Starmen.net staff for the link.
The first rumor has not been proven. The rumor says we will get spoilers in the SSE. While it kinda confirmed becuase of Pokey in the background of New Pork City but it still is at large. The second one is technically a rumor. I might go ahead and add it, but it is a bit smaller.

@Buzz:Yeah, it would be better for this to become the rumor heaven, but Soviet Prince is right in that it gives us something to talk about. Of course, not much point when that talk is "NO SOURCE, FAKE (10 char)"

Also, (I forget who said this) I will add the Geno rumor, but will someone run it by me. The blog got deleted so I'm not sure what happened. Also, the Megaman one isn't a rumor. They man did say Nintendo hasn't contacted him. It would be rumor if we don't know if that interview happened. I believe there is a source, and I remember going to the site that had it.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Maybe Megaman....

A. Like mentioned before, taped in Nov.

B. Legit, coverup

C. Legit, legit

Not Geno, it was an automated answer.
That Geno thing was proven to be false...Square never stated anything


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Well, heres more Klonoa rumors.

Guy says he has fam who works at Namco and said person says that rumor around the office is that Klona may make an appearance in Smash Bros. Brawl. Guy even posted a pic of the email with the addys crossed out.
Take it or leave it. . . .didn't get much attention and it happened 2 days ago.

Klonoa rumors are interesting. . . this one is the less believable tho.


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2006
Somerville/Lowell, Massachusetts USA
Custom Characters?! Or, at least, custom movesets.
This was the second one to surface, but never became big. It said two things: That courses would have destructible terrain, and you could customize a characters moveset. While this rumor has never officially been debunked, we can tell it's probably not true since the moves seem set in stone. Although, there was destructible terrain.

I hate this rumor.. it plays leet mind game on me.

The destructible terrain was pretty much what got me and today I still don't realize how they predicted that.

Anyway, this rumor caused me to make this thread which turned out into being a big mess.


Although, who knows maybe they will reveal this someday. Although, with these updates we have been getting I doubt it.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
If you read what it said, it was an automated message from a computer. I've seen the EXACT thing several times already.
What the hell are you talking about, the Geno thing today was NOT an automated response, it was proven completely false by the User who posted it


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Heh, I was the one who first brought up the Serebii and Lucario replaced Mewtwo thing. However, I never said that Serebii straight-out said it... I said a user on Gamefaqs named LadyCelebi (a supposed moderator on the serebii.net forums) had once posted on the Gamefaqs boards that Serebii knew about Lucario replacing Mewtwo. Just to clear it up...

Just check the Mewtwo thread on the Brawl Character Forums and you will see my posts explaining everything. I eventually proved it to everyone there that I wasnt lying that she said it because I called her out on Gamefaqs, and she confirmed that I asked her. So no, I am not a random lying troll...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I hate this rumor.. it plays leet mind game on me.

The destructible terrain was pretty much what got me and today I still don't realize how they predicted that.

Anyway, this rumor caused me to make this thread which turned out into being a big mess.


Although, who knows maybe they will reveal this someday. Although, with these updates we have been getting I doubt it.
Destructible terrain, where is there destructible terrain???


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2007
The first rumor has not been proven. The rumor says we will get spoilers in the SSE. While it kinda confirmed becuase of Pokey in the background of New Pork City but it still is at large. The second one is technically a rumor. I might go ahead and add it, but it is a bit smaller.
No, the spoiler being in the SSE was just speculation.

A PM I received today from Tomato (Starmen.net staff member and the guy that posted the rumor on that translation blog):
Tomato said:
No, I don't usually watch the boards, but someone pointed that thread out to me.

Incidentally, you might want to set the record straight. reid was only told this info by our Nintendo contact.

1. Lucas was listed as a confirmed character in an internal document

2. Said list also said "Pokey becomes mayor, changes name to Porky"

3. Not too much later, we learned about the Franklin Badge and the exact day of the update about a week in advance.

We didn't go forward with the info until after the Franklin Badge update because the way our contact got that info could've gotten him into trouble, or at least could've meant no more info down the road from him. The other info was acquired another way, though, so once we knew the guy was 100% credible, we gave out info #1 and #2. reid doesn't understand things sometimes though, so all that subspace emissary stuff was him grasping at straws trying to understand the name change thing. I kept trying to tell him Porky's name is plastered all over the town, but he was too busy to pay attention :p

Anyway, everything else about spoilers and stages based is on #2, which, if you've played MOTHER 3, is pretty obvious info to assume given that single sentence. Some people don't consider Pokey to be a MOTHER 3 spoiler, but I'd say most do. There's not even any concrete mention of Pokey until Chapter 7, and the fact that he's behind it all isn't made 100% clear until the last chapter. Also doesn't help that the Dojo kind of spoiled parts of Chapter 7/8 in that recent Porky music update either :p

So in short, the above 3 points are the ONLY info we've claimed to know. And I'm pretty sure that's all we'll know until the game is out :ohwell:
So, yes, the rumor was about the New Pork City stage.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
I heard another Klonoa rumor on GameFaqs. This user registered, and I quote, "only to share this news". He says that his cousin works for NamcoBandai US and there have been whispers of Klonoa making an appearance in Brawl. I could link to the topic, but it seems to have been deleted (despite the fact that the proof the user gave was a screenshot of the email message).


Smash Apprentice
Dec 31, 2007
Dang, there are some crazy rumors here...

Another I heard is that there a demo disc being sent out to some people, and that many people have gotten it.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
I'm hoping that the rumor about Brawl being the first duel-layered Wii game is true. Not only would that be proof that the game is going to be huge (even more than we could've thought or hoped), but it also gives hope for duel-layered Wii games in the future.


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007

I'm tired of seeing this. People are so quick to assume that Ness, Falco, Young Link & Ganondorf are gone. Seriously.

Remember this crappy article? http://nintendrone.blog.com/1780019/?page=12

That's the source of the rumor. The site was debunked as fake before. Also the source for alternate costume/color schemes. There are a bunch of rumors there.

Oh, and that's the same site that said the starting list was leaked by a Prima strategy guide writer. Also false. http://nintendrone.blog.com/2368798/?page=3

The Director

Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2007
North Carolina
Clones are gone. That's a fact.

Falco, Ganondorf and some of the other clone characters are coming back. Logical.

It was stated that Brawl won't have any clones, not the cloned characters from Melee aren't returning. There's a difference. People are stupid.


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2006
Somerville/Lowell, Massachusetts USA
Falco needs to come back as a clone it only makes sense. And MacRider or someone could steal Ganon's old moves. But Director, what proof do you have that that's the case? You shouldn't go calling people stupid like that.

^The other destructible terrain is the bridge of eldin


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2007
But Director, what proof do you have that that's the case? You shouldn't go calling people stupid like that.
I don't remember very well, but there was this thing were...Sakurai responded to questions from Japanese fans or something?
All I know was that there were questions, answers and that SamuraiPanda translated it.
Anyways, I think it was mentioned there that there would no longer be any clones in Brawl.
I'm sure somebody must remember more...


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
I don't remember very well, but there was this thing were...Sakurai responded to questions from Japanese fans or something?
All I know was that there were questions, answers and that SamuraiPanda translated it.
Anyways, I think it was mentioned there that there would no longer be any clones in Brawl.
I'm sure somebody must remember more...
It did NOT say that there wouldn't be any clones. People simply interpreted that way. It was more like (and i'm paraphrasing) "not all characters will return and they will all have refined movesets." I'll look for the direct quote...

Sakurai said:
"Sorry. I'm not very smart but I can't tell a lie so I'm just going to write it.
As for the previous game's characters, some of them will disappear. Definitely.

For the last game, we struggled to assemble 26 characters. We tried really hard and unintentionally reached that number.

But, although you'll see characters from the last game, this time, on a significant scale [Yes, this is exact], they will be remade. It is this sort of thing [This sentence is slang, so there really isn't a good English translation for it].
I admit that it does seem to hint at no clones, but it does not directly state it. It's funny how we smashers look at Sakurai's quotes. It's almost like we look at them like they're the word of God.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
I'm really curious about third party characters (if any). This should be straightened out.

Especially concerning Geno, Megaman, Klonoa and Bomberman.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
No, the spoiler being in the SSE was just speculation.

A PM I received today from Tomato (Starmen.net staff member and the guy that posted the rumor on that translation blog):

So, yes, the rumor was about the New Pork City stage.
The rumor did say that Brawl would absolutely spoil Mother 3, so I don't think it's just New Pork City. The thing is, we don't know specifically it is spoiling. There could be more. New Pork City only really confirms Pokey was in Mother 3. I'll make some edit to it though.

Also, (for the person who mentioned the gone gold thing) I'm not sure if I should add it. It could be a rumor, but could not be. It was believed to be fact, but we found out it was a mistranslation the whole time. So, in that case, it might not be. I'm going to leave it off for now, but if anyone wants to convince me, be my guess.

Also, I'll try to add the Prima one.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2007
The rumor did say that Brawl would absolutely spoil Mother 3, so I don't think it's just New Pork City. The thing is, we don't know specifically it is spoiling. There could be more. New Pork City only really confirms Pokey was in Mother 3. I'll make some edit to it though.
The person who started the rumor in the first place directly told me that that was the rumor...
I wonder why I'm still even trying.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
I wasn't a member of SWF at the time but I read about the "IDK my BFF Serebii" incident....haha

Was any of Brawlinness' info ever proven or was it all made up? Because, to me, it sounds somewhat legit info. in a totally unlegit form...


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
I wasn't a member of SWF at the time but I read about the "IDK my BFF Serebii" incident....haha

Was any of Brawlinness' info ever proven or was it all made up? Because, to me, it sounds somewhat legit info. in a totally unlegit form...
The log was fake


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
I know the log was fake but I just meant that when I first read it, it all sounded pretty credible. Maybe that's because I never heard of "Port Town" before...haha


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
I don't know. Rumor spreaders are dumb, lol. Maybe he was trying to up his credibility, IDK.

lLl I'm saying is that, if you hadn't responded, I probably would've believed it. Nothing he said seemed to extreme.


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2007
Came across this thread at Gamefaqs Melee: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=516492&topic=40523946

Seems like a big ol' lie.

ENG said:
Hi, my name is ENG and I'm a product tester for NOA's Super Mario Club. We test games spanning across all genres and throughout many stages of development. My first experience with the new Smash Bros. game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, was back in March of 2006, when a playable alpha demo was created for the Japanese testers overseas. As part of a rewards/incentives program at the Super Mario Club, we are allowed access to builds of games we're personally interested in, via a point allotment system which you may be familiar with if you've ever worked at a retail store. I'd saved up enough of these for my division to test the build on our breaks.

At that point, there was almost no discernible difference from Melee. The engine was exactly the same, to a T, and the only new character was Pit. Only Pit, Mario and Fox were playable. All in all, it was a fun little demo, but not exactly worth my time and investment, especially given the test stage, which was essentially a stripped down, bare-bones version of the Battlefield stage you've seen on the Dojo.

But recently, we received the pre-release version of Brawl (NTSC), 99% completed and intact. My manager and I are on good terms, so she allowed my division to work on it. Our only job is to test every combination of game mechanics in order to discover any remaining bugs or glitches that the Japanese test teams may have missed, which is, in itself, a very rare occurrence.

With the completed version of the game in my office, it was impossible for me not to break down and tell someone. I know you guys here at Gamefaqs take Smash seriously, but I really don't want this to become a phenomenon. If you could keep it to the Melee board, I'd really appreciate it. I don't want this to cost me my job.

I know that no matter what I say, you won't be satisfied unless I tell you ALL the characters. Well, sorry, but that isn't going to happen. My aim isn't to spoil the game for everyone, just to give a few hints to make the wait a little more bearable. Here we go.

The roster shown at the convention demo is not the starting roster. The starting roster is Melee's starting roster in its entirety, plus Marth, Diddy Kong, Pokemon Trainer and Pit. The rest are unlockable. Zelda can still transform, but Sheik's smashes have significantly less knockback and his (her?) special moves are new, except for the needles.

Zero Suit Samus is playable as a separate character by holding A at the beginning of a match after choosing Samus, a la Sheik from Melee.

One of my favorite new stages is Big Shell, a location from Metal Gear Solid 2. The stage takes place on top of the Big Shell, near the helipad. Pigeons fly around and can be knocked around like the shy guys in Melee. At the start of a match, the players are surrounded on either side by a chain-link fence, but after taking enough damage, the fence will fall and players can be KO'd off the side, like in some of the Super Mario stages from Melee.

As for characters, I'll give you one and a half. Olimar was a shoe-in, and his arrival shouldn't be much of a surprise, so I don't consider that much of a spoiler.
I won't explicitly say which two third party characters haven't been shown, because that will ruin the speculation game, but they're from Capcom and Square-Enix.

Like I said, please keep this to the Melee board. I doubt the information I've given out is enough to track me down, but even so, I'd rather this be kept to a small group. I hope to see some of you online this February!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
I severely doubt this rumor. With the Megaman Deconfirmation last week, who would be Capcom's character? Ryu? Leon?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
The thing where Megaman's creator stated Nintendo has not asked for his inclusion in Brawl. This was about a week ago.
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