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Rumors Run Rampant! History of SSBB's rumors


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2006
The Prophet speaks!
This was the rumor that made everyone a pessimist. On GameFAQs, someone posted that there would be 36 characters in Brawl (minus transformations), 15 newcomes, and that one franchise from Melee was not to come back (and all 12 SSB characters were confirmed). What sealed the deal is he said there would be a newcomer and a veteran that week. What happened? Pokemon Trainer and Peach were shown in the span of that one week. He then followed up saying that Lucas was coming that week and Ness was out. Strange. Diddy Kong doesn't look like Lucas.
Not to nitpick, but he said that there would be 34 characters :/

Mr. M

Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2006
Pensacola, FL Wargh! King Dedede, how dare you be
As you can see, I would not be surprised if a similar circumstance happens regarding Brawl's roster. It is also the reason why I am treating many people who claim to have inside information cautiously instead of immediately labeling him or her a liar. Hopefully, the Brawl roster leak won't get as ugly as the Melee one did.
Bingo. This is why I have that "never know" attitude that annoys most of the board members. Because, you never could know till the japanese get the game.

Oh and, best story ever. :laugh: This board can get ******** at times, guess that is what happens when we have so many members.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
What about that rumor about Brawl being 10 hours long, and Sakurai saying "there will be more characters than you can imagine."


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Nice read, thanks Chrono. I didn't know all that stuff about the Melee roster. I was too young back then....around 11

What about that rumor about Brawl being 10 hours long, and Sakurai saying "there will be more characters than you can imagine."
Still not debunked. I asked a couple weeks ago.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Nice read, thanks Chrono. I didn't know all that stuff about the Melee roster. I was too young back then....around 11

Still not debunked. I asked a couple weeks ago.
Why isn't it up on the first page then? That's a fairly big rumor.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Why isn't it up on the first page then? That's a fairly big rumor.
Already is

10 Hour Single-Player! More Characters Then Imaginable!
Supposedly , Famitsu had an interview with Sakurai. He talked about some things such as the combo control being easy to use and making Brawl the best it can be, but the big deal is he said the SSE would be 10hrs long, and there were more characters imaginable (they were still programing characters) and there would be more third party characters. A site with the same info was eventually found, but was a Korean site that was still a secondary source. Still at large.
(Credit to Korrekk from Nintendo Database Forum)


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
This brings back the memories of the lies that gullible people actually believed in from someone posing to be Sakurai to Super Smash Bros. Brawl not existing. LOL.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2007
You can add two more to the list: BrawlMessenger and Brawl Insider.

BrawlMessenger started on the Smash Boards (http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=115268) and said that Brawl would be online (before online play was revealed) and that SEGA would have a third party character in Brawl. After that, the thread was closed and we started posting on GameFAQs. There he said that Nook is playable and Mr. Resetti is an AT, and that Master Hand and Crazy Hand would return. He said other things too, like a starting roster, said that Cel-Shaded Link, Geno, Isaac, Andy, and more are playable. Enough said about him. He was later proven false because he said that online play would be revealed at an Event on September 5th and it wasn't.

Brawl Insider emailed some guy named DarkWish (who works for some video game site or something like that), who posted the emails on NSider 2. This happened recently and he said a few different things. Among them is that he said that a third party character would be revealed at Jump Festa and no one was revealed. He later admitted to the lie in an email to DarkWish.

And lastly, I would like to say one more thing. I know I'm going to get flamed to hell for this and probably banned, but this fact should be known. I am both of those people. I was BrawlMessenger and then proven fake. I then assumed the identity of BlueWave and was proven fake. And then I was Brawl Insider and then proven fake. Just thought you guys might want to know that. And now, I await my banning.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
Not to nitpick, but he said that there would be 34 characters :/
34...? I kind of hoped we'd have at least around 40 playable characters...

Well, guess we've got to be grateful for what we get, but one thing, is it really 100% confirmed there is only going to be 34 characters?

I mean, more characters than imaginable? While I hoped for around 40, I could imagine as much as 50 (but unlikely), if anything, I think 34 is an unimaginably low amount of characters. :ohwell:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
You can add two more to the list: BrawlMessenger and Brawl Insider.

BrawlMessenger started on the Smash Boards (http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=115268) and said that Brawl would be online (before online play was revealed) and that SEGA would have a third party character in Brawl. After that, the thread was closed and we started posting on GameFAQs. There he said that Nook is playable and Mr. Resetti is an AT, and that Master Hand and Crazy Hand would return. He said other things too, like a starting roster, said that Cel-Shaded Link, Geno, Isaac, Andy, and more are playable. Enough said about him. He was later proven false because he said that online play would be revealed at an Event on September 5th and it wasn't.

Brawl Insider emailed some guy named DarkWish (who works for some video game site or something like that), who posted the emails on NSider 2. This happened recently and he said a few different things. Among them is that he said that a third party character would be revealed at Jump Festa and no one was revealed. He later admitted to the lie in an email to DarkWish.

And lastly, I would like to say one more thing. I know I'm going to get flamed to hell for this and probably banned, but this fact should be known. I am both of those people. I was BrawlMessenger and then proven fake. I then assumed the identity of BlueWave and was proven fake. And then I was Brawl Insider and then proven fake. Just thought you guys might want to know that. And now, I await my banning.
That's nice... boys, kill him...:mad:

There was someone else, who was VERY annoying who also claimed that the US game would be delayed and wasn't coming out on Feb 10th? Which would mean that the release date would have to be taken down SOON if not a while ago? What moron posted that rumor again?


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
What I wish is people would stop asking me what I know whenever theres a new rumour, it gets tiresome. I have made it clear I don't know all, but do know many things which have yet to be revealed. e.g. I don't know ALL the characters, I know some new ones and I know of a couple that havent made the transition, but still, I'm always getting asked :/


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
O - to the -maha, NE
What I wish is people would stop asking me what I know whenever theres a new rumour, it gets tiresome. I have made it clear I don't know all, but do know many things which have yet to be revealed. e.g. I don't know ALL the characters, I know some new ones and I know of a couple that havent made the transition, but still, I'm always getting asked :/
When you're in the know, people want to be in it too. People will ask questions because you have answers.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
@ Serebii: Well in your situation, if I didn't want people to ask me questions I wouldn't have told them that I know anything.

I have one question that shouldn't be too bothersome: are the newcomers that you know about highly requested or are they more like "WTF" characters?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
Yeah, a lot of people want to know as much about Super Smash Bros. Brawl as possible, and if they know of someone that knows something they don't, you can bet on them trying to find out what it is.

While of course some people would just prefer a minimal amount of spoilers, but I'm not one of them, I'd ask you to share your knowledge, but I don't want to bother someone who many others already have, seems pointless.

Everyone will know all about Super Smash Brothers Brawl in a matter of a short number of weeks when it launches in Japan, and just two and a half weeks after it's JPN release on January 24th, it will have reached it's NA launch date, then we can actually play it.


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
@ Serebii: Well in your situation, if I didn't want people to ask me questions I wouldn't have told them that I know anything.

I have one question that shouldn't be too bothersome: are the newcomers that you know about highly requested or are they more like "WTF" characters?
I had no intention to, but things slip out, get misconstrued etc

Mr. Ocax

Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
@ Serebii: Well in your situation, if I didn't want people to ask me questions I wouldn't have told them that I know anything.

I have one question that shouldn't be too bothersome: are the newcomers that you know about highly requested or are they more like "WTF" characters?
I agree. Saying you have inside info on Brawl is like pricking your finger in a shark tank. Also, if you actually DO have insider information about Brawl why don't you just share it. If you are worried about your reputation make like a lame alt and call yourself the brawl cool guy and tell us the info. I mean no need to hog all the good stuff to yourself. That IS if you have any legit info.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2007
That link near the end of your post was pretty awesome. What really made me crack up was when Chaoszero verbally owned the moderation and the best they could come up with was "misleading topic title" to close the thread.

I'm getting the impression that place is pretty corrupt.


Smash Ace
Oct 17, 2007
Southeast US, 0516-6936-7436
That's nice... boys, kill him...:mad:

There was someone else, who was VERY annoying who also claimed that the US game would be delayed and wasn't coming out on Feb 10th? Which would mean that the release date would have to be taken down SOON if not a while ago? What moron posted that rumor again?
That's just NintendoWarrior, I think. He had no official knowledge, he was just a terminal pessimist.


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
And I always have to be intentionally vague in my answers so that people cant call me a liar if I would have to tell them the opposite to their question to prevent stuff being leaked


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2007
And I always have to be intentionally vague in my answers so that people cant call me a liar if I would have to tell them the opposite to their question to prevent stuff being leaked
Can't you give us anything?

Just answer me this: Did you or did you not say Lucario would replace Mewtwo?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2003
The real question should be, how soon do you think it'll be safe to reveal what you heard?

I'd assume just days before the release, considering games do get leaked in the wild...


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
I did not say that Lucario would replace Mewtwo.

Take that how you will
So does that mean that the moderator (I think that's what he/she was) from your site was lying? Or does it simply mean that it wasn't you who said it on gamefaqs? If it's the latter, then we already knew that.

Hey Serebii, can you answer this question:
Are the newcomers that you know about highly requested or are they kind of unexpected characters?

I think that's a question that won't spoil anything. You can be vague about it.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
I think it would be safe to say what you know about Brawl that we don't once it is January 24th, wouldn't it?

I must say, if it isn't okay for you to share any knowledge what so ever even after people in Japan have copies and are playing it, then I don't know that you even know any more than we do about SSBB...

What ever happened to have people believe that when Serebii says he knows about characters in Brawl that haven't been revealed yet, that it's true?

If there's reason to believe you know more than we do, I must have missed it.

Now, I don't know much about the many members here, you included, but to me, you are just another registered member here waiting for news about Brawl like everyone else.

Since there is going to be a week of no updates, it would be nice to get some form of news about SSBB during the period of no Dojo updates.

If you really know more about it then us, there may be some people who would be willing to pretty near die to know some of what you know (depending on what it would be).

I just don't know whether to doubt you or go along and think you know more about Brawl than others do, including me, who has seen every update, watched every video I've come across, and read previews and news from various website.

I like to think of myself as one of the most knowledgeable people of the Smash Community at least as far as Brawl goes (aside from the people who are/were developing SSBB, of course).

I am realizing that, and for what chance there may be you know something I don't, it is just getting to me...

I know everyone will know just about anything there is to know about Brawl in a month, but even though that is soon, it is in the future.

Right know, there are some who know more about Super Smash Brothers Brawl than others, and I suppose you, Serebii, may have as close to the amount of knowledge of the game as the developers themselves.

I may just have to live with that fact a while longer... I want to know what you know as soon as you get the green light to speak of what you know of.

Until then, I'll just be waiting through a update drought, like everyone else, I'll have a happy new year regardless.

Just 43 more days from now, 6 weeks from tomorrow, and Brawl will be out on store shelves here, then let the fun begin.


Smash Ace
Oct 17, 2007
Southeast US, 0516-6936-7436
I did not say that Lucario would replace Mewtwo.

Take that how you will
I think I'll take it as "Serebii enjoys diving into the waters of rabid Brawl fans and dangling hints of insider knowledge in front of their faces". Seriously, its not nice. If you had no plans of revealing what you claim to know, then you shouldn't have claimed to have had insider knowledge.

I'm guessing Nintendo neither knows who YOU really are nor what proximity you could have had to any possible informants; because it could have been anybody. And I believe you'd said things like you dont want to release the information because you don't want to be called a liar if the info proves false? I can honestly say I have less respect for you now for continuing to delve into other forums, trying to uphold your supposed good name by debunking things you did not say, then adding nothing else to the pool.

All of these predictions and rumors, someones bound to be right at least partially. The fact that you keep coming in here with downright taunting replies is both mean-spirited and frustrating.


Serebii Owner
Dec 7, 2007
Bournemouth, England
I think I'll take it as "Serebii enjoys diving into the waters of rabid Brawl fans and dangling hints of insider knowledge in front of their faces". Seriously, its not nice. If you had no plans of revealing what you claim to know, then you shouldn't have claimed to have had insider knowledge.

I'm guessing Nintendo neither knows who YOU really are nor what proximity you could have had to any possible informants; because it could have been anybody. And I believe you'd said things like you dont want to release the information because you don't want to be called a liar if the info proves false? I can honestly say I have less respect for you now for continuing to delve into other forums, trying to uphold your supposed good name by debunking things you did not say, then adding nothing else to the pool.

All of these predictions and rumors, someones bound to be right at least partially. The fact that you keep coming in here with downright taunting replies is both mean-spirited and frustrating.
Not what i meant. Nintendo know who I am and they werent happy with the leaks I did in the Pokemon Community earlier this year thats why I'm being extra careful this time round

What I said was that if I denied the true stuff and then its revealed, I would be called a liar despite the fact it would have just been a mislead. Afterall, if I answer stuff saying the truth, it would be a leak and thus put me in jeapordy


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2007
Serebii, I have a question for you. I heard that you said that some characters that are clones would not be returning and some that aren't clones would also not be returning. Did you ever say this? I believe it was on N-Europe or something. I understand that you can't tell us anything, so I won't ask anything that could jeopardize your position.

As for the Lucario thing, as far as I know, you never directly stated that Lucario would replace Mewtwo. That was a moderator on your forums that said that you told her that Lucario would be replacing Mewtwo. Thus, you saying that you never said Lucario is replacing Mewtwo could still mean that Lucario is indeed replacing Mewtwo... but it could also mean that he isn't.


Smash Ace
Oct 17, 2007
Southeast US, 0516-6936-7436
I suppose I don't envy your position, Serebii, but I can't completely get over the fact that you created the situation. You could have denied knowing the information your impostor stated and that's it. Instead, now we know you're in the know, you, a semi-important internet person. It's at least as frustrating from us, the faceless nobodies, to know there's information out there that we won't know, than to be pestered by said nobodies because you actually have the information.

Now facing still around four weeks till the Japanese release and another 7-ish days until another drop of information from a reliable source, me and I'm sure a lot of other Brawl fans are on a short fuse.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2007
Nice list. Just one thing though. It's important that the latest prophet's post was according to that link, posted on the 30th of October since it was before the Dragoon was announced. Other than that though nice list.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Okay guys, just leave Serebii alone. He has a good reason for not giving away his information to the public, so leave him be. Also, try to keep the discussion on topic please.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
New Jersey
Um so yeah....anyone know new info on the "10 hours of SSE" and the lots of characters story?

Also I really got to ask, Serebii...... are you a free man when Jan 24th comes around? Can we expect a nice little tid bit of game info, and possible screens, then?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
O - to the -maha, NE
Um so yeah....anyone know new info on the "10 hours of SSE" and the lots of characters story?

Also I really got to ask, Serebii...... are you a free man when Jan 24th comes around? Can we expect a nice little tid bit of game info, and possible screens, then?
We can expect that from anyone who can speak, read, or find wepages in japanese on the 24th.
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